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1、11.一旦失去的东西,就再也拿不回来了。Something once lost will never return.-Ciel Phantomhive12.只要是你希望的,不管到哪我都会跟随你,即使王座崩塌,闪亮的王冠腐朽,即使有无数的尸骸堆积,我也会在那腐化的尸骸上伴随在无声倒下的小小国王身边,直到听到【将军】那最后一声喊出为止。塞巴斯If it*s your wish, I will follow you everywhere; even if your throne crumbles and your shiny crown turns to rust ;even if the bodi

2、es pile up endlessly, above the bottomless pile corpses beside you as you lie softly down, I will be until i hear the words Check Mate!" -Sebastian M. 13.我深爱着SABER.希望她,比任何人都幸福.也希望,能一直在一起生活下去.但是,如果真是爱着她的话. 这是不对的,我爱着,即使受伤也依然继续战斗的SABER.她的荣耀,不容玷污.总有一天记忆会变得模糊,她的声音和其他都可能渐渐淡忘,就算这样,我爱过SABER.&

3、#160;卫宫士郎I love Saber,i want her to be happier than anyone. i wish that we could be together forever. HOWEVER.if i really do love her.then that*s wrong.i loved saber who bore many wounds yet still fought through everything. I CANNOT ALLOW MYSELF TO STAIN HER PRIDE.Someday my memories will fade.and h

4、er voice, her actions, I might forget them as well, but I will always remember that I loved Saber - - Shirou -14.从此吾剑将随汝同在,汝之命运将与吾共存,于此,契约完成. From this moment forth, my sword should be with you and your fate should be with me. Now, our contract is complete.-Saber 15这个世界上并没有奇迹,有的只是必然和偶然,还有谁

5、做了什么。There*s no such thing as miracles, only the inevitable and the accidental and what we do.-EF16.隐约雷鸣,阴霾天空。但盼风雨来,能留你在此。-言叶之庭A faint clap of thunder, clouded skies.Perhaps rain comes. If so, will you stay here with me?-The Garden of Words11.哦 亲.被狙击的可是6th,把她丢下逃跑就可以了啊!来!我们走吧,阿雪。Oh,dear. He*s after S

6、ixth, so just leave her and run. Okay? Let*s go Yuki. Come on!" 12.、哟,各位,抱歉我迟到了。今天我在人生的道路上迷失了。Hey guys, sorry I*m late, I*m afraid I got lost on the path of life13毕竟我不是个能够为了拯救毫不认识的人,而牺牲自己的伟大人物很可惜的是,我也绝非是个忘恩负义,还能大言不惭的那种废物啊!I ain*t such a saint that I can promise to risk my life for stranger

7、s. Neither am I scum enough to sit quietly by while people are getting hurt before my eyes.-Ichigo Kurosaki14.像你这种人,死在我的万解之下,还早了一千年!It is a thousand years too early. for you to become worthy enough to die by my Bankai.-Byakuya Kuchiki15.重要时刻你都不在只会打电话回来。有时难得回来,却马上消失。每次都是.每次都是.我受够了,我不想听!总是抛下我一个人。你当我是什

8、么啊?.我喜欢你啊,新一。"You*re always away during the important times and all you do is call. and there are times when you were finally here but disappear unexpectedly. every time. every time. always, always, leaving me behind alone. what do you think i am? i love you shinichi!" - -RAN MOURI16不能从外表去

9、判断的,就像美丽的蔷薇也有刺一样。看上去再善良的人也不知道他的肚子里在想什么"Don*t judge from the outside, like any beautiful rose has thorns.The more a person appears nice on the outside, the more you should doubt the inside." -Haibara Ai17.这种力量的话,我不要,要我继承这种错误的话,那就由我来毁掉彭格列!I dont need this kind of power. If you want me to inh

10、erit such mistakes then I will wipe out the Vongola!-Sawada Tsunayoshi 18.我要把它们(巨人),全都驱逐出去,一个不留地驱逐出这个世界!(About the Titans) "I*ll purge this world of them. every single one of them."-Eren Yaeger19.只有天空,才能让云如此自由的漂浮 但是总有一天大空会被我咬杀。It*s the sky that allows the cloud to move about freely, but someday, I would even bite up the sky itself.-Hibari20.要是就这么死了的话.就连你


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