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1、松江区2015年初三英语一模练习(四)(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟)2015.1考生注意:本卷有 7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题卡上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 LiSte ning(第一部分听力)I. LiStening COmPrehension ( 听力理解)A. LiSte n and choose the right PiCtUre)(6 分)1.5.L( 共30分)(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片R2.B. LiSte n to the dialogue and choose the best an SWer to the que

2、sti On you hear到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)7. A) Mo nday.B) Wed nesday.C) ThUrSday.8. A) One.B) Two.C) Three.9. A) Yellow.B) Black.C) Blue.10. A) By train. B) By pla ne. C) By ship.11. A) At homeB) In the hospital.supermarket.12. A) $100.B) $150.13. A) He does n't like dumpli ngs.C) He WantS to have a

3、 CUP of tea.14. A) He PIayed football yesterday.C) He Stayed in bed all ni ght yesterday. D)yesterday.C. LiSten to the PaSSage and tell Whether the following Statements are true or false ( 断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“ T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(7分)D) Friday.D) Four.(根据你听D) Gree n.D) By car.C) In the school.D)AttheC)

4、 $200.B) He has had eno Ugh food.D) He does n't like coffee.B) He did his homework yesterday.He reviewed his lessOnSD) $250.alln ight15. The book QUiCk Cooking is Written for people who don't have much time.16. EVery PerSon will find his or her right Way to cook in this book.17. BUSy people

5、should notice that all the recipes (烹饪法)in the book are easy to follow.18. There are complete meals WhiCh are PIa nned Only for beg inn ers.19. From this PaSSage We know there are other "quick books" for busy people.20. ThiS PaSSage is most PrObabIy about an in troduct ion to cook ing.D. L

6、iSte n to the PaSSage and complete the follow ing sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。空格限填一词)(7分)AmUS ing StOrieS21. Jim WaIked into his SiXth PeriOd classhis fifth because he WaSstill sleepy.22. All of his CIaSSmateShim Whe n Jim got in the SiXth class.23. DiCkabout Joh n by leavi ng an in Vitati Onon his desk te

7、ll ing himto go to a meet ing, WhiCh WaS made up.24. DiCk thought it funny at first. But, Whe n he SaW Joh n, he feltabout doing it.25. Sarah WaS complai ning about her maths teacher, MiSS Gree n Whe n She WaSher.Part 2 Phon etics, VOCabUIary and Grammar(第二部分语音,词汇和语法)Il . Choose the best anSWer (选择最

8、恰当的答案):(共20分)26. SoUnd effects add excitement to the pictures. WhiCh of thefollowing is COrreCt for theUn derl ined word in the Senten ce?A) / S&und/ B) sjndQ rmlD) JlSTlCi<27. WhiCh of the follow ing Un derl ined PartS is differe nt in PronUn Ciati On With others?A) No One Un dersta nds me.B

9、) Tha nk you for look ing after US so well. _C) ThOSe ChiIdre n have fini Shed off the fruit.D) ThiS is What I gathered from his speech.28. The first thing to do When Creating a comic StriP is to think ofplot.A) an B) theC) /D) a29. Most people chose not only Jan e's pla n but alsoafter the disc

10、ussi on.A) IB) myC) meD) mi ne30. She told me they arrived in Shan ghaithe evening of OCtOber 20th.A) onB) inC) toD) at31. We should Write OnSideS of PaPer in Order to SaVe it.A) eitherB) anyC) allD) both32. You'd better take the GPS With youyou Won't get lost.A) as Soon asB) so thatC) becau

11、se D) now that33. OUr class teacher WaS PIeaSed to know thatStUde nts in his class ate junk food.A) much B) ma nyC) fewD) littlemore34. JaCk took musictha n any boy in his class, so be WaS successful.A) less SeriOUSIy B) SeriOUSIyC) more SeriOUSD)SeriOUSIy35. StUde ntsbe CarefUI Whe n they do ChemiC

12、aI experime nts in the lab.A) CanB) mustC) n eedD) may36. Mr. Li had to do all the housework himself,?A) did n't heB) had n't heC) did he D) had he37. We should obey the traffic rules in order to keep ourselvesA) SaVeB) SafeC) SafeIyD) Safety38. The thief deniedmoney from the old man in the

13、shopp ing mall.A) stealB) SteaIi ng C) stole D) to steal39. LaSt ni ght I did n't an SWer your Phone because Ian in teresti ng TV programme.A) WaS WatCh ingB) WatChedC) had WatChed D) have WatChed40. Maryin that housing estate Since She Came back to Shanghai in 2005.A) is livi ngB) had livedC) W

