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1、2014One ni ght, Whe n I WaS eight , my mother gen tly asked me a questi OnI would n ever forget. “ Sweetie, my COmPa ny WantS to 16 me but n eeds meto work in Brazil. ThiS is like your teacher telling that you' Ve done 17 and allowing you to SkiP a grade(跳级),but you' ll have to 18 your frien

2、ds. Would you Say yes to your teacher? ” She gave mea hug and asked meto think about it. I WaS PUZZled. The question kept me9 for the rest of the night I had Said“yes” but for the first time, I realized the20 decisi ons adults had to make.For almost four years, my mother would call US from BraZiI ev

3、ery day. EVery evening I ' d 21 Wait for the phone to ring and then tell her every detail of my day. A phone call, however, could never replace her 22 and it WaS difficult not to feel lonely at times.DUring my fourth-grade ChriStmaS break, We flew to Rio to ViSit her. Look ing at her large 23 ap

4、artme nt, I became 24 how lonely my mother must have been in BraZiI herself. It WaS then 25 I Started to appreciate the tough ChOiCeS She had to make on 26 family and work. 27 difficult decisions, She USed to tell me, you wouldn' t know Whether you make theright choice, but you could always make

5、 the best out of the SitUati on,With PaSSi on and a 28 attitude.BaCk home, I 29 myself that What my mother could do, I could, too. If She 30 to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be 31 . I lear n how to take Care of myself and Set high but achievable 32.My mother is now back With us.

6、 BUt I will n ever forget What the 33 has really taught me. SaCrifiCeS 34 in the end. The SeParation betweenUS has PrOVed to be 35 for me.16. A. attract17. A. little18. A. leaveB. promoteB. muchB. refuseC. SUrPriSe D. PraiSeC. wellD. wrongC. con tactD.forgive19. A. expla iningB. sleep ingC. won deri

7、 ngD. regrett ing20. A. POOrB. timelyC. finalD. tough21. A. eagerlyB. politelyC. n ervouslyD.CUriOUSIy22. A. Patie nceB. PreSenceC.in tellige nceD.In flue nce23. A. Comfortable B.EXPe nsiveC.EmPtyD.Moder n24. A. Interested inB. aware ofC.doubtful D.SatiSfiedWith25. A. Whe nB. WhereC. WhiChD. that26.

8、 A. aba ndoningB. bala ncingC.COmPari ngD. mixi ng27. A. DePe nding onB. SUPPIied WithC. FaCed WithD.In SiSti ng on28. A. differe ntB. frie ndlyC.POSitiVe D. gen eral29. A. CritiCiZedB. i nformedC.WarnedD.remin ded30. A. man agedB. OfferedC. attemptedD.expected31. A. gratefulB. en ergeticC.in depe n

9、dentPraCtiCaI32. A. examplesB. IimitSC. rulesD. goals33. A. questi onB. experie nceC. historyD.OCCaSi on34. A. Pay offB. come backC. run out D.turn UP35. A. bless ingB. gatheri ngC. failureD.PleaSure16-20 BCACD 21-25 ABCBD 26-30 BCCDA 31-35 CDBAA2013AS I held my father ' S hands one night, I cou

10、ldn' t help but notice theirCaIlUSes( 老茧)and roughness.HiS hands tell the story of his life as a16 ,in cludi ng all his StrUggles.One summer, I remember, a drought ( 旱灾) hit On tario,tur ning it i nto a 17desert. Onone og those hot mornings I WaS PiCk ing SWeet Corn With my dad to fill the last

11、18 from the grocery store.Fifty doze n WaS all We n eeded, WhiCh 19took twenty minutes.That morning,however,the PrOCeSS didn' t 20 quickly.Afterforty mi nu tes of aimlessly walki ng in the field,we 21n eeded twenty doze n.lWaS completely frustrated and 22 .Dropping the basket heavily, I declared

