



1、银行及其功能银行是以存款、贷款、电汇、储蓄等业务,承担信用中介的金融 机构。接下来为大家整理了银行及其功能,希望对你有帮助哦!In terest is a reward which is paid by the borrower to the len der for a loa n. It always coexists with credit. Where there is Credit, there should be interest.Theprincipal and primaryfun cti on of banks is to serve as middleme n in the

2、maki ng of payme nts. In doing so they tran sform in active money capital into active, that is, i nto capital yieldi ng a profit; they collect all kinds of money reve nues and place them at the disposal of the capitalist class.As banking develops and becomes concentratedin asmall nu mber of establis

3、hme nts, the banks grow from modest middlemen into powerfulmonopolies.They have at theircomma nd almost the whole money capital of all the capitalists and small bus in essme n and also the larger part of the means of producti on and sources of raw materials in any one country or in a nu mber of coun

4、 tries. This tran sformati on of nu merous modest middleme n into a han dful of mono polists is one of the fun dame ntalprocesses in the growth of capitalism into capitalist imperialism.I have emphasized the reference to the “ affiliated ” banks, because it is one of the most important distinguishin

5、g features of moder n capitalist concen trati on Aga in and aga in the final word in the developme nt of banking is mon opoly.As regards the close connection between the banks and in dustry, it is precisely in this sphere that the new role of the banks is, perhaps, most strik in gly felt. Whe n a ba

6、nk disco unts a bill for a firm, ope ns a curre nt acco unt for it, etc., these operations, taken separately, do not in the least diminish its in depe ndence and the bank plays no other part tha n that of a modest middlema n. But whe n such operati ons are multiplied and become an established practi

7、ce, when the bank“collects ”in its own hands enormousamounts of capital, when therunning of a curre nt acco unt for a give n firm en ables the bank to obtain fuller and more detailed information about the econo mic positi on of its clie nt, the result is that the in dustrial capitalist becomes more

8、completely depe ndent on the bank.At the same time a personal union, so to speak, is established betwee n the banks and the biggest in dustrial and commercialenterprises, the mergingof one with anotherthrough the acquisiti on of shares, through the appo in tme nt ofbank directors to the Supervisory

9、Boards (or Boards ofDirectors) of in dustrial and commercial en terprises, and vice versa.银行最基本、最主要的功能是在支付过程中充当中介。 在此过程 中,银行将闲置的钱转化为流通的钱,也就是说,转化为产生利润的 资本;它们将各种货币收入集中起来,再投放给资本家,由他们支配。随着银行的发展并集中于少数几家机构,银行逐步从单纯的中介成长为强大的垄断者。银行几乎控制着一国乃至数国大小资本家和商 家的全部货币资本和大部分生产资料及原料来源。从大批普普通通的中介转化为少数垄断者的过程是资本主义向资本帝国主义发展的一 个重要步骤。我之所以着重提到“附属”银行,是因为这是现代资本集中的最 重要、最显著的特征之一。实践反复证明,银行业发展的必然结果是 垄断。就银行和工业的密切关系而言,银行新功能的最突出体现就在于 此。当银行为企业办理票据贴现,开立活期账户等业务时,这些单独 办理的业务活动,丝毫不降低它的独立性,银行只是起着单纯的经纪 人作用。但是,当这类业务活动成倍增加,并成为固定的业务;当


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