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1、v1.0可编辑可修改新版苏教版小学英语36年级重点句型大全(分教材、单元)3A1句型Good morning, Miss Li. 早上好,李老师。3A1句型Hello, Mike. 你好,麦克。3A1 句型 Good afternoon, class. 下午好,同学们。3A1句型Hi, I'm Bobby. 你好,我是波比。3A2句型Are you Su Hai Yes, I am. No, I'm not.你是苏海吗是的,我是。不,我不是。3A2 句型 You're right.你答对了。3A3句型Goodbye, class. 再见,同学们。3A3句型She'

2、;s Yang Ling. She's my friend.她是杨玲。她是我的朋友。3A3句型He's Mike. He's my friend. 他是麦克。他是我的朋友。3A3句型This is Tina. She's my sister.这是蒂娜。她是我的姐姐。3A3 句型 See you next time. 下次见。3A4句型This is my family.这是我的家庭。3A4句型This is Tim. He's my brother.这是蒂姆。他是我的弟弟。3A4句型This is me.这是我。3A5句型Look at my T-shi

3、rt. 看我的T恤衫。3A5句型It's nice. 它很漂亮3A5句型How nice! 真好看!它好看极了3A5 句型 It's great.573A5 句型 What colour is my T-shirt3A5 句型 They all look great!3A6 句型 What colour is this T-shirt3A6 句型 It's red and yellow.3A6 句型 Would you like an egg我的T恤衫是什么颜色的他们都看上去很棒!这件T恤衫是什么颜色的它是红黄相间的。你想要一个鸡蛋吗3A6句型Yes, please.

4、好的,太感谢了3A6句型 Who is wearing yellow today今天谁穿了黄色的衣服3A7句型This is my sister Helen. 这是我的妹妹海伦。3A7句型Nice to meet you, Helen.很高兴认识你,海伦。3A7句型 Would you like a pie你想要一个馅饼吗3A7句型No, thank you. 不用,谢谢。3A7句型 What about a cake吃一块蛋糕怎么样3A7句型Can I help you我能帮你吗(常见于服务员问顾客想要些什么)3A8句型Happy New Year, Uncle John!新年快乐,约翰叔叔

5、!3A8句型This is for you, Helen.这是给你的,海伦。3A8句型 What's this It's a doll.这是什么它是一个玩具娃娃。3A8句型 What's that It's a ball.那是什么它是一个球。3A8句型It's for Tim.它是给蒂姆的。3B1句型I'm sorry.对不起。3B1 句型 Come in, please. 请进来。3B1 句型 Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。3B1句型Listen to me.听我说。3B1 句型 Liu Tao, p

6、lease open the door. 刘涛,请开门。3B1 句型 Wang Bing, please close the window. 王兵,请关窗。3B1句型 What's this这是什么3B1句型It's a rubber.它是一块橡皮。3B1句型Don't listen to the parrot.不要听鹦鹉说话.3B2 句型 Shah! Don't shout, Liu Tao. 嘘!不要喊,刘涛。3B2 句型 Would you like a sweet, Yang Ling你想要一颗糖吗,杨林3B2句型Don't eat here,不

7、要在这里吃。3B2句型Don't talk.不要说话。3B2句型Don't sleep. 不要睡。3B2句型Don't eat my cake.不要吃我的蛋糕。3B2句型Don't drink my milk, 不要喝我的牛奶。3B2句型Is this your book这是你的书吗3B2句型Don't shout in the library.不要在图书馆里叫。3B2句型I want to sleep.我想要睡觉。3B2句型 What's this It's a book.这是什么是一本书。3B2句型 What is it 它是什么3B

8、2句型Paul is walking up and down,保罗正在上下走来走去。3B3句型This isn't my pencil,这不是我的铅笔。3B3句型Is this your pencil No, it isn't.这是你的铅笔吗不,它不是。3B3句型That's my pencil,那是我的铅笔。3B3句型Is that a pencil那是一支铅笔吗3B3句型 Yes, it is. It's a pencil.是的,它是。它是一支铅笔。3B3句型It's over there.它在那边。3B3句型 What is it它是什么3B3句型

