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1、2018新高一英语分班考试1第一节单项填空(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)1. - Did Alan enjoy seeing his old fiiends yesterday?-Yes, he did He his old friends for a long time.A. didn't seeB. wouldn't seeC. hasn't seenD. hadn't seen2. 一 Please carry a cell phone to make it easier fbr me to get hold of you.-OK. Dad. Bu

2、t I am eighteen. You worry so much.A. can'tB.mustn'tC. shouldn'tD wouldn't3. It was only when I reread his poems recently I began to appreciate their beauty.A. soB.asC.whenD. that4. expenment took us five months and turned out great success.A. The;不填B,a:不填C. The; aD. The; the5. In so

3、me parts of the world, tea with nulk and sugai,.A. is sernng B is served C. servesD served6. 一 Hi, Mary, you look tued.-Pm tued I the homework all day.A. didB had done C. have been doing D. have done7. m the cluiimey fbr five hours, the thief looked veiy pale and tired.A trapping B Being trapped C.

4、Having trappedD Having been trapped8. If you can't decide which of the hvo books to borrow, why don't you take? I won't read them this week.A allB. anyC. eitherD. both9. Tlie house rent is expensive. Tve got about half the space I had at home and I am playing here.A. as thiee times muchB

5、. as much three timeC. much as three timesD three times as much10. My cousin came to see me from the country,me a full basket of fresh fruits.A. brought B bunging C. to blingD. had brought11. You'd better take some medicine with you someone gets sick.A so thatB as soon as C. as long asD. m case1

6、2. I can't stand with Jane m the same office. She just refiises talking while she works.A. workuig; to stopB to work; stoppingC. workuig; stoppingD. to work; to stop13. Don't mention that at the beginiung of tlie stoiy or it may the shocking ending.A give away B. give out C. give up D. give

7、off14. York.last year, is a nice old city.A. that I visitedB. which I visitedC. where I nsited D. in which I visited15. Professor William, as well as his students,hard to find out why the expeninent failed.A. workB workingC. is workingD. are working第二节完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题

8、所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。. Each of us fails fiom time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a 16 part of the leanuiig process. But all too often as parents and teachers we J 7 this same nght to our childrenDonnie was my youngest third-grader. He was a shy, nervous boy. His

9、fear of 18 kept him from classroom games that other children played with joy. He 19 answered questions -he 20 be wrong. I tned my best to build hun self-confidence. But changed until nudtemi 22 Mary Anne, a student teacher, was assigned (指 派、分配)to our classroom.She was young and pretty, and she love

10、d childien My pupils. Doiune 23 , admired her Tlien one moming we were working on 24 problems on the blackboard. Domue had copied the problems and filled in answers. 25 with his progress, I left the cluldren with Mary Aime and vent for art niatenals. When I returned, Donnie was in tears He'd mis

11、sed the third maths problem. My student teacher looked at me 26 Suddenly her face brightened. From tlie desk we 27 , she got a caiuster (小筒)filled with 28 .“Look, Donnie J she said, kneeling beside him and 29 lifting the tear-stained face fiom his arms. Tve got somethuig to show youShe removed the p

12、encils, one 30, and placed them on his desk. MSee tliese pencils, Domue?n she contmued. MThey belong to Mrs. Lmdstrom and me See how the erasers are 31 9 Thafs because we make nustakes too. Lots of them But we 32 the mistakes and try again Thafs 33 you must leam to do, too.” She kissed him and stood

13、 up. "Here J she said, HP11 34 one of tliese pencils on your desk so youll remember that 35 makes mistakes, even teachers.11 Domue looked up with love in his eyes and a smile -the first I'd seen onliis face that vearJ16.A fbiinerBuselessc.necessaryD fair17.A. denyB.admitc.giveD. requn e18.A

14、 friendsliipBfailurec.successD teachers19.A. oftenB.seldomc.everD frequently20.A. mustBcanc.mightD will21.A everythingBnothingc.somethingD anything22.A. whenB.becausec.soD. while23.A exceptedBincludingc.mcludedD contained24.A EnglishBhistoryc.mathsD. geography25.A. EagerB.Angiyc.SiupnsedD. Pleased26

15、A. in despairBin publicc.in wantD in silence27.A. sparedB.sharedcstaredD. bought28.A booksBpencilsc.kiuvesD. erasers29.A gentlyBslightlyc.quicklyD skillfiilly30.A. at timesBat one timec.at a tuneD. at time31.A dryBcleanc.newD worn32.A. makeB.rewritec.copyD. erase33.A. whatBwhichc.thatD. why34.A. rem

16、ainBleavec.lieD set35.A. everybodyB.nobodyc.somebodyD. one第三部分:阅读理解(共16小题:每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项.AWin $ 50 in the Coolest Gadget of the WeekLook at what's the coolest gadget (vote for a chance to wm $ 50).3Cryo S: A Cool Netbook CoolerLike the orhei devices of NZXT, rhe Ci

