1、2015年职称英语考试理工C真题及答案(完整文字版)(2015年4月发布)词汇选项下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有下划线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分)1. The weather last summer was awful.【答案】A 2.The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison.【答案】D 3. My
2、piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher.【答案】D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.【答案】A 5. It frustrates me that I'm not able to put any of my ideas into practice.【答案】A&
3、#160; 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present.【答案】B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts.【答案】A 8.【题干】I am going as a favor to Ann because I have to.【选项】【答案】D
4、60; 9. The doctors did not reveal the truth to him.【答案】C 10. Railways are the most important mode of transport for the economy.【答案】A 11.He said some harsh words about his brother.【
5、答案】B 12.Under the terms of the contract, you must give 3 months' notice before you leave.【答案】D 13. Don't temp thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.【答案】D 14.Wh
6、en did you first encounter these difficulties?【答案】C 15.We need to identify the potential problems.【答案】A 阅读判断下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分)ADH
7、D Linked to Air PollutantsChildren have an increased of attention problems, seen as early as grade school. If their noses inhaled(吸入)a certain type of air pollution when they were pregnant. That's the finding of a new study. Released when things aren't burned completely, this pollution is kn
8、own as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(多环芳烃), or PAHs. The biggest sources of these PAHs: the burning of fossil fuels, wood and trash.Frederica Perera works at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health is New York City. She researches how exposure to things in the environment affect
9、s children's health in a new study, she and her team studied the exposure to air pollution of 233 nonsmoking pregnant women in New York City. Because burning tobacco can spew(排放)PAHs into the air and lungs, Perera's team focused on nonsmokers. The researchers wanted to probe(探查)other sources
10、 of PAHs, ones that's would have been hard for an individual to avoid.The team started by testing the blood of each woman during pregnancy. The reason Any PAHs in a woman's blood would also be available to the baby in her womb. Nine years later, the researchers investigated signs ofattention
11、 problems in those children, now age 9. They asked each child's mother a series of questions. These included whatever her child had problems doing things that needed sustained(长期的)mental effort, such as homework or games with friends. The scientists also asked if the kids had trouble following i
12、nstructions or made frequent, careless mistakes. All of these can be symptoms of a disordercalled Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(注意缺陷多动障碍), or ADHD. About one in U.S. children has ADHD.Among the women studied, traffic and home heating were the primary sources of air pollution exposure, Per
13、era and her team suspect. Some of these women had low levels of PAHs in their blood. Others had high levels. Those with high levels were five times as likely to have children who showed attentionproblems by age 9. The new findings were published November 5 in the journal PLOS ONE.16.Perera and her t
14、eam chose nonsmoking pregnant women all over America.C.Not mentioned【答案】B 17.The main purpose of the research was to find out how exposure to PAHs played a role in harming the subjects' physical health.C.Not mentioned 【答案】B
15、160; 18.Nonsmoking mothers were selected because the effect of smoking on PAHs was unclear.C.Not mentioned【答案】B 19.The blood of each woman was tested once a month during pregnancy.C.Not mentioned【答案】C
16、0; 20.Kids with ADHD commonly fail in school.C.Not mentioned【答案】C 21.The women with high levels of PAHs in their blood were more likely to have kids with ADHD.C.Not mentioned【答案】A 22.Traffic and home heating were considere
17、d to be the biggest sources of PAHs for the subjects in the research.C.Not mentioned【答案】A 概括大意与完成句子下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23-26题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个标题;(2)第27-30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。(第23-30题,每题1分,共8分)1)New research published today in the journal Nature Comm
18、unications, has demonstrated how glass can be manipulated to create a material that will allow computers to transfer information using light. This development could significantly increase computer processing speeds and power in the future.2)The research by the University of Surrey, in collaboration
19、with the University of Cambridge and the University of Southampton, has found it is possible to change the electronic properties of amorphous chalcogenides(非晶硫), a glass material integral to data technologies such as CDs and DVDs. By using a technique called ion doping(离子掺杂), the team of researchers
20、 have discovered a material that could use light tobring together different computing functions into one component, leading to all-optical systems.3)Computers currently use electrons to transfer information and process applications. On the other hand, data sources such as the internet rely on optica
21、l systems; the transfer of information using light. Optical fibres are used to send information around the world atthe speed of light, but these signals then have to be converted to electrical signals once they reach a computer, causing a significant slowdown in processing.4)"The challenge is t
22、o find a single material that can effectively use and control light to carry information around a computer. Much like how the web uses light to deliver information, we want to use light to both deliver andprocess computer data," said project leader, Dr.Richard Curry of the University of Surrey.
