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1、上海牛津英语三年级下学期单元测试题3BModule 1USi ngmy five Sen SeSUnit 1See ing and heari ngI. Read and write(按要求写单词):1. bus复数)2. butterfly(复数)3. oran ges单数)4. ShiPS(单数)5. car(同 类词)6. five(同类词)7. hear同音词)8. four(同音词)II. Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空):1. I Can See(a) aeropla ne.2. There(be) a big ShiP in the sea.3. Look

2、 at the(bus). They are ni ce.4. There are some(apple) On the table.5. IS that(you) ballo on? Yes, it is.6. That boy is my good friend.(he) eyes are big.7. I Can See two beautiful(Iadybird) On the leaf.8. There is(a) big apple in the basket.III. AnSWer the questions(按要求回答问题):1. What Can you see? (一只鸟

3、)2. IS that a big ship?是)3. What Can you hear?飞机)4. What colour is the SUn?红色)5. Can you See my bicycle?不)6. How old is your SiSter?(8)IV. Read and judge情景判断,用“ T”或“ F”表示):()1.想让 Peter看一看,你对 Peter说:Look, Peter!()2.你看见了一架飞机,你可以说:ICan hear an aeropla ne.()3.你想知道对方听见了什么,你可以问:What Ca n you hear?()4.你看见桌

4、上有四本书,你可以说:ICan See five books.()5.你看见树上有一只风筝,你可以说:There is a kite.()6.告诉别人你有一个球,你说:I have a doll.()7.你听到了鸟叫声,你说:I See the birds.I. Translation(翻译):1. 一架飞机2.三辆公交车3.画一个圆4.给花涂色5.转转盘6.I什么颜色7.一些孩子8.听见他们II. Write With “am, is, are, have, has (用“ am, is, are, have, has"填空):1. Whothat girl? SheAlice.2

5、. Benmy frie nd. Wegood frie nds.3. Therean aeropla ne in the sky.4. Toma bicycle. Itblack.5. The ChiIdre nmany books. Theynew.III. Read and write(按要求改变句子):1. The little boy Can make a SPinn er.否定句)The little boya spinner. 2. DannyCan See a black dog划线提问) Danny see?3. My father has got a black car.一

6、般疑问句)your fathera black car? 4. I Can hear raindrops.(划线提问)Can you?IV. Reading(阅读理解,用“ T”或“ F”表示):Hello, I'm a ParrOt. I'm in the Cage. I'm small. BUt I'm fat. My mouth is red. My feather(羽毛)is gree n. My tail is long. I'm Very beautiful. I Can Sin g. I like apples.But rm not hap

7、py.()1. ThiS is a parrot.()2. It likes Oran ges.()3. It's fat and big.()4. ItS tail is short.()5. ItS mouth is red and gree n.Unit 1 单元练习I. Copy the SentenCe正确抄写句子,注意大小写及标点符号):What Can you See kitty i Can See some Oran ges:)按要求写单词II. Read and write(1. bus复数)2. SheeP复数)I I3. hear同音词)4. See同音词)5.

8、ChiIdre n(单数)6. leaves 单数)7. they(宾格)8. I(宾格)9. CannOt 缩写)10. bus(同类词)III. Choose the best an SWer选择)1. I haveold bag. It's too small.A. aB. anC. /)2. What colour Can you see? I Can SeeC. / some tigers too.C. /orange.A.aB. an)3. In the zoo, I Can See a lio nA. but)4. ThereA. am)5. There isA. a b

9、icycle)6. IA. can, CanB. and some SWeetS in the box.B. isC. arein the sky.B. a ball hear a bird, but IB. can, can'tC. a ballo OnSee it.C. Can 't, can't)7. Can you play football, ChiIdre n?A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, We can. C. Yes, you can.()8.A.Whatis the butterfly? It's blue. B. What CQ

10、IQUrC HQW()9Can you see? I Can SeeA red kite/ 5A.WhatB. What CQIQUrC. Where()10. HQW many? Three.A.dressB. dressesC. a dressIV. CQPy the Sentence(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号):i Can hear an aeropla ne but i Cant See itRead and ChQQSe V (将划线部分发音不同的单词的编号写在前面括号内)1.()A. bagB. ani malC. Cake -2.()A.ChristmasB.chi

11、ldre nC. much3.()A.shipB.toothpickC. bicycle -4.()A. busB. USeC.up -5.()A. heB.te nC. else -VI. Read and Write (按要求写出内容):1. hear 同音词)2. se( 同音词) 3. bus(复数)4. ChiIdren (单数)5.car( 同类词)6. have(第三人称单数形式)7. can (否定形式)8. Iisten (近义词) VII. Read and Write (任意填空,每格一词):1. What CQIQUr Can you see? I Can See.2.

