1、2010目录 Table of Content0.1批准页 Approval page50.2使用指南 Guidance60.2.1手册的管理 Control of Manual 60.2.2手册的发放Manual issue/distribution 60.2.3手册的换版 Edition change of manual61. 公司简介 Organization introduction 72. 质量 & 环境 & 职业健康安全方针QEHS Policy 82.1质量、环境与职业健康安全方针QEHS policy 82.2质量、环境与职业健康安全目标QEHS objecti
2、ves82.3管理手册我们的承诺 our commitment 93.组织机构 Organization Chart94.管理体系 Management system104.1总则 General104.1.1质量体系文件 Quality management system documentation104.1.2环境管理体系文件 Environment management system114.1.3职业健康安全管理体系文件OHS management system document114.1.4三个体系整合的思路 Integration of 3 management systems114
3、.1.5顾客导向过程和支持过程相互关系矩阵图Matrix relationship map between COP & SOP 114.1.6过程关系网络图 Net map of process: 124.1.7过程与 TS 条款的矩阵关系: Matrix relationship between process and TS items134.2文件要求 General documentation requirements134.2.1总则 General134.2.2管理手册 Management manual144.2.3文件的控制Control of documents144.
4、2.4记录的控制Control of records154.3支持性文件 Supportive documents155. 管理职责 Management responsibility 155.0目的与范围 Goal and scope155.1管理承诺 Management commitment165.2顾客中心 Customer focus165.3质量 & 环境 & 职业健康安全方针Q&E&OHS policy 165.4策划 planning175.4.1质量、环境&职业健康安全目标 Quality& environment& o
5、ccupational he lth and securityobjectives17Gerard ZhangKAGM5.4.2管理体系策划Management system planning175.4.3环境因素 Environment factor 172/28/20105.4.4危害识别、风险评估及风险控制的策划Planning of danger identification, risk evaluation 175.4.5法律与其他要求 Regulatory requirements and others185.4.6目标、指标与管理方案 Objectives, indicators
6、 and management scheme185.5 职责、权限和交流 Responsibility, authority and communication 185.5.1职责和权限 responsibility and authority 总经理: General Manager 管理者代表Management representative 质量部 Quality Department 人事部 HR department 物流部 Logistics 215.5.2客户代表 Customer Re
7、presentative225.5.3内部交流 internal communication 225.6管理评审 Management Review225.6.1总则 General235.6.2评审输入 Review input 235.6.3评审输出 Review output 235.7支持性文件 Supportive documents246. 资源管理 Resource management246.0目的与范围 Goal and scope246.1资源提供 Provision of resources246.2人力资源 Human resources246.2.1总则 Genera
8、l246.2.2培训、意识和能力 competence, awareness and raining 产品设计技能Product design skills2 培训 Training 2 员工积极性和授权employee motivation and empowerment256.3基础设施 Infrastructure 256.3.1场地、设施和设备的策划 Plant, facility and equipment planning 256.3.2偶发事故的应急计划Contingency plans266.4工作环境 Work environ
9、ment 266.4.1员工安全 Personnel safety266.4.2生产现场的清洁Cleanliness of Premises266.5支持性文件 Supportive documents267. 产品实现 Product Realization267.0目的与范围 Goal and scope267.1实现过程的策划planning of product realization 277.2与顾客有关的过程Customer related processes277.2.1Determination of Requirements Related to Product277.2.2
10、Review of Requirements Related to Product287.2.3Customer communication 287.3设计和开发 Design and development287.4采购 Purchasing297.4.1Purchasing process297.4.2Purchasing information 297.4.3Verification of Purchased Product 297.5生产和服务提供Production and service provision 297.5.1生产和服务提供的控制Control of productio
11、n and service provision. 2 控制计划 Control plan30作业指导书 Work instruction 30作业设定的验证 Verification of job set-ups 30 预防性和预测性维护Preventive and predictive maintenance30 生产计划 Production scheduling3 服务信息反馈 Feedback of information from service 3 与客户的服务协议Service
