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1、2018 中考英语深圳市(同义词组)1. appearance=look 2. around=about 3. appreciate=be thankful to =be grateful to 4. pass by = go past 5. ahead of time= in advance 6. ahead of sb=in front of sb=do better than 7. at a price =with a lot of hard work 8. persuade=succeed in making sb agree to do sth. 9. valuable=worth

2、a lot of money 10. freeze= stop moving suddenly 11. hear from=receive/get a letter from 12. despite=in spite of 13. do well in = be good at 14. as well as = and 15. as well = too= also 16. be keen on =be interested in 17. repair=mend =fix 18. lately=recently 19. error= mistake 20. unusual=not common

3、 21. the rest= the part left 22. at a time= once 23. at times= sometimes 24. elderly=old 25. divide=separate sth into two or more parts. 26. achieve=get=gain=succeed in 27. except for=not including 28. celebrate=do sth special for an important day or event 29. add=plus=and 30. agree=say yes to 31. a

4、im=purpose 32. allow=permit=let sb do sth 33. one another=each other 34. apply for =ask for 35. author=writer 36. bear= stand 37. begin=start 38. book=order=arrange to have 39. call sb=phone sb=ring sb up 40. collect money=raise money 41. convenient=make sth easy 42. crazy=mad 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - -

5、- - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -43. create=produce 44. daily=everyday 45. spoil=damage 46. dear=expensive 47. defeat sb=beat sb 48. describe sth to sb=tell sb what sth is/looks like 49. dial a number =call

6、a number 50. disappear=not be seen 51. whats the distance=how far is it 52. drop in on sb=visit sb=call on sb 53. dull=boring 54. end=finish=be over=complete 55. enter=go into 56. escape from=go away from 57. except=but 58. be expert at =be good at 59. express sth=show opinion on sth 60. in face=act

7、ually=as a matter of fact= in reality 61. fall behind =not catch up with 62. false=wrong 63. gain=get 64. in handcuffs=be caught by policeman 65. interview sb=talk to sb and ask some questions 66. judge=make a decision 67. method=way 68. multiply=times 69. offer=give=provide 70. operate=run=make sth

8、 work 71. own=have 72. perform=act 73. take pleasure in doing =enjoy doing 74. promise=make sure 75. properly=in a right way 76. publish=come out 77. be proud of =take pride in 78. realize=understand 79. reduce=become smaller 80. refuse=not agree 81. request =ask for 82. require doing sth=need doing

9、 sth 83. room=place 84. rush=move very quickly 85. be seated=sit 86. seize=catch 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -87. stare at sth/sb=look at sth/sb with great interest 88. keep still=

10、dont move 89. supply=give sb sth 90. tasty=delicious 91. teach oneself=learn sth by oneself 92. therefore= so 93. thought=idea 94. be tired of =be bored with 95. tough=difficult 96. together=with each other 97. whole=all 98. wish=hope 99. be absent from=dont attend 100. conclude=end=come to an end=b

11、e over 101. fortunate=lucky 102. can / could=be able to 103. more than= over 104. break down=stop working=go wrong=be dead 105. be harmful to =do harm to =be bad for 106. pay.for.=spend.on 107. howdeal with= what do with 108. do sb a favour=help sb=give sb a hand 109. take part in=join in 110. be fu

12、ll of =be filled with 111. discuss=talk over=talk about 112. reply to=answer=respond 113. come from=be from 114. cross=go across=walk across 115. stop sb from doing sth=prevent/keep sb from doing sth 116. arrive in/ at=get to=reach 117. at last =in the end=finally 118. afraid=frightened 119. make up

13、 ones mind=decide=make a decision 120. behind bars=in prison=in jails 121. put pressure on sb to do sth=force sb to do sth 122. illegal= against the law 123. hurry to =go to hurriedly=go to in a hurry 124. prepare for =get ready for =be prepared for 125. pollute=make dirty 126. another ten workers=t

14、en more workers 127. nervous=worried and afraid 128. i ll get it=ill take it=ill buy it 129. communicate with sb=keep in touch with sb 130. because of =as a result 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 13 页 - - -

15、 - - - - - -131. be stone deaf=can t hear anything 132. take off=pull off 133. lack=don t have enough=be short of 134. switch off=turn off 135. prefer to =like better than 136. enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun 137. remember to do sth=don t forget to do sth 138. remember me to sb=give my best

