1、精品资料欢迎下载定语从句练习1、 The knifewe used to cut the bread is very sharp.AwhichB withC with itDwith which2、 The brave man,the tiger was shot, is a good hunter.Aof whomB by thatC by whomD by which3、 The clever boy made a hole in the wall,he could see what it was going on inside the house.Aon whichB at whichC
2、 through whichD in which4、 The beautiful dressMiss Jones went to the ball was borrowed from a friend of hers.Ain whichB worn byC through whichD on which5、 During the days, he worked as a servant at the Browns.Athat followedB to followC followingD followed6、 You may take anything useful.A which you w
3、ant B you want themC what you wantD you want7、 My hometown is no longer the sameit used to be.A likeB thatC asD which8、 The old woman has two sons, oneis a teacher.Aof whoB of whomC of whichD of them9、 You can take any seatis free.Ain whichBthatC whereD which10、 Is there anythingto you?A that belong
4、B which belongsCthat belongsD that is belonged11、 We hope to get such a toolhe is using.A whereBthatC asD which12、 Finally came the dayhe had to begin his study for the next term.AtillB thatC sinceD which13、 She hasn t got enough moneyshe buys the rings.A for whichBwith whichC thatD which14、 I ve re
5、ad all the bookswere borrowed from the library.AtheyBwhichC /D that15、 This is the best hotel in the cityI know.A itBwhereC thatDwhich16、 Is oxygen the only gashelps fire burn?A itB whichC /D that17、 The Second World Warmillions of people were killed ended in 1945.Aon whichB whereC in thatDduring wh
6、ich18、 The trainshe was traveling was lateA on thatB for whichC on whichD which19、 Winter is the time of yearthe days are short and nights are long.A on whichBthatC whenD where20、 I ll show you a storeyou may buy allyou need.A that, thatB which, thatC where, whichDin which, /21、 I still remember the
7、 dayshe first wore that pink dress.A on whichB on thatC in whichD which22、 Do you know the reasonshe got so angry yesterday ?AwhyB whichC for thatD for why23、 Issome German friends visited last week ?Athis school whereBthis school oneCthis the schoolD this school24、 Is there any one in your classfam
8、ily is in the city.AwhoseBwhichC whosD who25、 Can you lend me the bookthe other day ?A which you talked Bthat you talkedC about that you talkedD you talked about26、 This is one of the best films - this year.Awhich has been shown B that have been shownCthat have shownD have been shown27、 Do you know
9、the man?A that I spokeB I spoke toC to who I spokeD whom I spoke28、 There are two thousand students in our school,are girls.Atwo-thirds in whichBtwo-thirds in themC two-thirds of themDof whom two thirds29、 I have bought two ball-pens,writes well.A neither of them B none of themC neither of which D n
10、one of which30、 He built a telescopehe could study the skies.Aby itB through whichC with thatD in which31、 Do you know the reasonhe was late?A for which B for whatC whichD that32、has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules.A AsBThatC WhatD Which33、 John got beaten in the game,had been expect
11、ed.AwhoB whatC thatD as34、 They re invented me to their party,is kind of them.AthisBthatC whichD as35、 Crusoe s dog became ill and died,made him very lonely.A thisB thatCwhichD as36、 There isn t so much noise in the countryin big cities.A asB whereC whichD that37、 I often thought of my childhood,I l
12、ived on a farm.A whoBwhenC whereD which38、 Next month,you ll be in your hometown, is comingA.whereB whenC thatD which39、 The next thingmust be done is to make a plan.A whichBthatC whenD /40、 He talked happily about the men and booksinterested him greatly in the school.AthatBwhenC whoD which、 Fill in
13、 the blanks :1、 This is the professortaught me chemistry in 1980 .2、 The hospitalwas built five years ago has been modernized.3、 This is the boyfather died three years ago.4、 The filmwe saw the day before yesterday is very interesting.5、 Do you know the studentwas praised at the meeting?6、 1949 is t
14、he yearthe People s Republic of China was founded.7、 They work in a factorymakes radio parts.8、 They work in a factoryradio parts are made.9、 This is the vision phone throughwe can see and talk to our friends.10、 Here are players from Japan, some ofare our old friends.11、 She lives in a small villag
15、e,is only three miles from here.精品资料欢迎下载12、 She is going to spend the summer holidays in Shanghai,she has some friends.13、 We ll put off the meeting till next week,we won t be so busy.14、 The sun gives the earth light and heat,is very important to the living things.15、 Thosewant to go to the compute
16、r room write your names here.16、 He was often late,made his teacher very angry.17、 Who is the personis standing at the gate?18、 He talked about the teachers and schoolshe had visited.、 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences if there are any:1、 He told us about the countries where he had vis
17、ited.2、 Egypt is a country where is famous for its pyramids.3、 China is the country where he spent the best part of his life.4、 The days when we spent together cannot be easily forgotten.5、 The house stands at the place that the two roads meet.6、 We shall visit the college where his father teaches t
18、here.7、 I know the reason that she looks so worried.8、 He left me the book, that is very useful for me.9、 This is the room which food is kept.10、 April 15, 1976 is the day when we ll never forget.11、 The man came yesterday is our English teacher.12、 The students are playing football on the playgroun
19、d are of Class Two .13、 This is all which I can do for you.14、 Can you think of anyone who s house was here?15、 The watch that Mother bought it for me works very well.16、 This is the only book that were borrowed from the library.17、 The day which she had to leave arrived at last.18、 The doctor whom
20、they want to see have come.19、 Do you know the young man whom has been chosen chairman?20、 The park stands at the place that the two rivers meet.21、 A plane is a machine can fly.22、 It is one of the best pictures which have been sold.23、 Those that want to go put up your hands.24、 This is the knife with that the doctor did the operation.25、 Who is the man whom you said hel
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