12、 agreements with customer317.5.3标识和可追溯性 Identification and traceability 327.5.4顾客财产 Customer Property327.5.5产品防护 Preservation of product327.5.6环境及职业健康安全运行控制EHS Operation Control 337.6 监视和测量设备的控制Control of monitoring and measuring devices 337.6.1测量系统分析 MSA 347.6.3实验室要求 Laboratory requirements357.7 支持
13、性文件Supportive Document358. 测量、分析和改进Measurement, Analysis and improvement358.0 目的与范围 Goal and scope358.1 总则 General368.2 测量和监视 Monitoring and measurement 368.2.1顾客满意度 Customer satisfaction368.2.2内部体系审核internal audit 3 管理体系审核Quality management system audit3 过程质量审核Manufacturing process
14、audit3 产品质量审核Product audit3 内部审核计划 Internal audit plans3 内审员资格 internal auditor qualification 378.2.3过程的测量和监视 Monitoring and measurement of process38过程的监控和测量Monitoring and measurement of manufacturing processes38产品的测量和监视Monitoring and measurement of product 38全尺寸检验和功能试验Layout
15、 inspection and functional testing 39外观项目Appearance items398.2.5环境监测和测量 monitoring and measurement of environment398.2.6职业健康安全绩效监测和测量monitoring and measurement of EHS performance398.3 不合格的控制 Control of nonconformity 398.3.1不合格产品的控制control of nonconforming product 408.3.2返工产品的控制 Control of reworked p
16、roduct 408.3.3顾客信息 Customer information 408.3.4顾客的授权 Customer waiver408.3.5环境不符合 Environment nonconformity 408.3.6职业健康安全不符合OHS nonconformity 408.4.1公司级资料的分析和使用 analysis and use of company-level data418.5 改进 improvements418.5.1持续改进 continual improvement 41解决问题Problem solving 42防错 Error-proofing 42纠正措
17、施影响Corrective action impact 42退货产品试验 /分析 Rejected product test/ analysis42预防措施Preventive action428.6 支持性文件Supportive document439. 程序与标准对照表 4310. 过程分析方法 46C01 顾客要求确定与评审(7.2) 46C02 APQP(7.1; 7.3) 46C03 工程变更 (7.1,7.3)47C04 生产计划() 47C05 产品制造(;) 47C06 产品交付(;) 48C07 顾客反馈(;) 48S01文件记录管理S02人力资源管理(;) 49S03 基
18、础设施管理(6.3;6.4;) 49S04 内部审核(;)50S05采购控制( 7.4)50S06 顾客财产管理() 51S07 设备管理(;) 51S08 产品监视和测量(;) 52S09监视和测量装置(7.6)52S10仓库管理() 52S11不合格、纠正和预防(8.3;) 53S12数据分析( 8.4;) 53S13 持续改进(;) 54M01 业务计划( 5.3;) 54M02 管理评审( 5.6;)550.1 批准页Approval page为了实现本公司的质量& 环境& 职业健康安全方针和目标,使公司的活动、产品与服务满足众多相关方的要求,同时满足社会对环境保护的要
19、求。本公司依据ISO/TS16949 : 2009标准、 ISO14001 : 2004标准与OHSAS18001 : 1999标准以及KAGM 关于环境体系的要求编写管理手册(以下简称手册) 。To realize and achieve the company QEHS policy and objective and ensure organization s activities, productand service to meet interested partiesrequirements including environment requirements. The compa
20、ny hasprepared the Management Manual (abbr. Manual) according to ISO/TS16949: 2009, ISO14001 : 2004,OHSAS18001 :1999 and the environmental requirement by KAGM Group.本手册及其支持性程序文件都是本公司的法规性文件, 具有指令性特点, 公司各职能部门以及全体员工在质量、 环境和职业健康安全管理体系运行实施和各项质量、 环境和安全活动中都必须切实遵守手册中的各项规定。 本公司相关业务流程的必须遵守本公司质量管理体系要求, 同时必须接受本
21、公司环境和职业健康安全管理体系的各项规定。The Manual and its supportive procedures are directive regulatory documents of the office; all the activities in the operation and implementation of quality, environment and occupational health & security system should comply with the regulation stated in the manual. AGM sha
