



1、初一英语上册测试题及答案 8基础训练5.9.eight twenty 6. nine 10. thirty-six_ 7. twelve _ 8. nineteen _n.将下列词组译成英语11.1月 9日_ 12. 4月 8日13.5月 4日_ 14. 6月 1日15.8月15日 16. 9月 10日17.10月 12 日_ l8. 12 月 25 日 19.大卫的生日宴会 20.莉莉的生日 21.学校上课日 _ 22.举行讲演比赛 23.流行音乐会 _ 24.合唱比赛 25.艺术节 川.单项选择()26. When is your birthday? It' s .A.Februa

2、ryB. secondC.February secondD. 1990()27. shirt is white.A.My brother B. My brothers C. My brother ' sD.My brothers '()28. Do you have a pop concert? Yes, .A.we have B .we doC. we areD.I am()29. Where' s?A.Tom' s pants B. Tom' s pen 's C . Tom' s penD. pen of Tom()30. is y

3、our mother? She' s forty .A.How old B .HowC.How age D . What age()31. What' s the month between July and September?A.June B.August C. October D.November()32. is very difficult.A.Lesson fifthB. The lesson fifthC.Fire lessonD. The fifth lesson()33. Our school has a sports meeting October 15th.

4、A.atB. onC. in D .for()34 . There are months in a year. The month is December.A.twelve, twelveB. twelfth, twelfthC.twelve, twelfthD. twelfth, twelveI写出下列数词的序数词1one2 two 3 three4 five()35. What' s thetoday? It ' s October twelfth.What is it today? It ' s Sunday.A. date, day B . day, date

5、C . date, date D . day, day ) 36. Day is on June first and Day is on September tenth.A. Children ' s, Teacher ' s B . Children ' s, Teachers 'C. Children ' s' , TeacherD . Children ' , TeachersA.C.)37 . Mrs. Green is Jim and KateBJim and Kate ' smother.Jim' s and

6、Kate ' s.Jim ' s and KateA.)38 . The baby is only _ ten mon ths oldB.ten monthes oldC.ten month old.ten old mon thsA.you born? Iborn in Wuha n.)39 . Wherewas, were B . were, was C . were, were D . was, was)40 . Whenyou have a school trip? Sorry, Iknow.are, don ' t B . do, aren ' t C

7、. are, aren ' t D . do, don ' tA.IV .根据答语写出问句。41. She ' s thirteen years old. 42 .His birthday is November eleve nth.43 .She is fine.44 .Your football is un der the bed.45 . It ' s $ 20.V.连词成句46 . party, birthday, a, for, we, him, have,(.)47 . do, have, whe n, con test, En glish, you

8、, an,(?)48 . mon th, year, the, the, of, third, March, is,(.)49 . has, he, a, bag, white,(.)50 . is, day, women ' s, eighth, March. (.)能力训练W .根据对话内容选项恰当的句子,有两项为多余的。A: Excuse me. 51 ?B: Sorry, I don ' t have one.A: So I must go to the shop n ear our school.B: I think the shop is closed at thi

9、s time of day.A: 52 ?B: It ' s Friday. On Friday the shop closes early.A: 53 ?B: Look, it says “ closed ” .A: Oh, dear! you ' re right. It is closed. 54 ?B: 55 .It ' s open 24 hours. A: OK, Let ' s go.51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 四完形填空AIt is 56 day of school. Li Ping wants to 57 . He wan

10、ts to see his friends. He wants to meet his new teachers.He 58 early in the morning. He washes and eats his breakfast.Then he 59his bike to school.He sees his friends in school. He 60 them happily. Then the bell rings (铃声响了) . Every one 61 the classroom.term.Li Ping meets his new teacher. 62 is Zhao

11、 Ling. She teaches 63 thisLi Ping likes Miss Zhao. He thinks she is a nice teacher.()56. A. one B . first C . the first D . the one)57. A. go to the school B . go back to the schoolC . go back school D . go back to school)58. A. gets up B . get up C . goes up D . go up)59. A. has B . rides C . sits