12、,"If the store WantS its last twenty dozen,they Can PiCk it themselves1” Dad23 .“ JUSt think,my little girl,only ten dozen Ieft for each of US and then we' re24 .” SUCh is Dad-WhateVer problem he 25 ,he never gives up.26, the disastrous effects of the drought Were felt all over ourCoUnty.It

13、 WaS a challe nging time for every one,27 Dad remained OPtimiStic.He 28 to be grateful for other things likegood health and food On OUr plated.Only then did I truly begin to 29 Dad and his faith that guided US through the hard times.Dad is also a livi ng example of real 30 .From dawn to dusk,he Wark

14、SCoUn tless hours to 31 our family.He always PUtS our happ in ess 32 his own,and never fails to Cheer me On at my SPOrtS games 33 his exhaustiOn after Iong days. HiS loving and selfless nature has inSPired meto become more SymPathetiC and 34 PUtting OtherS first.Dad, the life 35 I have Iearned from

15、you will Stay With me forever.Youare my father,teacher,frie nd an d,most importa ntly,my hero.16.A.teacherB.garde nerC.farmerD.grocer17.A.stormyB.livelyC.disappeari ngD.burni ng18.A.orderB.formC.gapD.POSiti On19.A.repeatedlyB.no rmallyC.fi nallyD.really20.A.goB.begi nC.occurD.cha nge21.A.yetB.stillC

16、.eve nD.n early22.A.surprisedB.n ervousC.a ngryD.frighte ned23.A.apologizedB.criedC.compla inedD.l aughed24.A.lostB.do neC.go neD.touched25.A.meets WithB.bri ngs UPC.works outD.th inks about26.A.Tha nkfullyB.HopefullyC. U nfortu natelyD.Stra ngely27.A.orB.forC.soD.but28.A.happenedB.seemedC.con ti nu

17、edD.aimed29.A.faceB.appreciateC.exami neID.question30.A.loveB.prideC.frie ndshipD.ho nesty31.A.supportB.settleC.startD.impress32.A.afterB.beforeC.besideD.un der33.A.in SPite ofB.i n terms ofC.i n Con trol ofD.in placeof34. A.carefulB.regretfulC.c On SiderateD.humorous35. A.historyB.mottoC.patter nsD

18、.l ess OnS16-35 CDABA BCDBACDCBA ABACD2012I fell in IoVe With YOSemite NatiOnal Park the first time I SaW it, When I WaS13. My Parents took US there for CamPing. On the Way out, I asked them to Wait whileI ran UP to E1 CaPitan, a16rock of 3,300 feet Straight up. I touched thatgiant rock and knew17 I

19、 Wanted to climb it. That has been my life ' S PaSSiOn(钟爱)ever SinCe-18the rocks and mountains of Yosemite. I ' Ve Iong madeYOSemite my19.About 15 years ago I Started See ing a lot of20, like toilet paper, beercans, and empty boxes, around the area. It' S21me Why ViSitOrS Startedrespecti

20、ng the place 22and treated SUCh a beautiful home-like place this way.I tried 23trash(垃圾)myself, but the job WaS too big. I would 24anhour or two On the job, On Iy to find the area trashed all over aga in WeekS later.Fin ally, I got so25_ it that I decided SOmeth ing had to Cha nge.AS a rock-climb in

21、g guide, I knew26about orga nizing any big eve nt. BUtin 2004, together With some climbers,I Set a date for a27. On that day, morethan 300 people 28. OVer three days We collected about 6,000 PoUndS of trash.It WaS amazing how much We Were able to29. I couldn' t believe the30We made -the Park loo

22、ked clea n!EaCh year VolUnteers come for the cleanup from everywhere. In 2007 alone, 2,945 people PiCked UP 42,330 PoUndS of trash and31132 miles of roadway.I Often hear people32 about their SUrroUndin gs. If you areOne of them,I would Say the Only Way to Change things is by33rather than complaining

23、.We need to teach by34. You Can' t blame OtherS35you Start Withyourself.16. A. dista ntB.hugeC. n arrowD.loose17. A. immediatelyB. fin allyC. graduallyD.recen tly18. A.imag iningB. Pain ti ngC. describ ingD.CIimbi ng19. A. gardenB. homeC. IabD.PaIaCe20. A. materialB. resourcesC. WaSteD.goods21.

