1、1. a/d采集木次试验主要使用研华pcl812pg板卡的12位的a/d采集通道进行数据的采集,通道为1, 跳线设置为5v,使用的温度传感型号为lm35,其工作电压为(4-20) v,测虽温度范围为 0-100°c,其输出的电压每升高1°c,输出电压增加10mvo pcl812pg板卡通过口身的a/d采 集通道,将经过放大电路放大的模拟电压信号转化为12为的数字信号,通过板卡的自身携带 点的函数可以读取具电压值转化为十进制数存储。设计的vb界面和vb代码如下:鬥 analog in put demo: select in put deviceselect a device
2、from lististdevicerun.exit select a module ktmoduleinput channel .hannevoltage range| istvoltagerangeprivate sub cmdrun_click()dim tempnum as integer tempnum = lstvoltagerange.listlndexaictrmode = lpdevconhg_ai.usgainctrmodeipaiconfig.daschan = lstchanncl.listlndcxr gain code no use for adam seriesi
3、f gnnumofsubdevices = 0 thenipaiconfig.dasgain = lpdevfeatures.glgainlist(tempnum).usgaincdeend iferrcde = drv_aiconfig(devicehandle, ipaiconfig) if (errcde <> 0) thendrv_geterrormessage errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, "error!) exit subend if frmrunn.showfrmdevsel.hi
4、detimer 1 = trueend subprivate sub form_load()dim gnnumofdcviccs as integerdim noutentries as integerdim i, ii as integerdim tt as longdim tempstr as stringbrun = false'add type of pc laboratory cardtt = drv_getaddress(devicelist()errcdc = drv_dcviccgctlist(tt, maxentrics, noutentries)if (errcde
5、 <> 0) thendrv_geterrormessage errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, ”error!”)exit subend if'return the number of devices which you install in the system usingr device installationerrcde = drv_devicegetnumoflist(gnnumofdevices)if (errcdc <> 0) thendrv_geterrormessage
6、errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, herror!u)exit subend iffor i = 0 to (gnnumoldevices - 1)tempstr 二""for ii = 0 to maxdevnamelentempstr = tempstr + chr(devicelist(i).szdevicename(ii)next iiistdevice.additem tempstrnext ilabmodule.enabled = falselstmodulc.enablcd = false
7、labchannel.enabled = falseistchannel.enabled = falselabvoltagerange.enabled = falselstvoltagerange.enabled = false'labexpchl.enabled = falseistexpchlenabled = false'labthermocouple.e nabled = falseistthcrmocoupiablcd = false emdrun.enabled = falseend subprivate sub lstdevice_click()dim i, ii
8、 as integerdim tempnum as integerdim testres as booleandim noutentries as integerdim lpsubdcvicclist as longdim dwdevicenum as long'dim ipdevconfig.ai as devconf1g_aidim imaxsinglechannel as integerdim imaxdiffchanncl as integeristmodule.clearistchannel.clearistvoltagcrangc.cicar'istexpchlcl
9、earr avoid to open advantech demo cardtestres = teststr(lstdevice.text, "demo")if (testres) thenlabmodule.enabled = falselstmodule.enabled = falselabchannel.enabled = falseistchannel.enabled = falselabvoltagcrangc.enablcd = falseistvoltagerange.enabled = false'labexpchl.enabled = false
10、istexpchl.enabled = false"labthermocouple.enabled = falseistthcrmocoupiablcd = falseistchannel.additem "no use"emdrun.enabled = falseend ifif (not testres) then1 check if there is any device attatched on this com port or cangnnu mofsubdevices = devicelist(lstdevice.listindex). nnu mof
11、subdevicesif (gnnumofsubdcviccs > maxdcv) then gnnumofsubdcviccs = maxdcvend if1 retrieve the information of all installed devicesif (gnnumofsubdevices <> 0) then dwdcviccnum = dcvicclist(lstdcvicc.listindcx).dwdcviccnum ipsubdevicelist = drv_getaddress(subdevicelist(o)errcde = drv_devicege
12、tsublist(dwdevicenum, ipsubdevicelist, gnnumofsubdevices, noutentries)if (errcde <> 0) thendrv_gcterrormcssagc errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, nerror!u)exit subend iffor i = 0 to (gnnumofsubdevices 1) tcmpstr = ”“for ii = 0 to maxdevnamelentempstr = tempstr + chr(subdevic
13、elist(i).szdevicename(ii)next iilstmodule.addltem tempstrnext iistmodule.enabled = truelabmodule.enabled = trueend if'data acquisition & control or digital i/o cardif (gnn umo fs ubde vices = 0) thendwdevicenum = devicelist(lstdevice.listindex).dwdevicenumerrcde = drv_deviceopen(dwdevicenum,
14、 devicehandle)if (errcde <> 0) thendrv_gcterrormcssagc errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, nerror!u)exit subelsebrun = trueend ifptdevgetfeatures.buffer = drv_getaddress(lpdevfeatures)errcde = drv_devicegetfeatures(devicehandle, ptdevgetfeatures)if (errcde <> 0) thendrv
