1、Module 1My First Day at Senior High能力闯关I .单词拼写1. What ' s your态度 to solving the problem?2. The teacher asks to write a描 述 of our schoolyard in En glish.3. He tells people that he'4. Be quiet and follow the on-t make you 难堪.(5. The行亍为 of the other stude nts shows that they like her, too.6. Gr
2、oup work activities won7. . S. A.8. The teachers are very热心的 and frie ndly.9. ' t order all these books.10. Con sideri ng your right attitude to deali ng with the correct ion to the stude nts homework, you 答 案:1.attitude 2.description 3.province 4.instructions 5.behaviour6. embarrassed 7.system
3、8.enthusiastic 9.misunderstanding 1O.brilliantn.单项填空1. After the new tech nique was in troduced, the factory producedcars in 2005 as the year before.A . as twice many B . as many twice C . twice as many D . twice many as解析:倍数表示法是把倍数或分数放在最前面,类似的表达方式有twice asman y.as., twice more.tha n, twice the nu m
4、ber of.等。答案:C2. The questi ons the reporter asked sometimes wereand they made me. A . embarrassed ; embarrass ing B . embarrass ing ; embarrassedC . embarrassed ; embarrassed D . embarrass ing ; embarrass ing解析:embarrassec表示对人的感情,对,感到尴尬的” ;embarrassing示令人难堪的”。答案:B3. Whe n they retired, Mr. and Mrs.
5、Scott preferred a house in the country to spe ndtheir late years toin a large city.A . this B . one C . it D . that解析:one用来代替上文的单数泛指名词;that用来代替上文的不可数名词是特指;it指上文提到过的那件事,此处表泛指。答案:B4. Do you know Anna ' telephonember?.As a matter of fact, I don' t know any Anna, either.A . I think so B . I'
6、 m afraid not C . I hope so D . I' d rather not解析:根据答语可知,回答方不知道安娜的电话号码,实际上并不认识安娜。Ithink so我“认为是这样”;I ' m afraic恐&怕不知道” ;I hope so希望如此”;I drather not我宁愿不是这样答案:B5. My room gets very cold at ni ght.A . So is mi ne B . So mi ne is C . So does mine D . So mine does解析:句意:一一我的房间晚上很冷。 一一我的也是。so引
7、导的倒装句表后者 与前者情况相同。该句式中助动词的选择应依前面句子中的动词而定。又如:Ican swim So can he. I have fini shed the task So has he此 题中第一句话中动词 为gets故后句倒装须用助 动词do/does注意:如果so后句子不倒装,则只表对前者 的肯定。答案:C6. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange bla nketthe desert.A . coveri ng B . covered C . cover D . to cover解析:句意是:野花像地毯一样覆盖着沙漠,非谓语动
8、词cover是主动的,故选A项 作伴随状语。答案:A7. My sisterthe League last month and she has decided totheactivity to help the aged next week.A . joined ; join in B . joined in; join C . joined ; join D . joined in; join in 解析:考查 动词(词组辨析。join表示“加入某组织并成为其中一员”;join in表示 参加活 动”。答案:A8. and happy, Tony stood up and accepted
9、the prize.A . Surpris ing B . Surprised C . Being surprised D . To be surpris ing解析:此题考查 过去分词作状语。句意是:又惊又喜,托尼站起来领了奖。此处用surprised andhappy描述托尼的心情,作状语。要注意C项中的Being没有必要,可省略。答案:B9. It ' s bur ning hot today, is n' t it?Yes.yesterday.A . So was it B . So it was C . So it is D . So is it解析:句意为:今天太热
10、了,是不是? ”是呀,昨天也一样”。如果表示前面所说 的肯定情况也适合于另一者,要用so+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语。答案:A10. She wan ted the man she was look ing forwardstay with her.A . for to B . to with C . to to D . with to解析:the man后省略了引导词 who , who为look forward to的宾语,答案中第二 个 to 为 wa nt sb. to do sth 的 to。答案:C11. Iwhat he said the first time I saw h
11、im.A . impressed with B . was impressed with C . impressed on D . was impressed on 解析:句意:我第一次见到他时他说的话给我留下深刻印象。本题考查impress sb.with sth.的变通形式,be impressed with sth使,深感,。答案:B12. The door ope ned.A . for itself B . by itself C . of itself D .itself解析:of on eself表示“自动地” ;by on ese表示独自地” ;for o nese表示亲自”。
12、答案:C13. Today ' sof birth con trol make it possible for a couple to choosewhether or not to have a child.A . way B . means C . manner D . methods解析:method指系统地,有条理地办事的方法或思路;manner指行为,举止;way 也指方法或手段,但在此句中应用复数形式;means指工具或策略。根据句意,应选 methods。 答案:D by the means, in this manner, in this way,with this m
13、ethod14. Always read theon the bottle carefully and take the right amount ofmedici ne. A . expla nati ons B .in structi ons C . descripti ons D .in troduct ions!军析:此匕题 考查近义名词在特定语境中的使用。explanation解释;instruction说明;description描述;introduction介绍;序言。句意是:总是要仔细阅读药瓶上的说明书,并且要适量 吃药。答案:B15. Thechildre n were op
14、e ning theirChristmas prese nts.A . exciting ; exciting B . excited ; excited C . exciting ; excited D . excited ;excit ing解析:本题考查表示情绪变化的一类现在分词与过去分词的区别。通常现在分词说明人或 事物的特征,译成汉语为 令人感到,的”如:This is an exciting story./The story is exciting.过去分词表示人或动物的一种感受,译为 感到,的,觉得,” 如:The excited woman cried in a loud vo
15、ice./The woman was excited at the news. 根据题意判断,答案应是D。答案:D1. Mon ths ago we sailed ten thousa nd miles across the ope n sea, whichthe Pacific, and we met no storm.2005A. was called B. is called C. had bee n called D. has bee n called 2. Although he haslived with us for years, heus much impressi on.20
16、04A. hadn ' t left B. didn' t leave C. doesn ' t leave D. hasn ' t left3. What would you do if ittomorrow?We have to carry it on ,since we' ve got everyth ing ready.2005 A. rain B. rai ns C. will rain D. is rai ning4. What are you going to do this after noon?I am going to the cin
