1、河西区 2015-2016 学年度第二学期高三年级总复习质量调查(一)英语试卷本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)、第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共 130 分,考试用时 100 分钟。第I卷(选择题共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 单项填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)1. This film is really moving! ! You' ve described exactly what I felt about the film.A. That 's itB. Well doneC. Cheers D.Nonsense2. Ev
2、en though the author changes the setting all of sudden,she tells the reader what year it is and how old each of thecharacters is ahead of time.A. 不填;不填B. 不填; aC. a; aD. a; 不填3. Near the lake , which has a history of more than a thousandyears.A. a tower does standB. a tower standsC. stands a towerD.
3、does a tower stand4. Her own story and this book is expected to come out next week.A. had been writtenB. has been writtenC. had writtenD. has written5. John, look at the time,you play the piano at such a latehour?A. mustB. canC. mayD. need6. I 'd like to hear youropinion, Jenny? I think it is wo
4、rthwhilethe film.A. being watchedB. to be watchedC. to watchD. having watched7. What about your new BUICK? I feel regretful; the car has been but trouble.A. everything B. anything C. somethingD. nothing8. Any violent acts that do harm to the world peace and mankind should be seriously .A. condemned
5、B. invaded C. occupiedD. overlooked9. You may my opinion on this matter, but you must tell mehow you would like to dealwith it.outinA. set offB. set asideC. setD. set up10. What' s your plan for the one-week holiday? At this time next week we the warm sunshineMaldives.A. have been enjoyingB. hav
6、e enjoyedbe enjoying D. are enjoying11. Can you recognize Tom? him before, I do not know what he looked like.A. Not having seenB. Having not seenC. Not to have seen D. To have not seenisor12. John plays tennis well, his favorite sportbasketball.A. so B. yet C.D. for13. I looked through the window of
7、 our hotel, from I saw aman taking photos in the yard.A. thatB. whereC.whichD. whe n14. There will be a new film tonight. Yes. But for tomorrow ' s test, Ito see it with you.A. will goB. will have goneC. would goD. would have gone15. I went to the library, I saw him sitti ng on the sameseat, rea
8、d ing carefully.A. Now thatB. If only C. In order thatD. Every time第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Mega nWilliams was head cheerleader, and a straight-A stude nt.She was so 16 that it made me want to 17her, but I couldnbecause Mega n was a really nice pers on.
9、When I passed her in the hallway at school, she always smiled at me but rarely stopped to18 .一Her true friends were all 19 the popular, crowd.I saw Meganat the store one Saturday morning, she was all 20_._“ Hi, Diane, ” she said. “ How are you? ”I smiled back. “ I ' m doing great. ”I 21at Megan&
10、#39; s cart and found several bottles of haircon diti on er. Mega n' s hair was22_and I in sta ntly decided toswitch bra nds to use that of her bra nd.Later, I 23_for_my stuff and went out to my car. It was mybrother ' s car, which was 24 down to me 25 he_went away tocollege.I heard some one
11、 calli ngmy n ame. It was Mega n. “ Diane, you carit ' s so pretty!“ You think my car is cute? ”“ Well, not the car itself, butthe 26. ”On one window were the 27,“ I love you. ” Another windowsaid, “You are beautiful, ” and a third read, “ I believe in you. ”“That' s so 28, ” Megan said,“but
12、 I didn ' t know you hada boyfrie nd. ”“Oh, I don ' t, ” I said. “Then who_29on your car? ”“Mydad did, ” I answered quietly.“ Your dad did that? Your dad took_30_to_ write on your carwindows, just to, you know, make you feel good? My dad would neverdo tha t for me, ” she said.“You are so _31
13、. I bet your mom ' sgreat too, right? ”I nodded. “Yeah. She bakes cookies and 32 me with myhomeworkand stuff. ”Megansighed.“ I ' d give anything to have a _33like that.After that, Mega n always wan ted to cometo my house. She seemed to love talking with my parents over a homemadedinner and p
14、laying board games with my family.“ I was so _34of you, ” she said, “People think I have thisgreat life, but I have struggles too. Someday when I' m married,my kids are going to feel so 35. ”Megan showed me that I was the lucky one after all.第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题分,满分 50 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中
