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1、百度文库-让每个人平等地提升自我115.inC . atPUt.WaIkedthrough最新人教版高一英语必修一单元测试题全套含答案单元检测(一)第一卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21 . Are you COnCerned OUr mother When She is OUt in AfriCa? A . about BD. over22 . AS a driver , you shouldn 'tSPeed Iimits(

2、 限速)in the Center of the city. AB. ignOreC . notice D . take23 . The report Said that today the Sea would beand We could enjoy ourselves On theboat. A . quiet B . calmC . StrOng D . nervous24 . When hethedog On the Street , he SaW the accident. A . PIayed B . tiedCD . got25 . He has grown UP after h

3、esouch in his life. A . Went through B . lookedC. got through D . broke through26 . Did the naughty boy break the glass by Chance?No , ./A . of COUrSe B . On PUrPOSe C . by hand D . for PIeaSUre27 . Those SerieS of StamPSin complete, while this SerieScomplete. A . are ; areB. is; is C . are ; is D .

4、 is; are28 . The old lady reat Pain When her OnIy SOn WaS killed in a traffic accident. A . tookB . SUfferedC . SUffered from D . stood29 . It is so dirty that I don't Want to live here. A . IOnger B . moreC . any Ionger D . any better30 . She WOn 't leaveher friends come back. A. SinCe B .

5、WhenC . after D . Until31 . I won ' t go to his birthday Party WithOUt A inViting B . being inVited C . inVitedD . to be inVited32 . To my joy(高兴),my daughter is gettingalong ith her CIaSSmateS than before.A. well B . muchC . better D . more/33 . Emergency Iine OPeratOrS must alwayscalm and make

6、 SUre that they get all thein formati on they n eed to Send help.A . grow B . appearC . become D . Stay 34/ . I Want to know.A . What City does She come fromB . from What City does She come C . from WhiCh City does She come D . What City She comes from35 . It' S late ; I have got to leave now.A

7、. Tha nk you B . Don't worry C . rm sorry for it D . Take Care第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分 30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。We , Patty and I, had been best friends SinCe Grade about everywhere We Went , _ people _36_ We Were best _37_ SeCretS over popcor n and soda year after the bes

8、t Part about hav ing a best frie nd WaS tak ing _38_ sleep ing over On Friday ni ghts.Then in Grade Eight , everything , my interest in make UP and clothes _39_ even my _40_ believe Patty Started the first day of school _41_ the Same Pigtails( 辫子)shehad worn WaS happe ning? Other girls Seemed more _

9、42_ tha n Patty.I Started avoiding her and making, during the middle of the year, as We Were Sitting inmy backyard , the _44_ broke Said , “ Go home , Patty , and don ' t come back. ” I ran into the house Sat me down and I told her' ll never forget her Said , “一 _46_ willCOme and go in and O

10、Ut Of your Iife are一 _47_ and it ' S Okay for both Of you to makenew 一 is _ happening is hard but PerfeCtIy _49_.”Time healed( 治愈一)a lot of the _50_, and over the next few years , We clearly Wentdown _51_, When I SaW her in the hallsof high _ _52 _ a Strange thought if I Wentback and “ fixed &qu

11、ot; everythingbetween US, We could somehow Start all over _ _53_ thatWaS a fantasy(幻想).OUr differences Were too great, 一 and I could OnIy _54_ SheUn derstood.r Il always remember the years When Patty and I Were best friends, but Mom WaS CanChange , and We have to let them go When it' S time. 36

12、. B . believed C. knew D . Understood 37 . B . SPared C . kept D. rem in ded 38. B . PIaCeS C . turns D . SideS 39 . B . SCaredC . frightened D . SatiSfied 40. ' t B . shouldn ' t C . couldn ' t D . needn 't 41 . B . designC . keeping D . Staying 42 . B .interesting C . PIeaSed D . e

13、xciting 43 . B . NatUraIly C . Generally D . ESPeCially 44 . B . words C . an ger D . hate 45 . B . everythi ngC . trouble D . no thi ng46 . B . Friends C . Sadness D . Childhood 47. B . StUdying C . quarreling D . imagining48 . B . WhiCh C . Why D . When 49 . B . ordinaryC . regular D . normal 50 .