15、_gcterrormcssagc errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, nerror!u)exit subend if ptaigetconfig.buffer = drv_getaddress(lpdevconfig_ai)errcde = drv_aigetconfig(devicehandle, ptaigetconfig)if (errcde <> 0) thendrv_geterrormessage errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly
16、, ”error!”)exit subend ifaictrmode = lpdevconflg_al.usgainctrmodedim boardid as integerboardid = ipdevconfig.ai.dwboardldget the max channel rmmbertempnum = lpdevfeatures.usmaxaisiglchlimaxsinglechannel = lpdevfeatures.usmaxaisiglchlimaxdiffchanncl = ipdcvfcaturcs.usmaxaidiffchlif imaxsinglechannel
17、> imaxdiffchannel thentempnum = imaxsinglechannelelsetempnum = imaxdiffchannclend ifif (tempnum > 0) thenfor i = 0 to (tempnum 1)tcmp$ = "chan#" + str(i)istchanneladditem temps, inext iistchannel.text = lstchannel.list(o)labchannel.enabled = truelstchanncl.enablcd = trueend if1 add g
18、ain code listtempnum = lpde vfeatures. usn umgainif (lpdcvfcaturcs.usnumgain > 0) thenfor i = oto (lpdevfeatures.usnumgain 1)tempstr = ,n'for ii = 0 to 15tempstr = tempstr + chr(lpdevfeatures.glgainlist(i).szgainstr(ii)next iiistvoltagerange. additem tempstrnext iistvoltagcrangc.tcxt = istvol
19、tagcrangc.list(o) lstvoltagcrangc.enablcd = true labvoltagerange.enabled = trueend ifcmdrun.enabled = trueend ifend ifend subprivate sub lstmodule_click()dim i, ii as integerdim dwdevicenum as longdim tempnum as integeristchannel.clearlstvoltagcrangc.clcar1 open com device or can device dwdevicenum
20、= subdevicelist(lstmodule.listindex).dwdevicenum errcde = drv_deviceopen(dwdevicenum, devicehandle)if (errcde <> 0) thendrv_gcterrormcssagc errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, herror!m)exit subelsebrun = trueend ifptdevgetfeatures.buffer = drv_getaddress(lpdevfeatures)errcde
21、= drv_devicegetfeatures(devicehandle, ptdevgetfeatures)if (errcde <> 0) thendrv_gcterrormcssagc errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, herror!h)exit subend if add analog input channel itemptaigetconfig.buffer = drv_getaddress(lpdevconfig_ai) errcde = drv_aigetconfig(devicehandle
22、, ptaigetconfig) if (errcde <> 0) thendrv_geterrormessage errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, herror!n)exit subend iftcmpnum = lpdcvfcaturcs.usmaxaisiglchlif (tempnum > 0) thenfor i = 0 to (tempnum - 1) temp$ = "chan#" + str(i) lstchannel.addltem temps, inext iis
23、tchanneltext = lstchannel.list(o) labchannel.enabled = true lstchannel.enabled = trueend if'add gain code listtempnum = lpdevfeatures.usnumgainif (lpdevfeatures.usnumgain > 0) thenfor i = 0 to (lpdevfeatures.usnumgain - 1) tcmpstr = ”“for ii = 0 to 15tempstr = tempstr + chr(lpdevfeatures.glga
24、inlist(i).szgainstr(ii) next iilstvoltagerange.addltem tempstrnext iistvoltagerange.text = lstvoltagerange.list(o)istvoltagerange.enabled = true lab voltagerange.enabled = trueend ifcmdrun.enabled = trueend subprivate sub timer l_timer()dim voltage as singleaivolin.chan = ipaiconfig.daschanaivolin.g
25、ain = ipaiconfig.dasgainaivolin.trigmode = 0aivolin.voltage = drv_getaddress(voltage)errcde = drv_aivoltagein(devicehandle, aivolin)if (errcde <> 0) thendrv_geterrormessage errcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, herror!u)exit subend ifupdatevalue (voltage)'采集温度传感器输出的电压值end s
26、ubprivate sub updatevalue(fvalue as single)m = format(fvalue, "#0.0000")end sub2. pwm波输出控制铝板的温度主耍有珀尔贴进行降温,而利用外界坏境的温度进行升温,要对铝板的温度 进行控制就必须控制珀尔贴的工作状态。为了进行更精准的控制,我们再次使用研华 pci 1760板卡输h1pwm波对珀尔贴进行控制。木实验采用pid控制的方法对铝板温度进行精 确的控制,通过建立的数学模型,计算jiipwm波的占空比对珀尔贴进行控制。设计的vb界 面和vb主要代码如下:dim m_cxpcctcm as si
27、ngledim curerror as singledim preerror as singledim lasterror as singledim sumerror as singledim dutycycle as singledim t as singledim kp as singledim ki as singledim kd as singledim ptdevfeatures as devfeatures' structure for device featuresdim ptdevgetfeatures as pt_devicegetfeaturesdim ptcoun
