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1、Unit 1 Talking about the Winter Vacation Lesson 1教学目标:1. 知识目标:掌握词组the ice carvings, a flower show,能够听懂、会说并能够默写。掌握句型:How did you spend your winter vacation? I went to Harbin to see the ice carvings. How was the weather there? It was cold and snowy. 能够用所学句型流利问答。2. 能力目标:能在语境中正确运用所学句型。3. 情感目标:培养学生热爱生活、热

2、爱大自然的情操。教学重点:在语境中正确运用所学句型。教学难点:词组the ice carvings 的读音,特别是在ice 前the的发音。教学方法:情境教学法、指导自主学习教学法教具准备:导学提纲、相关单词及词组卡片、课件、一幅中国地图、磁带。学情分析:六年级学生已经具有一定的自学能力。在教学中可适当放手,让他们自主进行学习,为他们今后的学习打下基础。一般过去式学生已经学过。上学期学生还学过:Where were you in the summer vacation? 本节课学习另一种问法:How did you spend your winter vacation?教师可以先从已学句型进行

3、师生问答,然后引入新课进行学习。教学过程:Step1: Warm up.1. Greeting.2. Free talk.T: How is the weather today? S: Its sunny.3. Revision.1)由师生自由对话,引入有关天气的课件,进行复习。2)教师出示一张中国地图,将天气单词卡片放在地图上不同的地点(如:北京、上海、福州、海南等)用How is the weather in ?进行对话。3) 课件呈现:1月1日北京、上海、广州、福州等地天气,引出一般过去时进行师生问答。T: How was the weather in Beijing?S: It was

4、 .Step 2: Presentation and learning.1. T: In the summer vacation, Sally went to the USA. She visited the White House. And she took some photos. (教师边说边做动作,让学生回忆起上学期所学。) In the winter vacation, How did Chen Ling and Wang Tao spend their winter vacation ? Today were going to learn Lesson 1. Talking abo

5、ut the Winter Vacation. 板书课题。2. 请学生拿出导学提纲,检查学生预习情况。齐读:预习目标1,检查学生掌握情况。由检查预习目标2 (1 ),引入动词过去式并进行复习。2 / 57a. 教师出示动词卡片is, do, go, snow, watch, read, make,学生拼读,教师将卡片贴在黑板上,然后请几位学生上台写出它们的过去式,教师与全体学生共同订正,并复习它们的变化规则后,请学生范读或当“小老师”领读。b. 快速反应。教师出示动词原形卡片或过去式卡片,学生快速抢答,说出它的过去式或原形,反应快者为胜。 由检查预习目标2 (2 )、2 (3 ) 引入词组:w

6、inter vacation, the ice carvings, a flower show的学习。教师指着图上的“冰雕”说:Wang Tao went to Harbin to see the ice carvings. 引出 the ice carving,see the ice carvings并教学,将 the ice carvings的卡片贴在图的旁边。然后教师指着挂图上的“花展”说:Look. There are many flowers. There is a flower show. Chen Ling went to see a flower show. 引出a flowe

7、r show, see a flower show并教学,将a flower show的卡片贴在图的旁边。教师指图,采用不同的形式操练the ice carving,和 a flower show。3. T: In winter vacation, I was in Fuzhou. I went to Yushan. I went to see a flower show. How did you spend your winter vacation? 请学生说说自己是如何过春节的。并请学生注意老师是怎么提问的,谁能够问一问。教师请已经会读的同学带读句型How did you spend yo

8、ur winter vacation? 运用多种形式操练句型。学生不停地读该句型,教师板书。4. 课文教学在播放课文录音前先出示下列问题,让学生带着问题听录音。先请学生读读这四个句子,理解意思。How did Wang Tao spend his winter vacation?How did Chen Ling spend her winter vacation?How was the weather in Harbin?How was the weather in Guangzhou?1) 播放课文录音一遍,要求学生只听不看书。2)请学生看课本第1页,划出答案后请个别学生回答问题。3)教师

9、再播放录音,学生听音模仿跟读。Step 3: Consolidation.1. 完成课本第二页的Look and say.1)教师出示see the ice carvings, see a flower show, went to the fair, watched New Year programs , read interesting books, made snowmen , at Spring Festival等词组卡片,采用不同的形式操练词组。2)请学生看书第2页,听音跟读。2. 完成课本第3页的Ask and answer.全班学生先自读本页内容,遇到不懂的地方可举手提问。教师解答