24、A. beyo ndB. aga instC. overD.Within22. A. moreB. mostC. lessD.least23. A. throw ing awayB. PiCk ing UPC. break ing dow nD.diggi ng out24. A. killB. SaVeC. WaitD.SPend25. A. SatiSfied WithB. delighted inC. tired ofD.USedto26. A. SOmethi ngB. anythingC. everyth ingDno thi ng27. A. clea nupB. PartyC.

25、PiCniCDConCert28. A. dropped outB. ShOWed UPC. looked aroundDcalled back29. A. dema ndB. receiveC. accomplishDovercome30. A. planB. ViSitC. Con tactDdiffere nce31. A. CrOSSedB. measuredC. COVeredDdesig ned32. A. talkB. complainC. argueDquarrel33. A. doingB. thi nki ngC. questi OningDWatCh ing34. A.

26、methodB. expla nati OnC. exampleDresearch35. A . althoughB. ifC. Whe nDUSeIeSS16-20 BADBC21-25 ACBDC26-30 DABCD31-35 CBACD2011A LOVe NOte TO My MOmWhe n I WaS a little girl, would ofte n accompa ny you as you modeledfor fashi on photographers. It WaS years later that fin allyUn derstood Whatrole mod

27、eli ng 16 in your life. LittIe did I known you Were 17 every Penny you earned to go to 18 school.I CannOt tha nk you eno Ugh for 19 you told me one autu mn after noonWhe n I WaS nine. After fin ishi ng my homework. I Wan ted in to the di ningWhere you Were buried 20 piles of IaW books. I WaS 21 .Why

28、 Were you doing What I do memoriz ing textbooks and StUdy ing for 22 ?When youSaid you Were in IaW school, I WaS more PUZZled. I didn' t knoWn. Moms23be IaWyerS too. You SmiIed and said,“ In life, you Can do anythingyou Want to do. ”AS young as I Was, that Stateme nt kept 24 in my ears. I WatChe

29、das you faced the 25 of COmPleti ng your studies, Stari ng compa niesWith Dad, while still being a 26 and a MOm if five kids. I WaS exhausted just WatChing you 27 .With your words of wisdomin my 28 mind, I SUddenly felt UnIimited freedom to dream. Mywhole world 29 Set out to live my life filled With

30、 30 ,Seeing endless POSSibiIitieSfor PerS onal and PrOfeSSi onal achieveme nts.Your words became my motto. I 31 found myself in the UniqUePOSition of being either the first(womandoctor in MaryIand ROtary) 32_ one of the few women (Chief medical reporters) in my field. I gainedStrength every time I S

31、aid ,“Yes, I ' ll try that.毅然前行)With my34 meeting eachEn COUraged by your 33 , I have forged ahead ( life ' S journey, less afraid to make mistakes, andSorry, got to run. So muchchallenge. You did it, and now I ' m 35 it.to do, so many dreams to live.16. A. fou ndB. play C. kept D. PrOVi

32、ded17. A. SaV ing B. making C. don ati ng D. recei Ving18. A. bus in ess B. fashi on C. law D. medical19. A. What B. that C. WhiCh D. Where20. A. at B. to C. upon D. Un der21. A. amused B. WOrried C. PUZZIed D. disappo in ted22. A. roleB. tests C. POSiti ons D. shows23. A. mustB. ought to C. need D.