15、,选出最佳选项New frien ds.Fresh lifestyle. Better career opport un ities.Those are attractionsof overseas study for young people in China.“Start early, finish strong.” some of them say.More tha n 300 uni versities from 27 coun tries were represe nted at last weekend ' s in ternational education exposi
16、tion.The USHolla ndThe UShas always bee n on the topTulips and woode n shoes: this wasdesti nati onlist for Chin esethe image that once drew tourists.stude nts,withitshighBut Holla nd has more to catio n sta ndards and eno ughGood news: From 2005, Holla nd andscholarships.China started reco
17、g nizing eachGood news: It ' s easier to getother education certificates.Anda USstudent visa nowadays. Lastfrom2006,thegover nmentyear, the refusal rate was only 20 to 30 percent, much lower tha n a few years before.Concerns: There are a lot to prepare. The TOFEL, GRE. It takes Ion ger time to a
18、pply to US uni versitiestha n schools inthe UK.provides 4 millio nEuros forscholarships to Chin ese stude nts every year.Concerns: Not many Chin ese know about Dutch education.SpeakingDutch sounds not easy.The UKEasier access to visas and in ter nati onalen viro nment arethe UK s great attractions f
19、or Chin ese stude nts.Good n ews: There are many new scholarshipthis year, bothCanadaCanada smulticulturalen vir onmentisgoodforstudents ' studies and careers.Good news: Students are allowed to take part-time jobs duri ng their studies from last year. It ' llfromthegover nmentanduni versitie
20、s.Concerns:Money.It ' sexpe nsive to study in the UK,with an average cost of 200,000 to 300,000 yuan a year.helppayliv ingexpe nses.Students can get two-year work permits after graduati on.Concerns: Only a limitednumber ofscholarship are available.ItalyItalyisgett inga lot ofatte nti on this yea
21、r in China.Its art, culture and fashion appeal to many stude nts.Good n ews: China and Italy will recog nizeeachothereducatio nalcertificati onssoon. Itsgover nmen t-fu ndedAustraliaGoodclimate,high-qualityeducation, favorable immigration policy: these make Australia one of the most popular choices
22、among Chin ese stude nts.Good news: A new E-visa policy en sure a quickapplicatio nuniversitiesare tuition-freeprocess.to in ter nati onal stude nts.Concerns: Tuition fees have risenConcerns: The Ianguage is arece ntly. The total cost is aboutproblem.Most classesare200,000 yua n toatte ndataught in
23、Italia n.uni versity located in big citiesSydney or Melbour ne.36. Many young people go to study in the US becauseA. it is very convenient for them to get a student visaB. it is easy for them to pass the TOFEL or GREC. they don ' t spend much time applying to US universitiesD. they can receive g
24、ood education and more chances of scholarships37. If you want to acquire two-year work permits after you finishstudy ing there, you can choose.A. AustraliaB. CanadaC. ItalyD. Holland38. In which of the following countries may money be the biggest concern?A. The US & the UK.B. The UK & Canada
25、.C. The UK & Australia.D. Canada & Holland.39. Li Jin doesn 't have so much money and wishes to study art as an international student. Hemay choose .A. The UKB. CanadaC. ItalyD. Australia40. The text is intended to give .A. information on foreign studyB. advice on job seekingC. suggestio
26、ns on travelling abroadD. tips on getting visasB“Where is the light?” My dad used to ask me that when I waslittle. It' s one of those questions that parents use to find out how smart their young childre n are. During my tee nage years, my dad jok in gly told me that he thought I was going to be
27、dim-witted because I poin ted at him when ever he asked me where the light was.Dad is from a rural area about 230 kilometers north of thecapital Manila, and where most people live off the land, raisingand selli ng livestock and poultry. His father, an artist and street magician, died when he was ver
28、y young. To makeends meet, his mother went about tow n and washed laundry in various households. My dad found himself alone lack of n urturi ng and love, short of family bon ds.Dadloved reading and always looked for opportunitiesto educatehimself. One day, whe n my father was 16 and out of work, a p
29、astor saw him sitting under a tree absorbed in a book. He approached Dad and asked him why he wasn ' t in school. Dad replied that he had no money for college. The pastor saw his desire to study and recommended him to University of the Cordilleras as a working stude nt. He also gave Dad a job at
