1、木科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译采购:招标流程procurement: tendering proceduresoverview1. purposethese procedures are a supplement to the university's procurement policy and apply to tendering for the acquisition of goods and services from suppliers external to the university, valued at $200,000 and above the acquisitio
2、n of goods includes purchasing and leasing of goods. the acquisiti on of services in eludes con tractor and con sulta nt services, but excludes services provided by staff employed through the university payroll, and any services provided to in vestme nt and capital man ageme nt in conn ecti on with
3、the un iversity's in vestment portfoli o2. coveragethese procedures apply to all un iversity activities in eluding activities un dertake n by foun dati ons, centers, controlled entitles and any other entity which has entered into an agreement with the university, and such agreement includes a te
4、rm which requires it to comply with the university's purchasing policy and associated procedures.key aspects of the tendering process3. open tenderinguniversity tenders should be open to the public so that the market is assessed for the goods or services required. there are two ways this may be
5、done, either by fully open tender or a multi-stage tender which initially involves the calling of an expression of interest, followed by a selective tender. the procurement services department must approve all open tender proposals and the chief procurement officer must approve all eoi proposals4. i
6、nvited tenderingin vited tenderi ng may be used in stead of ope n tenderi ng in certai n circumsta nces. in vited ten dering occurs whe n specific suppliers are in vited to tender for goods or services rather tha n the tender being open to any suppliers the chief procurement officer must approve all
7、 invited tender proposals, with the exception of using approved prequalified supplier panels5. docume ntati onaccountability requires comprehensive documentation for all tenders. detailed justification of all key decisions made, especially the selection of the tenderer, must be recorded on an offici
8、al records management file from the time that a decision is made to tender until the finalisation of the con tract docume ntati on must be available to show that the ten deri ng process is not only fair but also that it is seen to be fair. all communications with tenderers must be documented6. con f
9、ide ntialityall ten derer informati on and tender docume nts received are to be treated as con fide ntial. the con fide ntiality and anony mity of ten derers must be maintained throughout the ten der process. procedures7. strategic planningit is im porta nt that a proper strategy be plann ed. staff
10、in volved must en sure that the objectives of the project being tendered are clarified and that clear spec讦ications are developed and fundi ng ide ntified.8. types of tendersthere are three types of tendering for the acquisition of goods or services: open tender multi-stage tender invited tendering8
11、.1 open tenderopen tendering tests the market in a transparent manner. tenders are advertised publicly and no restrict!on is placed on the number of tenderers. all prospective bidders are given the same ten der docume ntatio n. the procurement services department must be con suited on all open tende
12、r proposals8.2 multi-stage tendermulti-stage ten deri ng may be used to cull a large nu mber of resp on dents and identify the best service providers in a particular well-supplied market that are interested in providing the releva nt goods or services .it also limits the nu mber of ten derers to tho
13、se able to demonstrate the requisite capability in the first stage. multi-stage tenders may be used: to establish a panel of suitable suppliers for a specific category of goods or services; to identify suppliers with suitable proposals for complex procurements.the first stage in multi-stage tenderin
14、g is an expression of interest or request for proposal to invite interested suppliers to register their interest against the requirements listed in the eoi document. the second stage in multi-stage tendering is a selective request for tender to invite suppliers shortlisted in the first stage to a su
15、bmit proposals in response to specific criteria outlined in the request for tender document.8.2.1 expression of interestthe eoi document must state what further processes are expected beyond the first stage of the tender processthe university would then short-list interested suppliers with the abili
16、ty to undertake the particular product supply or services required. these prequalified tenderers would be asked to indicate their availability to tender in the second stage, a selective request for tender.the chief procurement officer must be consulted on all eoi proposals8.2.2 selective tenderin th
17、is case ten ders are called for a specific con tract in a sec ond stage from short listed service providers identified in the eoi stagetenderers are required to submit tenders to respond to specifications identified in the request for tender document, such as price, capacity, expertise and experienc
18、e.the chief procurement o幵icer must approve all selective tender proposals, with the exception of using approved pre-qualified supplier panels.8.3invited tenderinginvited tendering may be used: in emergency situations; for specialist work; in special circumstances where only one or a limited number
19、of suppliers are known to be able to carry out the work;for low value, low risk activities.invited tendering involves issuing rft documents to known available suppliers assessed as the most capable of delivering the goods or services required the chief procurement officer must approve all proposals
20、for invited tendering.9. ten der waiversthe need to run a tender may be waived in exceptional circumstances refer to section 8 in the procurement policy.10. tenders requiring a non-disclosure agreementin certain circumstances, the procurement services department may require an interested tenderer to