12、 It's rainy. What Can you hear? I Can hear.3. CharIie has a. It's SQ QveIy.4. HQW many birds? .5. There is aby the Window.VIII. Read and judge (阅读短文并完成判断,用“ ”或“F”表示):SPring is Comin g. It's Warm. The SUn is shining. My frie nds and I are in the park.The Park is Very big and beautiful. I

13、Can See the gree n grass. There are many nice fQWers Qn the grassland. I See a red kite .Peter and Jane are flying the kite. Oh, there is an aeroplane. It's high in the sky. Tweet, tweet, the birds are Singing. I Can hear them. We have a good time in the park.1. () It's SPri ng. We feel Warm

14、.2. () We are in the small park.3. () There are many beautiful floWers in the park.4. () I Can See a blue kite and a high aeropla ne in the sky.5. () I Can hear the birds.Module 1 USing my five Sen SeSUnit 2 Touch ing and feeli ngI. Read and write(按要求写单词):1. soft(反 义词)2. rough(反义词)3. glass 复数)4. chi

15、ld(复数)5. leaves 单数)6. them(单数)II7. Pin eapple同 类词)8. cake(同类词)II. Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空):1. TQUGh the cake. HOW(do) it feel?2. Feel the(cake). They're soft.3. MiSS Fang(have) two bananas.4. Where'S my bag? I(Ga n) See it.5. There(be) three PUPiIS Un der the tree.III. Read and write(按要求

16、改变句子):1. The desk is SmQQth.否定句,意思不变)The desk.2. ThiS apple is red.划线部分提问)一is the apple?3. ThiS apple is hard.划线部分提问)this apple?4. 4. I Can hear a bicycle.刺线部分提问)you hear?IV. Reading(阅读理解,回答问题):Peter has a yellow box. It's big and ni ce. It's a PreSe nt from his mother. OPen it and see. Ther

17、e is a toy Gar in the box. ThiS Gar is Very nice. It is black and shiny. TQUCh it. It's hard and smooth. Peter likes it Very much.1. DQeS Peter have a big box?2. What CQIQUr is the box?3. Where is the toy car?4. IS the toy Car black?5. HOW does the toy Car feel?I. Tran slati on(翻译):1三只杯子2.些面包1 3

18、. 又硬又粗糙4.一个大菠萝 5.摸摸桌子6.太硬II 17.在月球上8.月亮派II. Choose and Write With “am, is, are, have, has, do, doe”(用 “am,is,are, have, has, do, doe” 选择填空):1. Howthe Pineapple feel? Itrough. 2. Ia dog. My SiStera cat. 3. Howthe ballo OnS feel? Theysoft.4. Whereyou now? Here I.5. The antSiX legs. Theyblack.III. AnSW

19、er the questions(根据要求回答问题):)一个苹果 What Can you see?(1.2. What's this?一只风筝)3. What colour is the Umbrella?橙色)4. How does the Pineappie feel?又硬又粗糙)5. How much are the dolls?十元)IV. Read and write(按要求改变句子):1. TheSe bananas are yellow划线提问) are these bananas 2. My father's Car is smooth.(否定句,意思不变)M

20、y father's Car. 3. Can SUPergirI fly on the Moon?(肯定句)SUPergirIOn the Moon. Unit 2 单元练习I. Copy the SentenCeS :注意大小写及标点符号)(正确抄写下列句子,1. looktheres a SUPermarket2. how do they feel theyre smoothII. Think and Write (根据要求写出相应内容):1. there's 完整形式) 2.glass 复数) _3. touch(同类词) 4. do ( 第三人称单数形式 ) _ -5.