9、This is for you. Thank you.这是给你的,谢谢你。3B3句型Is that your crayon No, it isn't.那是你的蜡笔吗不,它不是。3B3句型This is my pencil case.这是我的笔袋。3B3句型This isn't my book.这不是我的书。3B3句型That's my ruler. 那是我的尺。3B3句型That's not my rubber.那不是我的橡皮3B4 句型 Where's the bird It's in the tree.3B4 句型 Where's m

10、y rubber It's under your desk.3B4 句型 Where's Bobby He's behind the door.3B4 句型 How beautiful!真漂亮!3B4 句型 Where's the bird It's under your desk.3B4 句型 It's not here. Where is it It's in the tree now.3B4 句型 Where's my pencil Is it in your schoolbag鸟在哪里在树上。我的橡皮在哪里在你桌子下面。波

11、比在哪里他在门后。小鸟在哪儿它不在这儿。它在哪里现在它在树上猜猜我的铅笔在哪里他在你的书包里吗3B4句型 Where's Bobby He's behind the door.波比在哪里他在门后。3B5 句型 How old are you I'm nine.你多大了 我九岁了。3B5句型How lovely! 真可爱啊!3B5句型 What a nice cake!多么漂亮的一个蛋糕呀!3B5句型Make a wish.许一个愿吧。3B5句型It's time for the cake.是吃蛋糕的时候了。3B6 句型 What time is it It

12、9;s seven o'clock.几点了 七点了。3B6 句型 It's time for breakfast.3B6句型Hurry up. 快点。3B7 句型 What's this It's a cow.该吃早饭了这是什么是一只奶牛3B7 句型 What's that It's a pig.那是什么是一头猪3B7 句型 What are these They're chickens.这些是什么它们是鸡3B7 句型 What are those They're ducks.那些是什么它们是鸭子3B7 句型 Are these

13、apples Yes, they are.这些是苹果吗是的3B7 句型 Are those oranges No, they aren't.那些是橘子吗不是的小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:句型 Who is he He is my uncle.他是谁他是我叔叔3B8句型 Who's she She's my sister.她是谁她是我妹妹。3B8句型 Who's that boy He's Mike.那个男孩是谁他是麦克。3B8句型 We're twins. 我们是双胞胎。3B8句型This is my grandpa.这是我的爷爷。3

14、B8句型Is this your father Yes, he is.这是你的爸爸吗是的,他是。3B8句型My name is Sam.我的名字叫山姆。3B8句型His name is Wang Bing. 他的名字叫王兵。4A1 句型 Look at these toy animals, boys and girls.学生们,看这些动物玩具。4A1句型Look at this cat. I like cats.看这只猫,我喜欢猫。4A1句型Do you like dogs Yes, I do.你喜欢狗吗是的,我喜欢。4A1句型Do you like cats No, I don't.

15、 I like pandas.你喜欢猫吗不,我不喜欢。我喜欢熊猫。4A1句型 Would you like a pie No, thanks.你想要一个馅饼吗不,谢谢4A1句型Do you like cakes Yes, I do. I have a cake here.你喜欢蛋糕吗是的,我喜欢,我这里有一个蛋糕4A2句型Do you have a red apple Yes, I do. It's nice and sweet.你有一个红苹果吗是的,我有。它又好看又甜。4A2 句型 Do you have any pineapples No, I don't. I have

16、some peaches. They're nice and sweet.你有一些菠萝吗不,我没有。我有一些桃子。它们又好看又甜。4A2 句型 How many pears do you have I have two.你有多少个梨子我有两个4A2 句型 Do you like grapes Yes, I do. I have some purple grapes.4A2句型Have a hot cake with a cherry.吃一个有樱桃的热蛋糕。小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:句型Look at my toy cars.4A3句型How many cars do yo

17、u have你有多少辆汽车4A3句型Do you have any toy cars你有一些玩具汽车吗4A3句型 What do you have你有什么4A3 句型 I have some stickers.我有一些贴纸。4A3句型Can I have a look我能看一看吗4A3句型Can I have one我可以要一张吗4A3 句型 They're very beautiful.它们非常漂亮。4A3句型They're in that box.它们在那个盒子里。4A3句型Let's play.让我们一起玩。4A3句型Can you play table tenn

