已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、IQC Incoming Quality Control进料检验MQC Material Quality Control原 材质量控制PMC Plane Material Control 生 产排程控制 -产销 PQE Production Quality Engineering产 品质量工程 FAT Final Assembly Test最 终组装测试FRI Final Run-in Test最终运行测试FFT Final Function Test最终功能测试QMS Quality Management System 质 量管理系统 MIS Management Information S

2、ystem信 息管理系统 SQE Supplier Quality Engineering 供 应商质量工程 CSP Continue sampling plan连 续抽样检验方法FQA Final Quality Assurance 最 终品质保证 OBE Out of Box Experience 开 箱检验(实验) SDA System Design Assurance 系统设计保证 ORT On-going Reliability Test 可靠度实验 OBA Out of Box Audit开 箱检验F/A Failure analysis不良分析CA Corrective Acti

3、on改 善措施(行动)CLCA Closed loop corrective action 闭 环改善 ECN Engineer Change Notice 工 程变更事项 ECR Engineer Change Request 工程变更需求 EIA Engineer Issue Action 工程问题对策 FIFO First Input First Output先 进先出DOA Dead On Arrived 到 达死亡 RMA Return Material Authorization 退 回认可 IPQC in process quality control FQC final qua

4、lity controlOQC outgoing quality control BOMbill of materialQE quality engineering DCCdocument center controlMRBmaterial review bomCAR corrective action request FPCflexible printed circuit boardNCR non conforming report OBE out of box evaluation IQA internal quality audit PCR process change requestI

5、POinternal purchase officeIEindustrial engineeringQPAquality process auditQSAquality system auditATEautomatic test equipmentAOIautomatic optical inspectionPCBAprint circuit board assemblyTTLtechnology transfer listSQAsupplier quality assuranceORTongoing reliability testingQMquality manualSWsoftwareS

6、OWstandard of workSCSIsmall computer system interfaceSAsoftwarea pplicationSOsales orderMRPmaterial requirement planningAVLapproved vendor listRDresearch development centerRD HQresearch development center head quarterQAquality assurancePVTproduct verification testPRPphase review processPMproject man

7、agementPJEproject engineerPEproduct engineerNPInew product introductionMPmass productionMFGmanufacturingMEmechanical engineerKBDkeyboardIFRinstant failure rateIFIRinstant failure incident rateHWhardwareGIgreat islandESDelectrostatic dischargeEOLend of lifeENengineering noticeEMIelectromagnetic inter

8、ferenceEMCelectromagnetic compatibilityEEelectronic engineer(ing)EDCelectronic data centerECOengineering change orderDVTdesignv erification testDOAdead on arrivalCAD/IDcomputer aided design /industrial designBIOSbasic input /output systemAPapplication programAFRannual failure rateNTFno trouble found

9、CNDcan not duplicateDPPMdefect parts per millionFAIfirst article inspectionCLCAclosed loop corrective actionMQRmonthly quality reviewRCAroot cause analysisTNBterminal notebook businessFMEAfailure mode effect analysisLRRline reject rate measured by DPPMMTQmanufacturing ,test and qualityPFMEAprocess f

10、ailure mode effect analysisAVLApproved Vendor ListBOMBill of MaterialC.O.Change OrderCAPCustomer Audit ProgramDOADead on arrivalDPPMDefect parts per millionECOEngineering change orderECREngineering Change ReleaseEFTEnhanced Function TestFAIFirst Article inspectionFMEAFailure Mode Effect AnalysisLRRL

11、ine reject rate measured by DPPMMPMass ProductionMQRMonthly Quality ReviewMQTManufacturing, Quality and TestORTOngoing reliability testingPFMEA Process Failure Mode Effect AnalysisPTProduct testPVTProcess validation testQESQuality Engineering TestingQADQuality Assurance DepartmentQTQuality testRTSRe

12、ady To ShipRCARoot Cause AnalysisRCDRecovery CD discSFISShop Flow Information SystemSQRCSupplier Quality Report CardSTSystem testSVC TagDell service Tag.SWDLSoftware DownloadW/OWork Order公司常用英语缩写 整理一下CORPORATE COMMON ABBREVIATION常用语缩写1 Organization 组织1- 1 HQ HeadQuarter 总公司1- 2Chairmen主席1- 3Lite-On

13、Group 光宝集团1- 4 President 总裁1- 5Executive Vice President 常务副总裁1- 6Vice President副总裁1- 7HR Human Resource人力资源部1- 8FIN Finance 财务1- 9Sales 销售1- 10R&D Research & Developing 研发部1- 11QA 质量保证 QA DQA CS1- 12MIS Management Information System资讯管理系统1- 13Pur 采购 Purchasing1- 14IMD Image management divisi