22、ll observe the organization QMSs and EHS requirements in the business process in relation to the organization.总经理对本公司的管理体系适宜性、 有效性和最终产品质量负责, 并授权质量部经理为质量管理者代表,协助总经理作好质量工作。 制造部经理、 人事部经理为环境和职业健康安全管理者代表, 协助总经理处理环境与职业健康安全管理工作。GM is responsible for effectiveness of QMS and quality of final product, and ha
23、s appointed Quality Manager总经理 /日期:GM/Date:0.2 使用指南Guidance本手册是公司质量、环境及职业健康安全管理体系的纲领文件,是公司全体员工必须遵守的行为准则。The manual is the compendium document about AGM quality, environment and occupational health & safety system and activity rules that the staff shall observe.手册的管理Control of Manual本手册依据 ISO/TS1
24、6949 :2009标准、 ISO14001 :2004标准与 OHSAS18001 :1999标准要求,结合本公司产品、活动与服务特点组织编制,经管理者代表审核,总经理批准后颁布实施。当第三方认证时,提交委托的认证机构。其它相关方需要时,以非受控形式提交。The manual is prepared according to the requirements of ISO/TS16949 : 2009, ISO14001 :2004 & OHSAS18001:1999 and respected characteristics of Chinese products, activit
25、ies and service. It has been reviewed by QMR and approved by GM before issue and implementation. It can be submitted to the accredited third party certification body while in certification need. if any need by other interested party, the non-controlled edition can be provided.手册的发放Manual issue/distr
26、ibution为使公司员工熟悉、了解本公司质量、环境及职业健康安全管理体系,手册以网络化形式发放,供全体员工使用。The manual is issued online to make the staff understand the requirements of QEHS management system.手册的换版Edition change of manual为适应公司内外各种情况的变化, 手册需作相应的修改或换版。 手册修改或换版由质量部提出申请,总经理批准后,由质量部组织实施,使手册能不断充实、完善和提高,以保证手册的适宜性和有效性。经To adapt the varied ch
27、ange of company, the manual and its edition shall be updated accordingly. The manual revision and edition change is applied by quality department, approved by GM .The quality department is responsible for the implementation of updated manual and ensures the enrichment, completeness and enhancement o
28、f the manual, to ensure its appropriateness and effectiveness.1. 公司简介Organization introduction爱杰姆总部位于美国的密歇根州汽车城底特律。爱杰姆具备强大的研发实力和项目管理的经验,结合在亚太区的精益的制造基地,生产优质可靠的汽车内饰产品,通过全球供应链,服务遍布全球的客户。昆山爱杰姆汽车配件有限公司作为爱杰姆设在中国的独资公司,成立于 20XX 年 9 月,专业从事汽车内饰产品的制造、 装配和测试, 通过爱杰姆总部服务北美客户,并直接服务中国客户以及其他海外市场的客户。AGM possesses for
29、midable research strength as well as project management experience. By combining the lean production base in APAC, we produce qualified and reliable automotive interior trim, servicing all over the world customers via global supply chain.Kunshan AGM automotive components company is a sole corporatio
30、n invested by AGM US which has been established in September 2008. AGM is engaged in interior trim producing, assembling and testing. Through headquarters we offer serve to the US customers and China plus any other overseas customers directly.2. 质量 & 环境 & 职业健康安全方针QEHS Policy2.1质量、环境与职业健康安全方针
31、QEHS policy质量卓越 Quality Excellence产品质量和环境卓越是顾客选用我们产品的前提条件和唯一理由,职业健康和安全卓越是企业对员工的郑重承诺,零缺陷目标是我们持续的追求。Excellence of product quality and environment is the premises and only reason why customers buy ourproducts. Excellence of OHS is our solemn commitment to employees. Zero defects is our continuouslypurs
