已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、托福听力备考重要语言要素必须掌握的动词词组,成语习语及句子Aaccou nt for解释,说明,占 比例a close contest 势均力敌的竞赛adress to sb. 对的讲话ahead of schedule/time 提前approach sb禾口说话as a rule 通常as fit as fiddle 非常健康atthe most 至多Bback up 支持beat arount/about the bush 说话拐弯抹角be better of 感觉会好一些be cut of 切断 be cut out for适合于be cut out to be生来是的材料be fid

2、 up with 对厌倦be header and shoulder above 高人一等be in good shape 健康状况良好be in rush匆匆忙忙be laid up卧床不起be lost in thought 沉思be out of one's mind 疯了be out of someth ing 不再有 支持be on one ' s own 独处时be packed in like sardines极的水泄不通be scheduled to do sth. 方案做be sold out 卖完,背叛be seuck in traffic jam遇交通阻车

3、booth 单间 phone booth 亭 branth off分支出去branch out 扩张到break down 机器抛锚,精神崩溃break in 打断讲话break in new ground重新开始break off 终止,停止break up 解散团体,组织粉碎bring about 引起bring out 显出,发表,说明brush up on 温习Ccall for 要求call it in day 今天到此为止call off 取消call on 拜访call up/ring up 打 care for 喜欢cash a check 将支票兑成现金catch one &

4、#39; s eye 吸引某人视线charge it in my account 记在我的帐上check in 登记check out 结帐后离开, 办完手续借出书cheer sb. on 为某人加油cheer up 感到振奋clean up 彻底清扫come about 发生come across 碰见come by 获得come down with 因病倒come out 出现come to 苏醒come up with 想出主意,想法赶上,提出con suit with与商量cool off 温度降下来conidn 't be batter 再好不过了count me in 算我

5、一个count me out 别算我在内count the days 迫不及待cross off 划掉cut down to 削减cut in 打断讲话cut off 切断Dday in and day out 连续几天den 住处die down 变弱 , 逐渐停止die out 消失do away with/get rid of去掉dont ' t care about不在乎don' t care for 不喜欢 do the trick 获得成功 do wonder 创造出奇迹 downpower 倾盆大雨 doze off 困倦 drop by 顺便拜访 dorp ou

6、t 放弃,离开drop out of退学drop sb. off 带某人倒某处due 到期Eevery other 每隔 , 所有其他Fface the fact 面对事实 face up to 面对,成认 fall(lag)behind 落后 facey hotal 豪华饭店 few and far between 寥寥无几 fell likeing do sth.喜欢field trip 野外实习 / 考察 figure out 理解,想方法,打算 fill out(in) a form填表fill sb. in 替某人值班Gget across 使被理解get along with 与相

7、处get down to 认真对待get over 恢复get(go) thought 结束,完成give in 屈服give out(off) 散发出give up 放弃go ahead 前进,继续go on 继续go over 复习Hhand over 上交hold up 耽误,抢劫II bet you do 准保可以,一定能行I couldn ' t agree with you more我非常赞同I couldn ' t drag myself away from舍不得离开I ' ll be roght with you我马上就来I ' m a bit

8、out of it.有点摸不着头脑in no time 很快,立即in the nick of time 正是时候It feels good to be home again. 到家真好It plays to do sth.有用,是个好注意It ' s fine to me. 我觉得可以,没异议It 's on me. 有我来付Jjunk food 无营养的小吃just any 随便Kkeep up 赶上knock oneself out on 拼命工作know all trick is 掌握所有窍门Llearn the ropes 进入状态leave out 省略let do

9、wn 使失望let sb. down 让某人失望leave sth. up to do 由某人自己来完成live sth. down 对耿耿于怀look down on 轻视look forward to 期待look for a needle in a haystack大海捞针look into 调查look on 旁观look out 留神look run down 看上去很憔悴look up to 尊敬,尊重low season 淡季Mmake a night of it 工作大半夜make heads or tails of 弄清楚make it 成功,做到,赶到make out 理解

10、,认出my folks 家人,朋友no way 不可能not on you life 无论如何都不Oon draft零售on earth究竟out of world 举世无双Ppack one ' s suitcase 收拾行李 page someboby 播送找某人pass out 失去知觉play around with 把不当回事play it by ear 现场发挥poke fun at 拿开心pull off/over停车到路边pull oneself together 调整,适应 pusk one ' s luck 得寸进尺put sb. though to为接通

11、quite a few 很多Rrigister for 选课rub sb. the wrong way给某人不好的印象Sshoot a picture拍照片sign up for选课snap a shot 抓拍照片stay up late 开夜车Ttake over 接管talk a lot of nerve 需要很大的勇气talk sb. in/talk sb. for a ride欺骗某人talk sb. into sth./doing sth.说服某人做某事talk sb. out doing sth. 说服某人不做某事他们生活的很好Terrible! 好极了,棒极了They could

12、n ' t live batter now-the last thing/person最不愿意的事或人The score is tied.打成平局Uunder the water 感觉不怎么好VWWhat' s up? 怎么了What nerve! 还真敢呢without a hitch毫不费力地XYYou can ' t work too hard.你一定要努力工作You bet I am! 一定会You can ' t miss it!这样走就到了You have a point.你说的有点对You are in luck! 这是好主意you don ' t say. 真的呢Word是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这个时候我们可以完全可以用查找替换来轻松解决。


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