




1、施工组织设计的重要性摘要:建筑工程在施工过程中,施工组织方案的优劣不仅肓接影响工程的质量, 对工期及施工过程中的人员安全也有重要影响。施工组织是项目建设和指导工 程施工的重要技术经济文件。能调节施工中人员、机器、原料、环境、工艺、 设备、土建、安装、管理、牛产等矛盾,要对施工组织设计进行监督和控制,才 能科学合理的保证工程项目高质量、低成木、少耗能的完成。关键词:项目管理施工组织方案 重要性施工组织设计就是对工程建设项目整个施工过程的构思设想和具体安排, 是施工组织管理工作的核心和灵魂。其目的是使工程速度快、质量好、效益高。 使整个工程在施工中获得相对的最优效果。1. 编制施工组织设计重要性的
2、原因建筑工程及其施工具有固定性与流动性、多样性与单件性、形体庞大与施 工周期长这三对特点。所以,每一建筑工程的施工都必须进行施工组织设计。 这是因为:其它一般工业产品的牛产都有着自己固定的、长期适用的工厂。而 建筑施工具有流动性的特点,不可能建立这样的工厂,只能是当每一个建筑工 程施工时,建立一个相应的、临时性的,如同工厂作用性质的施工现场准备, 即工地。施工单件性特点与施工流动性特点,决定了每一建筑工程施工都要选 择相应的机具和劳动力组织。选择施工方法、拟定施工技术方案及其劳动力组 织和机具配置,统称为施工作业能力配置。施工周期的特点,决定了各种劳动 力、机具和众多材料物资技术的供应时间也比
3、较长,这就产牛了与施工总进度 计划相适应的物资技术的施工组织设计内容。由此可见,施工组织设计在项目 管理中是相当重要的。2. 施工组织设计方案的重要性建筑产品作为一种商品,在项目管理中工程质量在整个施工过程中起着极 其重要的作用。工程建设项目的施工组织设计与其工程造价有着密切的关系。 施工组织设计基木的内容有:工程概况和施工条件的分析、施工方案、施工工 艺、施工进度计划、施工总平面图。还有经济分析和施工准备工作计划。其中, 施工方案及施工工艺的确定更为重要,如:施工机械的选择、水平运输方法的选 择、土方的施工方法及主体结构的施工方法和施工工艺的选择等等,均直接影响 着工程预算价格的变化。在保证
4、工程质量和满足业主使用要求及工期要求的前 提下,优化施工方案及施工工艺是控制投资和降低工程项目造价的重要措施和手 段。2. 1施工组织方案在很大程度上影响着工程质量,因此合理的施工组织方 案不仅是确保工程顺利完成的基础,也是工程安全的依据。施工组织设计是建 筑工程设计文件的重要组成部分,是编制工程投资概预算的主要依据和编制招 投标文件的主要参考依据。因此,认真做好施工组织设计,对于正确确定工程 造价、降低工程投资,从而有利控制工程造价将有十分重要的作用。2.2施工组织方案是对施工活动实行科学管理的重要手段,它具有战略部 署和战术安排的双重作用。它体现了实现基木建设计划和设计的要求,提供了 各阶
5、段的施工准备工作内容,协调施工过程中各施工工区,各施工工种,各项 自愿之间的相互关系。施工组织方案必须能够根据工程产品的特点和要求,根 据现有的和可能争取到的施工条件,从实际出发,决定各种牛产要素的基木结 合方式,不切实解决问题,就不可能进行任何牛产。3. 施工组织设计的指标计算和分析目前施工组织设计应建立哪些指标还不统一,计算方法也不规范。由于它 是评价施工组织设计整体效果和评价执行状况的尺度,也是对承建工程施工的 单位(项目部)牛产经营管理水平和效果进行考核的依据。应予重视,提出如下 意见。3. 1指标体系。指标体系的设置要尽量反映施工组织设计目标达到的水平, 为评价、考核、执行提供方便。
6、32指标计算。(1)施工准备期。从现场准备开始到正式工程开工的全部 时间。(2)单位工程工期。由单位工程施工进度计划安排的施工期。(3)劳动力 不均衡系数。施工期高峰人数与平均人数之比。(4)降低成木额。技术组织措施 降低成木的价格成果。(5)降低成木率。降低成木额占承包成木的百分比。(6) 施工机械化程度。机械施工完成产值与工程承包造价之比。(7)1厂化施工程度。 预制厂(采砂场、采石场)完成的产值与工程承包造价之比。(8 )临时工程投资 比例。全部临时工程投资与工程承包造价之比。(9 )临时工程费用比例。全部 临时工程消耗费用减回收费与工程承包造价之比。3. 3指标分析。施工组织设计指标与
7、同类工程历史实际水平相比,可以评 价施工组织设计效果;不同施工组织设计方案的指标对比,可以优选方案;分 析以往历次同类工程的各项指标的加权数值,可以作为今后再次投标的参考依 据。4. 施工组织设计的管理随着社会主义市场经济的建立,建筑市场的竞争日趋激烈,客观形势对施工 企业的要求越来越高。不仅在技术装备、人员素质、施工组织者方面提出较高 的要求,而且工程经济管理工作中有关工程预结算也面临新的挑战。严谨建筑 市场形势下,有些施工企业没有积极采取应对措施,对员工的专业技术没有更 新、培训。科学技术管理水平相当落后。加上对编制审核施工组织设计没有引 起足够的重视。因此就会出现以下几种常见的情况:4.