32、uing goal.顾客满意 Customers Satisfaction顾客满意是我们的企业、员工、股东、供应商和社会利益的源泉,我们通过提高质量、服务、生产率,缩短交货时间、降低成本、预防环境污染和促进环境保护等方面的持续改进来达到顾客和相关方满意,通过对员工的职业健康安全防护的持续改进达到员工满意。Customers satisfactory are the interest source of our organization, employees, shareholders, suppliers and thesociety. We Achieve satisfactory of c
33、ustomers and interested parties by improving quality, service,productivity, quick delivery, cost decrease, environment pollution prevention and protection, and that of ouremployees by improving OHS .安全与环境保护 Safety & environment Protection:我们高度关注产品安全和员工的职业健康安全,承诺遵守相关环境、 职业健康安全法律法规及其它要求,并尽公司的最大努力进
34、行环境保护以及员工的职业健康安全工作。Intensive focus on product safety and employe eOHS,s commitment of compliance to EHS requirements andstatutory and regulatory requirements, full efforts to work for environment protection and employee s OHS.持续改进与创新 Continuous Improvement & Innovation :我们在公司运行的各个方面都寻求持续改进与创新,有效
35、使用能源和各种自然资源。Continuous improvement and innovation are at the full range of company and effective utilization of energysources and all other natural resources.人力资源开发 Human Resource Development:我们奉行 "以人为本 "的企业文化,将公平地选择、培训、鼓励和嘉奖员工,为公司运作提供合适的人力资源,为员工提供足够的职业健康安全防护,并承诺提高员工的环境意识,逐步养成环境保护的习惯,为社会提供
36、环境保护的参与者和先行者。Pursuit of human-focused enterprise culture, impartial selection, training, encouragement and awards foremployees, provision the right human resources for organizationprotection,sperationcommitmentandOHSof enhancement of employees environmental awareness to foster the activehabit, and b
37、ecome the participantand pioneer of environment protection.2.2质量、环境与职业健康安全目标QEHS objectives由质量部按质量 & 环境 & 职业健康安全方针以及上年度的质量、环境与职业健康安全目标、指标完成绩效、顾客以及相关方提出的要求、公司每年对环境因素及危害识别实施跟踪后找出的重大环境影响、不可接受风险, 拟定质量、 环境与职业健康安全目标, 由质量管理委员会、 环境与安全管理委员会审议后,由总经理批准后发布实施。KAGM S QEHS objectives are drafted by Quality
38、 dept, reviewed by Quality Management Committee & EHS Management Committee, and approved by GM before issue and implementation, in consideration of current and last year QEHSs policy, objectives, performance and requirements of customers and interested parties, environmental effect already ident
39、ified and improved, and unacceptable risks.2.3我们的承诺our commitment(1) 坚持零缺陷目标;Persistence of Zero Defect.(2) 坚持安全零事故目标Persistence of Zero accident.(2) 遵守国家环境及职业健康安全法律、法规及其他相关要求;Observation of national EHS statutory and regulatory requirements and other requirements.(3) 树立全员质量与环境保护及职业健康安全意识;Staff s QE
40、HS awareness made.(4) 坚持持续改进、预防为主;Continuous improvement and precaution crucial.(5) 建立与顾客、供应商以及各相关方的良好关系;Good relationship with customers, suppliers and all interested parties.3. 组织机构 Organization Chart公司根据业务需求,建立适合本公司的组织结构。KAGM has determined the suitable organization structure in consideration of
41、organization business requirements.总经理GM人事 / 财务 /IT厂长HR/FIN/ITPlant Manager项目工程部物流部生产部质量部Program& EngineeringMP&L Dept.Production Dept.Quality Dept.Dept.4. 管理体系Management system4.0 目的与范围Goal and Scope本章节覆盖了:质量体系标准的4(质量管理体系 ) 条款;环境管理体系标准的文件 )、文件控制 )、记录控制 )条款;职业健康安全管理体系标准的文件化 )、文件控制 )、记录及记录管理)
