1、 2018年5月翻译资格考试二级英语笔译实务真题试卷【含答案】英译中第一篇文章Near Cambodia's Temple Ruins a Devotion to Learning.走进破败的柬埔寨庙宇,感受学习的热情。Millions of tourists come here every year to visit the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat an influx that has helped transform what once resembled a small laid-back village into a thriving and c
2、osmopolitan town with thumping nightlife and more than 10000 hotel rooms.每年,都有数以百万计的游客造访吴哥窟,以观赏当地古老的历史遗迹,而这个游客聚居之地,也一改往日偏僻村落的闲适之常态,一举成为一座经济发展呈迅猛之势的国际化城镇。一万间宾馆客房拔地而起,赋予游客激情四射的夜生活。But the explosion of the tourism industry here has also done something less predictable. Siem Reap which had no universiti
3、es a decade ago is now Cambodias second-largest hub for higher education after the capital Phnom Penh.但是,吴哥窟旅游业的爆棚式发展,也取得了某些意料之外的成果。十年前,暹粒还是一片学术的不毛之地,而今,暹粒已发展壮大成为柬埔寨第二大高等教育中心,高等院校规模仅次于首都金边。The sons and daughters of impoverished rice farmers flock here to work as tour guides receptionists bartenders
4、and waitresses. When their shifts are over they study finance English and accounting.来自贫困稻农家的儿女们,一股脑地涌向暹粒。他们在这里要么做导游,要么从事接待工作;要么做调酒师,从事服务生的活计。每及轮班结束后,他们便会一头扎进金融、英语和会计的学习之中。The establishment of five private universities here is helping to transform the work force in this part of Cambodia. Employers s
5、ay that English proficiency is rising and that workers who attend universities stand out for their ability to express themselves and make decisions. A generation of students who would otherwise have had little hope to study beyond high school are enduring grueling schedules to get a degree and pursu
6、e their dreams.暹粒设立的五所私立大学,正为改观当地的劳动人口推波助澜。老板们表示,员工的英语水平正在飞跃,接受高等教育的员工能表达自己的意愿,然后作出相应的决策,从而,也就容易在职场中脱颖而出。这一代学生本未对在高中毕业后继续深造寄予厚望,而现在,他们正在努力地完成繁重的学业,以期获得学位,追寻梦想。Khim Borin a 26-year-old tour guide by day and law student by night says he wants to become a lawyer. But he sometimes has trouble staying aw
7、ake in class during the high tourist season when he spends hours scaling vertiginous temple steps and baking in the tropical sun.时年26岁的金波林,白天做导游,晚上却是一名主修法律的学生。波林声称,他梦想成为一名律师。然而,在旅游的旺季,他每天都要爬上那令人晕眩的神庙台阶,且还不得不在热带阳光的炙烤下暴晒数个小时,这不免让他在晚间的课堂上心力交瘁。But the symbiosis of work and study here came together witho
8、ut any master plan.而在暹粒,工作与学习相得益彰,并无任何的总体规划。It was driven largely by supply and demand: universities opened to cater to the dreams of Cambodias youth and offered flexible hours in sync with the rhythms of the tourist industry.供求关系是其中最主要的推动因素:开办大学就是要为柬埔寨的年轻人实现夙愿,按照旅游业的工作节奏,灵活地设置学习课时。After graduation
9、students who work and study at the same time often have an edge over fresh graduates who have never worked before for whom starting a career can be difficult Ms. Chan and others say. University students are “more communicative” she said. “If they dont like something they speak out.”陈女士和其他人皆表示,相较于那些没
