



1、四年级英语上册期末复习试题.读一读,选出不是同一类的词(10分)I.A.cook B. doctor C. driver D. pig)2.A.subject B. Math C. PE D. Art)3.A.ball B. dance C. sing D. run)4.A.Saturday B. Sunday C. week D. Tuesday)5.A.library B. gate C. classroom D. office.单项选择题(30分)1.What Wu Chen like to do?A. do B. does C. are)2.She often rope in the

2、afternoon.A. jump B. go C. jumps)3.We don' t have classes on .A. Friday B. Sunday C. Monday)4.Are there many books in the library?A. Very little B. Of course C. No, there isn)5.My sister good at drawing.A. am B. is C. are)6.I like Music. I ' m not good at it.A. AndB. ButC. So)7.Mr. Zhao up v

3、ery early in the morning.A. getsB. getC. go)8. does she like to do after class?A. How B. Where C. What)9.Is your aunt a teacher?Yes ,.A. she isnB. he isC. she is)10. Those are classroom.A. we B. they C. our2. early 反义词 .()4. has原型上()6. does否定(一)8. small 反义词 ()A10.起床翻译 Q )三.按要求写一写。(10分)1. sheep 复数()3

4、. go 单三形式.()5. work 名词(一)7. like 单三形式)9.on the farm 翻译* ()四.情景选择题。(10分)()1.你该如何询问你的同学晚上几点钟睡觉?A. What' s for dinner?B. When do you get up?C. When do you go to bed?()2.你想知道李明喜不喜欢打球,你会问:A. Do you like to play games?B. Do you like to play ball?C. What do you like to do?()3.你该如何询问你的同学喜欢什么课程?A. What s

5、ubject do you like?B. Do you like Math?C. When subject does he like?()4.你不知道妈妈做了什么午饭,你会问:A. What' s for breakfast?B. What' s for lunch?C. What' s for dinner?()5.汤姆长大了想救死扶伤,那他会怎样说自己的志愿:A. I want to be a policeman.B. I want to be a farmer.C. I want to be a doctor.A. No, thanks.B. I'd l

6、ike some soup.C. No, he isn ' t.D. Yes, they are.E. They are under the table.七、根据A栏所给的内容在 B栏中找到合适的答语。(10分)()1. What' s for dinner?()2.Would you like a knife and fork?()3.Where are your books?()4.Is he in the kitchen?()5.Are they near the phone?This is my home. It八、根据短文判断对错。正确用“T表示,错误用“喽示。(10

7、分)s very big. We have two bedrooms, a living room,a study, two bathrooms and a kitchen. In the bedrooms, you can see windows, doors, beds, lamps and chairs. In the living room, you can see a TV, a phone and a sofa. In the study, you can see a desk, a chair and a shelf.Some books are on the shelf. In

8、 the kitchen, you can see a fridge and a knife. It ' s a nice home.()1、Wehave two bedrooms, a living room, a study, two bathrooms anda kitchen.()2、Some books are on the desk.()3、In the bedrooms, you can see windows, doors, beds, fans andchairs.()4 、 In the kitchen, you can see a fridge and 2 knifes.()5、We have six rooms in my home.五.连词成句(15分)1. What today it i


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