10、完学生的问题后,播放录音,全班跟读。3完成课本第4页的Read. Tick or cross.1)先请学生自读短文,划出不懂的地方,由同学或教师帮助学习。2)学生独立完成判断正误的练习,然后核对答案。3)教师播放录音,学生小声默读短文。4)引导学生体会祖国山河的壮美秀丽。Step 4: Homework.1听录音,熟读课文。2完成活动手册上本课的练习。3参考课本P4,用英语写一写自己的寒假经历,如:去了哪里,进行了哪些活动,那里的天气如何Step 5: Blackboard DesignLesson 1How was the weather there?It was cold and snow

11、y. How did you spend your winter vacation?I went to Harbin to see the ice carvings.to see a flower showLesson 2I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these words correctly:Seaside, wedding, met.To demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly:Where were you in the winte

12、r vacation?I went to Hainan with my family.What did you do there?We played at the seaside.II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cardsIII.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ ReviewGreeting each other.Review verbs: is, are, go, do, play, climb, stay, learn,meet及其过去式。Saw the ice carvings, saw a flo

13、wer show, went to the fair, watched New Year programs on CCTV, read some interesting books, made snowmenToday were going to learn Lesson 2Step 2 Learn to say1. Teach: seaside, at the seaside, meet, metIn the sea, at the seaside, play at the seaside, ran at the seaside, rest at the seaside. Oh, I met

14、 many friends at the seaside.Meet-met, meet many friends-met many friends.2. Teach: weddingThis is my aunts wedding. I went to my aunts wedding.3. Now Sally and Hu Ping are talking about their winter vacation. How did they spend their winter vacation? Lets see what they did in the winter vacation. L

15、ets listen to the tape.Questions:Where did Sally go? What did she do there?How was the weather there? Where did Hu Ping go?What did he do there?Step 3 Practice Ask the Ss to look and say with the teacher Divide the Ss into two groups to act out the two dialogs Ask two Ss to act out the dialogs for s

16、ome times .Step 4 Look and say Listen to the tape & look at the English books and point to the pictures.Listen to the tape again & repeat.Step 5 Learn to writeOn page 8Step 6 HomeworkListen to the tape & repeat for some times .Finish off the activity book of this Lesson .Unit2 Housework

17、Lesson 3 教学目标能听懂、会说本课的对话并能在实际情景中应用。学习单词和词组:housework, often, past(in the past), now, make my bed, wash my clothes, clean my room, every week, water the flowers, clean the table, sweep the floor, do the shopping等。教具准备VCD,录音机,卡片,挂图。教学步骤和方法Step1. Warm up and reviewDo you know how to say the White House

18、 and do my homework?House, homework-housework从旧知引向新知,让学生自己说出housework并理解该单词的意思。Step2. Learn to say1. make-make my bed IWash-wash my clothes-IClean-clean my room/ clean the table-ISweep-sweep the floor-I Water-water the flowers-IDo-do the shopping-I学习单词和词组时注意纠正学生的错误发音,单词的学习做到词不离句,要融进本课的句型里练习,让学生在本课的语

19、境中理解并运用新词汇。2. Ask and answer:sentences:Do you make your bed/ wash your clothes/ clean your room/ clean the table/ sweep the floor/ water the flowers/ do the shopping?Yes, I do./ No, I dont.Step3. Look and say.PastIn the past NowIn the past my mother made my bed. Now I make my bed.In the past my gran

20、dma washed my clothes. Now I wash my clothes.In the past my mother cleaned my room. Now I clean my room.Step4.Learn to sayEvery every week/ every morning/ every day.Help-help my mother do houseworkOften-often helpHow about?Learn Page 9 Part 1.First let Ss listen to the tape recorder two times, read

21、after it and then translate it.引导学生认真模仿录音里的语音、语调,要求学生朗读时要看课文、认读文字。Read and recite Part 1.Step5.Practice: answer the questions.Tick the housework you do.( ) I make my bed every morning.( ) I clean my room every week.( ) I wash my clothes.( )I help my mother do the shopping.( )I clean the table after

22、dinner.( ) I sweep the floor.( )I water the flowers.Step6. Summary.Step7.Homework:1.听录音,模仿对话并在实际情景中加以运用。2.完成活动手册上的活动。Unit 2 Helping Each OtherLesson 4一、教学目的与要求1、词汇:classmate, each other.2、句型:We often help each other.Chen Ling often helps me with my Chinese.I often teach her English.3、功能:互相帮助。4、情感:教育

