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1、初二英语专项练习题.词形转换:I.辨别下列单词是可数名词还是不可数名词: call cartoon com eye exercise fingernail food papernews hour job money haircut homework worktnick weather person postagen.将下列名词变成复数形式:(1) The are playing football. (boy)(2) We are, we live in China. (Chinese)(3) These are Lucy*s. (box)(4) How many are there in th

2、e village? < woman)(5) One of the is a Yomig Pioneer (girl)(6) I have two (leg) and. (foot)m.人称代词的转换:(1) A friend of will come to visit her this evening. (she)(2) Are these your pens ? They aren't. (I)(3) Would you please give the pencil? (he)(4) Is this book ? (you)(5)had an English party la

3、st Sunday (we)(6) They enjoyed very much at the party. (they)IV 用 little , a little , few, a fbw 填空:(1) The question is so hard that very students in our class can answer it.(2) “Can you speak Chinese ?” “ Yes , only(3) There is no milk in my bottle. Could you let me liave.(4) Hurry up ! There is ti

4、me left.(5) Lucy has been here for a year . She has made friends .V.用下列代词填空:all, another, any, botli, many, much. some. one*the other, other, others, the others(1) You may keep the book for one month, but you mustn*t lend it to.(2) ThereYe fifty students in our class. Twenty of them are girls and ar

5、e boys .(3) We don't have too tmie.(4) My sister and I are good at Maths.(5) We study maths, English and some subjects .(6) Are there animals on the farm?(7) ThereYe forty students in our class.of us are Chinese .(8) Would you like water?(9) Mary has two friends. One is Lucy,is Kate .(10) We hav

6、e books to read.VI.A.将下列词变为形容词形式:care use wind cloudinterest rain sunfriend将下列形容词变为副词形式。B.early easy hard careftilclear slow quick kindheaybadusual realgood动词、名词互变:c.work teach sing driveMTiteD.用括号中词的正确形式填空:(1) I think the tool is very. (use)(2) Lily had a breakfast and went out. (quick)(3) We are v

7、ery to the new student. (friend)(4) You can find the cinema, its not far from our school. (easy)(5) The teacher asked us to be more. (care)(6) Tom's father is a. He works in a factory. (work) What a day ! (wind)(8) Look at the panda . How it walks ! (slow)(9) The story is very (interest) , Fm ve

8、ry in it.VIL用动词非谓语形式填空:(1) It's very kind of you that for me. (do)(2) Farmers use trucks their products to the markets . (take)(3) Pd like (buy) some oranges.(4) Jack promised to the English party. (come)(5) Kate is always ready others . (help)(6) Our teacher likes friends with us . < make)(7

9、) Cindy often helps me the flowers . (water)(8) We have the car and wait for the lights to change . (stop)(9) “Must I home so early ?M (leave)“No , you neednrt(10) You mustn't football every day. (play)(11) It takes them three weeks how to drive a car . (learn)(12) Will you please me your phone

10、number? (tell)(13) Our teacher asked us these maths exercises . (do)(14) Jim's father told him him with the work . (help)(15) The teacher asked the boy late again . (not be)(16) You*d better to school at once. (go)(17) It's raining hard now . You*d better. (not leave)answer (18) Do you know

11、how this question ?(19) My sister and I enj oy TV very much . (watch)(20) Does she want the film tomorrow? (see)(21) Lucy and Lily are busy the classroom now . (clean)(22) Jack's father never lets lum football after meals. (play)(23) NIary began English when she was six. (leam)(24) Mr. Green dec

12、ided to Beijing by plane . (go)Mil.用动词般现在时填空:(1)Lucy apples ? (like)(25) Mary often to school. (walk)(26) We sometimes football after school. (play)(27) My parents a car . (not have)(5)you the answer to the question ? (know)IX.用动词现在进行时填空:(1) You can't see them . They model ships now. (not make)(

13、2)Mary an Climese song now ? (sing)(3) Jack's sister TV now. (not watch)(4) Don't go out. It hard now . (rain)(5) Some students in the classroom (read)(6)the students the museum now ? (visit)(7) Don't make any noise. They a meeting . (have)X用动词一般过去时填空:(1) Tom TT last night. (not watch)(2

14、) Jack late for school yesterday. (be)(3)you ill last week? (be)(4)Lucy a good time yesterday ? (have)(5) We shopping last Saturday. (go)XI.选用适当的情态动词填空:(1) “I speak to Jake? Speaking !”(2) Don't be late again . You be here on time.(3) You can't park your car here . You park it in the car-par

15、k.(4) You play on the street, it*s dangerous .(5) You talk to friends by telephone .XII .用how或what填空:(1)heavy the traffic is !(2)a nice , kind boy!(3)bad the weather is today !(4)lovely babies !(5)bad weather !(6)busy they are !(7)a traffic jam !(8)beautiftil Shanghai is !XIII基数词变序数词:(1) Wednesday i

16、s the day of the week . < four)(2) July is the month of the year . (seven)(3) Every day , Tom is always the to come to school. (one)XIV.用a/an填空:(1)interesting story-book (2)nice old woman(3)American girl (4)u(5)song (6)usefill tool(7)h (8)envelope(9)English teacher (10)hour二.选择填空:()1. "you s