18、is你会打乒乓吗4A3句型No, but I can do this.不会,但是我会这样做。4A3 句型 Look at the lion in the library. It looks so funny and lovely.你喜欢葡萄吗是的。我有一些紫葡萄看我的玩具汽车。看在图书馆的那只狮子。它看起来是这么有趣又可爱。4A4句型Can you play basketball 你会打篮球么4A4句型He can play basketball very well.他能打篮球打得很好。4A4 句型 What about you 你呢4A4句型Can Tom play football汤姆会踢

19、足球么4A4句型I can't fly either.我也不会飞。4A4 句型 Don't be sad.别伤心了。4A5句型 Where's my bag It's in your bedroom.我的书包在哪里它在你的卧室里。4A5句型 Where are my skirts They're in the living room, on the sofa.我的短裙在哪里它们在客厅里的沙发上。小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:句型Where's my white cap Is it in you bedroom我的白帽子在哪里它在你的卧室

20、里吗4A5句型Your cap is in the kitchen.你的帽子在厨房里。4A5句型 Would you like an orange你想要一个橘子吗4A5句型 What would you like 你想要什么4A5句型 What about a hot dog来一个热狗怎么样4A6 句型 What would you like I'd like a hamburger and a glass of milk.你想要什么我想要一个汉堡和一杯牛奶。4A6句型I'd like some noodles.我想要一些面条。4A6句型I'd like a sandw

21、ich and a cup of coffee.我想要一个三明治和一杯咖啡。4A6句型Here's a snack bar.这儿有一个快餐店。我想要一些鱼。我能帮助你吗多么大的一个鸡蛋啊!我能帮助你吗4A6 句型 I'd like some fish.4A6 句型 Can I help you4A6 句型 What a big egg!4A7 句型 Can I help you4A7句型I'd like these shoes.我想要这些鞋子。4A7 句型 How much are they Five yuan, please .它们多少钱五元钱。4A7句型The so

22、cks are very nice.这双袜子非常漂亮。4A7句型This umbrella is cool.这把雨伞很酷。4A7句型How much is it It's only nineteen yuan.它要多少钱它只要十九元。4A7 句型 We have twenty-eight yuan.我们有二十八元了。4A7句型How many would you like你们想要多少4A7句型They're for my sister Tina.它们是给我带妹妹蒂娜的。4A7句型Her tail is long.她的尾巴很长。4A7 句型 I'd like these,

23、 please.请给我这些。4A7句型Five men live near the river. They love to swim in summer.五位男人住在小河附近。他们喜欢夏天在那游泳。4A8句型Her hair is long.她的头发是长的。4A8句型Her nose and mouth are small.她的鼻子和嘴巴都是小的。4A8句型His ears are big.他的耳朵是大的。4A8句型He's a king now.他现在是一个国王了。4A8句型His eyes and nose are small.他的眼睛和鼻子都是小的。小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用

24、下载地址:句型These robots are cool!这些机器人真酷!4A8句型The zebras in the zoo. Eat apples with me and you!动物园里的斑马们,和你我一起吃苹果。4A8句型He is thin and tall. 他又高又瘦。4A8 句型 She is not short, but she is fat.她不矮,但很胖。4A8句型Look at our dolls.看我们的玩具娃娃。4B1句型 Welcome back to school.欢迎回到学校。4B1句型Nice to see you too.见到你也很高兴。4B1句型 Wha

25、t subjects do you like你喜欢什么科目4B1句型I like Science.我喜欢科学课。4B1 句型 What about you 你呢4B1句型It's fun. 它很有趣。4B1句型 It's time for PE.该上体育课了。4B1句型 Let's go to the playground.让我们去操场。4B1句型 What lessons do we have this morning今天早上我们有什么课4B1句型It's Monday.今天是星期一。4B1句型But I don't like that.但是我不喜欢那

26、个。4B1句型I have eight subjects at school.我在学校有八门科目。4B2句型Let's go and play table tennis.让我们去打乒乓吧。4B2句型 What day is it today It's Wednesday.今天星期几星期三。4B2句型 I have a football match today.今天我有一场足球赛。4B2句型 She has a swimming lesson too.她也有一节游泳课。4B2句型What a pity!真遗憾!4B2句型 What about Saturday星期六怎么样4B2句

27、型 We don't have any lessons on Saturday.星期六我们没课。4B2句型 All right.好的。4B2句型 When do you get up every day你每天什么时候起床4B2句型 I get up at five.我五点起床。4B3 句型 When do you get up in the morning I get up at seven.4B3 句型 When do you have dinner every day I have dinner at six fifteen.你早上什么时候起床我 7点起床。(7点。)你每天什么时候