21、 accept and sign a non-disclosure agreement before receiving the tender docume ntatio n.11. tender evaluation teamall tenders must have a tender evaluation team to ensure the probity of the tender process the tender evaluation team must consist of at least three members, including a representative f
22、rom the procureme nt services departme nt as well as other people who have the re leva nt tech nical knowledge of the goods or services required for campus infrastructure and services man aged tenders, the procurement services department representative may be replaced with a cis representative who h
23、as been trained and approved by procurement services department. one member of the evaluation team is to be external to the area request!ng the tender and may come from outside the university. the representative from the procureme nt services departme nt (or cis for cis man aged tenders) will be the
24、 team leader who will be the tender contact and the only member of the team permitted to communicate with tenderers ten ders relati ng to in formati on and communications tech no logy must also have a represe ntative from informatio n communicati on tech no logy evaluation teams for approved capital
25、 works programs or approved repairs and maintenance programs must have a representative from campus infrastructure and services tender evaluation team members must not have a vested or perceived interest in the outcome. a conflict of interest declaration will be distributed to the evaluation team me
26、mbers prior to the commencement of evaluations by the team leader and anyone with a conflict of interest must declare this conflict and disqualify themselves from the tender. refer to the university's code of con duct and corrupt! on preve ntion strategy for details.tender evaluation team member
27、s can seek external assistanee and advice on specific aspects of he tender. this assistance must be co-ordinated through the tender evaluation team leader.12 advertising tendersthe call for open tenders and expressions of interest will be advertised in the sydney morning herald every fortnight. othe
28、r, additional methods of advertisement may also be utilized from time to time the procurement services department must approve all tender advertisements, with the except!on of cis managed tenderspublic advertisements must include: an adequate description of the tender to allow prospective tenderers
29、to decide whether they wish to prepare a tender, or a link to the location where this information is available; the location where the tender documents may be obtained, including the name, teleph one nu mber and email of the contact officer; a tender ref ere nee number; where tenders are to be lodge
30、d and the closing date and time; any other imports nt dates and deadli nes.the university will endeavor to ensure that the time given between the release and the closing date of the tender is sufficient to allow a tenderer to study the tender specification and prepare a bid; however the final durati
31、on will be determined by the procurement services departme nt.receipt and registration of tendersall tenders are to be lodged in the university's etenderbox at the tender web lodgment address the etenderbox will be opened after the tender closing date and time details of the tenders received are
32、 registered by the etinderbox on a schedule/register which in eludes: tender details; ten der ref ere nee nu mber and ten der n ame; ten der closi ng date and time; date and time the tender box was opened; supplier name, time submitted and a unique identifier for each file all tenders received must
33、be kept in a secure location.tenders will only be accepted in the university's etenderbox. tenders submitted by facsimile, email, hand delivery, post or any method other than via the etenderbox will not be accepted, except in exceptional circumstances with express approval from the procurement s
34、ervices department. tenders that are not uploaded to the etenderbox prior to closing time will be deemed to be a late tender.14 late tenderslate tenders must not be considered, except when the university is satisfied and can dem on strate that the integrity and competitive ness of the tenderi ng pro
35、cess would not be compromised.late tenders may be con sidered whe n verifiable circumsta nces are con firmed by the un iversity, such as: exceptional circumstances, such as the tender being the only tender or a natural disaster affecting all tenders equally, that ensure the integrity and competitive
36、ness of the tendering process would not be compromised by considering the late tender; the tender left the control of the tenderer prior to close of tenders and confidentiality of the tender was maintained before it was opened; control of the confidentiality of tenders before the scheduling of tende
37、rs guarantees no enhancement to the late tender occurred using knowledge of the other tenders. the rft documents stipulate that lateness is not a bar to consideration. acceptanee of a late tender will be at the discretion of the tender evaluation team leader.15. evaluating and assessing tendersthe t
38、ender evaluation team leader obtains the schedule/register of tenders received and the tender documents for evaluation. the methodology, format and detailed criteria for the evaluation are to be documented and agreed to by the tender evaluation team prior to the commencement of the evaluation. asses
39、sments must be undertaken in a timely manner. each member of the tender evaluation team is to evaluate the tenders independently and then the team together will consider and agree on the results. support!ng documentation must be comprehe nsive and in elude the decisi ons arrived at in making the ass
40、essme nt and reas ons for the recommended tender, especially where the lowest tender is not accepted the tender evaluation team leader is to prepare a report for the tender board on the evaluation and assessme nt process take n. the report will in elude a recommendatio n on the successful tenderer(s
41、) and action required. justification for the selection of the recommended tender is to be in eluded. each member of the tender evaluation team will sign the evaluation docume nt to con firm that member's con curre nee to the outcome and the n this report is to be submitted to the tender board16.