8、1开工前没有编制审核施工组织设计:不搞施工平面布置图,材料乱堆乱 放。土方运出运进、机械设备、劳动力需求无计划、工程质量、安全施工无保 证措施。造成贯工浪费现象严重,管理水平较低。4.2是否是专业人员编制施工组织设计:为应付上级部门及监理单位、甲 方检查而给施工员或资料员代编施工组织设计。因为资料根木对现在的施工管 理不了解而又是领导最近安排的,不得不胡乱编造,应付了事。4.3施工组织设计编制水平低:有的施工单位,不明白施工组织在施工过程 中的重要性,写一写各分项施工工艺、画张平面布置图、工程进度计划表,便认 为是施工组织设计了。4.4要技术弃经济:相当多的施工企业单位在编制施工组织设计时。只
9、重 视施工组织当中的各分项工程的技术措施。没有考虑分项工程经济指标方面内 容,导致工程竣工结算时纠纷不断,蒙受经济损失。因此,要对施工组织设计进行管理:(1)实行动态管理工程施工过程中,不可避免地会遇到意想不到的各种问题,如设计变更、自 然因素等影响,各阶段施工进程的变化造成现场方案的调整,因此必须根据变 化了的现场实际进行动态管理,对施工组织设计中不适宜部分进行必须的修改、 补充、优化,以达到既定的建设目标。(2)实行分层管理项目法施工的推行,管理层与作业层分离,以及固定工人逐步减少的情况, 势必引出总承包与分包的现象,中标单位从过去的盲接管理、育接技术交底, 变为间接管理、间接技术交底,因
10、此应根据施工组织设计进行分层管理,明确 总包与分包单位、管理层与作业层的技术权限、职责与工作程序。5. 结语在项目的施工中,一定要对施工组织设计进行监督和控制,确保项目的施 工有序,防止施工组织设计流于形式。施工组织设计是工程质量、安全、进度 的保障有力措施。在一定的资源条件下实现工程的技术经济效益,达到施工效 益与经济效益双赢的目的。importanc e of const ruction or ganization designsum mary:const ruction wo rk in the construeti on process , the cons truetion o rg
11、anizatio n scheme w ill not on ly dircctl y affect p roject qua lity, dura tion and s afety also has an im portant im pact in th e construe tion proce ss. constr uction org anization projeets a nd mentori ng in cons truction o f key tcch nical and economic d ocumcnts. can regula tc the con struction
12、 people, ma chines, ma terials, e nvironment , technolo gy, equipm ent, const ruction, i nstallatio n, managem ent, produ ction and other conf liets, mo nitoring a nd control of the co nstruction organizat ion design , scicnti fic and re asonable a ssurance t he complct ion of pro ject of hi gh qual
13、ity , low cost , low oner gy consump tion.key w ords:projc ct managem ent constr uction man agement pr ogrammc th c importan coconstru ction orga nization d esign is the idea of the whole construct ion proces s of engin coring con struction projec t ideas and sp ecific arr angements, organizat ion a
14、nd ma nagement o f construe tion work is the hea rt and sou 1. its aim is to ena ble high s peed, high quality, efficiency . engineer ing-best r esults whe n working in cons truction as a whole.1. because of the impor tancc of p reparation of constr uction org anization designarch itectural cnginecr
15、in g and cons truetion w ith a fixe d and liqu idity, div ersity and one-piece , form a 1 arge and 1 ong constr uction per iod the th ree charac teristics. therefore , each con st rue tion engineering construe tion organ ization de sign of co nstruction must be c arried out . this is because ot her
16、genera 1 industri al product s have the ir own fix ed, long-t erm applic ation fac to ries. bui lding cons truction i s charac terizcd by m obility, i mpossible to build s uch a pla nt, only wh en each of the const ruction, a nd cstabli shing an a ppropriate , provisio nal, as fa ctory cons truction
17、 site prepar ation, nam ely, site. construe t ion charac teristics and constr uction of single pie ces of mob ility fcatures, deci ded to sei ec t approp riate cqui pment for each cons true tion an d labor or ganization s. constru ction tech nology of construeti on method of selecti ng, dcvclo ping
18、progr ammes and labour org anizations and equip men t conf i guration, collec tivc ly know n a s opera tion capac it y conf igura tion. cons truction c ycle fea tu res det erm incs the 1 abour supp ly of many material, equipment and teehn ology is a long ti me , which ra isos the total progr css pla
19、n o f construe tion mater ial tha t is appropri ate for the construe tion organ iza tion de sign of te chnology c ontent. it can be se on that is of consid crable imp ortance in construct ion organi zation des ign in pro ject manag ement.2 . i mportancc of cons truction orga niza tion d csigncons tr
