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1、本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题) 。考试时间 140 分钟,满分 150。 注意事项:1. 答第 I 卷前,考生务必用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、考号和科类填写 在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。2. 第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,

2、你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小 题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What should the man do now?A. Clean his room.B. Keep himself busyC. Leave the room in a mess2. Where is Elizabeth now?A. On TV. B. In the hallC. On the stage.3. How much should the man pay to rent a car for a week?A. 80 dollars. B. 100 dollars. C. 120 dollars.

3、4. What' s wrong with the woman ' s car?A. Her car is being repaired.B. Her car often breaks down halfway.C. Her car is used as a taxi.5. How did Louis go to Los Angeles?A. By plane. B. By car.C. By train.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的

4、相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读 各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白 读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 、 7 题。6. What relationship do you guess the two speakers are?A. Friends.B. Workmates.C. Strangers.7. How does the woman advise the man to get to the Huanghai Hotel at last?A. By taxi. B. By bus C. By bike.听第 7 段材料,回

5、答第 8 至 10 题。8. How does the man feel now?A. Tired. B. Depressed. C. Desperate.9. How many courses did the man fail in the end-of-year exams?A. TwoB. Only one.C. Three.10. What will the man do if he fails an exam in his country?A. Take the whole course again.B. Pay some money for it.C. Both A and B.听

6、第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11. What has been done for the party?A. A big cake has been ordered.B. The invitations have been made.C. The activities have been planned.12. What will they serve at the party?A. Red wine. B. French dishes.C. Chicken and beef.13. What does the woman plan to do so that she can h

7、ave fun?A. The woman has planned the menu.B. The woman has hired two people to help her.C. The woman has prepared some paper products.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。14. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. At a hotel.B. At a book store. C. In a shopping mall.15. What does the man consider

8、 first when choosing a suitcase?A. Its size.B. The material it is made of.C. Its color andfashion.16. Why does the woman recommend the wallet?A. Because it ' s very cheap.B. Because it ' s popular and can be folded.C. Because it ' s big.17. How much does the man pay the woman at last?A.5

9、80 yuan. B. 720 yuan. C. 1,300 yuan. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。18. Between what ages were the people when questioned in the survey?A. 18and 85. B. 80 and 85. C. 22 and 25.19. What questions were asked in the survey?A. Questions about emotions and mental stress.B. Questions about emotional stress and ph

10、ysical health.C. Questions about living conditions and physical health.20. How does the emotion differ between women and men?A. As they grow older, women are happier than men.B. At all ages, women report more sadness, stress and worry than men.C. As they grow older, women and men experience the same

11、 levelof happiness. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 16小题;每小题 2.5 分;满分 40 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 .ALet ' s see what movies were shown in thepassing summer of 2018.AdriftIn Adrift , two sailors, Tami Oldham and Richard Sharp, set out on a journey across the oce

12、an. After their boat is struck by a hurricane, awakens to find it in ruins and Richard badly injured. Tami must save them both.Ocean' s 8Years ago, Danny Ocean brought a group of thieves together to carry out arobbery in Las Vegas. In Ocean's 8, his sister Debbie pulls together an all-female

13、 team to attempt the stealing of a valuable necklace. Can they pull it off?SkyscraperIn the action thrillerSkyscraper , Will Ford, played by Dwayne Johnson,assesses the safety of skyscrapers. His latest task is a building in an eastern city. Whenit is suddenly set on fire by someone Ford must prove

14、his innocence( 清 白 ) and rescue his family trapped inside the burning building.HereditaryIn Hereditary , the Graham family is terrified when they discover the truth about their ancestors. Written and directed by Ari Aster, this movie about a family nightmare( 噩梦 ) will keep frightened audiences on t

15、he edge of their seats.Uncle DrewIn Uncle Drew, a former professional basketball player persuades his old teammates into reuniting with him and competing together in a street basketball match in New York. Based on a character in real TV advertisements for a popular American soda brand, the movie sta