10、有工作经验的应届生,半工半读的学生往往在毕业后有着更大的优势,那些从未工作过的学生在其职业生涯的起始阶段总难免挫折。陈女士还认为,“大学生与人交流起来更加坦率。对于不喜之事物,他们定会和盘托出。”Ms. Chan and others say they are lucky that Angkors temples have proved so popular with tourists. If it were not for the sandstone structures nestled in the jungles Siem Reap would probably have remaine
11、d a backwater. Last year 3.3 million tourists visited Siem Reap half of them foreigners according to the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism.陈女士等人还说,吴哥窟神庙能如此地备受游客追捧,那是多么地幸运倍至。若不是出于这片丛林里的砂岩建筑群,暹粒可能仍然还是一个闭塞的小村落。据柬埔寨旅游部统计,去年共计有330万游客造访暹粒,而其中一半的游客为外来人士。英译中第二篇文章Faculty shortage could thwart India's educati
12、on dream.译文:师资短缺已成为印度教育梦的绊脚石。翻译解析:本标题的翻译主要集中在对单词thwart的准确释义上。翻译新手往往会字对字进行翻译,而且对thwart的理解偏颇。Could thwart说明了Faculty shortage对India's education dream的直接影响。所以,既要避免字对字,又要兼顾文采,还要译文传神。那我认为可以抛开原文的语序限定,将thwart直接翻译为绊脚石。从而,起到一箭三调的作用。At one of the better colleges in India's capital there is just one lar
13、ge room for 140 faculty members to sit and have a cup of tea or grade papers. "If even half show up there aren't enough chairs" said Amin a history professor there. "There is no other place to work. In this situation how do you expect teachers to work?"译文:玛丽学院,作为印度首都新德里设施较好的学
14、院之一,也只配备了一个大房间,以供140名教工集体休憩或阅卷。“即便该房间只容留70名教职员工,那办公座椅也不够用,”玛丽学院的一位历史学教授阿明如是说。“在别无他处办公的窘境下,教员们该怎么安心工作呀?”翻译解析:本段原文英语看似简短、平淡,实则暗藏的语义内容较为丰富。这就需要充分发挥汉语的优势,对原文进行细致的解剖和深入的语言雕琢。首句:At one of the better colleges in India's capital there is just one large room for 140 faculty members to sit and have a cup
15、of tea or grade papers. 本段理解主要集中在单词better,句子there is just one large room和句子to sit and have a cup of tea的理解上。Better一定要翻译出较好的意思,而且根据上下文,要在译文进行增译处理。即:不仅仅要翻译出较好,还得强调是设施较好。否则不但体现不出既定的语境,而且还会为下一句的遣词造句之顺利出场增加唐突性。句子there is just one large room的理解,一定要翻译出仅仅/只配备有一个大房间。而句子to sit and have a cup of tea,其中的to sit可
16、以翻译为就坐,但这样显得译文过于平淡,如果将就坐和喝茶一起来理解的话,无非就是休息或者休憩。所以,have a cup of tea其实是可以做省译处理。后句和尾句:"If even half show up there aren't enough chairs" said Amin a history professor there. "There is no other place to work. In this situation how do you expect teachers to work?"这两句在理解上,难度都不算大。但还是
17、有一些需要注意的地方,比如history professor,千万不能翻译为历史教授,正确的理解为历史学教授。而尾句"There is no other place to work. In this situation how do you expect teachers to work?"鉴于语意的连贯性,可以将其一道整合起来理解,尽量避免字对字。The lack of amenities for faculty members is not the only issue. After 30 years at Mary College which is one of do
18、zens administered by the University of Delhi Ms. Amin makes the equivalent of$22000 a year - less than half of what some of her better students will make in their first jobs. New opportunities offer not just more money for graduates but also mobility and flexibility which are virtually unheard of fo
19、r faculty at most of India's colleges and universities.译文:然而,印度教育所面临的问题不仅仅是教员设施的不足。尽管,阿明女士在贵为德里大学下设的其中之一所院校的玛丽学院已执教30载,但她的年薪只有22000美元。这样的薪资还不及她执教过的那些得意门生们首份工作年薪的一半。新的机遇不仅仅为大学毕业生带来了更为丰厚的经济回报,而且还为工作赋予了流动性和灵活性,而这些福利都是印度大学教员们闻所未闻的。翻译解析:本段原文英语依然延续了简洁的表达文风,将教员与大学毕业生的收入进行了强烈的对比。故,在对本段汉语译文的编织中,要尤其注意感情色彩
