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1、人文英语 32 ( )you have learned about don't need to tell you about it any more.答案: Now that3 It's rather cold in you mind if I close the window( )答案: NO,goahead.4 England is an island country.( )consists of three principal ( )climateis generally mild. 答案:5 We aremaking colegesmore( )formlonsof s

2、tudents,solhat they can get he educalontheyneea 答案:affordsble6 They will do something to make sure that people will not worry about having their cars( )again. 答案:stolen13 -Do you like watching TV dramas in English-( ).答案: Of course! I amobsessed with them14 一 Are you still thinking about yesterday&#

3、39;s game-Oh,that's( ).答案:what makes me feel excited15 She said she()lost a pen. 答案: hadeducation has become lke a business. 答案: Hrdy17 -Is it lkely that he wll come again-答案: was.traffic18 There( )a lot of( )on the roads yesterday.19 Do you know where he has gone now-I don't know,but I supp

4、ose he( ).答案: could have gone to Europe.20 . Learning a foreign language would definitely()our chances of geing ajob. 答案: erharce22 Do you have any experience with caring for babies-()答案: ,I havelooked after kids for 3 years.综合题 113 What does the passage mainly discuss( ) 答案: The decirning dlvorce r

5、ate in the UK.14 During the last ten years. () . 答案: the mamagerate has gone down more rapdly n the Uk15 According to the passage,the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to( ).答案:soar16 According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOTtrue( ) 答案:The highest dvorce rate was around 1969.

6、17 The last paragraph tells us( ) . 答案: the brth rate n the UKis decreasng rapidly now综合题 27 The Wichita Falls Police Department is planning sterner measures tocombat crime.( )答案: True8 According to Hughes,one of the biggest ways of crime prevention is through environmental design.( ) 答案: True10 The

7、 purpose of is to help locals set up a real community.( )答案:Fase-Don't be too upset.()-Thank you.答案 B't be so miserable's not the end of the world.should do your best-May I help you,madam-().,I have no idea,I know what to buy,Ird like 2 kilos of orangesYou shouldn't()your time like t

8、hat,Bob,and you have to finish your school work tonight. BWhat does the word "extraordinary"mean in the title() B ordinary.unusual and surprising.special.The sentence my husband thought I was bored. ."in meant that myhusband thought Ifelt (). Abecause I had nothing better to do at hom

9、e.because I had to wait long for my children to come back home.because I could do somethng I was interested hinstead of taking care of children.Which of the following is nearest(closest)in meaning to "rough"in the sentence "One night the sea was very rough."in () CA. not exactCno

10、t smooth because of huge wavesThe last paragraph suggests that(). A qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer.years of dancing had already prepared her for the sail completely,so sheneedn't do anything before the journeyshould be kind to other team members dutkhg the

11、tipThe starter (赛跑发令员) gave the( ) for the race to begin. CThe painter lived more than a decade in Europe.()he could be in close contactwith other masters( 大师) . CwhichAccording to the passage,bicycles(). Bmore convenient than carssafer trafc toolsthan carsthe solution to some city problemsBicycle l

12、anes"in the third paragraph probably means(). B passages between buildings for bicycles fullof bicyclesparts of the road for bicycle riders onlyWhich of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage() C for a Better City members ride bicycles to work.accidents may occur when cars and bikes

13、 are on the same lames.New York City,many people use bikes as they have special lanes.The best title for this passage is(). CCrowding in New York CityPollution in New York City by Carsto Traffc Problem in New YorkThe father advised her to avoid the mistake made by many couples of maryingfor the wron

14、g reasons()he found the young man charming andintellgent BA asthoughthoughofWe are making colleges more()for milions of students,so thatthey can get the education they need. The Wichita Falls Police Department is trying to help curb crime in neighboring communities throughoutthe Saturday13 14 1s Wic

15、hita Falls Police gave a free two-hour presentation to help locals keep their community crime free.t8 te 20 More than 20 people showed up at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation.a zsWichita Falls Polce Offcer Jef Hughes sald that they wanted to make sure

16、 the folks out there were aware they were doing2a 200Hughes reminded those in atendance that their homes could be an open nvitation to ofthe biogest ways to333435prevent crime,according to Hughes is to use CPTED. also known as Crime Prevention Through Environment Design"The biggest site,that we

17、 are dealing with now,that we are endorsing Nextdoor and it's simply just ."The site is free and it helps locals set up a virtual community that they can interact with from the comfort of their own home.something out it aets to that group or that person they will get an alert on their phone

18、 or an emal,said Hughes.According to has already seen a positive impact locally from the site and hopes it can continue to expand in WichitaFallsThe biggest site that police are approving fully is .() AIf you use the site,you have to pay for it.() BB. FalseHe is noisy sometimes,but ()he is a good bo

19、y. A-Would you like to see the menu-(). A,thanks,I already know what to ordermenu is very clearhear the food here is tastyThey have never heard any(). Ccustomer complaintcustomer's complaints's complaintMy uncle( ) until he was 40. B't marrymarriedThat man looks familiar to reminds(). CO