21、 Cake同类词) 6. ShiP(划线部分发音相同的词)7. hard (反义词) 8. smooth( 反义词)III. Read and choose the best anSWer 选择正确的答案 ):()1. Ia bag and three books.A. hasB. amC. have)2. Theresome bread on the table.(A. areB. isC. is n't()3. Touch the desk. It's.A.sweetB. niceC. hard()4. Howthe bag feel?A. doB. doesC. is()

22、5. I'm hun gry. I Want a.A. apple PieB.breadC. Cake()6. How much? .A. There are ten. B. Ten yua n.C. ten()7. May I have a toy ship?.A. No, tha nks.B. It's hard. C. Sure.()8. ThiS banana is soft,that OneiSn 't.A. orB. butC andIV. Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空):1. Look, there(be) two aeropla

23、 nes in the Sky2. Danny(Ca n) See a tree, but he(Ca n) See a bird.3. I Can See two PaPer(bus).4. My(dress) are ni ce. I like them Very much.5. I have ten(fin ger). I Can(touch) With them.6. What(be) in your bag? There(be) some bread7. How(do) the desk feel? Hard.V. Read and write(按要求改变句子):1.1 Can Se

24、e red and black划线提问)Can you see?2. My Cake is soft.(否定句,意思不变)My Cake.3. The apple is smooth and hard;划线提问)the apple feel? 4. ThiS is a red apple.划线提问)is this?:)”表示F”或“T阅读理解,用“ VI. Reading(Hello, my n ame is WangJUn. My En glish n ame is Kitty. I'm ten years old. rm a girl. I have short hair, big

25、 black eyes, a small no se, a small mouth and White teeth. I like readi ng books. I like apples. I'm happy.()1. WangJUn is a boy.()2. Kitty is ten.()3. Kitty has long hair and a small no se.()4. WangJUn has two big black eyes.Module 1 USing my five Sen SeSUnit 3TaSt ing and smelli ngI. Write the

26、 words(按要求写单词):1. SWeet反义词)2. rough(反义词)3. lemo n(同类词)4. sour(同 类词)5. SWeet(复数)6. salt(形 容词)7. smell(同类词)8. PeaCh 复数)II. Choose the best anSWer选择正确的答案):)1. I amA. hungry)2. Close yourA. eye)3. What is it? It'sA. a)4. TaSte theA. lem on)5. SmellA. the lem ons.I Want some San dwiches.- B. thirsty

27、C. tired.TaSte it.B. eyesC. mouthoran ge.B. anC. /.It's sour.B. COffee C. salt.IS it ni ce?B. the lemonC. Iem OnIII. AnSWer the questions(按要求回答问题):1. What is this?(苹果)2. HOW does the apple feel?又硬又光滑)3. What are they?柠檬)4. How do they taste?酸的)5. IS it a peach?不,桔子)6.What are they?公 交车)I. Tran s

28、lati on(翻译):1.水果店2.张开眼Q 凸凸帶甲苹丿果4.苦的咖啡5.酸柠檬6.多少7.多少8.又矮又瘦II. Choose and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次 ):taste sour has feel colour1. Kittyeight nice flowers. 2. WhatCan you see? Grey.3. The Iem On is Very.4. the apple. It's SWeet .5. HOW does it? It's soft.III. Choose the best anSWer选择正确的答案):()1.

29、 TaSte the apples. They are.A. SWeetB. a SWeetC. SWeetS()2. Howthe ballo on feel? It's soft.A. isB. doC. does()3. I'm hun gry. GiVe me some, PIeaSeA. bread B. milkC. Water()4. I CanWith my no se.A. smellB. touchC. taste()5. If you drink COffee at ni ght, yousleep.A. /B. CanC. can't()6. I

30、S this your doll? No, it isn'tdoll.C. herB. your A. myUnit 3单元练习1. Copy the SentenCeS :)正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号 (1. howdoes it smell2. dont drink COffee at ni ghtII. Translation(中英互译):1. 品尝柠檬 2.苦的咖啡3. 一条玩具鲸鱼 4. at the fruit shop5. at night 6. its White tailIII. Thi nk and Write (根据要求写出相应内容):1. smell

31、( 同类词) 2. bitter ( 反义词)3. salty (同类词) 4. it ( 复数)-5. White(划线发音相同)6. photograph(同义词) 7. fat(反 义词)8. Iibraries(原形)IV. Read and choose(青景选择)1. 你请别人品尝一下蛋糕,该怎么说?A. Smell the cake, please. B. TaSte the cake, please.2. 在商店里,你问营业员菠萝一共多少钱,该怎么问?()A. HOW many Iem ons?B. HOW much are the lem ons?3. 爸爸问你这个巧克力苦吗