14、ould live D) has lived41. Some CitiZe ns grow VegetabIeS themselvesthey are WOrried about the Safety ofthe food.A) ifB) althoughC) Un tilD) because42.Sad We Were to hear about Yaha ng's air CraSh last mon th.A) WhatB) What aC) HowD) What an43. After Don ghai Bridge,it became a new tourist attrac

15、t ion.A) completedB) completeC) is completedD) WaS completed44. - I'm sorryve broke n your glasses.-. I've got ano ther pair. WhiCh of the followi ng resp On SeS is wrong?A) You're welCome.B) NeVer mind.C) It does n't matter.D) That's all right.45. - My family has booked a PaCkag

16、e tour to PariS for the SUmmer holidays.A) Sorry to hear that.B) HaVe a great time!C) Oh, n ever mind.D) With PIeaSUre.III. Complete the follow ing PaSSage With the words or PhraSeS in the box. EaCh Canonlybe USed once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分)A. bed B. leavi ng C. famousD. in cludi ngE. b

17、eachEVer SinCe his new movie GUardians of the GaIaXy (银河护卫队 )became a hot topicat the box OffiCe last mon th, ChriS Pratt has become 46 around the world. BUt do you know that the actor comes from a poor family? HiS road to fame has not been easy. After 47 high school, ChriS attended college. However

18、, his time as a college StUdent WaS short. He dropped out (辍学)One year later. Then, he made a Iiving With different kinds of jobs, 48_ a SaIeSma n and a restaura ntwaiter. For a short time, he WaS homeless and slept On the 49 .A. SUCCeSSfUI B. while C. discovered D. finding E.adviceThe actor receive

19、d his "break (机会)"50 Worki ngat a restaura nt.He WaS 51 bya famous director at that time. She gave ChriS a role in the short movie She WaS direct ing.ThUS ChriS bega n his Hollywood career. ChriS has a PaSSi On for act ing. He works hard andis willi ng to take Others' 52 . GradUally, t

20、he tale nted young man went from being aSUPPOrt ing actor to a53 movie star. Now, ChriS is play ing in the new JUraSSiS Parkmovie. He also has a deal With MarVeI (漫威漫画公司 )for further GUardians of the GaIaXymovies. The future for this Hollywood Star looks as though it will continue to bum bright.IV.

21、Complete the SentenCeS With the give n words in their PrOPer forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)(共8分)54. Bob WaS too Old to Walk UPStairS to thefloor of the build ing. (twelve)55. The lady gave her money to the homeless, although She is not rich. (She)56. , the ani mal SheIter SaVed the poor dog in time. (LU

22、Ck)57. I'm SUre you willinwork ing out the problem Unl ess you give up. (SUCCeSS)58. The golde n fish Said to the fisherma n, "All yourwill come true." (WiSh)59. When people get older and older, their ShOrt-term memory becomes. (bad)60. It's amazing to See these local people Wear t

23、heir hats and SkirtS in festivals.(traditi On)61. ReCently there have been aof health educatiOn activities in OUr school. (Vary)V. ReWrite the follow ing sen te nces as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共14分)62. The old man realized that too much salt WaS harmful to health.(改为否定句 )The old manthat too

24、much salt WaS harmful to health.63. PerhaPS there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.(改为反意疑问句 )PerhaPS there will be no more cormora nt fisherme n in the world,?64. At the age of five, my little Son Weighed 25 kilograms. ( 对划线部分提问)did your little Son Weigh at the age of five?65. Could

25、you tell me how I CanConneCt my iPad to the COmPUter?(改为简单句 )Could you tell meConneCt my iPad to the COmPUter?66. My friend Jones wrote some articles about memory last mon th.(改为被动语态 )Some articles about memoryby my friend Jones last month.保持句意基本不in Viteda group67. I will call the police if that no

26、ise does n't stop in a short while.(变)I will call the policethat no isein a short while.68. Jill, necklace, a, I, Wearing, noticed, was, pearl (连词成句)Part 3 Readi ng and Writ ingIX. Readi ng COmPrehe nsion (A. Choose the best an SWer (A Iin guist,who StUdieS(第三部分读与写)阅读理解):(共50分)根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案 ):

27、(12分)Ianguages, is always listening,never off-duty.of friends round to my house, telli ng them that I WaS going to record their speech. I Saida few mi nutesI WaS interestedin their regional accents (地方口音),and it would take Onlyto record it. Afterwards, One eve ning, three people Came to my house and