20、 toof-What about going for a walk- () . AnotA good idea 's all rightC. So,do I-I often feel lonely when l engage in my online learning.()-I join the online course community. A do you solve the problemdo you think about itoften do engage in online learmingWe have two cats at is named Mlilo and th

21、e other is a boy cat. Boy cats are called "Toms'.We think that Mamma is Milo's is why we qave her the name didn't buy Milo or Mamma They were stray cats and dgdnthave anVwheretoIe TAe coAng Ao cG"M-ORLM202,2SY25273Y5they started coming into the we adopted he didn't have a h

22、ome when he was ais not very have to take him to the vet once every three months for a special have lived with us now for 5years.Sarah got the cats () Bshe moved into her houseshe moved into the housC When she moved nto the houseSarah thinks () . Ais a boycats are boyscats are girlsMamma was named M

23、amma'because(). C likes the nameis a girlthink she is Milo's motherMilo and Mamma were() A to getto getto getMilo is not very fit because(). Bvisits the vet for an injection 、was a strayis old now-Could you help me with my homework,please-(). C ,no way,I couldn'tI can' have to go to

24、a meeting right now.The new airport wi()the development of tourism. BMeasles(麻疹)()a long time to get over. B-Why did go to the travel agency-().Acar.afternoonsome information about travel-Why did he have difficulty finding a job-().Byou don't believe me.of lack of trainingto the bad luck.England

25、 is a rather short()of farming land,so it is absolutely dependent upon other countries for her food.A-Smoking is bad for your ,I I simply can't().Ait upit init outShe said she ()lost a pen. CChildren are()to too much on the Internet without appropriate supervision. CThe company is trying every (

26、)to improve the quality of products. CThe explorers sailed on the ocean for two weeks and()found the mysterious land. B-The advertisement of technology has boosted the pace of our ives,and requires us to learn something new every ()I have chosen the online program at OU. Cthatis the reason whySilk()

27、by Chinese for thousands of yours now. Busedbeen useusedThe patient acted on the doctor's()and finally recovered. BSome universities offer MoOCs ()to anyone in the world. CMy grandfather was a very interesting died when I was 11,but I remember he used to tell me stories about his early life.He t

28、old me one about how he used to race raced greyhound,a very fast type of grandfather had a dog thatwas very fast and usually won the men used to bet on the dogs and try to win day before a race,a friendof my grandfather's suggested that they bet on a different dog and make my grandfather's d

29、og lose the grandfather hadno job,so this seemed an easy way to make the day of the race,my grandfather and his friend fed the dog lots ofcakes so it wouldn't want to they took it for a long walk so it was bet on another dog,but when the race was run,my grandfather's dog won anyway,so they l

30、ost all their money and didn't win anything!The author's grandfather doesn't tell stories now.()His dog always won when it raced.()The author's grandfather had no job.() AThe author's grandfather and his friend fed the dog cakes to make it strong.() BThe author's grandfather

31、and his friend bet on a dog which didn't win.() A-Is there any possibility of their success- C,I do.,I will.,I think so.I have some money"those are the words my mother used to hear all the heard."Why don't you geta jobNot to make me happy,but so that you have you own money and gain

32、 a bit more responsibility."So last year I got a jobworking about 25 hours a S5 an hour,working as a salesman in a photo studio.After I got this job,I had to do football,homework and job (i).It was really hard for was burning out,falling asleep at schooland faling in many teachers were made (i)

33、me and yelled at me:why have a jobI missed a lot of practice infootball team and could only(i) back down at the coach was cold at me with an unmasked question:why have a jobItold them it was for the things I need,when actually it was for the things I and wanting aresomethina is like your only shoes

34、have holes in wanting is to have every new brand sneaker just because you like start to think about if I did a wrong learnt to(iv)wise decision (V) about what I need and what I want.I Ethe same timeIi Dthe same timeIII Cthe same timeIV Bthe same timethe same timewith you,I have a long way to go. Aco

35、mpareThe traveler,()inexperienced,doesn't know how to plan a trip. B beThey will do something to make sure that people wil not worry about having their cars()again. CsteallecturerreadingMany people find the experience of attending university lectures to be confusing and frustrating speaks for on

36、e or two hours,perhaps(i)the talk with slides,writing up important information on the material and giving out new students sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks andwonderswhat to often the student leave the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and(i)becomehard ev

37、enMost institutions provide courses which assist new students to develop the sklls they need to be effectively listeners and note-these are unavalilable, there are many usual study-skills guides which(ii)learners to practice these sklsallcases itis important to(iv) the problem before actualy startin

38、g your studies.It is important to acknowledge that most stucdents have dificulty in acquiring the language required in college way of(V) these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the academicbasic strategy is to find a study part

39、ner with whom it is possible to identify difficuties,exchange ideas and providesupport.I EII AIII BIV DSpeedway racing is a type of motorcycle racing that is done on a track with a special was introduced to Britain in 9The first races were held at High Beech in Epping races are held in special stadi

40、ums,but then a track was madein the forest behind a pub called the Royal track was not concrete or tarmac,but was made from firstraces were organized by Jack had visited Australia and seen speedway racing he returned toracesBritain,he decided to introduce the sport to Britain and started organizing

