1、3 A.R. Confidential4 A.R. ConfidentialA reliable products output is depends on Optimized Process, even its the perfect design.就算是最优异的设计,也需要依靠优异的生产方式来实现稳就算是最优异的设计,也需要依靠优异的生产方式来实现稳定可靠的产品。定可靠的产品。5 A.R. ConfidentialCASE AND LEAD 外壳线脚THERMALPELLET热敏丸BARRELSPRING桶型弹簧TRIPSPRING断路弹簧DISC圆片STAR CONTACT星触片CERA
2、MICBUSHING绝缘陶瓷EPOXY SEALING密封胶ISOLATED LEAD独立线脚BARRELSPRING桶型弹簧DISC圆片CASE AND LEAD外壳线脚STAR CONTACT星触片ISOLATED LEAD独立线脚EPOXY SEALING密封胶CERAMIC BUSHING绝缘陶瓷TRIPSPRING断路弹簧CLOSED闭合闭合OPEN断开断开6 A.R. ConfidentialSample from one of our competitors 某品牌热熔断体ARLIN F00 Thermal LinksARLIN热熔断体7 A.R. ConfidentialExc
3、ellently sensitive to ambient temperature 优异的环境温度感应优异的环境温度感应Stable and Precise operation -The actual operating Temperature of ARLIN F00 Series is on Tf -1 Tf -5 稳定而精准的动作稳定而精准的动作 -ARLIN F00全系实际动作温度均落在额定温度的全系实际动作温度均落在额定温度的-1-5以内以内Longer working life 超长可靠工作寿命超长可靠工作寿命Excellently bending ability -the lea
4、d wire can be bent at a distance limit 3mm from the body of the fuse 优异的弯折性能优异的弯折性能 -ARLIN F00全系线脚弯折极限可达全系线脚弯折极限可达3mmLow internal resistance -The internal resistance of ARLIN F00 Series is lower than 1m 超低内阻超低内阻 -ARLIN F00全系内阻值均低于全系内阻值均低于1m8 A.R. Confidential9 A.R. ConfidentiallOnly Cd-free heteroge
5、neous material composition (90% Silver) used as contacts (Our local competitors are using sliver coated materials).我们的热熔断体触点使用一种无镉银合金材料我们的热熔断体触点使用一种无镉银合金材料(一些对手一些对手使用镀银材料使用镀银材料) Our material minimizes the “cold-bonding” phenomena, which occurs as a function of temperature, pressure, and time. ( 我们的材
6、料能使在一定的温度我们的材料能使在一定的温度, 压力和时间下发压力和时间下发生的冷焊现象减少到最小生的冷焊现象减少到最小 )“Like” atoms have a propensity to form a chemical bond. ( 类似的原子有形成一个化学键的倾向类似的原子有形成一个化学键的倾向 )10 A.R. Confidential11 A.R. ConfidentiallOur state-of-the-art thermal-links analysis lab我们非常专业的热熔断器分析实验室拥有我们非常专业的热熔断器分析实验室拥有: Temperature and humi
7、dity cycle conditioning oven 温湿循环测试炉温湿循环测试炉 CI tester / Tmax tester / CHAT tester CI / Tmax /CHAT 测试仪测试仪 Ageing Ovens 老化测试炉老化测试炉 X-ray capabilities X-ray能力能力 Chemical Automated Melting Point System 化学品熔点测试仪化学品熔点测试仪 Provides precise material chemical melting temperatures 提供精确的化学品材料融化温度提供精确的化学品材料融化温度
8、Oil Bath 测试油槽测试油槽 Measures the precise open temperature of the thermal-links 精确测量热熔断器的断开温度精确测量热熔断器的断开温度12 A.R. Confidential顾客顾客供应商供应商 信息管理信息管理 与流动与流动策略策略财务目标“差距” 目标需求预测需求预测订单管理流程管理流程 价值流管理价值流管理 “管理整个过程 订货至现金” 基础元素基础元素 “5S+1, TPM,全员参与,解决问题,项目管理” 需求管理需求管理 “协调的订单流” 供应链实施供应链实施 “可靠的物流” 精益业务过程精益业务过程 “快速、无
9、差错流程” 六西格玛六西格玛“在生产和经营业务过程中消除/管理变异” 精益生产精益生产 “快速、无浪费的生产周期时间”客户要求:质量/交付/价格/服务13 A.R. ConfidentialF00 Series ( 系列 ): 10A 250VACThe industry standard for thermal protection; the most widely-used Thermal-links in the world. ( 热保护的工业标准;世界上使用最广泛的热熔断器 )Portable Appliances ( 轻便器具 )Coffeemakers, blenders, toa
10、sters, grills, deep fryers, skillets, rice cookers, expresso / cappuccino machines, mixers, woks, irons, fans, electric heaters, air purifiers, vaporizers, water filtration devices, electric shavers, massagers, oral care, curling irons, hair dryers, electric hair clippers / trimmers ( 咖啡壶,搅拌机,烤面包机,烤