17、vo S was designed to provide a competitive advantage at PC gaining. It has two adjustable 120nim fans that provide powerful cooling. The frill post can be found on Trends Updates.Starry Night BedAre you having trouble gettmg that good nights sleep that yoifre needing? Well, not aiiy more. Why not ta

18、ke a look at the Starry Night Bed? The Stariy Night Bed is a great new uivention which will levolutiomze die way in which you sleep. Not only is this bed fasluonable and comfortable but it's also a gadget heaven. With this bed you get many added gadgets mcluding aiiti-snoie technology, movie pro

19、jector with speakers, temperature control and many more.The full post can be found on TechFugoo-talking gadgetsFugoo gets all your appliances(装置,设备)talking to each other so youi alaim clock could fiist wake you up and then rell die coffee machme to start workuig while checkuig traffic conditions onl

20、me to tell you how long it will take you to get to work.The full post can be found on Decide H7" Buy.Vote What is this week's coolest gadget?O A Cool Netbook CoolerO Starry Night BedO Fugoo-talking gadgets36. Where can you find the fiill post of the "Cryo S'?A. Tech StylmgB. Super

21、Cool Pets.C. Decide What to Buy.D. Trends Updates.37. If you buy a Starry Night Bed, you can get all the following gadgets EXCEPTA. temperature controlB movie projectorC. adjustable fansD. anti-snore technology38. From this passage, we leani that Fugoo can.B. wake you upA. check traffic conditionsC.

22、 take you to workD make cofiee39. Where does this advertisement probably come fiom?A. A magazine. B. A website.C. A newspaper. D. A textbook.BWhen Jolmiiy Cash smgs, people listen. His big, deep voice iiunbles out of radios and jukeboxes across Noilh Amenca. His records sell by the million Country-m

23、usic fans everywhere know his big hits They love songs like “Hey Porter, "Ring of Fire", and "Folsom Prison Blue”.Joliimy Cash smgs about a Inuidied concerts a year People like what they hear-and what they see, too Rugged and big-shouldered, the smger stands six-two without his black

24、boots on He's a two-hundred-pound package of muscle and talent. And that scar (疤痕)on his cheek? Ifs a bullet (子弹)hole, of course!In the minds of most people, Jolmiiy Cash is4Mr. Tough (violent) Guy” He's an ex-dnig addict (上瘾者) who was once put m pnson. His grandmother was an Indian. To keep

25、 fiom starving, he once had to live on wild rabbits killed from forty feet away with a knife. Some people say he even killed a man.I11 fact, most of the Jolmiiy Cash story is just that-a story. True, years ago he had a “drug habitnfbr a short tune. He"popped"pills. But he nevei used heroui

26、 or otlief liaiddiiigs. Sometimes he d go wild and get locked up for a few hours. But he never served a prison sentence. There's no Indian blood in his veins. He's been a killer only m song. As for the<cbullet hole",it's an old scar left by a doctor who opened a cyst (囊肿).People

27、who know Jolinny Cash well say he's a "gentle guy", a "generous guy” 一anything but a “tough guy'.Hoxv did the stones get started? Some of them, like the story about theIndian grandmother, he made up long ago to add excitement to his caieer. Others, like thebullet holen, simply

28、 got started. Now there's little the smger can do to change people's minds “They just want to believe ithe says.40. Jolinny Cash is a favoiinte of manyA. opera lovers B countiy music fansC. hard-rock fans D. jazz music lovers41. I11 truth, Johnny CashA. invented theccIndian grandmother” B. u

29、sed to kill rabbits for a livingC had a bullet hole on his cheek D served a long pnson sentence 42 I11 lus pnvate life, Johnny Cash isA. much wilder than he looksB. much smaller than he is on stageC much tougher than he is in public D. much more gentle than most people suppose43. Tlie passage shows

30、us that many people believeA. only what they see B. what they are sure is trueC only iiat they hear D. what they find interestingC.It doesn't matter how clever you are or how much education you've had, you can still unprove your mind. And improMng your intelligence quotient(IQ) doesn't h

31、ave to mean studying hard There are many methods that can help youi, brain. Here aie thiee of thenx from the British science niagazme New Scientist.Working menioiyIQ is not decided by genetics. Some methods can help mcrease it.Why: Until recently, a person's IQ was thought to be detennnied by ge

32、netics. But recent studies suggest that a basic brain ftmction called working memory could increase one's IQ Working memory is the brain's short-term storage system. Tlie aiuouiit of information the w orking memory can hold is related to general mtelhgence.How: Ti-aining helps us expand the

33、working memory. Common training tasks include: domg math questions that have intermediate(中间 的)steps; remembering the position of objects on a map; or remembeniig a stnng of digits(数 字),like a phone number, without wntuig it down.Bodv and mind orPhysical exercise can help the brain as well as the bo

34、dy. IVs good fbr those who hate studying hard.Why: Physical exercise helps tlie growth of new brain cells. Until recently, it was believed that we produced no new brain cells in our lifetune But, in 2000, US scientist Fred Gage showed that even adults could grow new brain cells. He also found that e