28、吃晚饭我 6点15分吃晚饭。4B3 句型 I play football at four and go home at four forty.我4点踢足球,4点40分回家。小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:句型I'm hungry.=I am hungry. 我饿了4B3 句型 What time is it now It's twelve o'clock.现在几点12点整4B3 句型 I usually go to school at seven forty. I have three lessons in the morning.我通常 7 点 40 分去学校

29、。我早上有4B3句型 What can you see over there I can see a cake.在那儿你能看到什么我能看到一个蛋糕。4B3句型I like cakes! This cake is nice!我喜欢蛋糕!这只蛋糕很漂亮!3节课4B3句型 What a big cake!多么大的一个蛋糕啊!4B4句型Let's draw some pictures here.让我们在这里画一些画。4B4句型Good idea!好主意!4B4句型 What can you see over there I can see a tree.你在那边能看见什么我能看见一棵树。4B4

30、句型Can you draw them Yes, I can. No, I can't.你会画它们吗是的,我会。不,我不会。4B4句型Sure. It's easy. 当然,很简单。4B4 句型 This is the tree and these are the flowers.这是树,这些是花。4B4句型 Well done. 好样的。4B4 句型 Can you see the boat on the river你能看见河上的船吗4B4 句型 It's difficult, but I can try.它很难,但是我可以试试。4B4 句型 What can you

31、 do I can swim.你会做什么我会游泳4B4 句型 What's in this big box4B4 句型 Look at this picture.4B5 句型 In spring, it is warm.4B5 句型 It is hot in summer.4B5 句型 In autumn, it is cool.4B5 句型 It is cold in winter.4B5 句型 We fly kites in spring.这个大盒子里是什么看这幅画。在春天是温暖的。在夏天是炎热的。在秋天是凉爽的。在冬天是寒冷的。春天我们放风筝。4B5 句型 We eat ice

32、creams and go swimming in summer.夏天我们吃冰淇淋和去游泳4B5 句型 We have picnics and go climbing in autumn.秋天我们去野餐和去爬山小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:句型 We make snowmen and go skating in winter.4B5句型It's a fine day today.今天是晴朗的。4B5句型Here's your jacket.你的夹克衫在这儿。4B5句型 Whose bag is this这是谁的包冬天我们堆雪人和去溜冰。4B5句型 Is this yo

33、ur bag No, it isn't.这是你的包吗不,它不是。4B6句型 Look at my dress. It's too short. Try this.看我的连衣裙。它太短了。试试这件。4B6句型 Look at Su Yang's gloves. They're so big.看苏洋的手套。他们如此大。4B6句型 Your trousers are too long. Try these.你的裤子太长了。试试这条。4B6句型My shirt is so big.我的衬衫如此大4B6句型Now, let's go to the party. A

34、ll right.现在,让我们去派对吧。好的。4B6句型Whose dress is this It's my cousin's.这是谁的连衣裙它是我表姐的。4B6句型Whose gloves are these They're my father's.这些是谁的手套它们是我爸爸的。4B6句型You're right. You're wrong.你对了。你错了。4B6句型It can move. It can't move.它可以移动。它不可以移动。4B6句型Is it a ball Yes, it is. No, it isn'

35、t. I think so.它是一只球吗是的,它是。不,它不是。我想是的。4B6句型What's the matter My hand hurts.怎么了我的手很痛。小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:4B6 句型 Let's listen to some English.4B7 句型 I'm hungry. 我饿了。4B7 句型 I'm not hungry.我不饿。句型 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.让我们听一些英语吧。见到你很高兴。见到你也很高兴4B7句型Are you hungry Yes, I am.