20、的铺陈和合理演绎。整句看似形容结构很繁杂,其实主旨就一条,那就是印度教育所面临的问题不仅仅是教员设施的不足,还有收入回报悬殊的问题。本段几乎无语言难点,全文只需要抓住After 30 years at Mary College which is one of dozens administered by the University of Delhi这一句,并对其进行合理的语言架构,突出句子暗含的感情色彩。一定要翻译出玛丽学院贵为德里大学的下设院校,突出玛丽学院的身份和优越性,从而进一步凸显主人公阿明案例的代表性。把控好该段的核心要义,则整句的遣词造句便是顺理成章,水到渠成。All this
21、means that India is facing a severe shortage of faculty members. But it is not just low pay and lack of facilities that are being blamed. According to a government report published last year a massive expansion in higher education combined with a poor supply of PhD's delays in recruitment and th
22、e lack of incentives to attract and nurture talent has led to a situation in which 40 percent of existing faculty positions remain vacant. The report's authors mostly academics found that if the shortfall is calculated using the class size recommended by the government this figure jumps to 54 pe
23、rcent.译文:诸此种种,无不意味着印度正遭遇着教工严重短缺的问题。但不能将其仅仅归咎于薪资低廉和设施匮乏。根据去年发布的一份政府报告,高等教育的大规模扩张,博士数量的供不应求,加之招聘滞后与吸纳和培养人才激励措施的缺乏。这一切致使现有教职工岗位空缺率高达40。该份政府报告的作者大多从事学术研究,他们研究发现,如果按照印度政府倡导的班级规模来计算话,则现有教职工岗位空缺率将骤增至54。翻译解析:本段虽然句子较为分散,但是语意很是连贯。详细讲述了造成师资短缺的根源。本段语言难点也较少,全文的难点在于According to a government report published last
24、year a massive expansion in higher education combined with a poor supply of PhD's delays in recruitment and the lack of incentives to attract and nurture talent has led to a situation in which40 percent of existing faculty positions remain vacant对这个长句的理解上。鉴于该句修饰成分较多,翻译的时候要拿捏好哪些是铺垫成分,哪些是句子的主干,而哪些
25、是从句。哪些是概括,哪些是解释成分。搞清楚句子的复杂结构,本句的翻译可谓峰回路转,柳暗花明。学员可以根据译文,来揣度这其中的深意。Experts say this is the clearest sign that India will fail to meet the goal set by the education minister who has pledged to more than double the size of the country's higher education system by 2020. They say that while the ambiti
26、on is laudable the absence of a long-term strategy to develop faculty will ensure that India's education dream remains just that.译文:专家们表示,这清晰地表明印度将难以实现其教育部长所设定的目标,即承诺将在2020年前使印度高等教育学生的数量翻一番。专家们一致认为,虽然这一雄心壮志值得嘉许,但由于缺乏培育教员的长期战略,印度的教育梦也只能是空想。翻译解析:本段语言较为概括。本段语言难点也较少,难点在于对尾句They say that while the am
27、bition is laudable the absence of a long-term strategy to develop faculty will ensure that India's education dream remains just that的理解上。要揣摩句子间的情感转折色彩,remains just that在此可理解为搁浅或者空想。Mr. Balakrishnan of Indian institute of technology in Delhi meanwhile was more optimistic. He felt India could enro
28、ll as much as 25 percent of eligible students in colleges and universities - about twice the current figure - by the end of this decade. "Tangible changes are happening" he said. "The debate that has happened in the last few years has taken people out of their comfort zones. There is