20、uction pr oducts as a commod it y and engi neering qu ality in p rojec t man agement pl ays a vital role in the entire cons true tion proccs s. constru ction orga nization d csign and cnginecrin g cost of constructi on projeets has a cl ose relati onship. co nstruction organi za tion design of basic
21、 content: p rojcct ove rview and analysis o f construe tion condi tions, imp lcmcntatio n plan, co nstruction technolog y, constru ction prog ress plan and genera 1 plan of construe tion. further economic analysis and constr uction pre paration p ians., sc heme and c onstruction tcchnolo gy in cons
22、truction o f more imp ortant, s uch as: 1 evels of s election, sclcction of transpo rt method of constru ction mach incry, car th-moving constructi on method and constr uction met hod and co nstruc tio n technology of main structure of choice and so on , are dire ctly affee ting the e stimated p roj
23、ec t pri ce changes . in cnsur ing projee t quality and meet the owners subject to the requi rements an d duration rcquircmc nts, opti mizing con struction scheme and construct ion techno logy are i mportant m casures to control i nvestmcnt and reduce projeet c ost and me ans.2. 1 co nstruction orga
24、nizat ion scheme is to a 1 argc exten t affect p rojec t quality, reas onable con struction programme is not onl y to ensur e tha t the basis for successfu 1 complcti on of the cons true ti on, safety basis. co nstruction organizat ion design is an imp ortant par t of cons true tion de sign docum en
25、ts, is the main ba sis for pr epara tion of the pro jec t inves tmen t budg e t and pre para tion of tendcr d ocuments, the main f ramc of re fcrcnce. t hcrefore, good job i n construe tion organ ization de sign, corr cctly det ermine proj ec t cost,reduce eng ineering i nvestmcnt, thus enab ling to
26、 co ntrol proj ect cost w ould have a very imp ortant rol e.2. 2 con struction organizati on plan of construct ion activi tics is an important means of implemcnti ng scienti fic manage ment, it h as the dua 1 role of strategic deployment and tacti cal arrang ements. it reflects the requir ements of
27、implementi ng the cap i tai mas ter plan and design pr ovidcs all phases of cons true tion prepar ation, coo rdina tion of constru c tion duri ng the con struction projee t, the construction trad e, the rel ationship between vo luntary. c ons true tion organiza tion schem e mus t be according to the
28、 pro duct,s cha ractcristi cs and req uircmcnts, based on existing a nd possibl e securing construet ion condit ions, real istic, det crmine how the basic combinati on of vari ous factor s of produ ction, doe s not solv c problems , it is im possible f or any pro duction.3 construe tion dcsig n calc
29、ulat ion and an alysis of indicatorsconstructi on organiz ation dcsi gn should be to csta blish whic h indicato rs are notun if icd, calculatio n or speci fication. because it is the ev alua tion of construe tion organ ization de sign of th e overall assessment of the ef fectivcnes s and the status
30、of implemcnta tion, as w ell as pro jcct const ruction un its (proj ect) prod uction and managemen t levels a nd to test the effee ti vcncss o f the basis. must be given to, and madc the follow ing common ts.3 . 1 in dcx system sets as far as pos sible refl ect the co nstruction organizat ion design
31、 of index systcm of the target level of, and to fa cilita tc the evalua t ion, exami na tion, im plcmcnta ti on.3.2 i ndex calcu la tion. (l)cons true tion prepa ration phase.star ting from site prepara tion to th e official projec t for all tim e. (2) pro jec t dura tion. arranged by unit engineer
32、ing constr uc tion pro gress plan of cons true tion. (3 labour i mbalance c oeff icicnt . during p eak and th e average ratio of t he number of. (4) re duce the c ost amount . technica 1 measures to reducc the cost of results . (5)redu ce the cos t rate. co st reducti on pcrcent age of tot al contra
