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1、leozhangvnew words and expressions vtextvkey structures and special difficultiesvexercisesnew words and expressionsnew words and expressions ngold n. 金子vsth. be made of gold 由金子做成的 gold watch;gold ring; vgolden adj. 金色的, 宝贵的 golden sun silence is golden. 沉默是金 goldfish n. 金鱼 platinum n. 白金, 铂 silver.

2、银 copper.铜new words and expressionsnew words and expressions vgolden opportunity 宝贵的机会(opportunity n. 机会, 时机) i am honoured to have the opportunity to do sth. i am glad to have the golden opportunity to do sth. eg. i am glad to have the golden opportunity to study with you.new words and expressions

3、new words and expressions vtreasure n. 财宝 (为总称, 没有复数)vtreasure island 金银岛vjewel n. 宝石 珠宝, (可数)vjewelry n. 珠宝, 珠宝类 珠宝(总称, 不可数)vi have some jewels. = i have some jewelry.vdiamond n. 钻石vjade n. 碧玉 (不可数名词)new words and expressions new words and expressions vrevealer v n. 探测器vreveal vv. 揭示vthe doctor did

4、 not reveal the truth to him. new words and expressions new words and expressions vinvent vv. 发明vlaszlo biro invented the ball-point pen. vinvention n. 发明vinventor n. 发明家new words and expressions new words and expressions vdetect vv. 探测vdetective vn. 侦探 vdetectordetectorvn. n. 探测器探测器new words and ex

5、pressionsnew words and expressions vpirate vn. 海盗,盗印者, 盗版者, 侵犯专利权者 vvt. 盗印, 盗版, 掠夺, 翻印 vvi.做海盗new words and expressionsnew words and expressions varm v. 武装v n. 手臂;武器vhold ones armvfarewell! arms 永别了, 武器 v v. 武装vbe armed with 用来武装vthe youth should be armed with knowledge. new words and expressionsnew

6、 words and expressionsvthe teacher should be patient. =the teacher should be armed with patience.v类:be covered with 被覆盖 eg. the ground is covered with snow.n. army 军队new words and expressionsnew words and expressionsvsoil n. 泥土vsoil n. 土壤 (能生长植物的地方)vearth n. 泥土 (泥巴)vground. 地面new words and expressio

7、ns new words and expressions ventrance n. 入口ventrance of/to 的入口ventrance of the park ; ventrance to the parkvexit vn. 出口, 太平门, 退场, 去世;vvi. 退出, 脱离, 去世 new words and expressions new words and expressions vthoroughly vadv. 彻底地vcompletely/thoroughly/totallyvthoroughvadjv彻底的; 完全的; 细致的; 深入的new words and e

8、xpressions new words and expressions vconfident n. 有信心的vbe confident of doing sth. 有信心做vi am confident of studying english well.vbe confident that +从句有信心做vconfidence n. 信心texttextvdream n. 梦;v. 做梦v n. 梦想vdreams come true 梦想成真vdreams ended 梦想破灭了, 梦断了vdream of 的梦vdream of flying in the sky comes true.

9、texttextv v. 做梦vdream of doing sth.vi dream of flying in the sky.(dream v)vcome true 变成现实,(预言、期望等)成为事实,(愿意)实现vhis dream to travel around the world at last came true.a new and to detect gold has been buried in the ground. texttextvn. +called 被称之为的vthe plane called a “titanic”vbe used to do sth. 被用来vu

10、sed to do 过去常常v同位语从句中的引导词只有一个that,不会用whichvin the ground (更习惯于用“under the ground” )texttextvusevuse to dovi used to swim every day when i was a child.vbe used to doingv= get/become/grow used to doingvshe is used to cooking eggs for dinner.the machine in a cave near the -pirates gold. texttextvit is

11、said 是插入语,当“据说”讲。vwhere = in which翻译时译为“在那儿”,修饰cave;一个地点状语从句vthis is the river where i swim.the pirates bury gold in the cave and then it. texttextv would表示过去的习惯性动作, 但此处表示“used to” 过去常做v fail to do sth. 未能、不能、忘记做某事项(fail 后面接动词不定式表示否定)v he failed to see the reason why they sent him away.v collect的含义之

12、一为“(去)取,接”v dont fail to collect me before you go to the party.v ill collect my post on my way home. with the new machine, a search into the cave to find buried treasure. texttextv如果几个句子的主语是同一事物, 则可以把几个句子合并为一个句子。保留一个句子做主句, 其他的变v成非谓语动词。非谓语动词采用何种形式, 则根据其与主语的关系, 如果是主动关系, 用-ing, 被动关系, 则v用动词的-ed形式texttex

13、tv主句与其他句子的位置安排要保持句子的平衡, 还要注意动作的连贯vthe boy went home. the boy was crying. the boy was beaten.v=beaten by sb, the boy went home, crying.texttextvarm(ed) with 可以表示“带着、装着、穿着”等vdont worry. im armed with an umbrella.vyoud better arm yourself with a warm coat.the of the party the soil near the entrance to

14、the cave the machine showed there was gold under the ground. texttextvthe entrance /answer / key to.vthat 宾语从句, the dug a hole . they finally found a small gold coin which was almost worthless. texttextv very excited, 形容词短语做状语v tired of sleeping on the floor, iv tired, i went home./ i went home tire

15、d.句子顺序不同, 表达的意思也不同v two feet deep“数词+量词+形容词” 可以做定语; 也可以做表语v i am five years old.v the street is five meters wide.v long/wide/high/deep,人有多高用“tall”the party searched the whole cave did not find anything an empty tin trunk. texttextvbut 与 although/though,不连用vso 与because 也不连用veccept 与 besides, except f

16、or eg. all of us will go except tom. eg. all of us will go besides tom. eg. the composition is good except for some gramma mistakes. , many people are confident the revealer may reveal something of value fairly soon.texttextvin spite of / though / even if 尽管vsomething of valuevof表示其所修饰的名词具有某种性质、状况。v

17、the news is of great importance to us.vof valuevaluable 有价值的vof small value 价值很小(= almost worthless)texttextv形容词要放在不定代词的后边vsomething important =something of importancevsomeone patient =someone of patiencekey structureskey structuresv表示过去习惯性动作表示过去习惯性动作v当我们提到过去某一特定时间时, 我们有时可用would来代替used to,有时则不可以,而且w

18、ould需要指出具体时间,used to则不需要。key structureskey structuresv表示过去习惯性动作表示过去习惯性动作v当used to暗示与现在的对照时,不可用would替换v i used to drink heavily, but i have given up drinking now.v i never used to eat a large breakfast, but i do now.key structureskey structuresv表示过去习惯性动作表示过去习惯性动作v当used to描写过去的状态时,也不可与would互换,would只表示

19、过去特有的习惯或行为:vthis sort of novel used to be very popular. 这种小说过去很流行. vi used to be a waiter, but now im a taxi-driver.key structureskey structuresv表示过去习惯性动作表示过去习惯性动作v当used to不强调与现在的对比时,可与would互相替换v但故事开头时不用would,必须首先用一般过去时或used to描述背景,然后用would表示习惯性动作 key structureskey structuresvwhen i was a boy we always spent/used to sp


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