23、学生要互相帮助,成为乐于助人的人。二、教具准备1.教师准备单词卡片2.教师准备课件及课文CD-ROM3.学生准备英语写作纸三、教学步骤和方法建议. Review & Lead-in1.Greetings. 2.Review the words about subjects.出示卡片并跟读。T: ChineseChineseChinese.S:游戏:闪电拼写。T: You can choose a number and then spell the word quickly.S: No. T: Group 1, spell the word together. (让每位学生都注意力集中,

24、参与拼写)3.欣赏图片:教师出示一组乐于助人的图片,要求学生一边欣赏,一边思考。T:Look at these pictures carefully, then tell me what they are about.S:T: Yes, were a big family, we should help each other. 我们生活在大家庭里,我们要互助关心、互相帮助。(教师用肢体语言表示“爱心”,渗透德育教学)T: 出示评价表并引出课题: 教师将爱心贴在评价表上,一边贴一边说:Today were going to learn Unit 2 Helping Each Other. . P

25、resentation1. 教学句子:We often help each other.each other-help each other-We often help each other . (教师边说边板书)2.出示班级集体照,引出句子:This is a photo of our class. Its a nice photo. We are classmates.并教学单词classmate. 指导学生分音节记忆单词classmate.3.课文教学出示照片,并复习与课文有关单词:help, teach, often让学生自己先阅读课文,找出本课重点句。T:Look at these

26、pictures, then open your books at page 13. Please read this text by yourself. Here are some words for you.听课文录音,并跟读。学生说重点句子并教学句子。4.句型比较并学习:She often helps me with my English.I often teach her English. 引导学生说出重点句:She often helps me with my English.(教师板书),出示课件总结该句结构,并强调动词单三的变化。课件出示本班科任老师的照片,让学生看图说话。(可列

27、举三名老师)Ms. He often helps me with my math.Ms. Guo often helps me with my English.Mr. Luo often helps me with my PE.活动:“爱心传唱”T:说出其他老师或同学对你的帮助,然后将爱心传唱下去。(课件转回第一句重点句的页面)继续学习第二句句子:I often teach her English.(教师板书)。教师连续出示几个句子,让学生读一读并找出句子中的共同点:teach+代词宾格形式。点出:teach的单三变化为teaches.活动“爱心讲述”教师给出一个例子,图片的人物说的话: he

28、lps me with my I teach her . We often help each other.让学生模仿例子开始“爱心讲述”。完成课文“Look and say”.Practice & consolidation拓展练习1. 根据所提供的单词将短文补充完整。My classmates _ very nice. We often help each other. Xiao Ling often _ me with my English. I teach _ math. Peter helps her _her science, too. We learn together.

29、 Were a happy family(家庭)。 helps are with her 2. 小作家摇篮。 根据P16 “Learn to write”的要求,写一篇以My classmate为题的小短文。然后进行佳作展示。 3. 歌曲改编。教师出示“The More We get together”歌曲,要求在老师的指导下,用“We help each other”进行替换练习。新歌曲如下:The more we help each other, each other, each other.The more we help each other. The happier well be.

30、You help me, I help you. I teach you , you teach me.The more we help each other, the happier well be.Homework1.背诵课文2.完成活动手册的练习3.抄正小作文 Unit 3 Seeing a DoctorLesson 5Teaching objectives:Language knowledge:Vocabulary:toothache headache fever hospital cold Sentences:Whats wrong with you ? I have a Langu

31、age skills:能用所学的语言谈论身体状况。Language Focused and Language difficult points: 1.headache , toothache 的构成及发音。2.能用所学的语言谈论身体状况。Teaching aids:1.教学卡片、图片、词条2.多媒体课件3.练习每人一张。Teaching Procedures:Step 1 : Greetings Step 2: Warming up and presentations1.Sing a song :Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.2.A game :Listen an

32、d point.1) 老师发指令,全班同学做动作。 3. 单词教学:toothache ,headache 1) 教师发指令,“Touch your tooth.Touch your head”引出tooth和head,然后进行单词教学toothache和headache.2) 课件出示单词tooth和ache,老师带读数次,然后合并这两个单词要求学生自己拼出toothache和headache.4.揭示课题并导入新课教学 1) 教师出示课件,并指着课件说: He has a toothache. He must see a doctor .然后板书See a doctor. (出示课题并带读

33、)2) 句型教学: Whats wrong with you? I have a cold.T : Tony is not very well today. Look ! ( 课件呈现Tony打喷嚏声音) T: Oh, Tony,whats wrong with you? Lets ask him“ Whats wrong with you? ”(课件出示句子Whats wrong with you? I have a cold.教师带读数次并解释,利用学生读的时间教师板书,然后进行操练)T: Now, follow me . Cold , cold , I have a cold .(利用肢