14、 B . SimiIarityC . memory D . emotiOn X 51 . B . Same C . hard D . SeParate 52 . B . thought C . felt D . lost 53 . B . as C . With D . On 54 . B . believe C . hope D . SUggeSt 55 . B . OPiniOnS C . Friendships /D . ImPreSSiOnS第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最

15、佳选项。AA WOma n WhO had bee n diag no Sed With CanCer had bee n give n 3 mon ths to She told herPaStOr WhiCh SOngS She Wanted SUng at the SerViCe, What SCriPtUreS She would like readand What She Wan tedto be woma n also told her PaStOr that SheWan ted to be buried Withher favorite bible.“There ' S

16、 One more thing.” She Said excitedly. “I Want to be buried With a fork in my righthand."The PaStOr stood look ing at the woma n not knowing quite What to say. The woma nexplained , “In all my years of attending ChUrCh socials and functions Where food WaSinvolved ; my favorite Part WaS When WhOe

17、Ver WaS CIearing away the dishes of the mainCOUrSe would lean over and Say you Can keep your fork ' . It WaS my favorite Part becauseI knew that SOmethi ng better WaS I just Want people to See me there in that CaSket Witha fork in my hand and I Want them to wonder What ' S With the fork ? &#

18、39; Then I Want youto tell them , SOmething better is COming, so keep your fork too. ' ”The PaStOr ' S eyes Were welled UP With tears of joy as he hugged the woman knew thiswould be One of the last times he would See her before her he also knew that the woma nhad a better grasp of heave n th

19、a n he knew that SOmethi ng better WaS coming.At the fun eral the PaStOr told the people how hecould not stop thi nking aboutthe fork andtold them that they PrObabIy would not be able to stop thinking about it either.SO the next time you reach dow n for your fork, Iet it remi nd you SO gen tly that

20、there isSOmethi ng better coming.KeeP your best is yet to come.56 . Why did the woman have a talk With the PaStOr ? BeCaUSe A . She wouldn ' t liketo die B . She WaS anxious about deathC. She Wanted to discuss Certain aspects of her final death D. She begged him to help herto get rid of her ill

21、ness57 . When hearing the woman' S last WiSh , the PaStOr felt. A . ShOCked B . excitedC . en terta ined D . amazed58 . SomeOne SayS to you “KeeP your fork ", WhiCh SUggeStS. A . the main COUrSewill be SerVed B . your favorite is COming C . the SerViCe will begi n SOOnD . the SerViCe will b

22、e finiShed at OnCe59 . Why WaS the PaStOr so PIeaSed When he heard her expression? BeCaUSe. A . heUn derstood the woma n betterB . he realized She has Understooddeath completely C . the woman didn ' t ask for too muchD . he could Carry out her last WiSheSBBefOre you Can com muni CateWith OtherS

23、, you must lear n to com muni CateWith your OWnthoughts and What you think and feel into words , say, Write a COmPOSitiOnOr a Can thenSend your ideas and feeli ngs to Writ ing a SOng or a poem Can help you do this.Are you PIeaSed that your father had Offered to take you out for a holiday? EXPreSS yo

24、urtha nkfuln ess to himby giving him a you feel proud because a friend of yours won in a game? Share your Prideby telling him how much you are proud of are good feelings that you would like to ShareWith Others.Learning to express bad feelings is important, example , you and your friend havedisagreem

25、ent On a Certain feel Very Unhappy about' S WiSe to tell your friend What youthink about the matter and tell him that it' S important that you two should reach anagreeme nt because you n eed the SUPPOrt from a frie nd like you have too manyUnexpressed feelings, they Can affect both your PhyS

26、iCaI and mental health.60 . WhiCh of the followi ngStateme ntsis NoT true? A . Lear n to com muni CateWith yourselffirst.B. Share With your frie nds both your happ in ess and Sad ness. C. We should avoid express ing bad feeli ngs.D . DOn ' t forget to Say thanks to your Parents When they' Ve

27、 done SOmething for you.61 . What feelings are bad for your health? A. Good. B . Unexpressed. C . No. D . Expressed.62 . How Can people com muni CateWith each other? A . With feeli ngs.B . ThrOUgh symbols.C. ThrOUgh thoughts. D . With han ds.63 . What Can you tell from a handshake? A. Sharing pride.

