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1、1. behavioral objectives movement 行为目标运动During this period,several major events influenced the future development of audiovisual movement,and one of them is the behavioral objectives movement.在这个时期,几个主要的项目影响了视听运动将来的发展,并且其中之一就是行为目标运动。2. cognitive psychology 认知心理学The theories of communications,general

2、 system and cognitive psychology were introduced into the field.传播学理论、一般系统论和认知心理学等各种理论被引入到这一领域中。3. Communications 传播,传播学The theories of communications,general system and cognitive psychology were introduced into the field.传播学理论、一般系统论和认知心理学等各种理论被引入到这一领域中。4. cone of experience 经验之塔The cone of experien

3、ce served as a visual analogy for levels of concreteness and abstractness of teaching methods and instructional materials.经验之塔作为一个视觉类比于具体的水平和教学方法和教学物质的纯理论。5. Constructivism 建构主义Another factor that affected the field during the 1980s-present was the growing interest in constructivism(Reiser,2001,p.63

4、).在20世纪八十年代另一个影响了这个领域的因素人们对建构注意的热情在迅速增长。6. electronic performance support system 电子绩效支持系统Electronic performance support systems,knowledge management systems,and learner-centered learning environments often serve as alternatives to training or direct instruction.电子绩效支持系统、知识管理系统和以学习者为中心的学习环境作为培训或直观教学的

5、方法。7. general system 一般系统论The theories of communications,general system and cognitive psychology were introduced into the field.传播学理论、一般系统论和认知心理学等各种理论被引入到这一领域中。8. instructional systems design(ISD) 教学系统设计Instructional systems design(ISD)originated. 教学系统设计开始出现。9. knowledge management systems 知识管理系统Ele

6、ctronic performance support systems,knowledge management systems,and learner-centered learning environments often serve as alternatives to training or direct instruction.电子绩效支持系统、知识管理系统和以学习者为中心的学习环境作为培训或直观教学的方法。10. learner-centered learning environments 以学习者为中心的学习环境Electronic performance support sys

7、tems,knowledge management systems,and learner-centered learning environments often serve as alternatives to training or direct instruction.电子绩效支持系统、知识管理系统和以学习者为中心的学习环境作为培训或直观教学的方法。11. operant conditioning 操作性条件反射In 1954,programmed instruction was reintroduced by B. F. Skinner,a behaviral psychonogis

8、t of Harvard University,who became famous for his work operant conditioning and reinforcement using his “Skinner Box”.1954年美国哈弗大学行为主义心理学家斯金纳又一次引进了程序教学的概念,它因使用“斯金纳箱”从事操作性条件反射和强化理论研究而闻名。12. programmed instruction 程序教学Programmed instruction and task analysis appeared and prevailed.程序教学和任务分析的概念出现并被广泛接受。

9、13. progressivism 进步主义The other idea supporting instructional technology is the theory of progressivism.另一个支持教学技术的观念是进步主义理论。14. reinforcement 强化In 1954,programmed instruction was reintroduced by B. F. Skinner,a behaviral psychonogist of Harvard University,who became famous for his work operant condi

10、tioning and reinforcement using his “Skinner Box”.1954年美国哈弗大学行为主义心理学家斯金纳又一次引进了程序教学的概念,它因使用“斯金纳箱”从事操作性条件反射和强化理论研究而闻名。15. Subject Matter Expert(SME) 学科内容专家With the development of mediated instruction,another role emerged,that is the instructional technologist,which is distinct from subject matter expe

11、rt.随着辅助教学的发展,另一个作用的出现,这是一个教学技术专家,而另一个相差很远的是学科内容专家。16. task analysis 任务分析Programmed instruction and task analysis appeared and prevailed.程序教学和任务分析的概念出现并被广泛接受。17. verbalism 言语主义Polite verbalism is the respect to others.Moreover,it adds your demeanor.礼貌的言语是对别人的尊重,更增添了自己的风度。18. virtual reality 虚拟现实Other

12、 recent technological advances,such as the use of electronic performance support systems(EPSS)and virtual reality(VR) and the increasing use of network for instructional progress,are also likely to have a major effect on the field.另一个最先进的技术,例如电子绩效系统和虚拟现实,应用网络教学进步的增加,还可能有对这个领域的主要影响。19. instructional

13、technology 教学技术Based on all the above mentioned,the terminology of the field changed and the field shifted from Audiovisual Instruction to Instructional Technology.基于上述种种变化,这一领域的术语发生了变化,领域的名称从视听教学变成了教学技术。20. audiovisual instruction 视听教学Based on all the above mentioned,the terminology of the field ch

14、anged and the field shifted from Audiovisual Instruction to Instructional Technology.基于上述种种变化,这一领域的术语发生了变化,领域的名称从视听教学变成了教学技术。21. computer assisted instruction(CAI) 计算机辅助教学And the roots of computer-assisted instruction(CAI)can be traced back to programmed instruction.程序教学也成为计算机辅助教学的源头。22. instruction

15、al system 教学系统In 1962,Bobert Glaser employed the term Instructional Systen and discussed its components(Glaser,1962, p.1-30).1962年,罗伯特格拉泽首次使用了教学系统这一术语并对其内涵进行了探讨。23. communication model 传播模型Almost every communication model which has been used in relation to instructional technology is derived from th

