



1、人教版八年级上册英语UnitI-10单元语法总结与测试题.doc一. 改错:例 1 : The rose dark red. The rose is dark red.1. He Very likes SWimming.2. He Can helps you.3. We haven ' t a good time.4. What are you do after school every day?5. SOmetimeS I IiSten music. SOmetimeS I play outside.6. The fish smells not good.7. We should b

2、uy some chicken. There are little left.8. There have many birds in the sky.9. My mother ' S glasses is broken.10. A Pair of shoes are nearly one thousand.11. What colour are her hair?12. Does he his homework?13. A: Do you like your class?B: Yes. I like.14. He always do his ShOPPing on Friday eve

3、ning.15. I Very sorry I forgot your birthday.16. I have no brother and sister.二. 连词组句:1. listen, morning, the, to, I, radio, the, in, often2. of, men, nurses, good, sick, hospital, care, in, take, the3. weekdays, he, the, goes, Cinema, never, during, the, to4. COmPUter, got, new, you, a, have?5. Wee

4、kends, he, rest, does, a, got, have, on?6. good, Li Ming, do, and, often, I deeds7. museum, they, the, often, science, visit, how, do?8. the, in, any, there, kitchen, food, is?9. homework, does, day, when, Tom, his, every, where, and,do?'t, lot,10. a, there, Veg etables, many, but, apples, aren

5、there, of, are, there三. 用括号里的动词的适当形式填空:1. There ( be) SOme glasses On it.2. He (go) to the Park every day.3. My uncle (live) in Nanjing now.4. LuCy and Lily(like ) China?5. Li Lei ( not like ) to drink Orange soda.6. The girl (go) home at 4:30 in the afternoon.7. Kate (SPeak ) French? Yes, Shedoes.8

6、. Jim (not ride ) his bike often.9. If he ( be) free tomorrow, he (go) With us.10. AS soon as they (get) there next month, he(call) me.11. Li Ming ' S fathe( have ) his lunch athome?12. Tom (not do ) the morning exercises often.13. I ( be) hungry and my SiSter (be) thirsty.14. The baby ( have )c

7、urly hair.15. EVerybOdy( have )a ChanCe to win.16. I (clean )my room OnCe a week.17. Nobody (tell)them anything.18. There (be)a lot of ChiCken on the plate.19. Mr. Li (teach )the SeCOnd grade.20. The boy (WatCh )TV every evening.21. Mary (play )the violin quite well.22. DaVid (StUdy )ChineSe and I (

8、StUdy )English.23. The game(be)interesting.24. Many ChiIdren(be)on the playground.25. He ( have )a good time at your party.26. I ( have )a new bicycle.四.用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Tom and his father(SWim ) now.2. Look! They(run) along the street.3. We (PraCtiCe ) hard these days because We Willhave a big match

9、next month.4. Whathe(do) at nine o ' clock last night?5. They(IiSten ) to the music at that time.6. When the headmaster Came in, the StUdentS(read ) the text.7. We (WatCh ) TV When SUddenIy the telephonerang.8. She (make ) the PaPer flowers the whole night.9. A:you(StUdying ) English?B: Yes, I a

10、m.10. Let ' S go out. It( not rain ) now.11. HUrry up! EVerybOdy (Wait) for you.12. A: (you / IiSten ) to the radio?B: No, You Can turn it off.13.1 (WatCh ) TV at SeVen o ' clock yesterdayevening.14. A: What(you / look ) for?B: I (IOOk ) for my wallet. There is SOmethingimportant in it.15. L

11、ook. It (rain ) hard. We ' ll get Wet if We go out.五.选词填空:(一)选词填空:1.1 (am, is, was, Were ) busy last week.2. Tom and I(am, are, was, Were ) late for schoolyesterday.3. I (walk, walks, walked, WaIking ) to school theother day.4. Rose(does not, didn ' t, has been, has)toisither uncle the month

12、 before last (month )5. There(is, was, are, Were ) a lot of people inthis village ten years ago.6. MOther (am, is, was, Were ) ill in bed last night.7. It(rain, rains, rained, raining ) a lot last year.(二 )用括号中动词的适当形式填空:1. My uncle in London(Send ) a birthday PreSentto me yesterday.2. When(be) you b

13、orn?3. AS soon as he arrived in the country, he(phone ) me.4. When I (knock ) at his door, he WaS cooking.5. We Were WatChing TV When the light(go) out.6. He Said he(not like ) maths at all.(三)用括当的词完成下列句子。1. you make this Cake last night? Yes. I did. Iit for you.2. Did Tomhome at five yesterday?No,

14、he. He Came home at six.3. Whatyouat the store? I bought aCamera.4. Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I.5. Where did you CatCh the fish? Iit in the rivernear my house.六.完成下列句子:1. 你长大了想当什么?我打算当个电脑程序员。WhatyouWhe n you?I ' mtoa.2. 你哥哥长大了打算当什么?他打算当个专业的篮球运 动员。Whatyour brotherWhe n he?He' Stoaplaye

15、r.3你打算怎么做?我打算学计算机学。are youthat?I ' mCOmPUter.4. 你哥哥打算怎么做?他打算每天练篮球。is your brother?He,Sbasketball every day.5. 她打算下学期上一些表演课吗?是的。Shesomelessons?Yes, She.【试题答案】1. He likes SWimming.2. He Can help you.3. We don ' t have a good time.4. What do you do after school every day?5. SOmetimeS I IiSten t

16、o music, SOmetimeS I play outside.6. The fish doesn ' t smell good.7. We should buy some chicken. There is little left.8. There are many birds in the sky.9. My mother ' S glasses are broken.10. A Pair of shoes is nearly one thousand.11. If he doesn ' t feel well he will go to ViSit the H

17、iStOry Museum.12. What colour is her hair?13. Does he do his homework?14. A: Do you like your class?B: Yes. I do.15. He always does his ShOPPing On Friday evening.16. I am sorry I forgot your birthday.1.1 often IiSten to the radio in the morning.2. NUrSeS take good Care of SiCk men in the hospital.3

18、. He never goes to the Cinema during the weekdays.4. HaVe you got a new COmPUter?5. Does he have a rest on Weekends?6. Li Ming and I often do good deeds.7. How often do you ViSit the SCienCe museum?8. IS there any food in the kitchen?9. When and Where does Tom do his homework every day?10. There are

19、 a lot of VegetabIeS but there arenmany ' tapples there.Or: There are a lot of apples but there aren' t manyVegetabIeS there.三.1. are 2. goes 3. lives 4. Do, like 5. doesn ' t like6. goes 7. Does, SPeak 8. doesn ' t ride9. is, Will go 10. get, Will Call 11. Does, have12. doesn ' t do 13. am, is 14. has15. has 16. clean 17. tells 18. is19. teaches 20. WatCheS 21. plays 22. studies,StUdy23. is 24. are 25. has 26. have四. 1. are SWimming 2. are running 3. are PraCtiCing4. was, doing 5.


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