



1、七年级上unit9sectiona the first period一、教材分析本单元围绕“movies”开展教学活动,学习动词的一般现在时用法。教师在向学生介绍电影类型的基 础上,对学生的爱好进行提问:“what kind of movies do you like?”,鼓励学生运用所学的语言技巧与 同学进行交流,体现本套教材贴近生活、内容活泼和语言真实的特点,容易激发学生的学习兴趣。本单元的核心语言项目是 “learning about the names and kinds of movies” 以及 “making plans”,主要 话题是“talking about prefere

2、ncesvo学习表达自己的爱好,陈述原因,制订周末计划等。从sectiona 的电影海报和want句型的运用到sectionb海报阅读和小组活动,循序渐进,逐步展开。本课为本单元的第一课时。内容很少,难以操作,因此笔者对教材作如下处理:(1 )除了完成 5 3 和 5 4 页的内容(即要教授"action movie、comedy、documentory、thriller” 等主要单词)夕卜,还得再增加教授sectionb出现的表达看各类影片感受的词,如“scary、funny、 exciting"等,目的是让课堂活动能够展开,让学生的思维能够拓展,真正做到有话可说,使课堂

3、更 加生动活泼,充满趣味性。当然,这也增加了教学难度,所以,笔者事先布置学生预习新词。而且为 了不让学生在表达时受词汇限制,笔者事先教会他们why ?why not? because want这几个词。(2 )本课所有新的单词和句子都是想办法从学生的口中吐出的。(3)运用多媒体课件,播放有声有色的动态的电影画面会让学生激动不已。二、学情分析看电影是学生感兴趣的话题,所以,学生如果事先做好单词预习的话,对电影种类和喜欢原因的表达 一定不会太难,通过课件的使用会让学生身临其境,不是在上课,而是在看精彩的电影。于是,在不 知不觉中掌握了新的语言点。三、教学目标1、语言技能目标(1 )能够谈论自己的爱

4、好,如:i like thrillers.(2 )能够询问他人的爱好,如:what kind of movies do you like?(3 )能够说明某一类电影的理由,如:i like thrillers because they9re exciting.2、语言知识目标(1 )掌握一般现在时want的肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句用法及简略回答,如:do you want to go to a movie? yes,i do. / no,i don9t. does he /she want to go to a movie? yes, he /she does. no, he /she do

5、esn't.(2) 掌握不同电影类型的名称及其单、复数形式:如:comedy-comedies;thrillerthrillers;action movie-一action movies;documentarydocumentories;etc.(3) 正确使用表达感受的几个形容词,如:great > scary> funny> exciting> boring> interesting> sad,etc.(4) 正确使用表达意愿的句型:如:i want to.3、情感态度目标(1) 电影是同学们感兴趣的话题,可提高学生学英语的兴趣,学着用英语表达自

6、己的喜好。(2) 与朋友交流对电影的看法,有利于培养学生健康的审美情趣。4、文化意识目标(1) 加深了解中西方电影文化(2) 对别人的请求与邀请作出恰当的反应(3) 用恰当的方式表达自己的喜好并说明原因。5、学习策略目标(1) 交际策略:通过讨论,帮助学生作出推理和判断,培养其综合分析能力。(2) 认知策略:通过归纳,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。(3) 调控策略:通过强化操练,加深学生对所学知识的记忆,并起到巩固的作用。6、教学重点、难点教学重点(1) 重点词汇:go、movie、kind(2) 重点句型:a : do you want to go to a movie? yes,i do.

7、/ no,i don't.want to go to a movie. does he /she want to go to a movie? yes, he /she does. no, he /she doesn't.b: what kind of movies do you like?c: i like thrillers because they're exciting.教学难点(1) 动词第三人称单数形式的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句及其简略答语;(2) 名词复数的使用;正确使用表达感受的形容词。总体思路本课为本单元的第一课时(sectiona),笔者是这样安排

8、的:由课前的师生会话缩小师生间的陌生感, 从而达到课前热身的目的。引出“movie”及其一般疑问句“do you want to go to a movie?”由 谈论电影海报来呈现本课的生词:action movie、comedy 、documentory > thriller等。再三人一组 操练 sectiona 中的 pairwork,并且增加 does he /she want to go to a movie? yes, he /she does. no, he/she doesn't.这一句的问答;通过欣赏电影海报让学生对不同的电影进行分类。继而让学生四人 一组进行讨

9、论所看过的电影名字及其电影所属的种类。接着学习sectiona中的la和lb,之后设计 一个猜猜的游戏“what kind of movies do i want to see?”来巩固的一般疑问句及其回答。然后操练 并巩固名词的单复数,再完成sectiona的2a,2b;接着让学生编对话;然后通过看电影片段进行电 影知识问答竞赛;最后再读并且编一段chant.四、教学过程课前准备:每个学生准备谈论一部自己看过的电影step l:greeting(4 minutes)t: i'm new here,so i don't know you. do you know me?ss;