28、terpwmsetting as pt_counterpwmsettingpublic de vicenum as longpublic devicehandle as longpublic errornum as longpublic brun as booleandim b as integerprivate declare sub kcybd_cvcnt lib huscr32" (byvai bvk as byte, by vai bscan as byte, by vai dwflags as long, byvai dwextralnfo as long)private
29、const keyeventf_keyup = &h2private sub command l_click()timer 1.enabled = trueend subprivate sub cominand2_click()drv_deviceclose devicehandlefrmrunn.hidefrmdevsel.showfrmdcvscl.cmdexit.sctfocusend subprivate sub command3_ciick()frmdevsel.showcall form_activateend subprivate sub cominand4_click(
30、)autoredraw = truedim description as stringdescription = string(8(), vbnullchar)errornum = drv_scicctdcvicc(hwnd, false, dcviccnum, description)end subprivate sub command5_click()end subprivate sub form_load()b = 0brun = falselasterror = 0sumerror = 0picture 1 autoredraw = truepicture l.backcolor =
31、qbcolor(7)text 1 .text"text2.text = ”“tex t3 .text = ,httcxt4.tcxt = ”“tcxt5.tcxt=,ntext6.text =""text8.text =""text9.text = ,ntimcr2.enabled = truetimer 1.enabled = falsetimer3. enabled = falsetimer4.enabled = trueend subprivate sub form_activatc()dim x as integerdim y as i
32、ntegerpicture 1.cispicture l.currentx = 15()picture l.currcnty = 350picture lprint ”温度/°c“picture 1 .currentx = 11500picture 1.current y = 4200picture 1.print ”时间/min”picture 1.scale (-150, 60)-(7400, -10)'定义坐标系 '画坐标系picture 1 .forecolor = rgb(200, 5, 200)picture l.drawwidth = 1picture
33、1 .drawstyle = 0picture 1.line (0, 50)-(0, 0)for i = 240 to 7200 step 240picture 1 .drawstyle = 2picture 1.line (i, 50)-(i, 0)picture 1 .print i / 240next ipicture 1 .drawstyle = 0picture 1.line (7200, 0)-(0, 0)picture 1.print 0for j = 5() to 1() step-1()picture 1.drawstyle = 2picture 1.line (7200,
34、j)-(oj)picture i .print jnext j'価温度坐标点(以10度为1个单位)picture 1 .forccolor = rgb(0, 0, 255)picture 1 .drawwidth = 4for y = 0 to 50 step 10picturel.psct (0, y)ncxty'画时间坐标点(以1分钟为1个单位)picture 1 .drawwidth = 4for x = 0 to 7200 step 240picturel.pset (x, 0)ncxtxend subprivate sub text8_change()end subp
35、rivate sub timerl_timer()picture 1.drawwidth = 1.5ifb> 7200 thenkeybd_event 18, 0, 0, 0kcybd_cvcnt vbkcysnapshot, 0&, 0&, 0&doeventskeybd.event 1& 0, keyeventf_keyup, 0savepicture clipboard.getdata, hd:abc.bmpnpicture l.clscall form_activatcb = 0end iftext3.text = format(m, ”#0.00
36、00”)x = ba = my = a/5.28 * 100'将采集的电压值转化为对应的温度值text 1.text = format(y, ”#0.0000“)picturel.pset (x, y)b = b + 1end subprivate sub timer2_timer()label6.caption 二 datelabel2.capti on = timeend subprivate sub picture 1 _mouscdown(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y assingle)if button
37、 = 1 thenif y >= 0 and y<= 100 and x >= 0 and x <= 7200 thentext2.text = format(y, ”#0.0000”)elsetext2.text = ”越界"end ifend ifend subprivate sub form_unload(cancel as integer)frmdevsel.showend subprivate sub timcr3_timcr()errornum = drv_deviceopen(devicenum, devicehandle)if checkerr
38、or(errornumi) <> 0 thenexit subend if ptdevgetfeatures.buffer = drv_getaddress(ptdevfeatures) 'ptdevgetfeatures.size = sizeof(ptdevfeatures)errornum = drv_devicegetfeatures(devicehandle, ptdevgetfeatures) if chcckerror(errornum) <> 0 thendrv_deviceclose (devicehandle)exit sub,选择0通道,输
39、出pwm波周期为100ms ,cun为占空比"00后的数值end ifptcounterpwmsetting.port = 0 ptcounterpwmsetting.period = 100 ptcounterpwmsetting.hiperiod = cur ptcounterpwmsetting.gatemode = 0 ptcounterpwmsetting.outcount = 100'enable channel 0 pwmerrornum = drv_countcrpwmsctting(dcvicchandlc, ptcountcrpwmsctting)if c
40、heckerror(errornum) <> 0 thendrv_deviceclose (devicehandle)exit subend if* start channel 0 pwmerrornum = drv_counterpwmenable(devicehandle, 1)if checkerror(errornum) <> 0 thendrv_deviceclose (devicehandle)exit subend ifbrun = trueend subpublic function checkerror(byval lerrcde as long) as booleandim szerrmsg as string * 8()if (lerrcde <> 0) thendrv_geterrormessage lerrcde, szerrmsgresponse = msgbox(szerrmsg, vbokonly, "error!")chcckerror = trueelsecheckerror =
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