41、the first with his friends in the IFord Motorcycle expected 3,000 people to come and watch the races,but over 30,000 people arrived to see the first races!You need a special motorcycle for a speecdway race.()答题情况:正确答案:ASpeedway races are held on the road.()答题情况:正确答案:BSpeedway races were held in Aust

42、ralia before they were held in Britain.()答题情况:正确 AThere were not many people come to see the first race.()答题情况:正确答案: BWe consider it necessary()Tom should improve his behavior.答题情况:正确答案: BThe fifth generation computers,with artificial intelligence,()and perfected now.being developed developed答题情况:正确

43、答素: BYou'd better remind yourself of lowering your()all the time,because your youngest kid can't act as responsibly as your oldest one.答题情况:正确答案: cHe asked John()he could swim.答题情况;正确答案: BThe news came()we won the first prize in the competition.答题情况:正确省案: AOnly those who have enough courage

44、and determination can ()the dificulty they meet with.答题情况:正确含案: CSamuel Clemens,()as Mark Twain,was one of the most famous American writers.know be known答题情况:正确答案: C- I think he is a good ().,it doesn't matter.do I.,it's a good idea.答题情况:正确答案: B- Will you please pass me the book,Bll-().it to

45、 youityou are答题情况:正确答案: C- Do you love your present-().course,it's the best present I have ever got.'s a good idea.sounds good.含题情况:正确答案: AOn the eve of Spring Festival,people()into the railway station to return to their far away homes.答题情况:正确答案: BThe grey building is where the workers live,

46、and the white one is where the spare parts().producingproducedWe can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much()cost.答题情况:正确答案: C-Thank you for your MP4 'lask Mary to take it to you ().I've bought a new one.sensehurryway答题情况:正确答案: BHe is not seriously ill,but only a()

47、headache.答题情况:正确含案: CThe 5th century()the end of the Roman Empire in the West.答题情况:正确答案: CIt is in the afternoon() he got the bad news.B./答题情况:正确答案: CWhen Laura finally arrived she apologized ()so late.to comeshe was comingcoming答题情况:正确答案: CDo you mind me()the window beside you.open答题情况:正确答案: B-Your

48、 phone looks good!()-Yes,it is a Smartphone.I have lookdid you buy it'sit答题情况:正确答系: AParents transmit some of their ()to their children.含题情况:正确答案: A-Are you going on holiday for a long time-().was a long timeweeks ago.答题情况:正确答案: CIt is always interesting to visit another country,especially for t

49、hose who have nevertravelled a great (i) can be veryeducational for anyone if he is interested enough to make preparations the language of the new countrywould be difficult for the traveler,(i) benefits of such an effort would become obviousimmediately on his way not seemimportant to him when he com

50、fortably stays at knowing how to order a meal or book a roomis necessary for thenewcomer in a strange knowing the is very difficult (il) the stranger to understand thepeople of thenew country and their customers.Of course,in our small world it is often possible to find someone who understands our ow

51、n,but this is only second-best for thebe sure,he can see places and things without the use of a language,but places andthings(v)not the heart of anyget the greatest benefit from a trip (V)another country,it is how important for the visitorto have an understanding ofthe language. i)答题情况:正确答案: A ii) i

52、i)答题情况:正确答案: D答题情况:正确答案: Eiii含题情况:正确答案:( iv答题情况:正确答案:(vThe better the elderly people are known,()they are.happierhappyhappy答题情况:正确答案: AI don't know()to deal with such mater.答题情况:正确答案: B-Would you like to have dinner with us this evening-().,but I have to go to a meeting now,I can't,but this

53、evening I have to go to the arport to meet my parents答题情况:正确答案: CNot only I but also Jane and Mary()tired of having one examination after another.答题情况:正确答案: B-The public store is to close at 9:00 need to worry;it is just7 : .havehave isMolly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when

54、she decided to sail roundthe world to raise money forA=2Al4As a child she had trained as a ballet dancer,but at 15 she had grown too tall for classical ballet,so she became a member of a20P aance teamShe got married,and after she had children she retired from show business to bring them grew up,and

55、when theyxere 16 hey let nome.She says,"When I decided to do the round-the-world race,my husband thought I was bored because the children had left homeHe was also woried because I had never sailed was not I had met some people who told meabout the race.They had taken part in it,but they had onl

56、y done one section, New Zealand to wanted to dothe whole tenmonth journey.Before Molly left she did a lot of training,but it hadn't prepared her for the worst weather which they tels onestory."One night the sea was very rough and it was very had gone downstairs when a hugewave smashed into

57、the boatand injured two men on the of the men couldn't move because he had broken his were takento hospital bywas the worst time."By the end of October last year,she had raised more than $50,000 for charity.on had trained had got very simply a good teamShe says,"Sometimes I ask myself,what did I do Howdid I do it But then Ithink,it s the same as being a Iletfit and had prepared myself completely Then on the trip I wasmember.”What does the word "extraordinary"mean in the title() ordinary.unusual and surpri


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