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1、2018年杭州市西湖区翠苑中学八年级第一学期9月开学考笔试部分(75分)二.完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)One fine afternoon, a boy carefully took his blind father to a seat in a noodle restaurant. He called _16_for two bowls of beef noodles. When the restaurant owner was about to _17_ the food, the boy suddenlystopped him with his eyes and sai

2、d in a low voice,“ Only one bowl with beef, _48 juswthaoutnoodles.”In fact, the bo y didn ' t have much money and couldn ' t afford two bowls of beef noodles. He called loudly just to let his _ 19_ know.When the noodles were sent to them, the father wasn' in a hurry. He _20_ his chopstic

3、ks(筷子)to search in his bowl, trying to find a piece of beef. _21_ he found one, he picked it up and put it into his son bowl.The boy didn ' t 22_ his father. He accepted silently默地)and then quietly put the beef _23_tohis father ' s bowl.The restaurant owner saw this. He was moved( 感动的)_24_ w

4、hat they had done, then he asked a waiterto bring them a dish od sliced beef from the 25_. The boy thought it was sent to a _26_ table. Theowner came up explaining (解释)with a smile, Today is _27_ restaurant annsversary (周年庆).“Thedish is 28. So you needn' t pay for it. ”After the father and the s

5、on left, the waiter cleared the bowls. He was 29 to find under the bowl ofthe boy were some money. They were just the _30 of the sliced beef dish.()16. A. slowlyB. loudlyC. unfriendly D. hardly()17. A. eatB. askC. cookD. order()18. A. anotherB. eachC. the otherD. both()19. A. friendB. fatherC. sonD.

6、 waiter()20. A. watchedB.usedC. stayedD. kept()21. A. UntilB. SoC. BeforeD. When()22. A. stopB. mindC. careD. wait()23. A. upB. downC. offD. back()24. A. withB.byC. onD. for()25. A. bedroomB. shopC. kitchenD. hotel()26. A. wrongB. greatC. farD. useful()27. A. herB. hisC.yourD. my()28. A. cheapB. exp

7、ensiveC. deliciousD. free()29. A. surprisedB. excitedC. interestedD. angry()30. A. weightB. priceC. numberD. place三.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)We survived 300 young people on what they like to do at weekends. One hundred people are from the ages of 11-18, one hundred 19-26 and

8、one hundred 27-35. The following shows their answers:31. How many people enjoy playing computer games in the 11-18 group?A. 20B. 50B. 60D. 7532. The people of 27-35 enjoy most.A. watching TVB. going to the moviesC. playing computer gamesD. taking a walk33. From the chart (图表)above, we see the older

9、people are, the more they like.A. watching TVB. taking a walkC. going to the moviesD. playing computer games(B)Dec.llth, MondayThe last thing I wanted to do before leaving India was to see a tiger. A guide told me that Panthambbhore National park was a good place to see tigers. So today I found a dr

10、iver to drive me there. It took us four hours to get to the park. When I arrived, I joined a group of five people. Then we drove a car to look for tigers. It was said that there were only twenty tigers in the park. So we would be lucky if we could see a tiger. Soon we found some tiger footprints, an

11、d we felt happy.But four hours passed, and we didn ' t see a tiger. We all felt tired and had to stop to have a rest. It was late in the afternoon, so we drove back. Suddenly, our car stopped. An adult tiger was just about ten meters away from us. It was a magical moment (不可思议的时亥U)for everyone.