35、xercise was one of the best ways to achieve tlus.How: Simply walking for half an hour thi ee times a week can improve leammg, concentration and reasoning by 15 percent. Even more gentle exercise like yoga can do good fbr yoiir bram A study last year showed that the best way to get a mental lift is t

36、o bend over backwards.The Mozart effectMusic may time up your thinking. But simply turning up the sound won't make you clever.Why: Amencan scientist Frances Rauscher made waves by discovering in 1995 that listeiuiig to Mozart inroved people's mathematical reasoimig. Last year, Rauscher repor

37、ted that Mozartmusic seemed to mcrease activity in genes involved in neive-cell signaling m the brain.How: Listening to Mozait and takmg music lessons. Music lessons can really help. Six-year-old childi en who were given music lessons got a 2 -to 3-point increase in IQ scores. Music lessons exercise

38、 a lot of mental skills, because of the need of accurate finger movements, and listening fbr rhythm.44. If you don't like to study hard, you'd better to unprove yourlQ.A. listen to musicB learn how to concentrateC. bend over backwards regularlyD. try some physical exercise45. The imderlined

39、word “this” refers to.A. the improvement of one's IQ B. tlie growth of new brain cellsC. physical exerciseD. the study of Fred Gage46 From the article we can conclude that it is wrong to tlmik thatA. listeiuiig to Mozart improves people's mathematical reasonuigB people can not produce new br

40、am cells as tliey grow olderC. childien taking music lessons can increase their IQ scoresD. Frances Rausher suggests people listen to Mozart 47. The mam piupose of the passage is to.A pomt out people's wrong ideas about IQB. report some new discovenesC. introduce some simple ways to improve peop

41、le's IQD. tell the relationship between IQ and ways of exercisingD.MemoryWhat is your eailiest childhood memory? Can you remember learning to walk? Oi, talk? The first time you watched a television programme? Adults seldom call back events much earlier tlian the year or so before entemig school,

42、 just as cluldren younger than tliree or four seldom remember any specific, personal expenences.A vanety of explanations have been suggested by psychologists (心理学 家)fbr this “childhood amnesia”. Now Annette Simms, a psychologist of Riverdale University, offers a new explanation fbr childhood amnesia

43、. Accordmg to Dr Simms, children need to learn to use someone else's spoken descnption of then, personal expenences in order to turn their own short-tenn, fast forgotten impressions of them into long-tenn memones. hi other words, childien have to talk about their expenences and hear others talk

44、about them. Without tins verbal remfdrcement (语言强化), children cannot form permanent memories of what they have experienced.So why should personal memones depend so heavily on healing them descnbed? Dr. Snnms presents evidence7that the human niuid organizes memories m that way. Childien whose mothers

45、 talk with them about tlie day's actiMties before bedtime tend to remember more of the day's special event than those whose mothers don't. Talknig about an event m this way helps a child to remember it. Aiid leaniuig to organize memories as a continuous stoiy is the key to a pemianent me

46、ntal ''autobiography (自传)” of important life events. Dr Simms suggests that we hunians may be biologically programmed to tiini oui- life expenences into a novel.The key to creatmg this mental life stoiy is language, says Dr Simms. "Children learn to talk about the past J she says. "

47、;Talking to others about their short-temi memones of the past leads to the establishment (建立)of long-tenn memones/1 One way it does tins is by helping a child to recognize tliat the retelling of ail expenence is just the expenence itself, recreated in the fonn of words The child leams that tlus l<

48、;word-descnption,7 of an expenence can then be stored m tlie memory and called back at any time. But a child's language skills are usually not ready for tins until the age of three or fbui; so they have no way to remember the earliest of their expenences.48 Which of the fbllowmg is the mam idea

49、of this passage?A Childien need to discuss expenences with their parents.B Why can't we remember tlie events of eaily childhood。C. Adults can't remember things as well as cluldrenD What aie memories of early childhood like?49 What does the word "amnesia" m the second paragraph mean

50、?A A mental life story.B. A clnldhood memory.C. Inability to rememberD. Researches on memory.50 To fbnn pemianent memones of their expenences, young childi en need to.A. talk about tliem with othersB grow older than thiee or fourC. write a story m their own languageD have a good relationship with th

51、eir parents51. Accordmg to Dr Sinims, the reason why cliildien don't fbnn long-tenn memones before the age of three is that children.A. can't call back their expenencesB have nowhere to store the memoriesC haven't developed enough language skillsD. confuse tlie memory with the experience

52、 itselfEFrom early tunes, man has been interested m art. People have often worked together to collect and save the world's art treasuies.Fine art tieasiires from many countnes are kept, in an art museum called the Louvre m Pans, France. Tlie works of art have been collected by the people of France over many centuiies. It is the biggest art museum in the world.The Louvre has not always been a museum The first building was a castle In 1190. it was the king's castle with high wails and a round tower. It had a nver to keep out the enemies.Over the years, the number of


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