10、no,i don't.t:please ask me questions.any question is welcome.s l:do you like sports?t: yes,i do. very much. and i have a great spoils collection. and i also have a great picture collection.do you want to have a look?设计说明:这是一个热身运动,通过让学生提问来了解陌生老师,使学生有话可说,而且在提问过程中 主地复习了以前学过的句型。通过师生问答缩小师生间的陌生感,从而制造一

11、个轻松、愉快的学习 步的学习活动做好积极的准备。step2:presentation(3 minutes)(show 4 movie posters)t:are they nice?what are they about? are they about books?/cds?/computer games?s1:movies.(teach:movie,movies)t: do you want to go to a movie?si yes,i do.t: does he (si) want to go to a movie?s2; yes, he does.( t: ask another

12、two ssgirls)设计说明:通过让学生看喜欢的电影海报,从学生口中自然而然得吐出新单词,再教会他们。step 3 : practice(4minutes)practice in groups of three(then ask 3 groups to act)a: do you want to go to a movie?b: yes,i do./ nodon't.a: does he /she want to go to a movie?c: yes, he /she does. no, he /she doesn't.设计说明:通过让学生操练本课的基本句型,让学生初步

13、学会表达。step 4 : presentation(2minutes)1、t: do you want to go to a movie?ss; yes,i do.t:ok,let's go.but after that,please tell me what kind of movie it is.teach: what kind of movie is it?/kind 种类2、watchmr bean片段,then ask what kind of movie is it?and make ss say "a comedy" (teach it) liste

14、n(电影片段),then ask what kind of movie is it?and make ss say “an action movie, (teach it)3、t 指着mr bean,ask:what movie is it? tell me the name of the movie?t:yes,i know mr bean,it's a comedy.step5discussion(4minutes)t:now lefs have a discussion in groups of four.(1) what movie do you know?(2) what k

15、ind of movie is it?s1:1 know 故宫,it9s a documentary, (teach “documentary” )s2: :i know 花木兰,ifs a cartoon, (teach “cartoon")s3:.the same as (thrillerjornance,science action,)自己额外增加的设计说明:给出一个样板让学生模仿,使他们在表达时信心能够足一些。step6book la,lb(4minutes)(1) t:open your books at p53,look at la and do it.then chec

16、k.(2) point to the two people in the picture.t:here are a boy and a girlthey're talking.what are theytalking?listen carefully and do lb(3) t:listen again and answer: what kind of movies does the girl want to see?step7a guessing game(3minutes)t: yes,the girl wants to go to a comedy.but what kind

17、of movies do i want to see?can you guess?use " do you want to go to a/an. ? " to guess.t: let's play this game.each of you think about what kind of movie you like and get the others guess.guess like this:a: what kind of movies do i want to see?b: do you want to see a/an. ?a: no,i don&#

18、39;t./ yes,i do. i want to go to a /an.ask three students to the front of the classroom to play the game and get the rest of ss to guess.设计说明:安排这个游戏是为了让学生进一步掌握动词want的一般疑问句及其答语, 以及有关电影种类的名称,达到巩固该句型的目的。step 8 singular and plural forms of nouns(2minutes)t: he wants to go to a comedy.lt means he likes c

19、omedies. teach comedycomediesthe same as documentoyrdocumentories;thrillerthrillers;action movieaction moviesthen teach :singular;pluralstep9book2a,2b(5minutes)(1) t:tum to p54,lefs do 2a(2) t: this conversation is between sally and ben.look at 2b and do it.(3) t:have you finished?ok,ril play it for

20、 you once more.listen again.(4) after finishing and checking the answer,t:look at this form,we know ben doesn't like thrillers,why not?skbecause thrillers are scary.(teach scary) the same as exciting and funny设计说明:这三个形容词是sectionb的,但为了能让学生更好地表达原因,故而提前教了。steplomake up a conversation(4minutes)t:let

21、's make up a conversation.practice in pairs and act,let's see which team is the best.practice like this:a: do you want to go to a movie?b: yes,! do.a: what kind of movies do you want to see?b: i want to go to a/an.a:why?b:becausea: do you like.b: yes. no.ask 3 pairs to act.设计说明:这一步是让学生运用所学的句型与词汇在真实情景中操练,该情景贴近学生 生活,有利于培养学生综合运用英语的能力。step 1 1 competition(6minutes)t:see the movies,then ask and answer,have a competition in 4 groups,lefs see whi


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