30、 a local church. Thanks to thepastor, Dad got his Bachelor of Arts degree, then went on to study law and becamea successful lawyer. He wrote a widely read textbook on Philipp ine law.Looking at my father now, I can see how he was able to overcome so many obstacles. He is by n ature a hardwork ing ma
31、n, pouri ng his energy into his career without forgetting his family. He values educatio n whe n we were youn ger, he would tell me and my brother to con sta ntly seek improveme nt in ourselves through lear ning.Like a light, he shines with dignityand respect because of hisachievements, but his ligh
32、t radiates the brightest for maintaining our family as a cohesive unit with love and faith as its foundation.There are times whe n my dad kids around and asks me, using my childhood nickname, “Sasi, where ' s the light? ”I just smile, and point at him.41. What jokes did Dad play on the writer?A.
33、 He con sidered her a little foolish.B. He treated himself as the light.C. He tur ned the light on to be dim for her.D. He asked her to an swer many difficult questi ons.42. It can be in ferred from the sec ond paragraph thatA. Dad got along well with his sisters.B. Dad didn ' t have a happy chi
34、ldhood.C. Dad was particular about his clothes.D. Dad used to wan der in the market.43. How did Dad finish his college education?A. He won a scholarship by study ing hard.B. He got finan cial support from a pastor.C. He paid his fees by doing a part-time job.D. He earned money by writing books on la
35、w.44. In the eyes of the writer, her dadA. taught his children by himself at homeB. worked too hard to forget the familyC. chose careers for his childre nD. acted as the light in their life45. Why did the writer write this passage?A. To praise her dad for his effort to success.B. To recall a questi
36、on asked by her dad.C. To stress the importa nee of the light.D. To in troduce the ben efit of a close family.Here are six questions about your approach to life. Try to answer them as honestly as you can.Are you hard-driving and competitive?Are you usually pressed for time?Do you want to control oth
37、ers?Do you have a strong need to do better than others in most things?Do you eat too quickly?Do you get upset when you have to wait for anything?If you have answered “yes” to most of these questions, thenI can makea few prediction about you, based on a recent eight-year study of nearly two thousand
38、people who live the way that you do.You likely find that life is full of challenges and you often need to keep two or more projects moving at the same time. The chances are that you have been to college, that you have a management job and that you bring work home at night. You think that you put mor
39、e effort into your job than many of the people you work with, and you certainly take your work more seriously than most of them. You get angry easily, and if someone is being long-winded( 拐弯抹角 ), you help them get to the point. You also have trouble finding the time to get your hair cut.And there
40、39;s one other thing. You are about twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who takes a more easygoing approach to life.The beginning of your hard-driving behaviour go right back to childhood. In school you got recognition and perhaps prizes for being quick and bright, for being an achieve
41、r, for competing with others and for winning. You likely went on from school to get a series of increasingly better jobs against pretty stiff competition. They were jobs where you had to care about the results, where you constantly had to push things forward and get things done.In your present job y
42、ou also feel some conflict, either with timeor with other people. Someof those you work with don't seem able to to understand the simplest ideas, and they often put a brakeon what you're trying to achieve. The conflict may not take place every day. You pride yourself on being able to keep th
43、e lid on.But it 's always there, under the surface.46. If your answers to above questions are “ yes”, you are likely to .A. enjoy your food at dinnerB. be good listenersC. wait a few seconds before answering a questionD. have more chances to suffer from a heart attack47. It can be concluded from