34、体语言进行操练)3) 教学句型:I have a fever .T: Today I dont feel well. I feel terrible. (老师做不舒服的动作,并将事先准备好的温度计放在腋下,一会后拿出说) Oh. I have a fever.T: f-e-v-e-r fever.S: f-e-v-e-r fever. (拼写,速记)(利用学生背诵单词的时间将单词板书)T: Now follow me . Fever , fever ,I have a fever.(利用肢体语言操练,先集体后个别)5.Games.1) 比赛 : I say , you do.2) 快速反应老师

35、做动作,并且说“I have a ”学生根据老师的动作将句子补充完整,然后重复一遍完整的句子。 3) 寻医问药。教师将学生分成四大组,每组选一张短语卡片(短语卡片有:have a headache , have a fever , have a toothache , have a cold )。教师戴上医生的帽子提问:Cold, cold, who has a cold? 如第一组选中的是have a cold,这组学生就边做动作边说:Cold, cold, I have a cold. 用同样的方法操练其他句型,各组调换卡片继续该活动。操练方式: Cold , cold , I have

36、a cold. Headache ,headache, I have a headache.Toothache ,toothache ,I have a toothache.Fever , fever ,I have a fever.6. 课文教学1)学生自读课文,圈出不懂的地方,然后教师解析学生的问题。T: Now please read the passage by yourself and underline the words you dont understand.2) 听课文回答下列问题 Does Ben have a toothache ? Whats wrong with Be

37、n ?3) 听课文录音,然后跟读并分角色扮演。 Step 3: Consolidation1.完成课文第22页的Look and say.1)模仿录音跟读。2) 同桌对话。2.完成“看图完成对话”3.完成课文第24页的Read. Tick and cross.4.活动: 排队就医四人为一组,一人扮演医生,其余组员扮演病人,排队就医。Step 4: Homework1.背诵课文2.课后继续玩“排队就医”活动。3.完成活动手册Lesson 5练习。 Lesson 6I.Teaching aims and demands : To demand Ss to hear and speak these

38、words correctly:medicineTo demand Ss to hear and speak these sentences correctly:You must stay in bed.You must drink a lot of water.II.Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cardsIII.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ ReviewGreeting and sing a song “ An Apple”Review some words: headache, toothache,

39、 fever, cold.Step 2 Learn to sayMedicine-some medicine:Ill give you some medicine.You must have some medicine.You must stay in bed/drink a lot of water.Make some sentences: You must have a lot of fruit/ vegetables.Step 3 Practice Ask the Ss to look and say with the teacher Divide the Ss into two gro

40、ups to act out the two dialogs Ask two Ss to act out the dialogs for some times .According to the dialog, answer questions:Whats wrong with Ben? Can he go to school?Will he go to hospital? Who will take him to hospital?Step 4 Look and say Listen to the tape & look at the English books and point

41、to the pictures.Listen to the tape again & repeat.Step 5 Listen and circle the right answer.Learn to write on Page28.Step 6 HomeworkListen to the tape & repeat for some times .Finish off the activity book of this Lesson .Unit 4 AnimalsLesson 7教学目的与要求词汇:mammal, feed, baby, bat, whale, give bi

42、rth to。句型:Mammals give birth to their young. They look like fish, but they are mammals. They feed their babies with milk.功能:描述哺乳动物特有的特征。情感:教育学生要爱护动物,保护动物。教具准备1单词卡片:mammal, feed, baby, babies ,bat, whale。2词组卡片:give birth to, look like, feed babies with milk。3图片:1)a whales, whales, a bat, bats。2)小鲸鱼宝宝

43、、小猴子宝宝、小熊猫宝宝等的图片。4录音机,磁带。教学步骤与方法建议一 热身活动1观看一段关于哺乳动物的视频,让学生了解这节课学习的主要内容。2揭示课题。T:Do you like animals ?Today we are going to talk about animals.Its about mammals.板书课题:Unit 4 Animals Lesson 7二、复习导入。1、复习有关动物的单词,强调复数。由Whats animals do you like ?这个问题导入,请个别学生回答,用PPT出现一些比较复杂难念的动物单词,帮助学生复习这些单词的音形义。2师生自由对话:T:T

44、his song is about the animals. Do you like the animals?T:Do you like cats?T:Whats your favorite animal?T:What animals do you like?T: Do you know what is my favorite animal?三 教授新课1教学单词mammals, whale。讲解句型。1)Guessing Game:出示谜语,让学生理解。Theyre black. They live in the sea.They look like fish, but they arent