16、wishes to sb 139. besides=what more=in addition besides=including besides= as well as=and 140. depend on=be decided by=be dependent on 141. be responsible for =be in charge of=take charge of =have the duty for 142.lost ones temper=get angry 143. go after=follow 144. just now=a moment ago 145. have t

17、o =must 146. thanks= with the help of 147. cant catch up with=fall behind 148. near=not far=close by 149. in aid of=to help 150. without hesitation =at once 151. be fond of = like 152. famous=well-known 153. a piece of cake=very easy 154. rain cats and dogs=rain heavily/hard 155. on top of the world

18、=very happy 156. environmentally friendly=green 157. have a green thumb= be good at gardening 158. be ones apple=be ones favourite 159. at sixes and sevens=in a mess=messy 160. eat ones world=take back what sb said 161. all in =very tired 162. be all right=be well 163. set off=start 164. be at table

19、=be having a meal 165. go through=read sth very quickly 166. go off=make a sudden noise=ring suddenly 167. whats up=whats going on?= what s the matter?=what s wrong? 168. for sale=be sold 169. feel like doing sth=want to do sth= would like to do sth 170. fall ill=get sick 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - -

20、 - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -171. die out=not exist 172. depend on =rely on 173. hold on=wait a minute =dont hang up 174. hurry up=be quick 175. in a flash=very quickly=in a short time 176. in no time=very so

21、on= at once=right now=right away 177. in the first place=in the beginning 178. in total= totally 179. make it=succeed 180. none of ones business=it has nothing to do with sb 181. note down=write down 182. point of view=opinion 183. put on weight=become heavier 184. lose weight=become thinner 185. sp

22、read ones wings to =fly to 186. take to safety=take sb to safe place 187. all over the world=throughout the world= all around the world 188. at all costs=do anything sb can do 189. at a price=with a lot of hard work 190. offer to ,=providefor 191. collect sb=take sb away=pick sb up 192. partly=in a

23、way 193. come along=show up =appear 194. miss=fail to do 195. business=company=firm 196. i dont know=i have no idea 197. assist sb in doing sth=help sb to do sth 198. be unaware of sth= dont know about sth= don t realize sth 199. continue=go on 200. chance=opportunity 201. just now=a moment ago 202.

24、 not the same as=be different from 203. improve=make .better 204. argue with sb=have an argument with sb 205. so that=in order that 206. so as to=in order to 207. make fun of sb=laugh at sb=play jokes on sb 208. remind sb of sth =help sb remember sth= make sb think of sb 209. hold out=take out 210.

25、regard as=consider as=think of as 211. let sb down=make disappointed 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -212. stand for=represent =mean 213. apologize=say sorry 214. glance at=take a quick

26、 look at 215. persuade sb =make sb agree 216. raise ones hand=put up ones hand 217. opinion=view=point of view 218. whisper=tell/say/speak in a low voice 219. take steps =take actions=take measures 220. take shape=develop into a clear form 221. a large number of=many=a lot of 222. shocked=very surpr

27、ised=amazed 223. cry with joy=cry happily 224. present sb with sth=give st sth as a gift 225. extremely successful=a great success 226. work as=be =act as 227. survive=keep alive 228. be satisfied with sb=be pleased with sb 229. include=contain=haveinside 230. hardly ever=almost never=seldom=rarely

28、231. watch out=look out=be careful=take care 232. not a little=very 233. come true=become real 234. instead of=in place of 235. by accident =by chance=accidentally 236. question sb=ask sb some questions 237. lies in=be in=be located in 238. up to now=so far=by now 239. blind =cant see 240. fit sb=be

29、 suitable for=suit sb 241. at the moment =at present=now= for the time being 242. turn into=change into 243. in the beginning=at first 244. alone=by oneself=on ones own 245. leave for=go to=set off for 246. consider=think about carefully 247. valuable=of great value 248. foolish=silly=stupid 249. fo

30、und=set up=start 250. come down=become lower 251. lose one s appetite for=make sb lose oneinterest in sth = put sb off sth 252. tell the truth=not tell lie 253. consist of =be made up of 254. treat sb badly=be cruel to sb 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习