36、 No, I'm not.你饿吗是的,我是。不,我不是。4B7句型Come and have a pie .过来吃一个派。4B7句型Can I have some water我可以喝一些水吗4B7 句型 Here you are . 给你。4B7 句型 What's the matter 怎么了4B7 句型 I'm tired . I want to go to bed .我累了。我想睡觉。4B7句型Here's some water for you .这儿有一些水给你。4B7句型Here's a cake for you.这儿有一个蛋糕给你。4B7 句

37、型 Hello. This is Mrs. Mouse speaking .你好。我是老鼠夫人。4B7句型Are you all right 你还好吗4B7句型He's happy now . 他现在开心了。4B8句型May I speak to Miss Li我可以和李老师通话吗4B8 句型 Is that Miss Li (speaking)你是李老师吗4B8 句型 Hello, this is Yang Ling (speaking).你好,我是杨玲。4B8句型I can't come to school today.我今天不能来学校了。4B8句型I have a col

38、d and a fever.我得了感冒和发烧。4B8句型I'm sorry to hear that.听到那个我很难过。你现在好吗我很好,谢谢。不太好。明天你能来学校吗是的,我能博比在那儿吗是的,它在。不,它不在。4B8 句型 How are you now I'm fine, thank you . Not so good.4B8 句型 Can you come to school tomorrow Yes, I can. No, I can't.4B8 句型 See you tomorrow. See you. 明天见。再见。4B8 句型 Is Bobby ther

39、e Yes, it is . No, it isn't .4B8句型He's at school.他在学校。4B8句型It's Sunday today .今天是星期天在星期天我们没有课.在森林里有一个房子。在桌子上有一些汤。在她前面有三只熊4B8 句型 We don't have any lessons on Sunday.5A1 句型 There is a house in the forest.5A1 句型 There is some soup on the table.5A1 句型 There are three bears in front of he

40、r.这汤太冷了。金发女孩在森林里。多么漂亮的一个房子!她是又饿又渴。这儿没有一些蛋糕。5A1 句型 This soup is too cold.5A1 句型 Goldilocks is in the forest.5A1 句型 What a beautiful house!5A1 句型 She is hungry and thirsty.5A1 句型 There aren't any cakes here.5A1句型You can have some cakes.你能吃些蛋糕。5A1句型Bobby can't see any cakes in the fridge.波比看不到冰

41、箱里有蛋糕。5A2句型Is there a music room Yes, there is.有一个音乐室吗是,有的。5A2句型Is there a library No, there isn't.有一个图书馆吗不,没有。5A2句型 Are there any computer rooms Yes, there are.有一些电脑房吗是,有的。5A2句型 Are there any art rooms No, there aren't.有一些美术室吗不,没有。5A2句型How many classrooms are there in our school There are 2

42、4 classrooms.在我们学校有多少教室有 24个教室。5A2句型Where is our classroom It's on the ground floor.我们的教室在哪里在第一层楼(英国)。5A2句型Where are the computer rooms They're on the second floor.电脑房在哪里它们在第二层楼O5A2句型Can you show her around Yes, I can.你能带她参观吗是,我能。5A3句型I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is bl

43、ack.我有两个动物朋友,一个是红的,一个是黑的。5A3句型 They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms.它们有大大的眼睛和身体。它们没有腿和胳膊。5A3句型 What animal friends do they have They have some birds.他们有什么动物朋友他们有一些鸟。5A3句型 What animal friends does Nancy have She has two rabbits.南希有什么动物朋友她有两只兔子。5A3句型 Do you have an animal frien

44、d Yes, I do .你有一个动物朋友吗是的,我有。5A3句型 Does he have an animal friend No, he doesn't.他有一个动物朋友吗不,他没有。5A3句型Does Mike have any animal friends Yes, he does.迈克有一些动物朋友吗是的,他有。5A3句型Its body is hard.它的身体很硬。5A3句型It likes your finger它喜欢你的手指。5A4 句型 I can play table tennis well, but I am not good at football.我乒乓球打

45、得好,但我不擅长足球。5A4句型I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.我通常和我弟弟蒂姆在公园里画画。小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:句型Tim usually draws in the park with me.蒂姆经常和我在公园里画画。我喜欢打篮球。我擅长篮球杨玲喜欢读故事。她有很多书。5A4 句型 I like playing basketball. I'm good at it.5A4 句型 Yang Ling likes reading stories. She has a lot of books.5A4句型

46、What do you like doing I like watching TV.你喜欢做什么我喜欢看电视。5A4句型 Do you like wearing yellow Yes, I do.你喜欢穿黄色衣服吗是的,我喜欢。5A4句型 What does he like doing He likes drawing.他喜欢做什么他喜欢画画。5A4句型 Does she like dancing No, she doesn't.她喜欢跳舞吗不,她不喜欢。5A4句型 What do the twins like doing这对双胞胎喜欢做什么5A4句型They both like sw