17、ema with some friends. The filmquite early, so weto thebookstore after that. (2005年 重庆卷A. finished; are going B. finished; go C. finishes; are going D. finishes; go 5. Iverywith my own cook in g. It looks nice and smells delicious. Mm, it does have asmell. (2002年北京春季卷A. pleasa nt; pleased B. pleased
18、; pleased C. pleasa nt; pleasa nt D. pleased; pleasa nt6. It is believed that if a book is, it will surelythe reader. (2003年 上海卷A. i nterested; in terest B. i nteresti ng; be in terestedC. i nterested; be in teresti ng D. i nteresti ng; in terest7. Mr. Smith,of thespeech, started to read a novel. (2
19、0年北京卷A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring 8. After his journey from abroadRichard Jones retur ned home,. (200年 上海卷A. exhausti ng B. exhausted C. being exhausted D. hav ing exhausted9. Can I jo in your club, Dad? You can whe n youa bit older.A. get B. will get C. are ge
20、tt ing D. will have got10. If a mansucceed, he must work as hard as he can.A. will B. is to C. is going to D. should1-5 BCBCD 6-10 DABAB川.翻译句子1汤姆的健康令人担忧,父母都很担心他。(worry2.父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。(impress.with3.自从他告诉我以来我就一直盼望能见到你。(look forward to4.汤姆每两周回家,他的队友也是。(so引导倒装5我们想像不到我们会过上如此幸福的生活。答案:1.Tom ' s healt
21、h is worng.His parents are worried about him.2. My father impressed me with the value of hard work.3. I have bee n look ing forward to meeti ng you ever since he told me.4. Tom goes home every other week, and so do his teammates.5. We didn ' t imagine we couldi iso happy a life.IV 阅读理解Flu is a c
22、om mon in fecti on of the nose and throat, and sometimes the iun gs.The cause is a virus that passes from one pers on to ano ther.The virus spreads through the air when an infected person Flu develops after the virus entees person ' s nose or mouth.The flu causes muscle pain, sudde n high body t
23、emperature , breathi ng problems and weakness.Generally , most people feel better after a week or two.But the flu can kill.It is especially dan gerous to the very young, the very old and those with weake ned defe nses aga inst disease.Medical experts have recog ni zed for some time that people becom
24、e in fected with flu duri ng the win ter mon ths.But they did not really know why un til rece ntly.America n researchers say they now know why the flu virus spreads in the win ter and not in the summer.They say it is because the virus remai ns in the air Ion ger whe n the air is cold and dry. Resear
25、chers in New York carried out twenty experime nts with guinea pigs to inv estigate how the virus spreads.The researchers found the virus spread the most whe n the temperature was about five degrees Celsius and the humidity was twenty perce nt.Few of the guinea pigs developed flu as the temperature i
26、n creased.The virus stopped spread ing completely at thirty degrees Celsius and eighty perce nt humidity.The researchers also found that the ani mals spread the virus among themselves n early two days Ion ger whe n the temperature was low.One of the researchers said the study shows that flu virus is
27、 more likely to infect people duri ng an outdoor walk on a cold day tha n in a warm room.He said cold air helps the virus survive in the air and low humidity helps it stay there Ionger.That is because particles of the virus ride on the extremely small drops of water floating in the air.When the air
28、is very humid, water droplets fall to the ground more quickly.The researchers say, however , that people should not stay in warm places all the time in cold weather to avoid the flu.They say the best way to preve nt the sick ness is to get yearly inject ions of a vacc ine that preve nts flu.【解题导语】本文
29、是一篇说明文,讲述流感在冬天容易传播的原因。1. From the passage we can con clude that.A . flu sometimes is deadly to weak peopleB . flu virus can be killed by the warm weatherC . flu virus can be killed by the low humidityD . animals get infected with flu easier than human beings解析:推理判断题。文章第二段提至 U :It is especially dan g
30、erous to the very young, the very old and those with weake ned defen ses aga inst disea所以对于身体比较弱的 人来说,流感有时是致命的疾病。答案:A2. According to the passage, why is a person infected with the flu easily in winter?A . Because in win ter people tend to stay in the warm room.B . Because in win ter some people stay
31、 outdoor for long.C . Because flu virus survive Ion ger in cold and dry weather.D . Because people are weaker in win ter.解析:细节理解题。文章第四段提到:the virus remai ns in the air Ion ger whe n the air is cold and dry.答案:C3. Which of the following words can replace the underlined word in the first paragraph?A . Exposes. B . Breathes. C . Frees. D . Faces.解析:词义猜测题。从文意知病毒是通过空气传播的,故此处指当一个被感染 的人突然呼 气。所以用breatheo答案:B4. Which of the follow ing will probably
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