17、kate ? ” “ Sorry , I can't."A. Can B. MustC. MayMust I finish my homework at school ? " ) 2.”(No . you. ”“A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't()3. Please be quiet. You talk loudly in the hospital.A. mustn't B. needn't C. must''4. "you like some tea? () ” &quo

18、t;Yes , please .C. DoB. Will A. WouldCan you answer this question ? ") 5.”(No, I“C. can't A. may not B. needn'tI use your pencil ? ” "() 6.“ Certainly , here you are .C. Shall B. MayA. Must7. Please give the schoolbag Jack .) (C. / B. with A. to8. Please give the schoolbag. )(C. he

19、 B. himA. his9. The girls enjoyed at the party . () C. myselfA. ourselves B. themselves10. We should keep ourselves.)(A. strong and health B. strong and healthy C. strongly and healthyA. will go B. go C. to go()11. The story are and weYe in them .A. interested : interesting B. interesting ; interest

20、edC. interested, interested)12. You should your car here, you shouldn't it by the road side .A. park ; leave B. parking ,leaving C. to park. to leave13. Doing eye exercises is for your eyes .)(C. not goodB. bad A. good does it last ? 14. () For half an hour .C. How long A. How often B. How15 .ni

21、ce my house is !)(C. What a B. How A. What16 .warm day it is today !)(C. How a A. What B. What a17 .happily the boys are playing !)(C. How aB. What A. How18.I come to school at six ?)(No , you needn't.C. Do B. Must A. Can19.delicious cake it is !()C. WhatB. What aA. How a.Let's a rest and so

22、me water . ) 20 (C. to take, to drink B. take , to drinkA. take、drink)21.New Year's eve , we shall have a party .(C . AtA. In B. On22. They're giving a lot of to the guests . () A. foods and drink B. food and drinkC. food and drinks()23. The Christmas tree is standing the comer of the room.A

23、. at B. inC. on24. Tom likes to make with difierent.) (A. friends . people B. friend, people C. friends . peoples()25.do you visit your hometown ? Once a year .A. How long B. How soon C. How oftenWhat kind of person is Nir. Green? 26.)(Hers.C. quiet and kindlyB. quietly and kind A. quiet and kindDo

24、you take regular° ) 27. 一 (Yes , I do .C. batheB. bathsA. bath)28. There're all of books in the library.(A. kinds B. kind C. sort()29. It*s very dark iii the room. please the lights .A. turn offB. putC. turn on30. Look ! The buses and cars are busy. )(C. coming and going B. came and wentA.

25、come and go31. Be careful when you the busy road .)(crossC. nuiB. acrossA. cross()32. You'd better bus to get there .A. by B. to take the C. take the33. When does then train Beijing ?)(C. leave onB. leave forA. leave to)34. There're many ways of around the town .(C. travel A. traveling B. tr

26、avels35. Jim decided a trip with Lucy. )(C. makes B. makingA. to make)36. What're you going to do holiday ?(C. onB. toA. forWTiich subject should I talk? 37. () How about sports?C. aboutA. to B . with38. Jack promises fishing with us .)(A. to go B. go C. going()39. Tom asked his name , but he di

27、dn't tell lum .A. to B. with C. for()40. Would you please the postcard into the letter-box ?A. send B. postC. drop41. If you hard , you the English exam .)(C. work , will pass B. work, passA. work. pass42. When I walked the library, I saw it happen .)(C. passed A. past B. pass43. Does Lily know

28、the word ?)(C. how to spellB. how spellA. to how spell44.took them tlurtyr minutes to walk there . )(A. They B. That C. It()45. Ciiidy one hundred Yiian the shoes .A. spent; on B. spent: for C. took; for()46. Why wait for tliem ? They're coming in a minute .A. not B. don't C. you don't47

29、. The people over there a meeting now .)(A. having B. are having C. is having()48. Which subject do you like, English or art ?A. better B. wellC. very much49. Tom learns Cliinese very. )(C. well A. good B. nice )50.1 don't feel very today .(C. wellA. good B. betternths.51.1 haven't seen you

30、two mo ) ( A. since B. for C. when()52. XTiat is the postage the letter U.S.A.?A. for , for B. for , to C. to , for53. Jim's mother the money Jim and told him to buy some books.)(.A. gave , /B. gave , withC. gave, to 54. Help to some more apples, girk !)(A. yourself B. yourselves C. themselves()

31、55. Tom eiyoyed a lot, he read a lot of famous books.A. reads B. readC. reading56. Are you ready the English exam? )(C. havingB. to have A. to57.the door when you leave . ) (A. Do close B. Closes C. Closing()58. Jack is a kind-hearted boy, he often me my lessons .A. helps . with B. help , to do C. h

32、elps , and()59. The policeman told the children carefiilly when they cross the road .A. to look B. lookC. not look60. The Browns send the letters to their friends.)(C. want toB. want notA. want参考答案:I.可数名词:tmck, eye , haircut, hour , fingernail, job , exercise , com , call, cartoon, person其余为不可数名词n.(

33、1) boys (2) Cluiiese (3) boxes(4) women(5) girls (6) legs . feetm.(1) hers (2) mine (3) him (4) your (5) we (6) themselvesIV(1) few (2) a little (3) a little(4) little(5) a fewV(1) others(2) the others (3) much (4) both(5) other (6) any(7) All (8) some(9) the other(10) some / manyVI.A: careful useful windy cloudyrainy sunny friendly interested / interestingB : easily hard carefully earl


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