12、D . ride)60 .A.plays with B . plays C.says withD . talks)61.A.goes B . go to C . runD. runs to)62 .A.His name B . Her nameC. He D .Her)63 . A. their Chinese B . their ChinaC.them Chinese D . themChinaBThe Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year' s D 64 . It usually comes inF 65 . Everyone in Chi

13、na l 66 theSpring Festival. Whenthe Spring Festivalcomes, Li Lei usually h 67 hisparents clean their h 68 and do some shoppingand other housework. On that day every one in China e 69 jiaozi, NewYear' s cakes and some other delicious food. Li Lei likes NewYear' s cakes, but Lanlan says jiaozi

14、 is nicer tha n New Year' s cakes. The C 70 people eat theNewYear' s cakes andjiaozi in their houses. How h 71 they are!64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 67 . 69 . 70 . 71 . vrn .阅读短文,选择正确答案。ANancy is an English school girl. She studies in a middle school. She has a little brother. His n ame is Joh n. Joh

15、 n is only four. Nancy likes him very much.Today is Sun day. Nancy wants to do her homework. She takes out her pen cil-box and ope ns it. “ Oh, dear! where ' s my pen? “ She can ' t find her pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom.“John! I can ' t find my pen. Can you see. . . Oh

16、, what are you doing with my pen?«I'm writing to my friend, Peter.aJohnanswers.aBut how can you? You don' t know how to write!”aIt doesn 't matter. Peter can't read.John says.() 72 How old is Nancy 's brother?AFiveBFourCSixDThree()73 can 't findher pen.ANancy BPeter CJoh

17、nDFriend()74 Where' s John?AIn the school B In a shopC Inhisbedroom. D In her() 75 Which is not right?ANancy finds her pen in John' s room.BJohn can ' t write.CJohn is writing with her sister' s pen.DPeter can read.() 76 John and Peter are _Afriends BEnglish Cat homeDschool girlsBfat

18、her ' s car Jim is ten years old. One day, his friend Tom says to him, “I am going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Jim, can you come to my party? ”“ I ' ll be glad to, ” answers Jim.Before Jim goes to the party on Saturday afternoon, his mother says to him, “ Now, Jim, don't forget

19、 to be polite. Don't ask for food until someone gives it to you. ”All right, Mum,Jim answers, and he goes to Toms house on his new bike.Then Tom' s mother gives them some food. But she forgets to give Jim any. He waits politely for ten minutes and then he holds his plate up in the air and sa

20、ys loudly, “ Does anyone want a nice and clean plate?”77 Who has a birthday party on Saturday?78 What does Jim 's mother tell him?79 How does Jim go to Tom ' s home?80 Why does Jim hold up his plate?区.书面表达。根据下列信息,以“ MyEnglish teacher ”为题写一篇短文,所给信息必须全部表达出 来。参考答案I. 1. first 2. seco nd 3 . thir

21、d 4. fifth 5. eighth 6. nin th 7. twelfth8 nineteenth 9 twentieth 10 thirty-sixthn. 11. Ja nuary nin th 12. April eighth 13. May fourth 14. Ju ne first15 August fifteenth 16September tenth 17October twelfth18 December twenty-fifth 19David 's birthday party 20Lily 's birthday21 school day 22

22、speech contest 23pop concert24 chorus competition 25 Art Festival川.26. C (表示日期)27. C (表示名词所有格)28. B( Do you have . ? 的肯定回答)29. C (由于be动词是is )30. A (询问年龄多大)31. B (应是八月份)32. D( the fifth lesson=Lesson Five )33. B (表示在某天用介词 on)34. C (前者是基数词,后者是序数词)35. A (前者询问日期,后者询问星期几)36. B (前者是“儿童节”,后者是“教师节”)37. C (表

23、示两人共同拥有的)38. A (句意为“这婴儿只有十个月”)39. B( be 的过去式为 were 或 was)40. D( do 是助动词)IV. 41. How old is she?42. When is his birthday?43. How is she?44. Where is my football?45. How much is it?V. 46. We have a birthday party for him.47. When do you have an English contest?48. The third month of the year is March.49. He has a white bag.50. March eighth is Woman ' s Day.W. 51. E 52 . B 53 . G 54 . D 55 . Fvn. 56. C (表示开学第一天,序数,first前原因定冠词the )57 D( go back to school返回学校)58. A( get u


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