16、rs some of the biggest names in professional basketball.Don' t Worry, He Won' t Get Far on FootStarring Joaquin Phoenix, Don' t Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot describes the life of John Callahan. An American. Callahan died in 2010 after spending many years drawing popular newspaper

17、cartoons. This movie version ( 版本 ) of his career is full of humor.21. What is the main purpose of the text?A. To introduce famous directors. movies.C To review the best movies of 2018. some movies.22. Which movie mentions a man-made disaster?A. Don t Worry, He Wont Get Far on Foot.D. Adrift.23. Who

18、 will most likely want to see Hereditary?A. People who love the thrill of fear. movies.C. People who want love stories.B. To show the popularity ofD. To give a brief summary ofB. Skyscraper.C. Ocean' s 8.B. People who prefer spyD. People who enjoy comedy.24. What ca n we infer about Un cle Drew?

19、A. It has a shock ing ending.B. I was based on famous players stories.C. It was in spired by advertiseme nts.D. It deals with some serious social problems.BChina' s ultra -maratho n( 超马拉松赛)runner Chen Penbin con firmed Thursday he will take part in the 222-kilometer mountain marathon in August i

20、n India' sLadakh.Chen just finishedhis 77th marathon on Wednesday and is more than three fourthsdone with his daring challengerunning 100 marathons in 100 continuous days.Chen started his jour ney from Guan gzhou in souther n China on April 2 and is set to end his odyssey in Beijing on July 10.C

21、hen, a former fisherma n, wants to prove that persiste nce(毅力)is the onlyway to success.“After winning a couple of stamina(耐力) competitions,I believe that I couldmake it to the end no matter how long the distanee is,” he said.Chen has been going through a lot during his childhood.In order to ease of

22、fthe burde n for his family, he went into fish ing bus in ess right after graduati on from primary school. “At that time, my dream was to become astockholder 'to share the fish with other fishermen,” Chen recalled.However, a competiti on became a turning point, cha nging the directi on of life.“

23、I finished first with 438 push-ups (俯卧撑)in the competition, and fromthen on, I started to take part in all kinds of competitions and I found my advantage in stamina, ” he said.In 2009, Chen came to realize that competition was not only about money after accomplishi ng an en dura nee race.“ I saw the

24、 national flag flying from the hotel as soon as I arrived there, which touched me a lot, and I came up with an idea to race seve n continen ts.”The new motivati on pushed Chen to show up in ultra marath ons freque ntly .In 2014, after 100km in south pole, Chen realized his dream of competing inultra

25、-marathon in all seven continents. accomplish such a magnificent feat.“Both seven continents ' and 100- day' challenges can you really taste what is sweet,25. What does t he underlined word “odysseyA. A long journey.B. A detailed plan.dream.26. Why did Chen Penbin go into fishing business?A.

26、 It 's his dream .C. His family had a financial struggle. D. of his life.Moreover, he is the first man toare mymilestone, only after bitter” he said.in Paragraph 2 mean ?C. A famous book. D. A bigB. He had a tough childhood.He hoped to change the direction27. Which of the following is right acco

27、rding to the passage?A. Ladakh mountain marathon will be his 78th marathon of Chen 's life.B. Chen ' s advantage in competitions is his persistence.C. Chen's only goal to take part in competitions is to win money.D. Chen Penbin got no education.28. What does Chen Penbin's story make

28、us believe ?A. He who seizes the right moment is the right man.B. A road of a thousand miles begins with one step.C. Where there is life there is hope.D. Persistence can defeat all things.CHow often do you get uncomfortable? A couple of years ago I bought a shirt as part of an adoption fundraiser. T

29、he front of the shirt said, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. ” That phrase has really resonated (产生共鸣 ) with me and has increasingly pushed me in many areas of my life so much that I really want 2018 to be a year when I challenge my comfort zone like never before.I believe the best