45、 fish.They give birth to their young.They feed their babies with milk.So theyre mammals.What are they?2)讲解They look like fish, but they arent fish. 操练look like。Game:想象力大比拼。出示一些十分形象的图片,让学生进行对话操练。A:What do they look like? B: They look like.操练They look like fish, but they arent fish.3)讲解They give birth

46、 to their young.将birthday和birth进行对比,让学生总结发音。操练give birth to。解释young在这里意为幼仔操练They give birth to their young.4)讲解They feed their babies with milk.操练feed,baby及复数形式babies。出示图片帮助学生理解。教学feedwith,活动活动给动物合理喂食。教师出示动物图片或卡片,如:monkey,tiger,rabbit,fish等,要求学生用I feed with句型进行造句。I feed the monkey with bananas. I fe

47、ed the whales with fish.I feed the tiger with meat.操练They feed their babies with milk.5)总结哺乳类动物的特性。教学mammal。mammalThey give birth to their young. They feed their babies with milk.2、教学单词bat及句型They can fly. But they cant lay eggs.1)出示动物图片,让学生根据上面学习的哺乳动物的特性,来判断那些动物是不是哺乳动物。2)最后出示bat。让学生自己总结蝙蝠的特性。3)T:Wha

48、t do they look like? (S:They like birds. )T:Are they birds?(No,they arent.)T:Yes. They look like birds, but they are mammals.(板书并教学这个句子。)T:They can fly, but they cant lay eggs.3课文教学1)教师播放课本第29页的录音,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。将课前打印好的练习发给学生,请学生独立完成后,全班核对答案。2)播放课文录音23遍,采用不同的形式进行听音跟读训练。 4小练笔:Talk about your favorti

49、te mammal.5Summary.四、课后作业1 听录音,熟读课文并背诵。2 完成活动手册上本课的练习。3 查找有关哺乳动物的资料,进一步了解它们的生活习性。学说一些课本中未出现过的哺乳动物的英文名称。板书设计:Unit 4 AnimalsLesson 7birds They look like , but they are mammals.fish mammalThey give birth to their young.They feed their babies with milk. Unit 4 Animals Lesson8教学目标:1.熟练掌握 land, on land, i

50、n trees, in water, near water等词汇2.了解鸟禽类的主要特征,并能用 Birds live on land, in trees or near water. They lay eggs.来描述;了解鸟禽类和其他动物生活环境并能用Where do they live? They live .进行问答。3.通过教师指导,培养学生获取信息、交流信息、运用信息,以及自主探究、合作学习的能力。4.培养学生爱鸟、护鸟的品质,倡导人类与动物的和谐相处。教学重难点:1.能用Birds live on land, in trees or near water. They lay eg

51、gs.来描述鸟禽类并进行判断; 2. 熟练掌握介词词组on land, in trees, in water, near water,并能运用Where do they live? They live进行问答。教具准备:PPT, 卡片,录音机,教学过程:(课前观看鸟禽类视频)一Warmer1Greeting.二 . Presentation1.揭题T: Just now, what animals did you watch on the screen? Today were going to talk about birds.2.分类T: I have some animals. Pleas

52、e divide them into two parts.学生观察分类,请一生把卡片分类3.复习mammalsT:Why do you divide them like this? S:These are mammals. These are birds.T: What are the features of the mammals?复习哺乳动物的主要特点:Mammals give birth to their young.They feed their babies with milk.4.讨论鸟禽类的共同特点T:Can you find the same points of the bir

53、ds?小组讨论师总结 They have the feather and two feet. They lay eggs.5. 判断Are they birds? Yes, they are./No, they arent.6.教学Where do they live?a出示几种鸟禽类图片让学生回答它们的栖息地。b教学on land, in trees, in water, near waterc板书Where do they live? They lived. 问答Where do they live? They live三课文1. 听音两遍2. 回答问题3. 听音跟读四拓展创设情景:动物园

54、招聘动物讲解员小组合作;展示五总结总结并进行情感教育六布置作业1. 听音熟读课文。2. 完成一册通本课的练习3. 进一步查找学习有关birds的资料,丰富课外知识。4.(可选做)为3月25至3月31的爱鸟周设计英语海报。Unit 5 Shopping for Mothers DayLesson 9一、教学目标与要求:1.词汇:shopping center, dress, handbag, watch.2.句型:Ill buy her a handbag.Ill give her some flowers.3.功能:选购礼物。4.情感:培养学生热爱母亲的情感并学会感恩,尽孝道。二、教学重难点:1.四个单词的拼读。2.学会使用Ill.的句


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