47、imming.他们都喜欢游泳。5A4 句型 You are really good at skating.你真擅长溜冰。5A4 句型 There is a hole on the ice. Look out!冰上有一个洞。小心!5A5句型 What does your father do 你的爸爸做什么的5A5句型My father is a teacher. 我的爸爸是一个老师5A5 句型 He teaches English. 他教英语。5A5句型He has a lot of students.他有许多学生。5A5 句型 What about your mother你妈妈呢她也是一个英语

48、老师吗5A5 句型 Is she an English teacher too5A5句型She's a writer.她是一个作家。5A5句型She writes stories. 她写故事的。5A5句型She works at home. 她在家工作。5A5句型My father is a doctor.我的爸爸是一个医生。5A5句型He helps sick people.他帮助生病的人。我的妈妈是一个工厂的工人5A5 句型 My mother is a factory worker.5A5句型She makes sweets.她做糖果的。5A5句型 Who's that

49、那是谁5A5 句型 There are so many cars. 有那么多车。5A5句型Your father can't go now.你爸爸不能走了现在。5A6句型Do you have an e-friend Yes, I do.你有一位网友吗是的,我有。5A6句型Do they like swimming No, they don't.他们喜欢游泳吗不,他们不喜欢。5A6 句型 Does he have Chinese lessons Yes, he does. 他有语文课吗是的,他有。5A6 句型 Does she like singing No, she does

50、n't.她喜欢唱歌吗不,她没有。5A6句型 What subjects does he like He likes Maths and PE.他喜欢什么学科他喜欢数学和体育。小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:句型What subjects does she like She likes Music and Art.她喜欢什么学科她喜欢音乐和美术。5A6句型Let me send this email to my e-friend.让我给网友发个电子邮件。5A6句型 Where does he live He lives in the UK.他住在哪里他住在英国。5A6 句型 Ho

51、w old is he He's 11 years old.他几岁了他 11 岁。5A6句型Can he speak Chinese Yes, he can.他会讲汉语吗是的,他会。5A6 句型 What does he do after school He studies Chinese.放学后他做什么他学汉语。5A6句型 What do fish eat They eat apples.鱼吃什么它们吃苹果。5A6 句型 Bobby waits and waits.波比等呀等。5A6句型Let's go fishing tomorrow. I can teach you.让我

52、们明天去钓鱼。我会教你。5A7 句型 What do you do at weekends I usually visit my grandparents at weekends.你在周末做什么我通常看望我的祖父母。5A7 句型 What does she do at weekends She sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.她在周末做什么她有时和她的朋友们去看电影。5A7句型 What do they do at weekends They often fly a kite and have a picnic.她们在周末做什么她们经

53、常放风筝和野餐。5A7句型Su Yang and I like playing with their cat very much.我和苏洋非常喜欢和他们的猫玩。5A7句型I sometimes go to the park with my family.我有时和我的家人去公园。5A7 句型 She always has dancing lessons at weekends. 她在周末总是上舞蹈课。5A7句型My grandparents live in the UK. I usually chat with them on the Internet.我的祖父母住在英国。我通常在网上和他们聊天

54、。5A7句型Nancy often has dinner with her grandparents.南希经常和她的祖父母一起吃晚饭。5A7 句型 I don't like playing basketball.我不喜欢打篮球。5A7 句型 He doesn't like playing basketball.他不喜欢打篮球。小学生英语效率学习工具免费试用下载地址:句型Billy is too fat. He can't get out. Billy太胖了。他不能出去了。5A7句型Football is very popular in the UK.足球在英国很受欢迎。

55、5A7 句型 Basketball is very popular in the US.篮球在美国很受欢迎。5A7句型Table tennis is very popular in China.乒乓球在中国很受欢迎。5A8句型 What do we usually do on Christmas Day圣诞节,我们通常干什么5A8句型First, we go shopping. 首先,我们去购物。5A8句型Next, we put some pretty things on the Christmas tree.接着,我们把一些漂亮的物品挂在圣诞树上。5A8句型Then, we put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.然后,我们把一只长筒袜放在床头,等待礼物。5A8句型Finally, we have a big lunch.最后,我们一顿丰盛的午餐。


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