1、文化冲击原意是指一个人,从其固有的文化环境中捞居到一个新的文化环境中所产生 的文化上的不适应在国外留学学习时,文化冲击会给学习带来一些困扰experiencing culture shock体验文化冲击a. j. dalton (amended by jon porter)before you readpre<liction: what will the author talk about according to the title?living in a foreign country is veiy different from just visiting it on holida
2、y. nearly evenbody experiences "cuhurc shock" when they stay in a countiy that has different languages, customs and systems from lheir own. they will experience rxcilcincnt, fruslration and f(*ar, but finally get used to that foreign culture. for some people the shock will iasi for just a
3、few hours, but for others, it will persist for weeks or months.i spoke to two international students living in the uk city of manchester to see how much they were affected. the first was tong li (nickname i-ily), a student from beijing, studying for an msc in sustainable aviation at manchester metro
4、pol item university. tlie second was umar munir from (ilgit. the ca|>ilal city of the norih- em region of pakistan bordering both india and china. umar is working towards an msc in environmental managemtrnt and sustainable development at the same university. 1 asked lily and umar if thev had suff
5、ered badly from cul- r9lure shock when thev first arrived. neither of them had. "manchester is venr diverse. you can walk for five minutes and meet people from jamaica, the middle east, europe, turkey, asia, india, all sorts/* umar explained. "i pailicularly like to visit the restaurants i
6、n the curn mile, where you can get every type of asian rmml” when asked whal they thought the l>est and worst things about manchester were. lily said. “il's not a big city but it's beautiful and safe. howev?r, you sometimes see rubbish on the street.m umar liked the countiyside around man
7、chester. "the peak district is just ten min- drive awav. ie also visited lieaches in north wales, the lake district and blackpool on the coast. they're all close to manchester. the weather is the worst thing. il's unpre<iictal>le and rains a lot.'* lily found the temperate wea
8、ther a bit more refreshing. "although it often rains, the air is clean and fn>h. the sky i$ lm«autiful and the weather is not too cold or loo hot.mhow is studying different in the uk?when i asked lily what the main differ-疯狂英语(新阅版)45 ences were in the approaches to study in china and th
9、e uk, she said. *'ln manchester metropolitan university, i he class is flexible and usually recjuires students to use their imagination and crealivily. slu(k*n|s oflcn do group work and give presentations in class. students depend mostly on self-study outside class. in my university in china, th
10、e usual mode of class is the teacher talking and th<* students listening. i am comfortable with bo山 of these two learning approaches. the combinalion of i hem nmk< inc more <?a|)al)le of adopting different leaniing approaches in different enviionments.0 and umar? he said, “the research in t
11、he uk tends to be very up to date and focuses on cunenl policy and thinking. it considers today's issues and possible practical solutions. in pakistan, i have to ad<lress my tutor as sir or ma'am, whereas my british tutor told me to call him paul. he encourages me to discuss things and ta
12、lk openly so that we imhii get useful feedback."any problems?“i cannot communicate very well with people who s,m*ak with a strong dialed,lily admitted. "the mancunian accent isn'l in the ielts exam, so i had a slight problem at first/, umar nodded. mancunians say /buz/ instead of /1>
13、;as/. for example.m in addition. the mancunian dialect also has some unique words and phrases. for example, being "mad for it ' is io be full of enthusiasm. also, a "chip barm" is a bread roll with chips as the oiling.free time and making friends?lily said, "the mancunians ar
14、e frien<lly rand polite. the english are humorous and gentle. i always go shopping, watch tv and see films in my s|)are lirnr. the fish and chips art*46 cnizy english 202x.10 delicious but the desserts are loo sweet.* umar said, "the people are well-mannered and helpful. if you're lost,
15、they'll always stop and give you directions. i have two or three close english friends, and theyre not my class!nat*s! it's easy to make friends because whenever you go for a walk, people will just start chatting to you. or ihtty'll talk io anyone in lhe pul)s5 clulis and shisha caf6s. p
16、eople are (bo由allcrazy here. ev- enone supports united or city. i haven't been to (he siadium, bul i watch it on tv. i like to look at the architecture in manchester, with the famous red bricks everywhere, and the historic imildings standing right ncxl lo niodcni ong everywhere. and there are lo
17、ts of churches, mosques and temples all next to each other.vany final advice?lily said, *'before you arrive, learn more iibout the culture and history of the l k. and lay a good language foundation for yourself/* umar said, "if you're feeling homesick, then having food fn)m your own cou
18、ntry really helps. so when you choose a uk city in which to study, consider whelher【here's a coininunitv from vour own country there. manchester also has cheaper i ravel and accoinitkmlation than london.activity 1: cultural attitudeslook at the following academic issues and decide fbr each one w
19、hether you m ust do it (md). don叩 have to do it (dht) or must not do it (mnd) in your countnr.a. agree with your teacherb. plagiarizec. work independently outside the classroomi), present your own ideas in classe. work with other students in classzt7 (酒阅壁)塾诞丑照,尸甫即j0疽叩wgiu .m月-yogm iu.i3| 叫| *j30(pi|
20、> upiunoup 3甲 iq uojssdjdxa s'sepo】|)lp iioa aol( qg o| ll()l.k>s j3.usur 叫 )b)(oo| mon iukmi £qaud .ioj -shikmi z p8 nox rmsub h ipsd joj "juiod p9 boa 4j9msub y i.)ko joj ,iiiojs |h|o| jno.t)no >|.iom mon,sjuiunpisaj pooj 唤aioj)isia xp»|n3aj .1()o3uo s|mm)j(joi.il 9aul(
21、 | *j|a.(j|uno;> aul il1ojj auisin.) |nuoi)i|)pj)()iy g o)pu<)x|iio 、 nox op spooj jo pos icqm pm叩 冲 |f <231.1 llino.j uspuoj uiojj djdoad oj aui|iio *i?i | *9,11 叫 pun w)u 心3.2 o)1 xiiunoo u3lj<jj b utjo a|iuik| oa叫 | &,血ai |ojj va.iiunoo 曲纣 n 111 uiai| ouokue <)i no.< <
22、87;(| £ ojoiu jo giim ,3 o.u| jo ouq -j| auo -ypaiisia boa 3a叫 sou-iinoa xinnu m(叫 pudy 乙 3j0u1 jo' o.u| jo 4>uq *j| »如 'vz忡ds nox uro sgpns-ui? aumu moq 4uao juoa ukuj pudy j*u<»i|sunh i.)ro jo| ja.usiih uu asooq .u)uno.).laipoun pisia nox ji 牛)0平 3jni(na ukmj .mjjns no
23、.i |)|n<» q.)iuu m<>u joujoo unj upj syods u auy/s| 9( ).)oi|s o.inna uiojj tjaniu jwojjns i.imabh/l.uskh $()s3uippnd qsiiug 哪 |4uoa/|6usao(j >()xo 呷!s33v|<j jui|o o| |x)|3apj|£(),pinip uniunaup 叫辿 -pufi&tapun a|qnar)auios 9aujj/spjj -j( )-qoun 1113叩 门尸/门 j ("(fl) si唧w 甲oq .10 (fl) juuiq *(1)xin.x|u;>s3
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