30、 things in life come from stretching ourselves and getting uncomfortable.Take health and fitness, for example. It is so deliciously tempting (诱人的) to sit on the sofa and watch a favorite Netflix series with a favorite sweet or salty snack in hand. That is comfortable, and physically unhealthy when d

31、onerepeatedly. A good heart-pounding, sweaty workout is uncomfortable in the moment, and physically and emotional strengthening when done repeatedly.Here' s another example. My wife and I adopted a boy with Down syndrome inApril 2016 to add to our family of three sons. It was a decision that we

32、cautiously made and with some level of fear and wonder as to what would happen. While we are still very early inthis lifetime journey with himand while the past nearlytwo years have been more challenging and harder than we certainly imagined, I have personally never felt so much peace, joy and energ

33、y. In the many sacrifices ( 牺牲 ) required to raise our wonderful son, I believe I have found so much more that would have otherwise been possible.My goal is to stretch my comfort zone in all that I do as a husband, father, family member, and employee. Weonly live once and it will be done before we k

34、now it. I want to make as much difference as I can in the time that I have here before it all ends. And I really believe that begins with pushingpast my comfort zone.Perhaps you should challenge yourself to get uncomfortable and see where the adventure takes you.29. What inspired the author to chall

35、enge his comfort zone?A. Being an adoption fundraiser.B. Some words on a shirt.C. Being physically unhealthy.D. The coming of 2018.30. The author holds the view that his adopted son .A. makes him happy and energeticB. seldom brings trouble to his familyD. hardly affects his lifetimeB. Relax yourself

36、 by watchingC. sets a good example for his other sons journey31. What does the author probably advise readers to do?A. Treasure your comfortable zone.TV.C. Solve problems by yourself.D.Risklivinganuncomfortable life.32. How does the author mainly develop the text?B. By making comparisons.A. By setti

37、ng down general rules.C. By giving examples.D.By presentingresearchfindings.When I was younger, I was extremely interested in fresh water biology andspent most of my time diggingabout in pools and rivers, catching minute creaturesand keeping them in large jars (罐子 ). Among other things, I had one ja

38、r fullof caddis larvae ( 石蚕蚕幼虫), which hide themselves by decorating their cocoons( 茧 ). The caddis I had collected looked rather dull, for I had collected themfrom dead pool. They had merely decorated the outside of their cocoonswith littlebits of dead water plants.I had been told by my friend, how

39、ever, that if you remove a caddislarva fromits cocoon and place it in a jar of clean water, it would make a new cocoon anddecorate the outside with whatever materials you supplied. Decidingtoexperiment,I removed four of my caddis larvae from their cocoons. Then I placed them in a jar of clean water

40、and lined the bottom with tiny seashells.astonishment, the larvae had decorated the new cocoons with seashells.Later, to mynew material,they would produce new colorfulcocoons. My greatest victory layin forcingthemI discovered that by moving the larvae to a different jar withto decorate their cocoons

41、 with tiny pieces of blue glass, then red brick, and then white seashells. What is more, the materials were put on in stripes (纹).I never remember feeling quite the same sort of satisfaction as I did whenI showed off my red, white, and blue caddis larvae to my friends. I think theawaypoor creatures

42、were really rather relieved when they hatched( 孵化 ) and flew and could forget about the problems of cocoon building.33. What is the best title for the text?A. Cocoon-building insectsB. Life cycle of caddis larvaeC. My colorful cocoonsD. My interest in biologyrather dull ”34. Why did the author descr

43、ibe the caddis larvae asA. They didn t have colorful wingsB. They were always quiet and stillC. They were crowded together in one jarD. They covered their coco ons with dead pla nts35. How did the author cause the larvae to decorate their coco ons with stripes?A. By mixing several different material

44、s together in the same jar.B. By addi ng new materials to the jar duri ng the coco on-buildi ng process.C. By cha nging their en viro nment at various stages of coco on developme nt.D By cha nging the water in the jar freque ntly while they built their coco ons.36. What does the author suggest in th

