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1、新版牛译林5AUnit3知识点+练 习5AU3讲解及练习【单词解析】arm 名词,手臂。一般以复数形式出现,如:He has two long arms.他有两天长胳膊。arm in arm 胳膊挽着胳膊They walk happily arm in arm.他们挽着胳膊愉快的散步。 动词,携带武器The man is armed.这个男人携有武器。armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿,全副武装。body 名词,身体。复数形式是 bodiesTheir bodies are big and fat.他们身体大而胖。 还可以表示事物的主体。如:the body of the pla

2、ne 机身the body of the car 车身body clock生物钟foot 名词,脚,足。复数形式feetThey have no feet or legs.他们没有脚和腿。 相关短语:football足球;footlights舞台的脚灯;foothill小山丘;footman男仆 or (连词)用于选择句的问句中表示还是”Is it green or red? 它是绿色还是红色的?Is your mother fat or thin? 你妈妈是胖还是瘦? 用于选择句的陈述句中表示或者”I would like a cup of tea or a cup of coffee. 我

3、要一杯茶或一杯咖啡。 用于否定句中表示 也不,也没有”They have no legs or arms.他们没有腿也没有胳膊。wi ng n.(名词)翅膀The birds' wings are big and strong.这些鸟的翅膀大而强壮。 还可以表示飞机的机翼”。We can see two big wings of the pla ne by the win dow.我们在窗户旁能看到飞机的两个巨大机翼。tail (名词)尾巴The dog has a long tail.这只狗有一条长尾巴。 还可以表示飞机的尾部”。There is a man standing on

4、the plane's tail. 有一个男人站在飞机的尾部。fly v.(动词)飞翔The bird can fly in the tree.这只鸟能飞到树上去。 还可以表示放飞”。I can fly my kite very high.找能把我的风筝放飞得很高。itsadj.(形容词)它的,一般指事物、动物或幼儿The baby is crying. Its eyes are red.这个婴儿在哭。他的眼睛红了。【词组解析】1. the other指已知的两个人或物的另一个,一般与 one连用如: One is the other is There are two cats. On

5、e is fat , the other is thin.有两只猫,一只胖,一只瘦。other单独使用时,表示 别的,其他的”,泛指 其他的(人或物)”。Three other teachers are ali in the classroom.其他三位老师都在教室里。2. big bodies 大身体bodies在这里是复数将body中的“y变成“i再加“es。当名词以辅音字母 十 y 结尾时,复数将 “y变成 “,i,再加 “es” 如:lady -ladies ; baby- -babies3. have no legs or arms没有腿电没有手臂在选择句的否定句中,or表示 也不,

6、也没有”.女口:They have no pen or pen cils.他们没有钢笔也没有铅笔。如果在选择句的肯定句中,连接两个并列的词是用and而不用or .,如:He has a storybook and a picture book.他有一本故事书和一本图画书。4. give it a cake给它一个蛋糕也可以说 give the cake to it。用“ give某人十某物”或者give-某物+to+某人”。当give后加的是人称代词时,需用宾格,如:give her a book=give a book to her; give him a coat- give a coat

7、 to him同类的词组有:show sb.(某人)sth.(某物)/ show sth. to sb.给某人展示某物pass sb.(某人)sth.(某物)/pass sth. to sb把某物传给某人【句型解析】1. They have big eyes and big bodies.他们有大眼睛和大身体。It has four legs and a short tail.它有四条腿和一条短尾巴。解析:这里的“have和 “has表示 拥有”,当主语是第三人称单数 he, she, i 时,用“ has”当主语是第一人称I,we,第二人称you,第三人称复数they时 用 have。2.

8、They can swim.他们会游泳。It can run and jump.它会跑和跳。解析:这两句都用了 “can的句型,表示“会”,can后的动词用原 形。3. One is red and the other is black.-个是红色的,另一个是黑色的。解析:本句中,the other表示另一个,常与 one连用,构成 “ onethe other 的句式,如:I have two brothers. One is tall, the other is short.我有两个兄弟,一个高一个矮。【语法解析】1 当我们表达某人拥有某物时用“ have或“ has。2. 当主语是第三人

9、称单数 he, she, it时,用“has。如:He has big eyes 他 有大眼睛。It has a long tail.宦有一条长尾巴。3. 当主语是第一人称I,we,第二人称you,第三人称复数they时,用“have。如:I have a big and bright classroom.我有一间又大又明亮的教室。They have some nice pictures他们有许多漂亮的图片。4. 当主语是第一人称I,we,第二人称you,第三人称复数they时,要将句子 变成一般疑问句,表达 是否拥有”,在句首加助动词“do',将肯定句中的“some变成“any.肯定

10、回答是:Yes.do.否定回答是:No,don't.如:A: Do you have a big playgro und at school?B: Yes, we do.A :你们在学校有大操场吗?B :是的,我们有的。A: Do they have any arms? B: No, they don't.A :他们有臂膀吗?B :不,他们没有。5 .当主语是第三人称单数he, she, it时,用“ has,”要将句子变成一般疑问句, 表达 是否拥有”,在句首加助动词“does,将肯定句中的“has变成“have,“ some变成“ any,肯定回答是:Yes, does否定

11、回答是:No, does n't.如:A: Does he have big eyes? B:Yes, he does.A:他有大眼睛吗?B :是的,他有。A: Does she have any ani mal frie nds?B: No, she does n't.A:她有动物朋友吗?B:不,她没有【语音解析】字母 u 在单词中发/ A/的音。女口: bus, umbrella, summer, sun. duck, lunch,fun, funny字母 u 在单词中也会发/ ju : /的音。如:student, excuse, university, cutethe

