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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载六年级期末试卷姓名: 得分: 听力部分( 30 分)一. 听音,圈出听到的单词; (10 分)1. playplaneplate2. waitwantwhat3. talktaketell4. workwalkwake5. feelfallfail6. angryhungryhurry7. skateskirtshirt8. watchwaterwash9. stopshopdrop10.seedseatsaid二. 依据听到的句子,挑选正确的图片; ( 10 分) 1.2.abab 3.4.abab5.6.abab 7.8.abab 9.10

2、.abab精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载三. 听短文,连线;( 10 分)wei weiyunnanliu xiningboli pinghangzhouzheng jingharbinwu yifanshanghai笔试部分( 70 分)一.依据要求写出所给单词的适当形式(10 分)精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1 .three 序数 3. right 反义词 5. early 比较级 7. have 过去式 2. heavy比较级) 4 .do 第三人称单数 6.those 单数 8. foot复数 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎

3、下载9. my 名词性物主代词 10.read(过去式 二.挑选正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内;(每个 1 分,共 15 分;) 1. i like drawing pictures and she .a. like singingb. like to singc. likes singing 2 . wu ming is a girl、 she long hair.a. hasb. wasc. have 3. he is going artist.a. to anb. to be anc. an 4. she is than me.a. strongb. stronggerc. stron

4、ger 5. i went a holiday.a. tob. onc. with:() 6.-i usually get up seven o clock in the morning.a .atb. onc. of() 7.- is the coat.-thirty-five yuan、 please.a .howb. how muchc. how old精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载() 8.- excuse me、 can you tell me the way to the garden cinema.- let me see. you can bus

5、 no. 5. a .byb. takec. go() 9. -are there any students in the classroom.- yes、there are students in the classroom. a .anyb. somec. a() 10.-david is playing basketball in the playground.a .ab. thec. () 11.-its time lunch.a. tob.forc. have()12. you watch tv last night.yes、 i watched tv.a. didb. doc. d

6、oes()13. john got a nice present yesterday、 he looked .a. sadb. happyc. tired()14. whats the you、 mike .i have a cold.amatter onb. match withc. matter with()15.guangzhou is in china.a. eastb. northc. south三.用所给词的适当形式填空(6 分) 1.-do you swim faster than your brother.- no、 i swim slow than my brother.2.

7、i like make model planes.3.it is sports day、 all the student are very excited. 4.-what does bob do on sundays.- he often watch the cartoons.5. mary s eyes are big than lucy s.6. you shouldn t put your mobile phone beside the computer.四.从 i 栏选出与 ii栏相对应的句子; 7 分 iii()1.how far is it from here .a. you c

8、an take bus no.8()2.wheres the stop .b. its over there.() 3.thank you very much .c. suhai is twenty minutes younger than me .()4.do the tigers run faster than the pandas? d.you re wellcome .() 5.whos younger、youor suhai.e.it s about two kilometersaway.()6.what time did you get up .f. yes、they do.()7

9、.how can i get there.g.at half past seven .五. 句子排序(10 分)1 whereonyougoyourholidaydid .2. matterwithyouwhat sthe精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载 .3. thedoyouwhatonweekenddousual ly .4. youmuchamthanitaller .5. visiti mtomorrowmygoinggrandparentsto .六.读一读,判定对错;对的写“t”,错的写“ f”;(每个 2 分,共 12 分)last weekend

10、 we had a birthday for our classmate zhang xiaohui. she is younger than me、 but i am shorter than her. and she looks stronger. of course she is heavier than me. we went to a shop to buy a present for xiaohui. what did we buy. we boughta doll for her. because she told me“ i havent got a lovely doll.”

11、 when she gotour presentshe looked excited.she was very happy. wewent to the zoo. wesaw elephants.we wanted to row a boat in jingming park、 but it was later、 we had to went home. we had a good time on that day. 1. xiaohui is taller than me. 2. i bought a doll for xiaohui. 3. we went to a shop last m

12、onth. 4. they had a good time on xiaohuis birthday. 5. we rowed a boat in the park. 6.xiaohui is older than me、 so she is heavier than me.七.依据所给的图片写话;10 分提示: 1. 时间:上个周末;2.至少写五句话,说明图片中有谁?她们在何时去了哪里,做了什么?看到了什么?当时的心情如何?听力材料及参考答案精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载一.听音,圈出听到的单词;1.plane2. wait3. take4. walk5. f

13、ail6. angry7. skate8. wash9. shop10.seed二.依据听到的句子,挑选正确的图片;1. how does he feel. he has a toothache. b2. what are they doing. theyre swinging. a3. what are you going to do this weekend. im going to plant trees. b4. what s your hobby. i like playing the piano. a5. how does your uncle go to shanghai. he

14、 goes there by ship. b6. turn right at the second traffic lights. you can see the bank. b7. my mother teaches math. b8. i m going to buy a dictionary this afternoon. b9. you can see the hospital on the left. a 10.my aunt is a salesperson. b三.听短文,连线;there are manydifferentplaces inchina. studentsin d

15、ifferentplaces do different things on weekends. let's have a look at these students:li ping is in harbin. now she is skating with her friends. they often skate on weekends. they can skate very well.liuxi isin yunnan. he isswimming inthe rivernear hishomewithhisclassmates.swimming is his favourit

16、e sport. they often swim and play in the river.wu yifan is in hangzhou. he is doing his homework at home. he is a student of zhongshan primary school. he is a good student in his class. he studies very well. he has a lot of homework every weekend. he has no time to do other things.wei wei is in ningbo. he is doing housework with his mother. they do housework nearly every weekend. wei wei's father


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