45、e last paragraph?A. What he did disturbed the larvae.B. The experime nt was hard work.C. He soon lost i nterest in the larvae.D. He hated the atte nti on hereceived.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为 多余选项。Many people who are blind rely on a dog to help with daily activities. C

46、heryl Spencer used to depe nd on a guide dog to help her. When it could n 't work anymore, Spencer learned that some people use miniature(小型的)horses as guides. 37But after lear ning more, she started look ing for a guide horse.Spencer set about finding just the right horse. In 2002 she e-mailed

47、all the n earby mi niature horse farms look ing for a horse, 26 in ches tall at most. 38A few days later Spencer and her horse trainer visited Mc Dermott' s farm.When Spencer first met Con fetti. She immediately knew the horse would beperfect for her. The trainer also thought Con fetti would be

48、a good guide. 39She agreed to allow Con fetti to become Spencer' s full-time guide.Con fetti is the size of an extremely large dog. She goes everywhere a guide dog would. 40 Confettisleeps in Spencer' s closet and eats in the laundry room(洗衣房). When Spe ncer and her husba nd eat at a restaur

49、a nt,Con fettigoes with them.Con fetti is only the third horse to be used as a guide ani mal in the Un itedStates. 41 Most guide dogs can work for only 8 to 10 years, but a horse canwork for up to 30 years. These horses have excellent vision (视力),are quick learners, and are gentle( 温柔的)and smart. Al

50、l these things make them good guide an imals.A. At first, Spen cer thought this idea was silly.B. Spen cer found some one who could train a guide horse.C. McDermott was n't willi ng to give Con fetti away at firstD. As guides, mini ature horses have some adva ntages over dogs.E. Even McDermott c

51、ould see that Spencer quite liked the horse.F. She even has a “ horsey door ” so she can go in and out of the house when she wan ts.G. She received an e-mail from McDermott saying that her horse, Confetti, was27 in ches tall.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B C和

52、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。“ Don' t drive across the Kalahari Desert alone,” my friends said. “ You.might meet Bushme n who have no 42 on travelers.” However, the road acrossthe Kalahari Desert was 1,000 miles shorter tha n any other so I decided to tryit. Everyth ing 43 well until my car br

53、oke dow n.The noon sun was 44 hot, I felt thirsty and Ion ely. Rememberi ng my friends 45 , I was a little afraid too. The n I saw a Bushma n walk toward me and smile. I did not smile back. Later, he began to talk but I stilldidn ' t 46him. However, when evening came, I was 47 that there was ano

54、ther human being with me. As he waved his hand every few minu tes, I felt less afraid and at last48 .I woke in the early morning and sudde nly found that he had a small leatherbag, full of 49 . I opened the car door and in sign Ianguage I 50 himthatI needed water for the car. He understood and gave

55、me the bag. I poured the water into the radiator (水箱)and it was not 51 . The Bushman ran to the tall grass, found a long hollow( 空心的)stick and pushed its one end into the sand. Then heput his 52 aroundthe other end of the stick and water came out. The Bushman'smouth worked to fill my bottle. Whe

56、n it was full, I poured the water into theradiatorand the n 53 to the Bushma n. Fin ally,no water came out and we walkedback to the car.I 54 to give him my watch but he tur ned it dow n. I decided to give himback a bottle of water, take n from the radiator. At my in siste nee, he 55 .I waved him goo

57、dbye and con ti nued my jour ney. That eve ning I stopped at a smallvillage. I was tak ing my bags out of the car, whe n I saw my 56 . It was onthe floor of the car, where the Bushman had put it.42. A. pla ns43. A. cha nged44. A. awfully45. A. jokes46. A. preventrecog nize47. A. grateful48. A. stayed49. A. food50. A. supported51. A. en ough52. A. arms53. A. con tributed54. A. offered55. A. resig ned56. A. watch第二节语篇填空(共B. mercyB. reflectdB. awesomelyB. experie ncesB. trustB. hopefulB. stoodB. waterB. orderedB. warmB. feetB. adjustedB. affordedB. acce


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