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1、TOPIC 1TOPIC 1第一章第一章Introduction to Personal Introduction to Personal Home AideHome Aide私人家庭助理简介私人家庭助理简介 PERSONAL HOME AIDE (PHA)PERSONAL HOME AIDE (PHA)私人家庭助理私人家庭助理 They perform many duties that are necessary for their clients to remain at home. Their duties may fall into two main categories助理在客户的生

2、活中扮演非常关键的角色,需要做很多对于客户的生活非常必要的工作。这些工作可以分为两类 : A. care of the personA. care of the person照料人 B . care of the homeB . care of the home. .照料家 Scope of WorkScope of Work工作范畴工作范畴 A. Care of the personCare of the person includes assistance with activities of daily living(ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, to

3、ileting, and simple nursing task such as taking blood pressure or assisting with exercise, infection control and safety precautions practices.照料人工作主要包括协助日常活动例如洗浴、穿衣、入厕;简单护理工作例如测量血、协助锻炼、感染防治和安全防范活动等。 B. Care of the homeCare of the home includes light housekeeping, cooking, and shopping and other home

4、making duties.照料家工作主要包括家庭保洁,烹饪,采买和其他家庭作业。 Good Personal Health and Hygiene is necessary to PHAGood Personal Health and Hygiene is necessary to PHA良良好的个人健康与清洁好的个人健康与清洁对于私人家庭助理的关键性: A personal health aide must observe the personal hygiene standards expected of any member. When working in other peoples

5、 homes, the aide should reflect the highest standards. Means being clean and well groomedclean and well groomed each day.一个合格的私人家庭助理必须时刻保持自我的整洁的高标准,特别是在别人家庭里工作时更应该是最高标准。这就要求每天自己都要整洁大方。 Guidelines for Personal Appearance of the Personal Home Guidelines for Personal Appearance of the Personal Home Aid

6、eAide私人家庭助理的仪表私人家庭助理的仪表: :1. Bathe daily and use deodorant.每日洗澡并使用防臭剂。 2. Do not wear strong perfumes or strong after shave lotion.每日洗澡并使用防臭剂。 3. Brush your teeth, regularly and use mouth wash if necessary.刷牙并使用漱口水。 4. Do not smoke while on duty in the clients home; if need be you can smoke on your

7、break outside the clients home.不可以在客户家里工作时抽烟,如果,如果必须抽的话,只可以在工作休息时到客户家外面抽烟。(尽量戒烟) Guidelines for Personal Appearance of the Personal Home Aide:Guidelines for Personal Appearance of the Personal Home Aide:5. Wear makeup moderately; if you have tattoos, cover them with clothing; body piercing jewelry s

8、uch as in the nose, tongue, and eyebrows should be removed with on duty.可适度画淡妆,如果有纹身需用衣服遮掩,如有其他身体上的另类装饰例如鼻环、舌环、眉环等需要在工作前取下。 6. For men, shave daily and keep beard or mustache neat and clean.男士需每日剃须,保持整洁。 7. Shampoo your hair often; if you have long hair, pull it back so that it is off your collar.经常

9、用洗发水清洗头发,如果留长发,在工作时应把头发扎起来,衣领周围保持没有头发。 8. Fingernails are to be clean and short. 指甲应当干净并且短。 9. Jewelry should be limited. 首饰应该尽可能的少。 10. Bracelets, dangling, earrings and necklaces and large stone rings are not acceptable. 手链、吊坠、耳环、项链和镶有大颗宝石的戒指都是不能允许的。 B. Personality DevelopmentB. Personality Develo

10、pment自我发展 Components of Good PersonalityComponents of Good Personality良好个性的组成良好个性的组成 Personal AppearancePersonal Appearance私人仪容私人仪容 Self-respect自我尊重 Components组成有: Posture Posture姿势姿势 Refers to the habitual or assumed positions of your body in standing, sitting or moving about. 站有站相坐有坐相 B. Personali

11、ty DevelopmentB. Personality Development自我发展 GroomingGrooming仪容仪表仪容仪表 Includes personal hygiene and cleanliness. 注意自身清洁 Hair should be neat and well arranged. 头发整洁且梳理适宜。 Personal Hygiene Personal Hygiene The principle in maintaining cleanliness and grooming of the external body.保持自身外表干净整洁为原则。 Person

12、al CleanlinessPersonal Cleanliness自身整洁自身整洁 Care of skin, hands and hair.皮肤、手、头发的料理Skillful application of make-up.熟练的淡妆技巧 Careful selection of clothes to wear.仔细挑选衣服 B. B. Personality DevelopmentPersonality Development自我发展 Dress and UniformDress and Uniform着装与制服着装与制服 Reflects your personality. 如何穿戴和

13、对待制服反映了你的性格。 Carry your uniform neatly, properly and with dignity to gain respect, trust, confidence and admiration of those she works with and serves.最好保持制服整洁,并爱惜它,自重才能赢得尊重、信任、自信和敬佩。 Accessories should match the attire and should be suitable to the occasion and to your personality.首饰应该能够搭配着装,适应场合,匹

14、配自己的性格。 B. B. Personality DevelopmentPersonality Development自我发展 b. Characterb. Character性格性格 Refers to the moral values and beliefs that are used as guide to personal behavior and actions.像道德或信仰用来指导自我的行为 It is what a person is inside.一个人的内在 Attributes of Character性格态度: Honesty诚实 Loyalty忠诚 Tolerance

15、容人肚量 Judgment是非判断 Reliability可靠 Motivation激励 Resourcefulness足智多谋 Moderation适度 B. B. Personality DevelopmentPersonality Development自我发展 c. Attitudec. Attitude态度态度 A manner of acting, thinking, or feeling that is indicated by ones response toward another person, situation or experience.对某人某事采取的行动、思考或感

16、受的方式。 Eight (8) Be- Attitudes of a Personal Home AideEight (8) Be- Attitudes of a Personal Home Aide 私人家庭助理应具备的八种态度私人家庭助理应具备的八种态度 : :1. Acceptance接受 2. Helpfulness乐于帮助 3. Friendliness友善 4. Firmness坚定 5. Permissiveness开放 6. Limit Setting设置限度 7. Sincerity真诚 8. Competence能力 B. B. Personality DevelopmentP


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