23、5)"This has eluded researchers for decades, but now we have now shown how a widely used glass can be manipulated to conduct negative electrons, as well as positive charges, creating what are known as 'pn-junction' devices. This should enable the material to act as a light source, a ligh
24、t guide and a light detector -something that can carry and interpret optical information. In doing so, this could transform the computers of tomorrow, allowing them to effectively process information at much faster speeds."6)The researchers expect that the results of this research will be integ
25、rated into computers within ten years. In the short term, the glass is already being developed and used innext-generation computer memory technology known as CRAM, which may ultimately be integrated with the advances reported.23.Paragraph 2 _A.Expectation of the discoveryB.the problem of current com
26、putersC.A new findingD.The purpose of the researchE.Public reaction to the discoveryF.The use of the new material【答案】C 24 .Paragraph 3 _A.Expectation of the discoveryB.the problem of current computersC.A new findingD.The purpose of the researchE.Public react
27、ion to the discoveryF.The use of the new material【答案】B 25.Paragraph 4 _A.Expectation of the discoveryB.the problem of current computersC.A new findingD.The purpose of the researchE.Public reaction to the discoveryF.The use of the new material【答案】D
28、; 26.Paragraph 5 _A.Expectation of the discoveryB.the problem of current computersC.A new findingD.The purpose of the researchE.Public reaction to the discoveryF.The use of the new material【答案】F information at much faster speeds
29、."27.The result of the research can help computers to increase _.A.optical informationB.processing speedsD.positive chargesE.data technologiesF.all-optical systems【答案】B 28.Current computers transfer information using _.A.optical informationB.processing
30、speedsD.positive chargesE.data technologiesF.all-optical systems【答案】C 29.The new glass material makes it possible to fulfill different computing function _.A.optical informationB.processing speedsD.positive chargesE.data technologiesF.all-optical syste
31、ms【答案】D 30. Glass is used in the research to carry and process _.A.optical informationB.processing speedsD.positive chargesE.data technologiesF.all-optical systems【答案】A 阅读理解下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。(第31-
32、45题,每题3分,共45分)Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?When people argue about whether coffee is good for health, they're usually thinking of the health of the coffee drinker. Is it food for your heart? Does it increase blood pressure? Does it help you concentrate? However, coffee affects the health of the hu
33、man population in other ways, too.Traditionally, coffee bushes were planted under the canopy(树冠)of taller indigenous(土生土长的)trees.However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be pl
34、anted if there aren't any trees. With increased production come increased profits.Unfortunately, deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases local-wildlifehabitat. Native birds nest and hide from predators(捕食者)in the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.Furthermore, in the long
35、term, the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed to grow the coffee. The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plant, but then the birds eat the poisoned insects and alsodie. The chemicals kill or sicken other animals
36、as well, and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.Fortunately, farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade. We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as "shade grown" and "bird friendly." Su
37、re, these varieties might cost a little more. But we'repaying for the health of the birds, the land, ourselves, and the planet. I think it's worth it.31.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Farmers are changing the way they grow coffee.B.Coffee is becoming more expensive to produce.C.Shad
38、e-grow coffee is more expensive than sun-grow coffee.D.People should buy shade-grown coffee.【答案】A 32.The function of the word "Traditionally" in Paragraph 2 is to show_.A.the positive effects of coffee.B.a change of coffee growth.C.something that is the
39、most important.D.how coffee production used to be.【答案】B 33.What does increased production of full-sun coffee bring about?A.More insects.B.Better quality coffee.C.Larger farms.D.Higher profits.【答案】D 34.How do farmers find more la
40、nd for growing full-sun coffee?A.They buy more land from other farmers.B.They cut down trees.C.They move to another country.D.They turn grassland into farmland.【答案】B 35.The full-sun method may affect the following EXCEPT_.A.insects. B.air.【答案】B
41、160; 阅读理解 第二篇Soot(煤烟灰)and Snow: a Hot CombinationNew reasearch from NASA scientists suggests emissions of black soot after the way sunlight reflects off snow. According to a computer simulation, black soot may be responsible for 25 percent of observed global warming over the past century
42、.Soot in the higher latitudes(维度)of the Earth, where ice is more common, absorbs more of the sun's energy and warmth than an icy, white background. Dark-colored black carbon, or soot, absorbs sunlight, while lighter colored ice reflects sunlight.Soot in areas with snow and ice may play an import