33、 could24. A. ringing B. blow ing C. falli ng D. beati ng25. A. ChOiCeS B. Cha nces C. challe nges D. Cha nges26. A. PrOfeSSOr B. doctor C. reporter D. model27. A. in dan ger B. in action C. in trouble D. in Charge28. A. Weak B. POWerfUI C. youthful D. empty29. A. Came back B. closed dow n C. Went by

34、 D. ope ned UP30. A. hope B. hardship C. harm ony D. Sad ness31. A. con Sta ntly B. shortly C. hardly D. nearly32. A. and B. but C. or D. for33. A. description B. Statement C. PraiSe D. introduction34. A. SeCretIy B. CUriOUSIy C. CareIeSSIy D. eagerly35. A. doing B. con Sideri ng C. COrreCt ing D. r

35、ead ing16 20 BACAD2125 CBDAC 26 30 DBCDA3135 ACBDA 2010Rabert Moody, 52, is an experie need PaIiCe officer. MUCh Qf his Wark in VaIVeSdeali ng With 16 an ga ng ( 团伙)problems in the SChaaIS Qf his Cam muni ty. KnoWingthat many kids Often 17 trouble.he decided to do SOmething about it. So in 1991he be

36、gan to inVite small groups of kids to go fishing With him On his day 18.Those fun trips had a(n) 19 impact. A Cha nce encoun ter in 2000 PrOVed that.One day, 20 workingSeCUrity at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two youngguys 21 .HeSenSed trouble between them. 22 one of them headed toward Mo

37、odyand gave him a hug. ” I 23 you. You took me 24 When I WaS in fifth grade.That WaS One of the 25days of my life .”DeePIy touched by the boy ' S word, Moody decided to Create a foundatiOn(基金会)that 26teenagers to the basics of fishing in CamPing PrOgrams.“AS apolicema n, I SaW 27 there WaS viole

38、 nce, drugs Were always beh ind it. They have a damaging 28 On the kids, ” SayS Moody.By tur ning kids on to fishi ng, he 29 to PreSent a n alter native Way of life,“When you' re Sitting there Waiting for a30 , ” he says, “you Can ' t help buttalk to each other, and SUCh 31 Can be Pretty dee

39、p. ”“Talking about drugs helped PrePare mefor the Peer (同龄人)PreSSUreS in highschool, ” SayS Michelle, 17 who 32 the first program. “And I WaS able to help my little brother 33 drugs. ”Moody faces 34 in three years, When he hopes to run the foundation full- time. ” I ' m living a happy life and I

40、 have a respOnSibiIity to my 35 to giveback,Moody says. ” If I teach a kid to fish today, he Can teach his brother tofish tomorrow.16. A. drin ki ng B17. A. ran into B18. A . ahead B19. A . immediate20. A . once B21. A . quarreling22. A . Slowly B23. A . Understand24. A . fishing B.drug C.got over C

41、.away CB . damagi ng C.whileCB. complai ning.SUdde nlyB. hear.saili ng.SeCUrity D.left beh indoff D.Iimited DSi nce D talki ng D DC . Fi nallyC.See DC . boati ng.smok ingD. looked intoout.last ing.Un til.Cheeri ngSeCretIy.rememberD. SWimmi ng25. A .quietest B.Iongest C.bestD.busiest26. A .Conn ects

42、B.introduces C.reducesD.COmmitS27. A .Where B .Unl essC .asD.Whether28. A .impressi On B.burdenC.decisi OnD.impact29. A .askedB.inten ded C.Prete ndedD.agreed30. A .soluti OnB.ChangeC . biteD.SUrPriSe31. A .ConCernS B.in terests C.Con VerSati OnSD. emotiOn S32. A. PartiCiPated in B. Worked out C. ap

43、proved Of D. made UP33. A. misuse B. avoid C.tolerate D. test34. A. Un employme nt B. challe nge C. COmPetiti On D. retireme nt35. A. team B. school C. family D.com munity16. B 17. A 18.C 19. D 20.B 21.A 22.B 23.D 24.A 25. C 26. B 27.A28.D 29. B 30. C 31C 32. A 33.B 34.D 35.D2009The first time I rem

44、ember no tic ing the cross ing guard WaS Whe n he WaVedto meas I drove myson to school. He 16 mewith a PUZZIe - all because he WaVed to melike someOnedoes 17 Seeing a close friend. A big, 18_ smile accompanied his Wave. For the next feW days I tried to 19 his face to See if I kneW him. I didn '

