1、英语语法改写句子题型汇总及示例1. Using a question tag:使用附加疑问句/反义疑问句Eg: Bob rarely got drunk.Bob rarely got drunk, did he?2. Using a proper modal auxiliary: 使用合适的情态动词Eg: Perhaps he was working for Simons.He may have worked for Simons.3. Usi ng passive voice:使用被动语态Eg: We must put an end to this state of things as so
2、on as possible.This state of thi ngs must be put an end to as soon as possible.4. Using a non-finite form:使用非限定动词形式/非谓语形式Eg: I can 'imag ine that he would ever agree to such a propositi on.1 can 'imagi ne his agree ing to such a propositi on.5. Using an exclamation: 使用感叹句Eg: She has a beauti
3、ful hat.What a beautiful hat she has!6. Us ing subju nctive mood: 使用虚拟语气Eg: I wish to own a house of my own.1 wish I owned a house of my own.7. Usi ng a Y ES-NO questio n:使用一般疑问句Eg: Bring me some paper please.Could you bring me some paper please?8. Using a relative clause: 使用关系从句Eg: He said that the
4、 men were thieves. This tur ned out to be true.He said that the men were thieves, which turned out to be true.9. Usi ng a disju net:使用评注性状语Eg: It is true that I don 'like him at all.Truly speak ing, I don 'like him at all.10. Usi ng an adju net:使用修饰性状语Eg: My wife was using the vacuum clea ne
5、r. I was trying to liste n to a broadcast play.While my wife was using the vacuum clea ner, I was tryi ng to liste n to a broadcastpJay.11. Using inversion: 使用倒装Eg: Come and teach in our school. You wontfi nd such fine pupils any where else.Com and teach in our school. Nowhere else will you find suc
6、h fine pupils.12. Us ing coord in ati on an d/or subord in ati on使用并列句或主从句Eg: She in troduced me to her husba nd. I had met her husba nd in Paris.She in troduced me to her husba nd whom I had met in Paris.13. Usi ng extrapositio n:使用外置结构Eg: You will feel listening to him talk boring.You will feel th
7、at it bor ing to listen to him talk.14. Us ing an appropriate cohesive device: 使用恰当的衔接手段Eg: I inherited these skills from my father. Those skills have been put to the rest.1 in herited these skills from my father. They have bee n put to the rest.15. Us ing fron ti ng:使用前置Eg: He used to be an hon est
8、 man.An hon est man he used to be.16. Us ing a pseudo-cleft senten ce:使用假分裂句Eg: The stude nts are going to write these.What the stude nts are going (to) do is to write these.17. Usi ng inten sifier:使用强化词Eg: I have not known him tell a lie.1 have n ever known him tell a lie.18. Us ing cou nter-factua
9、l co nditio n:使用与事实相反的条件句Eg: She was not here. He behaved so rudely.If she had bee n here,he would'have behaved so rudely.19. Usi ng cleavi ng for time adju net:分裂时间修饰语Eg: The preside nt was assass in ated on Friday morning.It was on Friday morning that the preside nt was assass in ated.20. Usi
10、ng cleavi ng for place adju net: 分裂地点修饰语Eg: Each year they travel to the beach in Florida.It is in Florida that hey travel to the beach every year.21. Using discontinuity :使用中断Eg: Excessive drinking is more harmful tha n expected to an ybody.Excessive dr inking is more harmful to an ybody tha n expe
11、cted.22. Using a comparative degree (more.than)使用比较级Eg: Susa n is in tellige nt. Mary is not that in tellige nt.Susa n is more in tellige nt tha n Mary.23. Using a superlative degree: 使用最高级Eg: John is tall. Bill is height. Mike is 2cm taller than Bill.Bill is the tallest among/of the three.24. Us in
12、g a n egative imperative: 使用否定祈使句Eg: Put the box somewhere in the storeroom.Don 'put the box any where in the storeroom.25. Using an adverbial clause: 使用状语从句Eg: She wasntfeeli ng well. As a result she went to lie dow n on the couch.Because she was'feeli ng well, she went to lie dow n on the
13、couch.26. Using hone” as part of the subject:把 none 作为主语的一部分Eg:They have n'come back yet.None of them has/have come back yet.27. Using a genitive or a double genitive:使用属格或双重属格Eg: Professor Smith is one of my teachefe old frie nds.Professor Smith is an old friend of my teachefs.28. Using plural forms:使用复数形式Eg:Tell the kid to bring a rain coat with him tomorrow.Tell the kids to bring some rain coats with them tomorrow.其他说法:1. Adding a suitable tag to the following statement: 添加附加疑问句2. Reinforcing the negation in the following sen
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