43、ant role in climate change. Also, if snow and ice covered areas begin melting, the warming effect increase, as the soot becomes more concentrated on the snow surface."Thisprovides a positive feedback, as glaciers and ice sheets melt, they tend to get even dirtier." said Dr. James Hansen, a
44、 researcher at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York.Hansen found soot's effect on snow albedo(反照率), which may be contributing to trends toward early springs in the Northern Hemisphere, such as thinninbg Arctic sea ice and melting glaciers permafrost. Soot also isbelieved to p
45、lay a role in changes in the atmosphere above the oceans and land."Black carbon reduces the amount of energy reflected by snow back into space, thus heading the snow surface more than if there were no black carbon, " Hansen said. Soot's increased absorption of solar energy is especiall
46、y effecntive in warming the world's climate." This forcing is unusually effective,causing twice as much global warming as a carbon-dioxide forcing of the same magnitude." Hansen noted.Hansen cautioned, although the role of soot in altering global climate is substantial, it does not alt
47、er the fact that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate warming during the past century. Such gases are expected to bi the largest climate forcing forthe rest of the century.The researchers found that observed warming in the Northern Hermisphere was large in the winter and spring at middl
48、e and high latitudes. These observations were coherent with the researchers' climate model situations, which showed some of the largest warming effects occurred when there were heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.36. Which of the following statements of soot is NOT true?A.It absorbs sun'
49、;s heat.B.It is responsible for climate change.C.It reflects sunlight.D.It may account for a quarter of global warming over the past century.【答案】C 37. Which of the following areas shows a greater warming effect?A.Ice sea areas.B.Areas with black carbon.C.Areas cov
50、ered with white snow.D.Melting glaciers.【答案】B 38. "This forcing" in Paragraph 5 refers to?A.sun's heating on snow surface.B.soot's increased absorption of solar energy.C.carbon-dioxide's warming effect.D.snow's increased reflection of sun
51、light.【答案】B 39. What is the main cause of climate warming during the past century?C.Greenhouse gases【答案】C 40. The largest warming effects happened in the Northern Hemisphere withA.X sea ice and insufficient sunlight.B.light snow
52、 cover and sufficient sunlight.C.heavy snow cover and sufficient sunlight.D.thick sea ice and insufficient sunlight.【答案】C 补全短文下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。Explore JordanWadi Rum is the name given to a valley cut into the sandstone and har
53、d rock in southwest Jordan. _46 The name Rum most likely comes from an Aramaic word meaning “high” or “elevated”, The area around Wadi Rum is now also one of Jordan's most important tourist destinations, and attracts an increasing number of foreign tourists, particularly trekkers(越野者), but also
54、for camel safaris(旅行)or simply day-rippers from Aqaba or Petra. In contrast, there are almost no local or Arab tourists through Popular activities in the desert environment include camping under the stars ,riding Arab horses ,and rock-climbing amongst the massive rock formations. Jebal Rum (Jebal me
55、ans mountain) is 1574 metres above sea level. _47But Jordan is not simply a desert environmentit also contains the area which is the lowest point to the face of the Earththe incredible Dead Sea, popular with tourists for swimming. _48 Once the waters reach the Dead Sea they are landlocked and have n
56、owhere to go, so they evaporate ,leaving behind a dense ,rich cocktail(混合的)of salts and minerals that supply industry, agriculture inwater spa treatments and water therapies.The Dead Sea is located in the syro-African Rift, a 4000-mile fault line in the Earth's crust. The lowest point of dry lan
57、d on Earth is the shoreline of the Dead Sea at 1300 feet below sea level .Because the lake is at the lowest point ,this means that water does not drain from it . _49 Figures for the Dead Sea's salinity (盐度)today range from 25% to 35%.But the greatest tourist attraction is the incredible city of
58、Petra. _50 It is a vast unique city, carved into the sheer rock face by the Nabataeans, an industrious Arab people who settled here more than 2000 years ago, turning it into an important junction for the silk, spice and other trade routes that linked China India and southern Arabia with Egypt , Syri
59、a, Greece and Rome .Today ,visitors can marvel at the architecture and explore life as it was thousands of years ago .46. _A.It is the largest wadi(riverbed )in Jordan.B.It is the second highest peak in Jordon ,rising directly above the Rum valley opposite Jebal Urn Ishrin.C.This vast stretch of wat
60、er receives a number of incoming rivers, including the River Jordan.D.The area has been used as a backgroud setting in a number of films.E.Every day seven million tons of water evaporate from the lake ,but the mineral remain causing the salt content to increase .F.It is without doubt Jordan's mo
61、st valuable treasure.【答案】A 47. _A.It is the largest wadi(riverbed )in Jordan.B.It is the second highest peak in Jordon ,rising directly above the Rum valley opposite Jebal Urn Ishrin.C.This vast stretch of water receives a number of incoming rivers, including the River Jordan.D.The area has been use
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