33、c t cos ts. (6) constru ction mcch aniza tion .mechanical construe tion compl ctcd produ ction and cnginecrin g contract cost rati o. (7) the level of indus trial construe ti on. preca st factory (sand ex cava tio n, quarries) compl etc d produc tion and engi necring co ntrac t cos t ratio. (8) thei
34、nv estment pr oportion o f tc mporar y works. all tc mpora ry works i nvestment and engine cring cont racts cost ratio. (9 )cost of temporary works. all temporary works cos t recovery fees and contract c ost reduct ion ratio.3.3 indic ator analy sis. cons true tion organiza ti on desig n of indicato
35、r s as compa red to sim ilar proje cts histor ical actua 1 levels, can assess the impac t cons true tion organ iza tion de sign; diff crcnt indi cators of constructi on organiz ation dcsi gn in cont rast to op timum prog ramme; ana lysis of t he weighte d numerica 1 indicato r of previ ous simila r
36、projects could ser ve as a re ference fo r future b idding aga in.4 mana gemen t of cons true tion organize tion dcsi gnwith the establish ment of th e socialis t market e conomy, b uilding in creasingly fierce ma rket compctition, objeetivc c onditions on the con struction enterprise rcquircmc nts
37、gettin g higher a nd higher. not only in t erms o f tc chnica 1 equipmc nt, quality of person nel, organ izer of co nstruction put forwa rd higher requircmc nts, but al so in engi nccring cc onomics an d manageme nt work on ginccring budget and scttl emen t also fac cs new cha llenges. st ric t cons
38、 true tion m ark ct situ a tion, som e cons true tion compa nics do not have a p ositive re sponse, h ad no upda tc on staf f expertis e and trai ning. scie nee and te chnology m anagement level quit e backward . and for the prepar at ion of c onstruc tion organize tion desig n of audit did not a tt
39、 rac t eno ugh at tent ion. there fore, t her e will be several co mmon scena rios:4. 1 before co mmcncement of construction org anization design of auditing h as not bee n prepared : not to e ngagc in the constru ction of f loor plans , materia is of rubb le lying a round. ear thwork out of transp
40、ort, machi ncry and c quipmcnt, quality of labor dem and planni ng, engine ering, con struction without gu arantees o f security . caused t he serious waste of idling, 1 owcr level s of manag ement.4.2 is the profession al prepara tion of co nstruction organizat ion design : to cope with highe r aut
41、horit ics and su pervision units, the customer shall choc k and cons truetion c onstructio n organiza tion desig n for info rmation or addendum. because t he informa tion simpl y don" t kn ow about n ow, cons true tion man agement an d lcadersh ip has rec cntly arra nged, had to make up indiscr
42、im inately to deal with .4. 3 l ow levels of cons true tion organiza tion d csign prep ara ti on: s ome constr uction units, do not u nders tan d the impo rtance of constructi on organiz ation in the constru c tion proc ess, write about the construet ion proces s, draw a floor plan , projeet schedul
43、e, is consid ered to be cons true tion organi zation pla n.4. 4 aba ndoned tec hnology cc onomy: a c onsidcrabl e number o f units at the time of prepara tion of co nstruction organiza tion design in cons true tion ent erprise. 0 nly import ance to the construe tion of th e projeet of tcchnic al mea
44、sure s. content does not take into account cc onomic ind icators, leading to projects completion scttlcmcn t of dispu tes contin ue, causi ng cconomi c losses.therefore, the manag ement of c onstruc tion organization dcsig n:(1) the introducti on of dyna mic manage mentcons true tion pr ocess, ine vitably wi 11 encount er uncxpec ted proble ms, such a s impact, natural fa ctors such as design chan
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