42、条款。建立文件化管理体系,明确质量、 环境及职业健康安全管理体系程序的要求,用于文件化管理体系的实施。This chapter contains:Quality management system:Clause 4: quality management systemEnvironment management system:Occupational health & security management systemKAGM has established the documented management system, defined the procedure require
43、ments of QEHS for implementation.本管理体系适用于昆山市张浦镇建林路 199号上海昆山爱杰姆汽车配件有限公司生产、设计开发汽车部件产品。The management system is applicable for the production, design and development of vehicles safety system in Shanghai KAGM located at No.199 Nangang Jianlin RD.,Zhangpu, Kunshan, Jiangsu4.1 总则General质量体系文件Quality mana
44、gement system documentation本公司按ISO/TS16949 :2009标准要求, 建立文件化的管理体系并进行实施、维护和持续改进其有效性,以:KAGM has established, documented and implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO/TS 16949:2009. The system is maintained and continually improved on effectiveness.a)明确质量管理
45、体系所需的过程及其在公司中的应用;b)确定这些过程的顺序和相互作用;c)确定所需的准则和方法,以确保这些过程的有效运行和控制;d)确保可获得必要的资源和信息,以支持这些过程的运行和监控;e)监视、测量和分析这些过程;f) 采取必要的措施,以实现这些过程策划的结果和对这些过程的持续改进;g)上述质量管理体系所需的过程包括与管理活动、资源提供、产品实现和测量有关的过程,控制整个来自外包的过程并不能免除本公司符合所有顾客要求的职责。In designing and implementing the QMS KAGM has:a) Identified the processes needed for
46、 the QMS and their application throughout the organization.b) Determined the sequence and interaction of these processes,.c) Determined criteria and methods needed to ensure that the operation and control of the processes are effective.d)Ensured the continuing availability of resources and informati
47、on necessary to Achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes;e)Established systems to monitor, measure and analyze these processes, andf) Established processes to identify and implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes.
48、g)The above process needed for QMS includes management activities, resourcesprovision, product realization and measurement. Control of outsourcing processes does not absolve KAGM's responsibility to conform to customer requirements.环境管理体系文件 Environment management systema) 环境体系的建立和运行,由本管理手册表述和规定,
49、并由环境体系文件来保证。b) 环境体系的建立和选用,既根据自身具体情况,又符合国际标准提出的要求。c) 管理手册是阐述公司环境方针、建立和实施环境体系的主要文件,旨在规范本公司的环境管理体系,使产品、服务与活动等皆符合ISO14001标准的要求及环保法规的规定。d) 环境控制程序文件是规定实施环境活动方法的文件,有关环境的活动必须按程序文件来实施。a) The establishment and implementation of environment management system is stated and defined in the management manual, and
50、assured by EMS documents.b) The establishment and adoption of management system is applicable for KAGM and is in compliance with the requirements of international standard.c) The management manual is the main document of environment policy description and EMSestablishment,implementation and standard
51、ization, forthe compliance of organizationproduct,service and activities withISO14001 standard.d) The environment control procedure describes the method of EMS implementation. Any activities related toenvironment shall be performed in compliance with the procedures.职业健康安全管理体系文件OHS management system documenta) 本管理手册对 OHSAS18001 : 1999的要素及其相互之间的关系进行了描述,并对公司如何满足标准要求进行了描述。b 体系文件的建立,既要符合标准的要求,又要根据自身具体情况,但为了效率,我们鼓励尽量少的文件。c) 本管理手册是阐述公司方针、建立和实施体系的主要文件,它为公司的职业健康安全管理体系文件提供了索引。d) 文件可采用纸面、电子媒体
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