11、箱,油炸锅,煮锅,电饭锅,咖啡机,搅拌器,炒锅,熨斗,风扇,电热器,空气清洁器,蒸馏器 )Major Appliances & HVAC ( 主要器具和HVAC )Clothes washers & dryers, dishwashers, frost-free refrigerators, hot water heaters, electric furnace heat packages ( 洗衣&干衣机,洗碗机,无霜冰箱,热水器 )Automotive ( 汽车 )Fan speed resistor boards, A/C compressors, antiloc
12、k brake systems ( 风扇速度用电阻,空调用压缩器,防销制动系统 ) Consumer Electronics ( 消费电子品 )1.Battery packs for cell phones, computers ( 蜂窝电话,电脑的电池 )14 A.R. Confidential15 A.R. ConfidentiallTF: Rated Functioning Temperature: ( 额定断开温度 ) The maximum temperature at which the Thermal-link changes its state of conductivity
13、to open circuit with detection current (10mA max) as the only load. The rated functioning temperature is measured in an oil bath at a temperature rise of 0.5C per minute. ( 热熔断器的导电状态发生改变的温度。额定断开温度将在每分钟升温0.5C的油槽中测量 )16 A.R. ConfidentiallTM: TMAX, or Maximum Overshoot Temperature (最大过载温度 ) The maximum
14、 temperature at which the Thermal-link having changed its state of conductivity, can be maintained for 10 minutes, during which its mechanical and electrical properties will not be impaired. ( 已改变导电状态的热熔断体,在此温度下应能保持10分钟而不改变其机械和电气性能 )lTH: Holding Temperature ( 保持温度 ) The maximum temperature at which,
15、 when applying the rated current to the Thermal-link, the state of conductivity will not change during a period of one week (168 hours). ( 热熔断体在额定电流和1周内(168小时)不至发生导电状态改变的最高允许温度 )17 A.R. ConfidentiallIn a given application, determining the temperature of the Thermal-link body mass is the key to selec
16、ting the right temperature rating. ( 在应用时,定义热熔断体本身的温度是正确选择型号的关键) lThe Thermal-link body mass is influenced by ( 影响热熔断体本身温度的因素 ):Current flow ( 电流 )Mass and resistance of connections ( 连接头的电阻 )Position of the Thermal-link body with respect to the heat source ( 热熔断体本身距离发热源的位置 )Amount of air flow ( 气流量
17、 )Ambient temperature ( 环境温度 )Rate of temperature rise ( 升温率 )Heat sinking or insulation characteristics of material in proximity to the Thermal-link body ( 接近热熔断器本身的导热块材质 )18 A.R. ConfidentiallThe Thermal-link should be located where the difference between the highest normal operating temperature a
18、nd the fault condition temperature is the greatest, but never greater than TH. ( 热熔断体应当处于最高的正常工作温度和失效条件温度之间,但不应当超过TH )A Thermal-link temperature rating of at least 25C above the highest normal operating temperature is desirable. ( 热熔断体额定温度应当比实际使用的最高温度高25 C ) This will help avoid nuisance openings ca
19、used by temperature overshoots or variations in the manufacture of the finished product. ( 这将避免被温度冲击和加工成品时所带来的变化而导致热熔断体过早的断开 )19 A.R. ConfidentialTo minimize degradation of the Thermal-link sealing compound, the TH should not exceed 200C. ( 对于热熔断体的密封体, TH不应当超过200 C ) Continuous use temperatures abov
20、e 200C can inhibit the operation of the Thermal-link. (连续工作温度超过200 C 将会引起密封体减弱而最终失效 )Also, overshoot temperatures after the opening of the Thermal-link should be minimized to avoid dielectric breakdown and reconduction of the Thermal-link. ( 热熔断体断开后应当避免冲击温度过高而导致热熔断体被重新击穿 )20 A.R. ConfidentiallIdeal
21、Thermal-link placement subjects the entire body (case, leads, and epoxy seal) to a uniform temperature environment. (热熔断体最理想的工作环境应当是整个热熔断体(外壳,线脚,和胶封体)处于同一温度下 )lIn some applications, the Thermal-link may mounted such that heat is conducted to the body through one of the leads, which results in a ther