32、,他怎么问?()A. How does it taste?B. IS it bitter?4. 你的朋友问你柠檬闻起来怎么样,她怎么问?()A. How does it feel?B. How does it smell?5. 你告诉你的朋友你能听见飞机的声音,该怎么说?()A. I Can hear an aeropla ne.B. What Can you hear?6. 告诉妈妈你饿了,你该怎么说?()A. I'm hun gry.B. I'm thirsty.7. 老师请你开门,她说:()A. OPen the door, please. B. OPen the Win

33、 dow, please.V. Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空):1.1(be) a girl. My hair(be) long.2. Close(you) eyes. You(Ca n) see.3. MiSS Li(have) a car.(She) Car is red. 4. Gran dma has(a) old box. There are some(dress) in it.5. The(SWeet) are(sweet).VI. Read and write(按要求改变句子):1. Here are the IeaVeS单数句)Herethe.2. T

34、he milk is hot.(否定句,意思不变)The milk.3. The COffee is bitter.划线提问)the COffee?4. Can Ben touch the apple?肯定句)Benthe apple. 5. That Moon Pie is three yuan.划线提问)is that Moon pie? VII.Read and complete the Senten ces():每格一词读短文,完成句子,There is some Water in a bottle. A bird is Very thirsty. He comes to the bo

35、ttle. BUt he can't drink the water. BeCaUSe the bottle's nec瓶颈)is Very long.So he thinks (想) and thinks, and then he flies away. After some time, he comes back With a small stone (石头)in his mouth. He PUtS it into the bottle. He flies away and flies back aga in and aga in. He PUtS many stones

36、 into the bottle. The Water comes UP and the bird Can drink water. He's Very happy.1There is some in the bottle.2The bird is 3He can't drink the water because the bottle's neck is too4The bird puts into the bottle.5At last, the bird drink water.Test of Module 1, Book 3B班级 姓名 Part 1 Liste

37、ning 听力部分I. Listen and choose听录音,写出你听到的句子的编号。8%() 1. A. How does the pineapple feel?B. How do the pineapples feel?C. How does the apple feel?) 2. A. Taste the melon.(B. Touch the melon.C. Taste the lemon.() 3. A. May I have some glasses, please?B. May I have some apples, please?C. May I have some ca

38、ke, please?() 4. A. How much is the coffee?B. How much is it?C. How much are they?() 5. A. What can you see in the photograph?B. What can you see in the picture?C. What can you hear in the park?() 6. A. Mike has a white whale in his hand.B. Mike has a toy whale in his hand.C. Mary has a toy whale in

39、 her hand.() 7. A. It's Moon bread. It's too hard.B. It's Moon pie. It's not hard.C. It's Moon bread. It's very hard.() 8. A. There's a supermarket. Let's go and get some fruit.B. There's a shop. Let's go and get some fruit.C. There's a supermarket. Let

40、9;s go and buy some fruit.II. LiSten and circle.听录音,写出你听到的单词的编号。10%() 1. A. roughB. rightC. rain() 2. A. spinB. spinnerC. spinning() 3. A. hearB. hereC. hair() 4. A. shopB. shipC. short6%()5. A.touchB. tasteC. take()6. A.ChiCkB. ChairC. child()7. A.themB. theyC. their()8. A.WhiteB. whaleC. Write()9.

41、 A.3909462B.3906426C. 3909262()10. A.Mr WhiteB. MiSS WhiteC. MrS WhiteHLListen and judge.听录音判断,正确的用表示,错误的用×表示。3.2.) () ( ( )6. 4.5.( )( )(IV. Listen and choose听录音选出正确的应答句。6%()1.A. No, it isn 't.B. Yes, that is.C. That's a train.()2.A. It's ten yua n.B. Ten yua n, please.C. They are

42、ten.()3.A. They're sour.B. It's soft.C. They're soft.()4.A. I hear a car.B. I Can hear cars.C. It's a car.()5.A. OK.B. Yes, please.C. May I have an 即 ple?()6.A. Yes.B. No, tha nks.C. You're welcome.V. Listen and judge.听录音,判断下列句子是否与听到的内容相符,用或×表示。5%()1. JUdy Can hear a cow and

43、 some horses.()2. It's Warm and rainy today.()3. The glasses are not rough.()4. The fruit is SeVe n yua n.()5. Mike can't sleep right at ni ght.VI. LiSten and choose听录音,选择正确的答案。5%()1.The ChiIdre n are atA. schoolB. the SUPermarketC. home()2. They don't like the.A. toysB. SPinnerC. Card()