14、on 影像管理事业部1- 15ITS information technology system 计算机部1- 16QRA quality reliability assurance 品保部1- 17MFG manufacturing 制造部1- 18PMC production &material control 生(产)物(料)管 (理)1- 19 PRO Procuremnet 采购开发部1- 20 PMO Plant Manager Office 厂长室1-21 CEO Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁2 Materials 材料2- 1PC Produ

15、ction Control 生产控制2-1-1MPS Mass Production Schedule量 产计划2- 1-2FGI Finished goods Inventory 成品存货2- 1-3UTS Units To Stock 存货单元2- 1-4WIP Working In Process Inventory在制品2- 1-5C/T Cycle Time 循环时间 ,瓶颈2- 1-6WD Working Days 工作天2- 1-7MTD Month To Days 月初到今日 (例如总表整理 )2- 1-8YTD Year To Days 年初到今日2- 1-9 SO Sale

16、s Order 销售单2- 1-10MO Manufacture Order 制造单2- 1-11 BTO Build To Order 订单生产2- 1-12 P/N part number 料号2- 1-13 FCST Forecast预 测计划2- 1-14 W/O Working Order 工单2- 1-15 P/O Purchasing Order采 购单2- 1-16 VDS Vendor Delivery Schedule 厂商送货进度表2- 1-17 D/C Delivery Order 交货单2- 2 MC Material Control 材料控制2- 2-1 MRP M

17、aterial Requisition plan 材料申请计划2- 2-2 INV Inventory 存货清单 ; Invoice 发票2-2-3 Inv Turn Over Days=INV$/NSB X WD 库存周转天数2-2-4 PSI Production Shipping Inventory 预备待出货2-2-5 JIT Just In Time 实时,准时制、零库存2-2-6 Safety Inventory 安全存量2-2-7 CKD Completed Kits Delivery 全件组装出货2-2-8 SKD Semi Kits Delivery 半件(小件 )组装出货2

18、-3 W/H Warehouse 仓库2-3-1 Rec Receiving Center 接收中心2-3-2 Raw MTL 原物料2-3-3 F/G finish goods 成品2-3-4 GRN Goods Received Note货 物接收单2-4 Import/Export 进出口2-4-1 SI Shipping Instruction 发货指令2-4-2 PL Packing List 包装清单2-4-3 Inv Shipping Invoice 出货发票2-4-4 ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预估离开时间2-4-5 ETA Estimat

19、ed Time of Arrive 预估到达时间2-4-6 BL Bill of Landing 提货单(海运)2-4-7 AWB Air Way Bill 提货单(空运)2-4-8 MAWA Master Air Way Bill 主提货单2-4-9 HAWB House Air Way Bill 副提货单2-4-10 TEU Twenty foot Equipment Unit(Contain)二十英尺货柜2-4-11 FEU Forty foot Equipment Unit(Contain)四十英尺货柜2-4-12 CYContainer Yard货柜场2-4-13 THCTermin

20、al Handing Charge 码头费2-4-14 ORCOriginal Receiving Charge码头费2-5 PURPurchasing采购2-5-1 FOBFree on Board货运至甲板2-5-2 CIFCost Insurance Freight2-5-3 OAOpen Account 开户2-5-4 TTTelegram Transfer电汇2-5-5 CODCash On Delivery 现金支付2-5-6 CRPCost Reduction Program降低成本方案2-5-7 PRPurchasing Requisition采购申请2-5-8 POPurch

21、asing Order采购单2-5-9 LTLead Time 交期2-5-10 LLTLong Lead Time 长时间交期2-5-11 Payment term 付款条件2-5-12 Debit note 扣款2-5-13 CRP Cost Reduction Program降 价计划2-5-14 Quotation 报价3 MFG Manufacturing Production 制造控制3- 1 DL Director Labor 直接人工3- 2 IDL Indirect Labor 间接人工3- 3 DLH Direct Labor Hours 直接工时3- 4 Producti

22、vity=UTS/DLH3- 5 PPH Pieces Per Hour每小时件数3- 6 Efficiency=Actual/Target(%)3- 7 DT Machine Down Time 停机时间3- 8 AI Auto Insertion 自动插入3- 9 MI Manual Insertion 人工插入3- 10 SMD Surface Mount Device表面粘着零件SMT Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术3- 11 B/I Burn In (for how many hours at how many degree烧) 机3- 12 Equi

23、pment Utilization3- 13 WI work instruction 工作说明3- 14 SOP standard operation procedur作e 业指导书3- 15 R/I run in 运转机器3- 16 ESD electrical static discharge静 电释放3- 17 MP mass production 量产3- 18 EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility, 电磁兼容性3- 19 EMI Electro Magnetic Interference, 电磁干扰3- 19 SIR Surface Impedance