42、 clarification of tendersif important information received in a tender is not clear then clarification can be requested from the tenderer. the clarification sought from the tenderer must not give the tenderer an unfair advantage over the other tenderers or allow the tenderer to revise or enhanee its
43、 original tender. the tender evaluation team cannot trade-off one tenderers prices against other tenderers' prices in order to obtain lower prices17. mod讦ications and re-tenderingduring the tender evaluation process, if the tender evaluation team decides to make substantial mod 讦 ications to the
44、 origi nal ten der, then it will be necessary to recomme nee the ten dering process an opportunity must be given to each original tenderer to submit a new tender. comprehensive documentation must be retained that shows why the substantial modifications are n ecessary and dem on strates that the modi
45、ficati ons are consiste nt with the original requirements of the user department. the chief procurement officer is to approve the re-tendering proposal.18 post tender negotiationswhere there are no acceptable tenders, negotiations may be conducted with the tenderer submitting the least unacceptable
46、ten der, or the tender which con forms most closely to the requirements and provides best value for money where tenders are ranked by a systematic method, for example, by scoring tender prices and other evaluation criteria, the tender with the best ran king would normally be regarded as the best ten
47、 der.there are also instances when the university may negotiate with an acceptable preferred ten derer to improve outcomes any n egotiati on process should be transpare nt, recorded and con ducted in a manner that does not disadvantage other ten derers. if none of the ten ders are acceptable followi
48、ng negotiation it will be necessary to close the tender and re-tender. the chief procurement officer is to approve the re-tendering proposal.19. acceptanee of tenderthe tender board is to approve all tenders valued at $200,000 and above. following formal tender board approval, a "letter of acce
49、ptanee" is to be issued to the successful tenderer. the letter of acceptance must state that the acceptanee of the tender is conditional upon execution of a con tract satisfactory to the un iversity.all other tenderers are to be no tified in writing that they were not successful. un successful
50、tenderers can request a debriefing with the tender evaluation team leader. debriefings should explain how their tender performed against the evaluation criteria, rather than against the successful tender. the letter of acceptanee and letters to unsuccessful tenderers are to be prepared by the tender
51、 evaluation team leader and signed by the chief procurement officer or the director of campus infrastructure and services for cis managed tenders if none of the tenders are acceptable it will be necessary to close the tender and re-tender. the chief procurement officer is to approve the re-tendering
52、 proposal.20. dealing with queries from un successful ten derersten der in formati on is commercially sensitive and therefore must be han died and protected appropriate!y. the disclosure of information could prejudice the commercial interests of the companies submitting the bid and the bargaining po
53、wer of the university in the future. unsuccessful ten derers can be advised of the n ame of the successful ten derer, the con tract price and, in the case of a higher price having been accepted, the reasons why their offer was not successful. the university may wish to inform the unsuccessful tender
54、er about the weaknesses in their bid in comparison made against the tender select!on criteria, but not the other bidssome tips to remember are: en sure all ten derers are aware of the sole con tact pers on. en sure re leva nt people in your departme nt/unit are aware of the sole contact person, ensu
55、re all communications are documented so that there can be no argument about what was said.21. agreeme nts arisi ngall tenders will require a written agreement between the university and the successful tenderer. the draft agreeme nt provided with the ten der documentatio n will form the basis .in mos
56、t cases, agreement negotiations between the university and preferred tenderer will be finalized prior to the tender board approval for the acceptanee of a tender. agreements are to be signed by the chief procurement officer or the director of campus infrastructure and services for cis managed ten de
57、rs 采购:招标过程作者:悉尼大学1军 * * * *一概述()目的以下流程主要是对高校采购政策的进一步补充。主要适用于购置高校外部供应商所提供的商 品以及服务的招标活动,并且价值在20万美金以上。收购商品包括购买和租赁商品,收购 服务包括承建商和顾问公司的服务,这其中并不包含高校雇用工作人员提供的服务以及利用 投资与资金管理相结合的服务业务。(二)涵盖范围此次采购程序适用于所有大学,包括跟高校有关联的各类基金会、屮心院、受控机构以及与 高校签有相关协议的实体。要求遵守大学采购政策及相关程序,是协议中的一个重要条款。 二招标过程的关键重点(一)公开招标高校招标应面向公众以便市场能够对货物和服务
58、做出及时评价。其中有两种主要方式,一种 是完全公开招标或是在最初通过调用意向书的多阶段招标。另一种是选择性招标。采购事务 署和首席采购官必须批准所有公开招标的建议以及意向书的建议。(二)邀请招标在某些特殊情况下,邀请招标只是为某些特殊供应商所提供的商品和服务进行的招标,而不 是针对所有供应商的招标。采购主管必须批准所有被邀请的投标建议书,除了使用己批准事 先资格鉴定的供应商。(三)相关文件问责制需要实施到所有相关文件中。详细的理由、重要的决定,特别是投标者的选择,必须 从开始到最后签订合同都记录在官方的文件中。此文件必须能表明,该招标过程从表象到实 质都是公平的,并且在此过程中,任何与投标人有关系的信息和通讯都记录证明。(四)保密原则所有投标人的信息合计收到的投标文件将被视为机密,并且这种保密性与信息保护将贯穿于 整个招标过程。三招标过程(一)战略规划一个合适的战略规划是非常重要的,相关工作人员必须确保招标项目的清晰性,规范资金的 使用(二)招标类型这里主要提供三种购置商品和服务的招标类型:公开招标、多阶段招标、邀请招标。1公开招标公开招标在市场上是完全透明的,招标书是公开的切对各阶段投标人也隐藏信息,所有投标 人基于相同的招标文件。采购咨询服务部门必须对公开招标提供咨询与建议。2多阶段招标多阶段招标可以筛选出大量的投标者,并在一个具有良好供应市场的条件下提供更多的
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