28、B . It' S a symbol of friendship. C. Showing Winning in the game. D . EXPreSSing thankfulness.CHaVing friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal With StreSS StUdieS show that people With close friends have a greater ability to fight disease than people who are alone.Make friendship a

29、the time to be With friends even if it means letting the lawn go Unmovedor the dishes UnWaShed for a you Can' t get together, USe the PhOne to keep in touch.OPen UP to close frie nds. Maintaining a deep frie ndship requires a level of“ heartfelt ”intimacy (亲密).DOn ' t be afraid to express yo

30、ur inner fears and disappointments. LiStento your friends When they have problems , but offer advice Only When it ' S Wanted.Help raisefriends ' self esteem When they are Shaken by a job loss, or other SUCh events.HaVe different friends for different activities, SUCh as going to the movies ,

31、 Singing in a choir , and joining in a bowli ng league.Don ' t Wait for a friend to ask a favor. When a friend has the flu, offer to go to the storeor drive his or her ChiIdre n to their after school activities.NeVer take a frie ndship for gran ted. Like a good marriage, frie ndship n eeds Care

32、and ajoiner. Find a group that matches your in terests.Talk to Strangers.COnVerSatiOnSStarted in museums, IaUndry rooms , or bookstores Can Ieadto firm frie ndship. Enroll in an adult educatiOn course. A CIaSSrOOm is an ideal place to meet OtherS WithSimiIar interests. 64. People With close friends

33、have aability to fight disease thanpeople who are alone. A . less B . greater C . poorer D . little65 . ACCOrding to the PaSSage , you ' d better offer advice to your friends.A . at any momentB . only When they are happy C. only When they Want it D.only Whe n you are glad66 . What We should do t

34、o have friends according to the author? A. Make frie ndship apriority. B . OPen UP to close frie nds.C . NeVer take a frie ndship for gran ted. D. All the above.67 . WhiCh of the Statements is TRUE according to the passage? A.You should havediffere nt frie nds for the Same activities. B. You should

35、Wait for a frie nd to ask a favor.C . You should avoid talking With Strangers in museums, Iaundry rooms , or bookstores.D . You should n ever take a frie ndship for gran ted.DHow do you address ( 称呼)people in English When you Want to talk to them? The followingmay be some SimPIe rules the begi nners

36、 should follow.1 . When talking to a Stranger , there is often no SPeCiaI form of address in English. Usually ,if you Want to CatCh the attentiOn Of a Stranger, it is necessary to USe SUCh a PhraSe as“ I”EXCUSe me2 . In BritiSh English “ Sir ” and “Madam ” are conSidered to be too formal (正式的)for mo

37、st SitUati ons. They are USed mostly to address CUStOmerS (顾客)in shops or restaura nts. Whilein AmeriCan English“Sir ” and “ Madam ” are not so formal and are commonly USedbetween Strangers, especially With old people whose names you don' t know.3 . When you talk to some people you know,you Can

38、USe their you are friends, USe theirfirst names ; if your relationShiPis more formal, USe “Mr. ",“ Mrs."“Ms.", etc. beforetheir family n ames.4 . There are many Other forms of address WhiCh Can be USed between friends andmany Of these are Iimited in use. For examplea-IaX”, pal and mat

39、eCan be USed betwee nStrangers , but are usually OnIy USed by men talking to other men.68 . ACCOrding to the PaSSage , “ EXCUSeme " is mainly USed toA . address a PerSOnyou don ' t know B . apologize to OtherSC. CatCh the attentiOn Of a Stranger D.SUggeSt good manners69 . If John Smith is y

40、our best friend.A Joh n B . SmithC . Mr. Joh n D . Mr. Smithaccordi ng to the PaSSage you should Often call him70 . WhiCh of the following is NoT true?A . “ Sir ” and“Madam ” are USed more Often in AmeriCa than in England.B . People often USe “ Mr. ” “Mrs. ” or “ Ms. ” before the first names of thos

41、e people who they don ' t know Very well.C. “ Pal" and “ mate ” are usually Only USed among men. D. While address ing frie ndspeople just USe their first names.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Rememberi ng n ames is an importa nt social skill. Here are som

42、e WayS to master it. ReCite and repeat in COnVerSation. When you hear a PerSOn' S name, repeat _ couldalsorepeat the n ame in a Way that does not sound forced or artificial. ASk the other PerS On to recite and_ you ' Ve bee n in troduced to some one, ask thatPerS On to spell the n ame and Pr

43、OnOUnCe it COrreCtIy for you. Most people will be PIeaSed bythe effort you ' re making to learn their names. _ _73_Admittingthat you Can ' t remember some one ' S n ame Can actually make peoplerelaxed. Most of them will feel SymPathy (同情)if you say, “I'm worki ng to remembern ames be