24、 Resistanc表e 面阻抗测试4 Engineer 工程4- 1 PE Products Engineer; 产品工程 Process enginee制r 程工程4- 2 TE Test Engineer测试工程4- 3 ME Manufacturing Engineer;制造工程 Mechanical Engineer机械工程4- 4 IE Industrial Engineer工业工程4- 5 DCC Document Control Center文管中心4- 6 BOM Bill Of Material 材料清单4- 7 ECN Engineering Change Notice工

25、程变动公告4- 8 TECN Temporary Engineering Change Notice工程临时变动公告4- 9 ATY Assembly Test Yield Total Yield 直通率4- 10 TPM Total Productivity Maintenance全面生产维护4- 11 PM product manager ;project manager产 品经理 ;项目经理4- 12 ECR engineering change reques工t 程变更申请4- 13 ECO engineering change orde工r 程变更指令4- 14 EN enginee

26、ring notice 工程通告4- 15 WPS work procedure sheet作 业说明书4- 16 ICT in circuit test 电路测试4- 17 P/R pilot run ;C/R control run; T/R trial run 试做4- 18 EVT engineer verification test工程验证测试4- 19 DVT design verification test 设计验证测试4- 20 MVT multi-verification test 多项验证测试4-21 ORT on going reliability test 出货信赖性测

27、试4-22 S/W software 软件4-23 H/W hardware 硬件4-24 EAR Engineering Aanlysis Request工 程分析需求4-25 ECE Engineering Change Estimation工 程变更评估4-26 ECC Engineering Change Cancellation工 程变更取消4-27 IEM Internal Engineering Meno 内部工程备忘录4-28 PAS Part Approval Sheet零 件承认书4-29 DAB Daily Action Boaed 日常工作广告牌4-30 TMR Too

28、ling Modify Report 修模协议书4-31 CRT Control Run Testing 试产测试4-32 DCD Design Change Description设 计变更通知4-33 ESR Engineering Study Report工 程研究报告4-34 EI Engineering Information 工程讯息4-35 PMP Process Management Plan制 程管制计划4-36 MBO Management By Object 目标管理4-37 KPI Key Performance Indicator 重点绩效指标4-38 PIP Par

29、t Inspection Plan零 件检验标准4-39 CTF Criticle To Function 功能重点尺寸4-40 CTA Criticle To Assembly 组装重点尺寸4-41 R&D Research and Development研 究与开发4-42 GR&R Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility 治具重复性及重现性验证4-43 Cpk 制程能力指标4-44 FAI First Article Inspection 首件检查表5 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QRA Quality &am

30、p; Reliability Assurance 质量与可靠性保证5-1MQAManufacturing Quality Assurance制造质量保证5-2DQADesign Quality Assurance设计质量保证5-3QCQuality Control 质量控制5-4IQCIncoming Quality Control 进货质量控制5-5VQCVendor Quality Control 售货质量控制5-6IPQCIn Process Quality Control制程质量控制5-7OQAOut going Quality Control 出货质量控制5-8QEQuality E

31、ngineer 质量工程5-9AQLAcceptable Quality Level 可接受的质量水平5- 10 DPPM Defective Pieces Per Million units百万件中有损件数5- 11 PPM Pieces Per million百万分之一5- 12 CS Custom Service顾客服务5- 13 MRB Material Review Board 材料审核委员会5- 14 DMR Defective Material Report 材料缺陷报告5- 15 RMA Return Material Administration 材料回收处理5- 16 Li

32、fe Test 寿命测试5- 17 T/C Temperature Cycle温度循环5- 18 H/T High Temperature Test高温测试5- 19 L/T Low Temperature Test低温测试5- 20 ISO International Standard Organization国际标准化组识5- 21 SPC Statistic process control统计过程控制5- 22 "5S" 整理.整顿 .清理 .清扫.素养5- 23 VMI visual mechanical inspection 外观机构检验5- 24 MIL-STD

33、 military standard 美军标准5- 25 SPEC specification 规格5- 26 AVL approval vendor list 合格厂商名单5- 27 QVL qualified vendor list 合格厂商名单5- 28 FQC final quality control 最终质量控制5- 29 OBA open box audit 成品检验5-30 EAR engineering analysis request工 程分析需求5-31 FAI first aide inspection 首件检验5-32 VQM vendor quality management 厂商质量管理5-33 CAR corrective action request改 进对策要求5-34 4M man; machine; material; method 人、机、材、方法5-35 M man;machine;material;method;measuremen人t 、机、材、方法测量5-36 MTBF mean time between failure平均寿命5-37 TTL tot


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