31、资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -255. learn .by heart=memorize .=remember well 256. perfectly=without any mistakes 257. gift=present/talent 258. succeed in doing sth=manage to do sth 259. hunt for=search for 260. in a brief way=briefly=in a few words 261. around=

32、everywhere=here and there 262. increase=become larger 263. interrupt sb=stop sb from speaking 264. quit=leave=give up 265. not keep ones promise=break ones promise 266. destroy=damaged badly 267. rare=unusual 268. against=to say no to 269. absorb=take in 270. not a bit happy=not happy=unhappy 271. l

33、ook forward to doing sth=expect to do sth. 272. cause=lead to 273. enter=go into 274. be connected to=be joined to=be linked to 275. sort=type=kind 276. in ancient times=many,many years ago 277. used to do sth=often did. in the past 278. solve=deal with 279. be bored with= be not interested in=be ti

34、red of=be fed up with 280. forever=for a very long time 281. be in trouble with=have trouble with 282. mountains of =a lot of= a number of 283. operate the machine=run the machine=make the machine work 284. for the time being=now =at present 285. lead sb to sw=take sb to sw 286. copy=do exactly the

35、same asdo 287. removefrom=take out of 288. nearby=not far away 289. lively=active and happy 290. realize=know about=be aware of 291. identify with=feel the same way as. 292. return=go/come back give back 293. all the time=always=all the way 294. glad=happy=cheerful 295. raise ones voice=speak more l

36、oudly 296. touch=put the hand on 297. humorous=have a sense of humor= 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -have ability to make others laugh and joke 298. missing=lost 299. free=available=h

37、ave time to do sth free=not cost anything 300. innocent=not guilty 301. at times=sometimes=from time to time 302. go over=examine go over=review 303. think of an idea=come up with an idea 304. beneath=under 305. be short of =lack=don t have enough 306. prefer to = like better than 喜欢胜过prefer to rath

38、er than =would rather than 宁愿而不愿307. make/leave a good impression on=give sb. a good impression给某人留下好印象308. be at work=be working 在工作309. make eye contact with sb = communicate with sb. with ones eyes 与某人进行目光(眼神)交流310. at least= not less than 至少,不少于311. dry out = make dry 使变干燥312. by mistake = wrong

39、ly 错误地313. be influenced by = be affected by 受的影响314. be kind to sb. = be nice to sb. = be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 / 善良315. force sb. to do sth. = make sb. do sth. 强迫某人做某事316. marry sb. = be/get married to sb. 与结婚317.present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.as a present 送给某人某物318.cry

40、 with joy = cry with happiness / cry happily喜极而泣319. burst in = break in 闯入320. learn by heart = remember = knowby heart = keepin mind熟记;铭记于心321.give a lecture = make a speech 发表演说,做报告322.have a gift for = have a talent for 有的天赋323.return ones call = call sb. back get back to sb. = call sb. back 回复某

41、人的电话324.be happy with = be pleased with = be satisfied with 对感到开心325 be filled with = be full of = be crowded with 充满;装满326. try / do ones best to do sth. = try as hard as sb. can to do 尽全力做某事精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - -

42、- - - - - 第 8 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -e true 实现make ones dream come true = realize ones dream实现某人的梦想328. asas sb. can = asas possible尽可能329. up to now = up till now = so far = by now到现在为止330. raise /collect money for a charity为慈善机构筹钱332. greet sb. cheerfully =say hello to sb. happily 333. by chanc

43、e= by accident 334. glance at=have a quick look at 335. make contact with= keep in touch with= communicate with 336. make a good impression on sb.= give a good impression to sb. 337. decide to do sth.=make up ones mind to do sth.= make a decision to do sth 338. without hesitation = at once=immediate

44、ly 339. remind sb. of sth.= remind sb. to do sth. =make sb. remember sth. 340. preferto = like sth. better than 341. instead of=in place of 342. on ones own=by oneself=alone 343. first of all = at first 344. make eye contact with =look directly at 345. care for =look after=take care of 346. on top o

45、f the world=very happy 347. sth. be right for sb.=suit =be suitable for sb 348. promise sb to do= make sure 349. be free to =neednt 350 have an appointment with=have a date with 351. depend on=rely on = be decided by 352. advise to do= advise that sb.=suggest (sb) doing 353. dry out your hair=make y