28、 Were show n into my Sitting-room. In front of each Chair there WaS a microphOne (麦克风)at head height,Conn ected to a recorder in the middle of the floor. They Sat dow n, rather n ervously. I explained that all I Wanted WaS for them to CoUnt from One to twenty, then We could relax and have a drink.I

29、turned On the recorder and each in turn CoUnted from One to twenty in their best accents. When it WaS over, I turned the recorder off and brought round the drinks. The rest of the evening WaS SPent in complete relaxation. I talked and joked With them freely by leaving them Only for a telepho ne call

30、 WhiCh IaSted some time.Or at least that is how it would appear. You know, of course, the microph OneS Were notConnected to the recorder in the middle Of the room at all but to another One in the bedroom. My friends, having Seen the recorder before them turned off, Paid no more attention to the micr

31、ophOneS a few inCheS from their mouths, thus giving excellent SoUnd quality (质量).Itmeant that I WaS able to get a PieCe of n atural talk.I should add, perhaps, that I did tell my friends What had happe ned to them, after the recording WaS over, and asked them Whether it should be destroyed. None of

32、them Wanted to-but for some years after that, it always Seemed that Whe n it Came to buying drin ks, I Paid for them. Lin guistic research Can be a Very expe nsive bus in ess.69. The Un derl ined word "li nguist" in ParagraPh 1 PrObabIy means.A) 语言学习者 B)语言研究者C)语言模仿者D)语言开发者70. The Writer as

33、ked his friends to CoUnt from One to twenty because he Wan ted to.A) CheCk if his recorder WaS work ingB) discover who had the best SoUnd qualityC) let them thi nk that WaS all he Wan ted to recordD) record how they PronoUn Ced nu mbers in their regi Onal acce nts71. The Writer left the room in the

34、middle of the evening because.A) he had to make a Phone call B) the pho ne rang in the bedroomC) he liked talk ing With them On the Phone D) he let the OtherS talk freely WithOUt him72. The record ing WhiCh the Writer WaS able to make WaS.A) n atural.B) Con trolled.C) Un clear D) n ervous.73. When t

35、he Writer told his friends What he had done, theyA) Wan ted him to destroy the record ingsB) did n't Seem to mind muchC) Seemed to have no resp OnSe D) made him buy them more drinks74. From this passage, We know the Writer recorded their talk.A) On the recorder in the middle of the floorB) by US

36、ing hidde n microph On es.C) On the recorder in ano ther roomD) in the Sitti ng-roomB. Choose the words or expressi OnSand complete the PaSSage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)WehaVe two daughters: KriSten is SeVen years old and Kelly is four. LaSt SUnday evening, We in Vited some people home for dinn er. I dr

37、essed the girls nicely for the Party and told them that their job WaS to join MUm in an SWeri ng the 75 Whe n the bell ra ng. MUm would also in troduce them to the guests and the n they would take the guests' coats UPStairS andPUt them On the bed in the SeC Ond bedroom.The guests arrived. I in t

38、roduced my two daughters to each of them. The adultsWere niceand kind and Said how 76 We Were to have SUCh good kids. EaCh of the guests made a PartiCUIar focus On Kelly, the youn ger one, 77 her dress, her hair and her smile. TheySaid She WaS a remarkable girl to be Carry ing coats UPStairS at her

39、age.I think to myself that We adults usually make a big "to do" over the younger One because she's the One who SeemS more easily hurt. We do it With the best of intentiOn (意图).BUt We 78 think of how itmight affect the elder child. I WaS a little WOrried thatKriSten would feel She WaSn&

40、#39;t behaving well. I WaS about to SerVe dinner When I 79 that She had bee n disappeari ng for twenty minu tes. I ran UPStairS and found her in the bedroom, Cryin g. I said, "What are you doing, my dear?"She tur ned to me With a Sad expressi On and said, "Mum, Why don't people li

41、ke me the Waythey Iike my sister? IS it 80 rm not pretty? IS that Why they don't Say nice things about meas much?" I tried to explain to her, kissing and hugging her to make her feel better.Now, Whe never I ViSit a frien d's home, I make it a Point to SPeak to the elder child75. A) Phon

42、eB) questi OnC) requesD) door76. A) meanin gfulB) dramaticC) luckyD) tha nkful77. A) in terviewi ngB) questi OningC) respect ing78. A) OftenB) SimPIyC) alwaysD) seldom79. A) realizedB) thoughtC) knew80. A) becauseB) thatC) Whyfirst.D) enjoyingD) agreedD) Whether(在短文的空格内填入适当的C) Read the PaSSage and f

