1、精神分析的释梦武汉中德心思医院李孟潮一个梦的解释需求的资料,能够的假设梦者,女,青年,未婚,梦见前男友拿这一支枪对着本人。其他部分遗忘associationsnIn the dream,a former lover point the gun at me.I only remember this scene.nYou are right.Yes,the lover is a man and we have never admitted we were lovers from end to end.In the dream,he just pointed the gun at me,holdin
2、g the gun in his hand,without firing.I was not frightened at all at that moment,yet I was very upset when I woke up early in the morning.nnMy sex?Im merely a female person. nIm usually in a merry mood.But recently I am in a melancholy mood.nI answer your questions so late because I feel strong resis
3、tance and finally I overcome it.I am in a melancholy mood partly because of the dream,partly because of something else.It occurs to me that I happened to see him walking in front of me in the street on that day while he couldnt see me.We havent seen each other in the street for a very long time.But
4、I didnt call him and just kept looking at his back until he was out of sight.nThere are some misunderstandings between him and I.To my sadness I couldnt find any way to clarify them.The only thing I can do is to give up.And I believe those misunderstandings will be eliminated one day.But I dont know
5、 when the day will come.I feel confused and oppressed.My age?Im neither too young nor too old.nGun means force.In the dream he held the gun in his hand.The following association is as follows:he held the gun in his handmeans that he held the force in his hand.Maybe he had enough force to protect him
6、self and even to attack me.Maybe I was too weak to protect myself,then I wanted to lend some force from him.Maybe force was very important to him and he was afraid of lose his force at the sight of me,so he held the gun in his hand very tightly.nnthanks,and I have another association.The gun being p
7、ointed at me without firing in the dream is just like a big penis in erection and without ejaculation.It occurs to me that I used to avoid pennis,especially big penis in the past.But in the dream I began to face it with braveness.This is a great progress which I have ever made in my life,I think.n弗洛
9、3梦的资料和来源有四方面:做梦前一天的残念白日剩余;睡眠中躯体方面的刺激;幼年阅历;人类历史阅历的累积类似于荣格的集体无认识。n4单独的资料构成不了梦,需求和压制的愿望结合才构成梦。这是中谈到的,但后来少提。n5梦的作用是维持睡眠。n6梦的内容构造分为显梦和隐梦两个层面,释梦是治疗师利用患者对梦中原意的自在联想,提示出隐梦的意义。经过稽查作用和梦的伪装,隐藏的愿望才干认识进入组成显梦。 n7稽查作用使隐梦所包含的无认识激动进一步伪装和转化成显梦的内容。这种转化过程即梦的任务包括以下几个机制:凝缩作用(Condensation);移置作用(Displacement);用视觉笼统表现笼统思想;修饰
10、作用(Secondary elaboration)。n8梦中的情感反映总是真实的,假设梦的情感反响与显梦内容不协调,阐明其构成时发生了转化和意味,而与隐梦一致。n10梦的多重决议作用,一个梦可以有多方面的解释。见释梦n(11)梦是自我和本我交战的地方,所以可以在梦中看到冲突的愿望。 n9意味作用:对意味作用的强调是弗洛伊德在发表后对梦实际进展的很大一个补充。对意味的熟习可以让人很快的释梦,减少联想的资料,弗洛伊德指出意味作用或许是梦实际中最引人注目的部分,意味作用使我们在某些情形中无需讯问梦者来对梦进展解释。假设我们熟习了普通梦的意味和梦者的人格,他生活的环境以及梦发生前的印象等,我们时常可以
11、直接来释梦就好似一见面就可以认出一样。但意味法并不排斥联想法,在处置意味元素时,既要利用梦者的联想,又要利用“释梦者的有关意味知识以弥补联想之缺乏。n12除四种梦的任务外,还有两个要素影响梦境的构成:一是显梦中的某一部分往往代表了潜认识中完全相反的愿望;一是梦的各部分之间无逻辑关系,特别是因果关系,这一点启发了皮亚杰。New findings and waysnFreuds view that dreams are the guardian of sleep must now be regarded as disproved; on the contrary, sleep is the gua
12、rdian of dreams (Wolman 1979, p.VII). This is one of the fundamental conclusions which must be drawn from the many psychobiological investigations of dream and sleep.n对实验研讨的看法:it remains clear that physiological conditions and psychological meanings belong to completely different dimensions. nDreami
13、ng has a value of its own in the therapeutic process, even if the underlying dream theories have to be modified. (Strauch 1981, p.43) 5.2 Dream Thinking nDream language, which predates our development of thought language, is a picture language rich in symbolic relationships.n梦是一种退行景象 n Today we woul
14、d say rather that the work on the dream is carried out with regressive methods.n Freuds general point of view: that dreams are in essence nothing else than a special form of our thinking (1900a, p.506) n The dreamer represents the world, including his self, differently than in his waking thinking an