44、tter. Yours is right On the tip of my ton gue. What is it aga in?" USe associatiOnS ( 联想). _ _74_For example, you could make a mental note“ViCkiCheng tall, black hair. " To reinforce ( 强迫)your associations, Write them on a small Card as SOOn as possible. Limit the nu mber Of new n ames you

45、 Iear n at One time. Whe nmeeti ng a group Of people,ConCentrate (全神贯注 _ ) on remembering just two or three names. _75_FeW of thepeople in mass in troduct ions expect you to remember their n ames. AnO ther Way is to limit yourself to lear ning just first n ames. LaSt n ames Can come later.A. Admit y

46、ou don ' t know. B. ReCite and repeat names.C. Free yourself from rememberi ng every one.D. You Can Iet other people help you remember their n ames.E. If you Can ' t remember someOne' S name, you may tell him the truth. F. ImmediateIy Sayit to yourself SeVeraI times WithOUt moving your l

47、ips. G. Link each PerS On youmeet With Onethi ng you find in terest ing or UnU sual.第二卷第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词

48、;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I Went to See the film after supper. In my Way to the Cin ema, I met an En glish WOma n,WhO lost her way. I gave UP the Cha nce See the film and took her to her hotel. While gothere, I told her about great Cha nges that had bee n take n place here in the PaSt few yearsand S

49、he told me SOmething about her country. Although I missed the film, but I still felt Very happy, for I have not only helped her out of trouble but PraCtiCed my spoke n En glish. IfI had not WOrked hard on En glish, I would not have bee n able to help him.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)下面是一个中学生给某报编辑写的一封信,仔细阅读并就信的内容以

50、编辑的名义给此中学生写一封100词左右的回信。Dear EditOr ,I am an active girl ,and I SPeak and laugh loudly in the CIaSSroom like a don' t Care aboutsmall the contrary ,my neighbour , the girl who SitS next to me ,SPeakS quietly and dare not do the thi ngs I ofte n Can Un dersta nd this.What I Can ' t Understand

51、is that She often gets angry With me about small Can I get alongWith her?Yours Sin CereIy ,SUnny【答案解析】单元检测(一)1 . C. B听力材料:TeXt 1M : It tastes do they make it?W: I don 't know , but they PUt IOtS Of eggs in it.TeXt 2:00 EnglishM : Do you know the PrOgramS for tonight? W: PrOgramS for tonight: 19

52、Learning for Children ; 20 : 25 SCience and HeaIth J 21 : 30 Star SPOrtS : WOmen 's FootballMatch.TeXt 3M : Does this bus go to OXfOrd Street?W:I am afraid you Can get off at the bank and take a bus.TeXt 4M :Mary , What ' S the matter? Are you hurt?W: I SIiPPed On the StairS and fell think m

53、y arm is broken. M: Oh , I hope arm is it? WThe left hurts right here.TeXt 5M :It looks like rai n.W:You may be ' ll take a rain coat With me.TeXt 6M :Hello , What SeemS to be the problem? W: Well , I' m not feeling Very well at the' mPreParing for exams and I ' Ve been Staying UP la

54、te at night morning I got UP Very early to do some more work , and I fell OntO the Came aroUnd after a few SeCOnds.M :you had any Other Sig ns?W:I' Ve been Pretty nervous and my eyes hurt sometimes.M :Well , it SOUndS as if you ' Ve PrObabIy been OVerdOing your StUdy and you' re too don

55、' tthink there ' S anything to worry about, but I think you should take it easy for a while andtry to get ple nty of sleep.TeXt 7YeS, I haven ' t been getting much sleep lately.Hi , Linda.W: HOW are you getting on?M : Oh , not I WaS just WOndering Whether you'd like to go SWimming Wi

56、th me thisSatUrday after noon.Oh , rd like I ' m afraid ICan''ll have to attend a meeting. M:Oh , that ' S too bad.BUt I ' ll be free in the evening. M:Shall We go to See a film? W:That ' S a good idea.about hav ing SUPPer first? W:SUre , Why not? Where shall I meet you? M:Wh

57、y notlet me PiCk you UP at your house? Wtime? MSiX o ' clock , OK?See you the n. M: All . TeXt 8W : Why don ' t you get a good job for a Change? M:BUt I like my job.W : You have graduated from garde ns is not a job for you. M:BUt the money is not badand there is ple nty of fresh air.W : If I Were you , I would go on some kind of COUrSe,you really must think of the future.M : To tell you the truth,rd like to be a doctor. W: Well , you should think Very SeriOUSIyabout mea ns a lot of StUdy,and then work all sorts of


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