44、3.colour the circle.A. KittyB. BenC. Both A and B()4.There are two birdsthe Win dow.A. nearB. byC. at()5.They don't haveat first.A. Cray onsB. a CardC. a toothpickPart IIWriti ng笔试部分I. COPy the Sen te nce正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号。8%What Can you See ben i Can See an aeropla neII. Tran slate.中英互译 10%1. 品尝

45、咖啡2在窗边3.听到轮船k些孩子5. 只甜苹果6非常酸7. sleep right8. SPi n the SPinner9. here you are10. hear With my earsA. There are ten.III. Read and match将问句和答句配对 6% ()1. What Can you do?B. I CanSPin the spinner.)2. Can you See the aeropla ne in the sky? (C. No, I Ca n't.() 3. What Can you hear?)4. HOW many boys are

46、 there in the CIaSSroom?D. I Can hear a bicycle. ( E. It's sour.() 5. What have you got?F. A toy car. () 6. How does the apple taste?12%选出正确的答案。IV. Read and choose the best an swer.four.()1.How many toy buses are there in the shop?A. There isB. There are()2. Touch the banan as. Howthey feel?A.do

47、esB.do()3. Ithree Pen cils, two rubbers and a bag.A. haveB. am()4. I CanA. WriteWith my eyes.B. hear()5. -I like the Moon bread. -. It's yummy.A. Sorry)6.-is it?A. How much )7. -WhatA. CanB. Me too-FiVe yuan, please.B. How many you see? -I See a tree.B. are()8. -How does the lem onA. taste? -It&

48、#39;s sour.B. smellC. They areC. CanC. hasC.seeC. OKC. HowC. doC.feel()9. Therea Pair of glasses, a bag and a book in the bag.A. amB. is)10. - Touch the Pineapple. How does it feel2-A. It's rough.B.It's smooth)11. It's soft. IS it a ball? -, it's a doll.A. YeSB. NoC. areC. It's s

49、oft.C.OK)12.- are the oran ges? -They are 20 yua n.A. How muchB. How manyC. What colourV. Look and complete 看图填空,一格一词。8%1. A: Touch the.do theyB: They'reIt's rainy today.boys _ the rain.They have2.There areThey Can hear the umbrella.VI. ReWrite the Sentence改写句子。4%1. I Can hear a bus.划线提问)you

50、 hear?2. TheSe are nice PiCtUreS一般疑问句) nice pictures?3. ThiS banana is yellow.划线提问)is this banana?4. They are ten yuan.(戈U线提问) are they?VII. Read and judge朗读判断,用“ T” 或“ F” 表示 5%It's summer. It's hot and wet. Some PUPiIS are in the zoo. There are many ani mals in it. The IiOnS are strong. The

51、y are sleep ing Un der the tree. The mon keys ae clever. They Can ride bicycles. Look at the zebras. They are black and white. They are running fast. How super!()1. It's hot and Wet in summer.()2.Thelions are CIimbi ng thetree.()3.Themon keys Can ride bicycles.()4.TheZebraS are brow n.()5.TheZeb

52、raS can't run fast.VIII.Write(写话,至少 5 句)5%(I Can see/ I Can hear-/ There isare in the Park./I Can in the park.)In the ParkModule 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1Ani malsI. Read and write(按要求写单词):1. fox(复数)2. mo nkey(复数)3. lio n(同类词)4. sour(同类词)5. hot(反义词)6. it(复数)7. do not(缩写)8. soft(反 义词)II. Choose

53、the best anSWer选择最恰当的答案):()1.the apple. It's hard.A. Smell B. TaSte C. Feel()2.you like small ani mals?A. DoB. Are C. Can()3. I Can See With my.A. nose B. eyesC. mouth()4. Do you like? Yes.A. mon key B. an mon key C. mon keys()5. It's an ani mal. It's fat. It's black and white. It

54、9;s aA. PandaB. tigerC. elepha nt()6. Do you Iike IiO ns? No, I. A. doB. don'tC. do n't likeIII. Read and write(按要求改变句子):1.1 like the little monkey.(一般疑问句)the little mon key?2. They are elephants单数句)is.3. The horses are black划线提问)are the horses? 4. I like the strong lion.(否定句)Ithe strong lion . 5.


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