46、our hair dry 354. look forward to doing=expect to do=hope to do 355. places of interest =interesting places 356. take shape=develop into a clear form 357. natural scenery= natural view 358. look like = be like 359. be great fun=be very interesting 360. be attracted by sth. =be very interested in sth

47、. 361. in the centre of= in the middle of 362. return tickets=round-trip ticket 363. refer to=stand for 364. learn about=know about 365. in advance= ahead of time 366. describe sth.to sb.= tell sb something about 367. leave for=start for 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 13 页 - - -

48、 - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -368. behave oneself=have a good behaviour 369. by mistake= by error 370. if necessary=if you need to 371. jump into a conclusion =draw a conclusion 372.persuade sb. to do=make sb agree to do sth.=convince sb. to do

49、 sth. 373. five minutes to go =five minutes left 374. feel nervous=feel very afraid and worried 375. prepare for =get ready for be unprepared= be not ready 376. ahead of (time) =in font of =doing better than=in advance 377. six more= another six 378. win a big prize= get a big prize 379. keep doing

50、sth.= go on with sth. 380. excellent= do very well= terrific 381. hurry to do sth.= go to do sth. in a hurry 382. hard work =difficult job 383. believe sb.=believe what sb. said 384. rush into =burst into闯入385. food for thought=be worth thinking about 386.lose ones appetite for sth. = put sb off sth

51、. =make sb lose interest in387. put on weight=become heavier / fatter 388. lose weight=become thinner 389. be influenced by=be affected by 390. instead of=in place of=do sth, dont do sth. 391. live in tiny spaces=live in very small spaces 392. bits of = a little 393. increase=become bigger= go up 39

52、4. a lack of = short of 395. have an argument=argue 396. contain = have 397. keep an animal = raise an animal 398. didnt pass the exam=failed the exam 399. force sb. to do sth.= make sb do sth. 400. fall in love (with ) = be in love (with) 401. be good at =do well in =be excellent on 402. agree to m

53、arry sb.=agree to become the wife of sb. 403. teach sb. how to do=teach sb. how sb. could do 404. put sb. in a prison=send sb. in a jail 405. pull off his mask=take off the mask 406. be shocked at =be very surprised at 407. feel sorry for sb.=feel guilty for sb. 精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - -

54、 - - - 第 10 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -408. cry with joy=cry happily/joyfully 409. burst in =rush in=break in 410. at that moment=just then 411. disappeared=was out of sight 412. present sb. with sth.=give sb. sth. as a gift41

55、3. let sb. go/away=set sb. free414 come up with= think of 415. was jealous of=envied 416. act as =act like 417. regardas = consider.as=think of as 418. attempt to do sth.=try to do sth. 419. have a sense of humor=be humorous 420. work out = solve=deal with 421. work= operate =run 422. let sb down =

56、disappoint sb. = make sb. disappointed 423. what is the distance= how far is it 424. perfectly=without any mistake 425. be pleased with sth =be satisfied with it s a pleasure (for sb) to do sth 426. learn sth. by heart= know sth. by heart =remember=memorize 427. lead sb to =take sb to lead to sth.=

57、cause sth. 428. find out=discover 429. be in trouble in doing sth.= have difficulty in doing sth. 430. in fact=actually =as a matter of fact 431.offer sth. to sb=offer sb,sth.=supply sb. with sth. =supply sth. to sb. =provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb. 432. join in the applause=take part in

58、the applause 433. in reply to sth.= to answer sth. 434. be a great success=be very successful=be extremely successful 435. survive =still live=be still alive 436 up to now=so far 437. in order to do = so as to do 438. be put in prison= be behind bars 439. cultivate = grow=plant 440. give up= stop do

59、ing sth441. be rare = be uncommon rarely= seldom=hardly ever 442. despite = in spite of +短语= although+ 句443. take place = happen 444. encourage sb to do = support sb to do 445. run away from = escape from 446. as a result of =because of 447. change ones view = change ones mind/ idea 精品学习资料 可选择p d f

60、- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -精品学习资料 可选择p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 13 页 - - - - - - - - -448. fall over = fall down= slip up 449. all day long = the whole day 450. on the contrary = conversely= oppositely 451. at the same time= while 452.be copied all ove


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