29、more consensus across the board that we need to scale quality education."译文:而位于德里的印度理工学院巴拉科瑞斯南先生则持更为乐观的态度。他认为,到2020年,印度届时可从高等学府招募到25%的优秀毕业生作为高教职工。这个比率约为现今的两倍。“真实的变化正在进行,”巴拉科瑞斯南先生如是说。“过去这几年间喋喋不休的论辩结果就是人们已经走出了安乐窝。普及素质教育,已然成为所有人的共识。”翻译解析:本段应该算整篇文章的压轴段落。原文语言不仅精简,而且晦涩难懂。还掺杂了一些不太常用的表达。让人不得不佩服出题官的用心良苦
30、。本段难点主要集中在词组Comfort zones的准确释意和结尾两句The debate that has happened in the last few years has taken people out of their comfort zones. There is more consensus across the board that we need to scale quality education的理解。这两句我结合全文进行了个性化的语言编织,旨为翻译学员提供一种理解维度。中译英第一篇2000多年前,亚欧大陆上勤劳勇敢的人民,探索出多条连接亚欧非几大文明的贸易和人文交流通
31、路,后人将其统称为“丝绸之路”。千百年来,“和平合作、开放包容、互利共赢”的丝绸之路精神薪火相传,极大地促进了沿线各国繁荣发展。More than two millennia ago the valiant and industrious people from Eurasia have explored several routes for trade and people-to-people exchanges lixxxxnking the major civilizations of Asia Europe and Africa which are collectively calle
32、d the Silk Road by later generations. For thousands of years the Silk Road Spirit of "peace and cooperation openness and inclusiveness mutual benefit and win-win situations" has been passed from generation to generation greatly promoting both prosperity and development of those countries a
33、long the Silk Road.进入21世纪,面对复苏乏力的全球经济形势,纷繁复杂的国际和地区局面,传承和弘扬丝绸之路精神更显重要。“一带一路”建设是一项系统工程,要坚持共商、共建、共享原则,积极推进沿线国家发展战略的相互对接。“一带一路”致力于亚欧非大陆及附近海洋的互联互通,建立和加强沿线各国互联互通伙伴关系,构建全方位、多层次互联互通网络,实现沿线各国多元、自主、平衡、可持续的发展。“一带一路”的互联互通项目将发掘区域内市场的潜力,促进投资和消费,创造需求和就业,增进沿线各国人民的人文交流。In the 21st century it is more important for th
34、e Silk Road Spirit to be inherited and expanded in face of the weak recovery of the world economy and complex international as well as regional situations. In the principle of shared deliberation actively promoting mutual docking of Development Strategies along the Silk Road will be a pressing matte
35、r of the moment now that “the Belt and Road Initiative” is a systematic project.“一带一路”的互联互通项目将发掘区域内市场的潜力,促进投资和消费,创造需求和就业,增进沿线各国人民的人文交流。The Belt and Road Initiative aims to promote the connectivity of Asian European and African continents as well as their adjacent seas establish and strengthen partne
36、rships among the countries along the Belt and Road establish all-dimensional and multi-tiered connectivity networks so as to achieve diversified independent balanced and sustainable development of all these countries. The connectivity projects of “the Belt and Road Initiative” will tap potential of
37、regional market improve investment and consumption create demands and employments and enhance people-to-people exchanges among all relevant countries.中译英第二篇2016年,中国的一个三口之家的碳排放量平均为2.7吨。目前,这个数字已升至3.5吨。而在北京、上海、广州等大城市,每个家庭的平均碳排放量已接近10吨。碳汇(Carbon Sink)主要是指森林吸收并储存二氧化碳的能力。森林是陆地生态系统中最大的碳汇库。在降低大气中温室气体浓度、减缓全球气候变暖中具有十分重要的独特作用。In 2016 the carbon emission of a family with three members in China averaged 2.7 tons but now it has risen to 3.5 tons. In metropolises suc
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