15、d in his everyday language. Thus the problem is not just to describe the formal characteristics of dream language; the difficulty lies in their translation. n Dream language expresses itself predominantly in visual images, and the task of therapeutic translation consists of transforming images into
16、words and thoughts. n dreams in REM sleep tend to be irrational and those in nonREM sleep rational, which suggests that the primary-process mechanisms of dream work are linked to specific physiological conditions.nSystematic studies : Some findings indicate that there is a correspondence between day
17、dreaming and night dreaming, and it can be shown that distortion and expression of affect increase progressively from daydreams through fantasies to night dreams. n (Cohen 1976, p. 334) :the configuration of the dream contents reflects the principal personality traits of the dreamer. nGiora (1981, p
18、.305) : underlines the danger of taking only the clinical material into consideration and neglecting the existence of other types of dreams, e.g., logical and problem-solving dreams, when discussing the theory of dreams. 梦思总结:n currently many authors reject theories which accord dream thinking a spe
19、cial status, preferring instead to integrate dream thinking into the general principles of psychic function. Day Residue and Infantile Wish nDream as an infantile wish? ncurrent views: there are gaps in the theory of wish fulfillment with regard to demonstrating the unconscious, infantile wish eleme
20、nt, and that this leads to other problems, e.g., how to reconcile stereotypical anxiety dreams with the theory. n Koukkou and Lehmanns (1980, 1983) neurophysiological thesis: that the variation in EEG patterns in the REM phases strongly suggests that the doorway to early memories might be open sever
21、al times each night, in which case exchange processes between present and past may well take place. nFreuds idea that the infantile wish is the motor of dream formation has not been confirmed, and in light of the findings of modern research must be rejected as superfluous. nHe formulated this hypoth
22、esis before it became known that dreaming is a biologically based activity that is controlled by an internal clock and needs no foundation in the psychic economy. nAs we saw above in the discussion of dream thinking (Sect. 5.2), over the years the hypothesis that the function of dreaming is mainly t
23、o help deal with reality has lost ground to the view that it is important for the dreamers intrapsychic equilibrium and for the maintenance of his psychic functions. Self-Representation and Problem Solving nFreud n in The Interpretation of Dreams: It is my experience, and one to which I have found n
24、o exception, that every dream deals with the dreamer himself (1900a, p.322). freudn“ The fact that the dreamers own ego appears several times, or in several forms, in a dream is at bottom no more remarkable than that the ego should be contained in a conscious thought several times or in different pl
25、aces or connections e.g. in the sentence when I think what a healthy child I was. (1900a, pp. 322-323) n Freud is talking about self-representation through identificationnKohuts perception of the self-state dream. n self-state dream. With these dreams, free association leads not to deeper understand
26、ing, but at best to images which remain on the same level as the manifest content of the dream. Flying dream as self-statenKohut views dreams of flying as highly threatening representations of the grandiose self.FrenchnFrenchs (1952) suggestion that dreams should be viewed as attempts at problem sol
27、ving French and Fromm n1愿望:有成人和儿童的。n2联想的格式塔扩展愿望的内涵n可解释两类梦n惩罚梦:超我的愿望n反复发生的梦:控制的愿望当代释梦说:自我表象说nWe have traced Freuds assumption (1923c, p. 120) that the dreamers ego can appear more than once in the same dream - in person and concealed behind other figures n Instead of giving verbal expression to thoughts such as I am similar to. or I wi
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