43、ill in the bla nks With PrOPer words词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)If you are reading this article in class, you are trying to read it quickly. You havebee n taught to Skim and SCa n. You will look for key words so as to Un dersta nd the main ideaof the article and the i 81 pointsin the article.Skimmi

44、ng and SCanning is a good Wayin a Iimited (有限的)time, SUCh as When you are taking an exam. However, today, many people Skim and SCa n everyth ing and they have 1 82 the ability to enjoy readi ng. SOmethi ng called "the slow reading movement" has become popular to solve the problem. The idea

45、 is thatpeople turn Off their COmPUterS and mobile PhoneS for over half an hour each day and enjoythe h 83 of read ing a good book-slowly !In many CitieS there are e 84 slow reading clubs Where members go to a car6, not to discuss books, but to Sit quietly With each other, drink COffee and just read

46、. SCientists have found that reading slowly, especially books of fiction, helps people relax and thi nk about What they are readi ng. It also helpspeople empathize ( 强调).ThiS Point is essential. When you read a novel slowly, you get toUn dersta nd the characters' emoti OnS and to See the world t

47、 85 their eyes.Readi ng, of course, is n't easy. You have to Sit still for Onethin g. ItCan Seem bori ngWhen COmPared ( 比较)to the excitement of playing video games. For me, reading has been an endless PIeaSUre in my life. From the age of ten, When I got my first Iibrary Card, I've enjoyed th

48、e company(陪伴)of heroes, evil Criminals and CIeVer detectives, of thousands ofinteresting people I would have never met in real life. Reading PrOVided me With escape, but it also e 86 me to Understand the world around me. It WaS an educatiOn in a CIaSSroom that had no walls.In class, you have Iear ne

49、d to read "fast." A 87 class, you should try to Iear n to read "slow." You may be SUrPriSed at how much you enjoy it.D. AnSWer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)There is a murder to solveThere is a "murderer" among us. You may Won der What is happe ning. Let me tell you!I

50、f you get on the MUrder MyStery LUnCh train from London's ViCtOria Station, you will SUreIy meet SUCh an "experience". PaSSengers take Part in a detective game and find the "murderer" on their Way to Kent.BefOre the PaSSe ngers get On the train,a gen tlema n n amed Gray will

51、greet them infrontof the train. He is dressed in grey With a Cat in his arms. He will be the first actor to meet the PaSSe ngers. He will have a Chat With people and drop some clues.AS Soon as the train IeaVeS ViCtOria StatiO n, a woma n will run into the Carriage (车厢) and cry, "I have been sta

52、bbed (刺伤)!" Then a young man called Matt will rush into thecarriage and shout, "There's been a 'murder'. Don't be frightened!" Then passengers will have time to question the characters, including a detective, a newspaper reporter and a policeman about what's going

53、on.After the meal, all the passengers will sit together and raise their own ideas of the"murder".Those who are able to solve the case can get a bottle of champagne (香槟 ) as reward( 奖励 ).One ticket of the Murder Mystery Lunch train costs about 310, including a five-course lunch with champag

54、ne and wine, It doesn't sound too expensive. But the question is that it is difficult to book a ticket because the train is too popular nowadays. After all, many people have a detective dream, don't they?88. The Murder Mystery Lunch train leaves London's Victoria Station, doesn't it?

55、89. Who will the passengers meet first after they get on the train?90. How will the passengers deal with the "murder" case after the meal?91. What will be the reward for those who are able to solve the "murder" case?92. How much does one ticket of the Murder Mystery Lunch train c

56、ost?93. What do you think of the train travel experience? Why do you think so?VII. Writing ( 作文 ): (20 分 )94. Nowadays, it's getting more and more important to get on well with others. What are your opinions about it? What are your good ways to get on well with others? 如今,与人和睦相处越来越显得重要了,你认为呢?请根据

57、以上情景写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,谈谈你对与人相处的看法并建议如何与人 ( 你可以从你的父母、 你的老师或者你的同学中任意选取一位 ) 相处,并举例说明。 ( 注意:标点符号不占格,短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否 则不予评分。 )The following key points are for reference only. (以下要点仅供参考 )1. I think that. / In my opinion2. in a friendly way(D)(A)松江区 2014 年初三英语模拟练习(四)听力原文和参考答案Part 1A.1. Jane was ill in

58、 bed last week, but she still did a lot of reading.(G)2. Riding our bikes to school every day makes us healthy and active.(B)3. Mary wonders if it's necessary to buy her daughter a mobile phone.(E)4. The policeman is talking about the safety in. Shanghai during the APEC.(A)5. How nice it is to take a long walk along the beach with your best friend.(F)6. Whenyou paint the pictures, don' 't


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