12、UK(英国)Franc(i±- E)Thailand El >hr;irRussia;慎罗斯)ekphant谚语世界本单元我们学习了动物朋友的外形特征,你知道英语中与动物有关的谚语吗?Kill two birds with one sto ne. 箭双雕;一举两得。Cats hide their claws.知人知面不知心。Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌。Go to the sea, if you would fish well.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Hair by hair you will pull out the horse's tail. 水滴石

13、穿。It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.狡兔三窟。One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。Don't ride the high horse.勿摆架子。练习选择恰当的词填空eyes, ears, no se, hair1. My mother'sis short,2. Herare black and big.3. The elepha nt has long4. Do you have small?short, small, fat, l ongI. A: Are youB: No,

14、I'm thin.2. A: Are youB: Yes, I'm not tall.3. Are your eyes big or4. I want to havehair.找出U栏中与I栏匹配的答句,将序号填在题前括号内。II)1. Can you jump?A. No, there aren't.less on.fridge.)2. Do you have any less ons this after noon?B.I have an En glish)3. What less ons do you have?)4. What's in the clas

15、sroom?)5.Is there a big playgro und in the school?C. Yes,I can.D. They are in theE. No,l don't.)6. Where are the cakes?F.There are some desksand cl)7. Are your eyes big or small?G. Yes, there is.)8.Are there any flowers on the table?H. They are big.根据答句,选择合适的词完成句子。Who What Where Can Do Does1.do

16、you have? I have a red parrot.2.is your an imal frie nd?Miss rabbit.3.she have long hair?Yes.4.they have long ears?No.5.it talk and fly? Yes, he can talk very well.6.is the fish? It's over there, on the table.综合练习选择填空B: Yes,()1. A: Do you have an animal friend?A. they doB. I doC. I am()2. A: Wha

17、t can the parrot do? B:A. I can jump.B. They can swim.C. It can fly.)3. A: rm so tired. B:A. Have some cakes, please.B. You can go to bed.C. You can drink some juice.)4. A: What's in the bedroom?B:A. There is a computer.B. It's big. C. They are in the bookcase.)5. A: What do you like?B: I li

18、keA. a dogB. rabbitsC. swim)6. A: The fish has no legsarms. B: But it can swim fast.A. andB. butC. or)7. I'm thirsty. Givesome juice, please.A. theyB. meC. he)8. A: What does the mon key have? B: It hasA. red eyesB. a big bodyC. a thi n body)9. A: Does he have long legs:l B: No,A.I doB.they doC.

19、 he does n't)10. A: Do you havepictures? B: Yes,I do.C.a nyA. some选择恰当的词组完成句子,使句意完整。A. run and jumpB. in front ofC. some soupD. red eyesE. so tiredF. two colorful wingsG. a long tailH. no legs or armsl. The fish has2. There is a hillmy house.3. Look at the parrot. It has4. I'm hungry and thi

20、rsty. Give me.5. Can the dog? Yes. but it can't swim.6. My ani mal friend is a rabbit. It has.7. The mon key has It 'so cute.8. You look. Go to bed now.在II栏中找出I栏的答句,将序号填入题前的括号内I()1.Ca n you swim?IIA.1t has a short tail.()2. What's in the classroom?B.Yes,it does.()3. Do they have a new ba

21、g?C. No,I ca n't.()4. Are there any flowers in thebedroom? D. There arc some desks andchairs.()5. What does the dog have:lE. Yes. they do.()6. Does the rabbit have long ears?F.It's cold.()7. What can the bird do?G. No. there are n't.()8.1s the soup cold or hot?H.It can fly high.用所给词的正确形式

22、填空1. He(have) long legs.2. 'The parrot can(talk) to the friend.3. (Do) the rabbit(have) long ear s 肌4. Whose(fish)is this?5. The elephant(have)a long no se.6.I would like to(run) with you.7.They(have) some good ani mal frien ds.将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。()Yes, it's a big zoo. Can you see a parrot over

23、 there?()Good idea.()Yes,I can.lt has two big win gs. Does it have a big mouth?()Me too. The bears have a big body. Let's go and have a look.()Yes, it does. So it can fly. Do you like mon keys?()Lily. Look at the zoo. It's so big.()No.I do n't.l like bears. What about you?阅读理解A: Hello,Li

24、ly.B: Hello, Lucy. Let's go to my un cle's farm on Sun day after noon.A: OK. What's on the farm?B: There are some apple trees and some ani mals.A: Are there any cows on the farm?B: Yes, there are. There are two fat cows on the farm.A: Do they have a big body?B: Yes, they have a big and f

25、at body. They have four strong legs, too.A: Are there any horses on the farm?B: No, there aren't. But there arc some ducks and chicke ns.A: Oh, they are in terest ing. Let's meet this Sun day after noon.B: OK.()1. Are there any horses on the farm?A. Yes, there are.B. There is only one horse

26、on the farm.C. No, there are n't.(.)2. How many cows are there on the farm?There areIt's Lucy'sA. There is one.B. There are two,C.three.()3. When do we go to the farm?A. This Sun day after noon.B. This Sun day morni ng.C. This Saturday after noon.()4. Whose farm is it?A. It's Lily's uncle's. B. It's Lucy's uncle&#


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