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1、STMMore info:Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all understood with elements of Mathematics. 1语言资格考试PPTThe Game of Baduk/Go/Wei-chi2语言资格考试PPTWhat is Baduk/Go/Wei-chi?Asian strategy game China - 4000 yrs. Ago3语言资格考试PPTWhy Baduk/Go Stayed EastHigh ClassChess - Feu

2、dalBaduk/Go ying/yang Silk Road4语言资格考试PPTCompared to chess Easier to learn, harder to master Handicap System Unlimited possibilities No computer yet able to play at master level5语言资格考试PPTBaduk/Go Schools Devoted Go Schools Baduk/Go Clubs at schools (50+ across US)Collegiate LevelMiddlebury, VT 1 cou

3、rse Collegiate Department of Baduk, at Myongji University: Korea - 1998 Bachelors and Masters degrees6语言资格考试PPTEinstein reportedly saidIf I had learned go as a young man, I might have been a smart man.Einstein with professional Baduk/Go player Fukuda Masayoshi. http:/ RelationshipsBoards: Katsura wo

4、odStones: Slate, Shell, Glass, Plastic & JadeBowls: wood, woven & decorative# of Games Possible8语言资格考试PPT Technology Relationshipshttp:/ Creativity Strategy DesignMaterials & Processes9语言资格考试PPTEngineering RelationshipsExcellent for;Cognitive developme

5、ntBalance of design L/R BrainComputer programmingBest move for both10语言资格考试PPTMathematics RelationshipsPattern recognitionBinary mathematicsCalendarMovie - Pi 11语言资格考试PPT* Arts RelationshipsHistory Ex: WWII Japanese strategy & US camps SS Ex: Mutual Respect vs. Annihilation Literature ex: Graphi

6、c & Novels 1st Poetry12语言资格考试PPTFine Arts Relationships13语言资格考试PPTRecap of Go LessonGo History STEAM relationshipsC/TM 201414语言资格考试PPTDeliverable Tie-in to your educational focus how can you see using this game?C/TM 201415语言资格考试PPTSTMMore info:Science & Technology interpreted through Enginee

7、ring & the Arts, all understood with elements of Mathematics. 16语言资格考试PPTPlaying GoGoRulesResourcesC/TM 201417语言资格考试PPTHolding StonesMusical BoardsThe Art of Playinghttp:/语言资格考试PPTBoard Sizes19语言资格考试PPTStar Points = Handicap20语言资格考试PPTBlack

8、 goes first Komi PointsPlayers take turns - stones on the intersectionsKomi21语言资格考试PPTCreate territory by surrounding open spaceBegin Game - Goal22语言资格考试PPThttp:/ Sides23语言资格考试PPTEach intersection is a point of territoryOnce a stone is put down it does not

9、 move unless its captured Atari = CheckCaptured stone prisoner save til end of gamePlaying Stones24语言资格考试PPTOne may not play a move which repeats a previous board position. Ko- Repetition Rule25语言资格考试PPTFenceposts & WallsClaiming Territory26语言资格考试PPTA safe group of stones must have two eyestwo o

10、r more, internal but separate empty pointsLiving Groups27语言资格考试PPTCenterhttp:/ End: no plays left to make. Captured Stones: Are filled inCounting: Pieces are movedGame Over29语言资格考试PPTBaduk Daily Notes SheetC. 200930语言资格考试PPTAmerican Go Association - American Go Foundation - /agf/index.html Resources:Most maj


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