44、 the last paragraph that this hard-driving character .A. has been developed since childhoodB. may be changed by your experiencesC. will place no influence on your workD. enables you to be a depressed person48. Which of the following words is not appropriate to describe this type of people?A. Competi
45、tive. B. Nervous. C. Easygoing. D.Ambitious.49. What is implied in the last sentence?A. The lid will always remain in place.B. The conflict may occur any moment.C. The situation is always under your control.D. You are able to solve the problem.50. Which of the following people probably have the hard
46、-driving character?A. People who don't care about their appearance and the results of their jobs.B. People who usually think of others and get along well with others.C. People who don't seemable to understand the simplest ideas.D. People who want to control others and have a strong need to d
47、o better than others.DSome hearing loss is a common and nearly unavoidable effect of aging. A third of people aged 60 and older have lost some of their ability to hear.But some research suggests a habit that might help offset the effect of aging on hearing. A study found that among middle-aged adult
48、s, being a lifelong musician was connected with better hearing later in life.“The instrument you play does not seem to be important here, ” says Nina Kraus, a biologist. “It is really the act of engagement playing the instrument that matters. ”Participants in the study were between ages 45 and 65. R
49、esearchers tested 18 musicians who had been playing an instrument since age nine or younger, and 19 non-musicians who had less than three years of music training. The musicians had statistically better auditory memoryscores and tested better at hearing speech in noisy environments. They also showed
50、better auditory processing abilities, which relate to how people interpret speech sounds.However, the two groups tied when researchers tested visual working memory skills. “It isn 't as though musical training has a volume knob effect that makes all kinds of sensory processing enhanced in the sa
51、memanner,” Kraus says. “It focuses on auditory skill. ”The latest findings follow earlier research from Kraus that showed musician in a younger age group had better hearing skills.At the same time, some research has show n that musicia ns who play in large ensembles (合奏)may face an occupational risk
52、 when it comes to their heari ng.Does this effect apply to the guy who plays in a community bandone ni ght a week? Kraus says no. To be in cluded in the study,musicia ns were required to haveen gagedin musicalactivities practic ing, teach ing or perform ing at least threetimes a week.“What we do wit
53、h our time and how we engage our senses and our thinking seems to really shape the people we become in very basic ways in ways that affect how our series work,” she says.And, Kraus says, a person doesn' t need to be an Itzhak Perlman or a Yo- Yo Ma to experie nee the effects. Tale nt, she says,
54、is n' ta factor.Kraus says that more research n eeds to be done to see whetherreceiv ing music in structi on later in life might have the same ben efits.51. Your hearing will be improved by A. what kind of instrument you playB. what sort of music you playC. whether you involve yourself with play
55、ing the instrumentD. how long you have learned music playing52. A musician is not better than others in A. getting better auditory memory scoredB. hearing speech in noisy environmentsC. interpreting speech soundsD. processing visual work memory53. The underlined phrase“an occupational risk ” may ref
56、er toA. the danger of hearing lossB. the possibility of losing a jobC. the trouble of playing musicD. the harm of hearing skills54. It can be inferred Perlman and Yo-Yo Maare the names of A. instrumentsB. musiciansC. songsD. music55. The main idea of the text is about A. enjoying music will do good
57、to your healthB. learning music may promote your hearing skillsC. playing an instrument may help preserve hearingD. listening to music can prevent you from aging河西区2015-2016学年度第二学期高三年级总复习质量调查(一)座位号第II卷(非选择题 共35分)阅读表达书面表达总分注意事项:1. 第U卷共2页,用黑色的钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷中2. 答卷前,请将密封线内的项目填写清楚。第三部分:写作(共两节,满分 35分)第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,按照要求完成阅读任务。得分评卷人1 After an exhausti ng swim practice on a cold win ter eve ning,I received an invitation from my friend Lucy,
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