22、mal gradient across the Thermal-link. ( 在一些场合,热量仅从热熔断器一边传入,这将导致热量有梯度的传入热熔断体 )The life of the Thermal-link can be reduced over time if the isolated (epoxy-end) lead is at a lower temperature than the case-end lead. ( 如果隔离端(环氧端)引线的温度低于另一端引线的温度,热熔断体的寿命会逐渐缩短 ) Long-term testing in the application is rec
23、ommended to determine if this condition exists. ( 在使用中,建议进行长期的测试,判断这种情况是否存在 )21 A.R. ConfidentiallDesirable: T1T2l被推荐的: T1T2vapor inhibits sublimation of pellet. ( vapor制约热敏丸的升华 )lUndesirable: T1T2l不被推荐的: T1T2vapor condenses on cooler Thermal-link components in contact area ( 接触区域蒸汽凝聚在热熔断体的温度低的一端 )c
24、ondensate does not inhibit pellet sublimation ( 冷凝物不会制约热敏丸的升华 )T2T1pelletvaporT2T1pelletvapor22 A.R. ConfidentiallThermal-link performance can be affected by soldering, welding, lead-bending, splicing, insulating, clamping, and mounting in an application. (在应用中,热熔断体的性能受到焊料,焊接,引线弯曲,接头,绝缘,箝位以及装配等因素的影响
25、 )lPhysical damage to the Thermal-link body may cause it to not operate. ( 热熔断体壳体的物理损伤可能会导致其失效 )23 A.R. ConfidentiallThermal-link leads should be heat-sinked inboard of the connection point. ( 热熔断体线脚应当在连接头内吸收热量 )lExposure to excessive heat can shorten the life of the Thermal-link. ( 热熔断体接触过多的热量将缩短使用
26、寿命 )Heat has a cumulative effect on the thermal pellet. ( 热量将会 不断地影响热敏丸 )lExcessive lead temperatures can damage the epoxy seal. ( 引线过高的温度将破坏胶封体 )lTest samples should be x-rayed before and after the attachment operation. ( 测试样品应当在以下操作之前和之后做x射线检查 )The size of the thermal pellet should be measured to
27、verify no shrinkage occurs. ( 热敏丸的尺寸应当被测量,确认没有收缩发生 )Heat generated during welding/soldering can cause pellet shrinkage, which can lead to reduced life of the Thermal-link. ( 焊接/焊锡时的热量能使热敏丸收缩,导致热熔断体寿命减少 )散热夹具电烙铁锡焊点散热夹具电阻焊点24 A.R. ConfidentiallInsecure splices and terminal attachments can cause a high
28、-resistance joint. ( 不可靠的接头和端子将使其结合处产生高电阻值 )This can cause I2R self-heating to occur, which can both damage the epoxy seal and/or shorten the life of the Thermal-link. ( 这将造成I2R自热现象发生,继而破坏环氧密封以及缩短热熔断体的使用寿命 )Its better to splice a Thermal-link lead to a stranded wire vs. a solid wire. ( 与单股线相比,多股线可以更
29、好地和热熔断体引线相结合 ) Produces a tighter crimp, minimizing the opportunity for high resistance. ( 结合更紧的接头 ,会使产生高电阻的概率降到最低 )Consider solder back-up for splices/terminations in applications where temperatures exceed 150C. ( 在温度超过150C的情况下,应注意对接头/端子焊锡 )端子或接头紧密压接25 A.R. ConfidentiallImproper lead-bending techni
30、ques can damage the epoxy seal or distort / damage the Thermal-Link case. (不适当的引线弯曲工艺会损害环氧树脂密封胶,也会损害热熔断器外壳或者使其变形 )Support the leads at each end to minimize this possibility. ( 在引线的每端都设置一个支撑,把可能性降到最低 )Maintain at least 5 mm between the epoxy seal and lead bends, and at least 5 mm between the case and
31、 lead bends on the other end of the Thermal-link. ( 在环氧密封和引线弯曲处之间保持最少5mm的距离,在另一端弯曲处和TCO之间也保持最少5mm的距离。)26 A.R. ConfidentiallIf you take away anything from this primer, please remember this ( 如果本书所讲的你全忘记了,记住以下几条 ): Always refer first to the ARLIN Thermal-Links Product Catalog for guidance. ( 首先翻阅ARLIN 热熔断体产品目录获得帮助 ) If your question is not answered by the catalog, pl
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