45、t. PerhaPS he had 20 me for someOne else. By the time I COntented myself With the 21 that he and I Were Strangers; We Were greeting each other WarmIy every morning like old friends.ThenOne day the 22 WaS solved. AS I 23 the school he WaS Sta ndingin the middle of the road 24 his stop Sign. I WaS in

46、live behind four cars.25 the kids had reached the Safety of the SideWalk; he loWered his Sig nand let the CarS 26. To the first he WaVed and 27 in just the Same Wayhe had done to me over the last feW days. The kids already had the WindoW doW n and Were happily WaV ing their reply. The SeC ond Car go

47、t the Same 28from the crossing guard, and the driver, a Stiff-looking(表情刻板的 )bus in essma n, gave a brief, almost _29_ WaVe back. EaCh folloW ing Car of kidsOn their Way to school 30 more heartily.EVery morning I continued to WatCh the manWith 31. So far I haven' tSeen anyone 32 to WaVe back. I

48、find it interesting that one PerSon Canmake SUCh a(n) 33 to so many people ' S lives by doing one SimPIe thinglike WaVi ng and Smili ng warmly. HiS 34 armed the Start of my day. Witha frien dly WaVe and Smili ng face he had Cha nged the 35 of the Wholen eighbourhood.16. A.hitB. disappo in tedC.P

49、reSe ntedD. bored17. A.onB. fromC. duri ngD. about18. A.falseB. ShyC.apologeticD. bright19. A.researchB. StUdyC. recog nizeD. exploreIl20. A.PraiSedB. blamedC. mistake nD.respected21. A. con cluSi onB. descripti onC.evaluatio nD.in troductio n22. A. argume ntB. disagreeme ntC.mysteryD. task23. A.ViS

50、itedB. approachedC. PaSSedD. left24. A.draW ing back B. PUtt ing on C. handing in D. holdi ng out25. A.OnCeB. BefOreC. U nl essD. While26. A.inB. throughC. outD.doW n27. A.CriedB. CheeredC. SmiIedD. gestured28. A.ideaB. reply(C. no tice D.greet ing29. A.aWkWardB. angryC. elega ntD. Patie nt30. A.Cam

51、eB. resp on dedC. hurriedD. appeared31. A.SUrPriSeB.frustratio nC.in terestD. doubt32.A.failB. tryC. WiShD.bother33.A.offerB.SaCrifiCeC. PrOmiSe D.differe nce34.A. effectiVe nessB. Cheerf Uln essC.Caref Uln essDSeriOUS ness35. A. trendsB.18.DObSerVatiOn S C. regulatiOnS D. feelings16.C17.A19.B20.C21

52、.A22.C23.B24.D25.A26.B27.C28.D29.A30.B31.C32.A33.D34.B35.D2008Jenna, a popular girl from WeStWood Middle School, had graduated first in her class and WaS ready for new 16 in high school.17, high school WaS differe nt. In the first week, JennaWent to tryouts(选拔赛)for CheerIeaders( 拉拉队队员 ).She WaS COmP

53、eting against Very talented girls, and She knew it Would be 18 for_her to be selected. TWo hours later, the 19 read alist of the girls for a SeCOnd tryout. Her heart 20 as the list ended WithOUt her n ame. Feeli ng 21 , She WaIked home Carry ing her schoolbag full of homework.ArriVing home, She Star

54、ted Withmath. She had always been a good math StUdent,but now She WaS 22 . She moved On to English and history, and WaS 23 to find that She didn ' t have any trouble With those subjects. Feeling better, She decided not to 24 math for the time being.The n est day JennaWent to See Mrs. Bide n about being On the school 25 . Mrs. Biden WaSn ' t as26 as Jenna. “ I ' m sorry, but We have enoUgh27 for thenewspaper already.COmebaCk next year and we'


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