



1、九年级上仁爱版英语Unit 3 Topic 3 Could you give ussome advice on how to learn English well Section B教案The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a 和 3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions: be weak in, aloud, ability, make mistakes, take a breath, sentence, toothpaste 2. G

2、o on learning “wh- + to do ”: Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? How to improve it was my biggest problem. Could you please tell me how to increase my ability to read? 3. Go on talking about language learning strategies. . Teaching aids 教具录音机 /图片或多媒体. Five-finger Teaching Pl

3、an 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 ( 时间 :10 分钟 )1. (复习 Section A 的重点短语及句子。) (1)Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A.? (2)I dare not(to) speak English in public. (3)I don t know what to do. At times I feel like giving up. (学生在回答最后一个问题的时候教师故意装作没听清楚。) T: I m sorry, I can t hear you clearly.( 教师向其他

4、同学问)What should I say when I can t hear clearly? S1: I beg your pardon? S2: Can you speak more slowly, please? S3: Sorry, I can t follow you. S4: Pardon? T: (教师故意装作没听清楚,向那名同学继续问。) Sorry, I can t follow you./Pardon?/. (学生再重复答案。) (导入新课,学习生词和短语。) T: Oh, very good. You are good learners, but some of us

5、are weak in English. Could you give them some advice on how to learn English well? (板书、讲解,要求掌握。) be weak in S5: Take part in the English corner. S6: Copy new words in a notebook and take it with you. S7: Keep a diary. S8: S9: Speak English as much as possible./Speak English everyday. T: But most of

6、us are afraid of making mistakes and they are afraid of reading words and text aloud. (板书,领读,讲解并要求学生掌握。) make mistakes, aloud How to increase ability to read? (板书,领读,讲解并要求学生掌握。) ability Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现 ( 时间 :12 分钟 )1. (让学生根据自身的实际情况,选择在学习英语时遇到的困难,及相应解决措施。完成2。掌握生词sentence,了解生词channel。) T: He

7、re are some suggestions. They may help you. Turn to Page 71. Finish 2. Choose the right suggestions from the box. 2. (让学生听1a录音,然后回答问题。) T: Here are some other good ways of learning English. Listen to the tape and learn how to study English. (可以让几名基础好的同学试着回答。) 3. (再听录音,回答问题并核对答案。) (1)How does Kangkan

8、g remember new words? (2)How does Kangkang improve reading? 4. (让学生细读1a,学习生词。教师讲解疑难点。) (板书,讲解并要求学生掌握。) take a breath Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固 ( 时间 :7 分钟 ) 1. (学生再读1a,完成 1b。然后讨论如何解决学英语时所遇到的困难,并给出建议,完成表格。 ) T: Boys and girls, read the dialog again, and finish 1b. Then discuss how to solve the diffic

9、ulties which we meet during the English study. Then fill out the table. Difficulties Advice pronunciation new words grammar composition 2. (再读课文找出Wh-+to do 句子。板书并讲解Wh-+to do 结构。 ) Wh-+to do Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? How to improve it was my biggest problem. 3. (做游戏,

10、看谁做得快,训练“wh- + to do ”结构。 ) T: Now, boys and girls, let s play a game“ who does quickly ”with “wh- + to do ” . S4: I m wondering whether to go out or not at night. S5: I don t know how to drive a car. S6: I don t decide when to see my uncle. S7: Could you tell me how to get to the post office? S8: S

11、9: Step 4 Practice 第四步练习 ( 时间 :8 分钟 )1. (展示图片或多媒体,两人一组,操练句型Wh- + to do ,完成 3。) T: Pair work. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences according to the example with the following phrases. what time to meet them how to improve his listening skills whether to go to the party what to do where to

12、go which to buy For example: (1) He wants to go on a trip. He is thinking about where to go. (2) Sometimes he gets into trouble. How to improve his listening skills makes him worried. (3) There are many kinds of toothpaste. He can t decide which to buy. (教师释意,领读toothpaste。要求学生掌握。) (4) He has difficu

13、lty in learning English. He asks Kangkang what to do. (5) He will meet his friends. But he forgot what time to meet them. (6) He has a lot of work to do. He is wondering whether to go to the party. Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动( 时间 :8 分钟 )1. (将全班学生分为两组,一组谈问题,一组给建议,每组提一条好的建议得1 分,得分最高的为获胜者。) T: Make a survey to find what difficulties we have in English study. Give some advice on how to solve these problems. Name Difficulty Advice Wang Liang Zhang Xiaohai Tian Yujia 2. Homework: Make ten sentences with“wh- + to do ”. 板书设计:Could


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