12、How lucky we were!34. When did the writer go to Ranthambhore National park?A. In spring.B. In summer.C. In autumn.D. In winter35. The underlined word means in Chinese.A.脚印B.骨头C.粪便D.皮毛36. According to the passage, we can learn that A. it took the writer three hours to get to the park.B. they didn 

13、9; t see any tigers that day.C. the writer had a tiring but happy day.D. they stayed in the park for two hours.(C)In the past, I was not an organized (有条理的)person. After I received a watch, everything changed.The watch came from English in a black box. It weighs 220g and it' s white. I received

14、this gift on aday. I had to go to the airport at 9:00 am to meet my uncle Ali. But I was late because I was hanging out withmy friends. Around 11:10 am, I remembered my uncle and went to the airport, but I was very late for him. He had left the airport and gone to my father' s house.I got to my

15、father ' s house at 2:00jpms h amed (羞愧的).After I said hi to my tired uncle, he gaveme that watch as a gift. Then my angry father said,“ Essa, what you did today was not very nice. I hope todyou learned something important, and this watch will be a reminder(提醒物) for you. ”This watch is important

16、 to me, because of it, I became more organized.37. What do we know about the watch、A. It came from his father.B. It is about 500g.C. It is a black watch.D. It came from England.38. Why didn ' t the boy go to the airport on time?A. Because of the rainy dayB. Because he forget it.C. Because his fr

17、iends stopped him.D. Because he lost his way.39. Which of the following is the correct order? Essa got a watch. Essa was playing with his friend. Essa' s father talked with him. Essa went to meet his uncle at the airport.A.B.C.D.40. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Essa was playing with his fri

18、ends at 2:00 pm.B. Uncle Ali didn ' t meet Essa that day.C. Essa went to the airport after 11:00 am that day.D. Essa ' s father met Uncle Ali at the airport.(D)Many people use the mobile phone as the alarm clock and are often used to checking emails before sleeping. But these habits are beco

19、ming their sleeping problems.Many years ago, my boss stayed up playing her mobile phone and got badly ill because of that_Now she always leaves her phone in another room at night. And she encourages (鼓励)her friends to do so."I sent eachof my friends the same Christmas gift-an alarm clock. So th

20、e y could stop using the phone as the alarm clock. she said.If your mobile phone wake you up in the morning, it may also keep you at night. A study shows thatpeople in mobile phone radiation (辐射) mostly have sleeping problems. And according to a Swedish study, a quarter of young people in this count

21、ry feel like having their phones around them. Most of them feel sorry for not replying to messages. So they even have to reply to their friends before sleeping.A recent study has shown that three-quarters of people aged between 18 and 34 prefer (更喜欢) to sleep with their phones near them. That number

22、 falls off a little in the middle age, but only people aged 65 and older like leaving the phone in another room while sleeping.41. The underlined word"that " prefers toA. using the mobile phones as the alarm clockB. checking a mailsC. staying up playing the mobile phoneD. leaving the mobil

23、e phone in the bedroomB. 50%D. 75%42. According to a Swedish study, of young people in Sweden always put phones around them while sleeping.A. 25%C. 60%43. According to a recent study, people prefer to leave their phones in another room.A. aged between 12 and 18B. Aged between 18 and 34C. in the midd

24、le ageD. aged over 6544. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The writers boss likes leaving her phone in her bedroom now.B. The writer ' s boss sent alarm clocks to her friends so that they could stop using the phone as the alarm clock.C. Nearly all people prefer to leave

25、mobile phones near them while sleeping.D. Many people use mobile phone as the alarm clock to keep them up all night.45. What is the main idea of the passage?A. We can ' t put mobile phones in our bedroom.B. Mobile phones are widely used in our life.C. How the mobile phones influence (影响) our sle

26、ep.D. Mobile phone is widely used as the alarm clock.四,语法填空(共 20小题,每小题1分,共10分)Roger lived in a big city. He had 46.good job, but he thought his life was not 47.(enjoy). Every day he did nothing 48.eat, sleep, and work. Roger felt everything was so boring. He planned 49.(have ) a big adventure(探险).So

27、 he went to a small island during a holiday. There he met some young people like(he).The island is in south Asia. There are many 51.(hill) and forests on it. Roger would walk in the forest and get to the other side of the island together with his new friends.It was hot and wet 52.the island and the trip was so hard. They walked and 53.(sleep) in the forest for days. Their food got bad 54.(easy).They felt time went by so slowly and it seemed that the


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