16、is mode.几乎任何一个与教学技术有关的被使用的传播模式都源于“香农-韦佛”模型。24. direct instruction 直观教学Electronic performance support systems,knowledge management systems,and learner-centered learning environments often serve as alternatives to training or direct instruction.电子绩效支持系统、知识管理系统和以学习者为中心的学习环境作为培训或直观教学的方法。25. internal kno

17、wledge structure 内部认知结构In the view of a constructivist,we all construct our own perspective of the world,based on individual experiences and internal knowledge structure,and learning is based on how the individual interprets and creates the meaning of his/her experiences.建构主义的观点是,我们对于世界的建构是基于个人的经验和内

18、部认知结构。并且学习时基于自己的理解和他人有意义经验的创造。26. distance education 远程教育Another recent trend that has affected the instructional design professional has been the rapidly increasing intesrest in using the Internet for distance education and learning.最近另一个趋势对专业教学设计的快速增长的兴趣来自于运用互联网对远程教育和学习。27. cooperative and collabo

19、raative learning 协作学习What ideas and innovations are likely to affect the field in the near future?Some,such as distance education and learning,the constructivist movement,the Internet in cooperative and collaborative learning,knowledge management and the performance technology movement,have already

20、had an impact and are likely to affect the field in sifnificant ways.影响这个领域的新方法是什么?例如,远程教育和学习,建构主义、基于因特网的协作学习、知识管理和绩效技术运动,已经有一定的影响很可能会对将来有更大的影响。28. conceptual thinking 概念思维The new media used in instruction supporting the experience were to supply a concrete basis for conceptual thinking,make learnin

21、g more permanent,develop continuity of thought,the growth of meaning and efficiency,depth,and variety of learning.新媒体被应用在支持经验的教学上是被支持一个实实在在的基于概念思维,使学习更稳定,发簪连续性思维,增长有意义的学习和有效、加深和多广度的学习。29. verbal instruction 口头教学The audiovisual movement can be traced back to the early 1900s when schools and museums b

22、egan using visuals such as drawings,slides,films objects and models to complement verbal instruction.视听运动的发展能追溯到早期20世纪那是学校和博物馆开始使用视听工具例如:素描术、绘画、幻听片、电影和模型去称赞口头教学。30. mediated instruction 辅助教学With the development of mediated instruction,another role emerged,that is the instructional technologist,which

23、 is distinct from subject matter expert.随着辅助教学的发展,另一个作用的出现,这是一个教学技术专家,而另一个相差很远的是学科内容专家。31. audiovisual communications 视听传播The cone of experience was the first attempt to build a rationale that involved both learning theory and audiovisual communications.经验之塔是第一个尝试是建一个基本原理涉及到学习理论和视听传播。32. Instruction

24、al progress 教学进步Other recent technological advances,such as the use of electronic performance support systems(EPSS)and virtual reality(VR) and the increasing use of network for instructional progress,are also likely to have a major effect on the field.另一个最先进的技术,例如电子绩效系统和虚拟现实,应用网络教学进步的增加,还可能有对这个领域的主要

25、影响。33. intuitive notion 直观概念Most people have an intutive notion of what it means to learn:They can do something that they could not do before or they know something that they did not hnow before.大多数人往往凭直觉认为学习就是学会做一些以前不会做的事情,或者是知道一些以前不知道的。34. schema theory 图式理论Schema theory,elaboration,metacognition,

26、automaticity,expert/novices studies,and transfer are only a few of the constructs studied by cognitive psychologists that have important implications for the design of instruction.图式理论、精细化、元认知、自动化、专家/新手的学习,以及迁移理论都对教学设计有重要启示,这只是认知心理学家们众多研究中的一小部分。35. elaboration theory 精细化理论Schema theory,elaboration,m

27、etacognition,automaticity,expert/novices studies,and transfer are only a few of the constructs studied by cognitive psychologists that have important implications for the design of instruction.图式理论、精细化、元认知、自动化、专家/新手的学习,以及迁移理论都对教学设计有重要启示,这只是认知心理学家们众多研究中的一小部分。36. Metacognition 元认知Schema theory,elabora

28、tion,metacognition,automaticity,expert/novices studies,and transfer are only a few of the constructs studied by cognitive psychologists that have important implications for the design of instruction.图式理论、精细化、元认知、自动化、专家/新手的学习,以及迁移理论都对教学设计有重要启示,这只是认知心理学家们众多研究中的一小部分。37. classical conditioning 经典性条件反射Pa

29、vlovs research on the digestive systems of dogs led to his discouvery of the classical conditioning process,which demonstrated that behaviors could be learned via conditioned associations.巴甫洛夫的关于狗的消化系统的研究也导致了经典性条件反射过程的发现,这个发现证明了行为都能通过关联的条件刺激来学习。38. verbal behavior 言语行为A teacher classroom behavior in

30、cludes mainly verbal behavior and nonverbal behavior.教师的课堂行为主要包括课堂上的言语行为和非言语行为。39. cognitive science 认知科学Cognitive science(Klatzky,Anderson,Gagne,Wildman & Burton)is making a major contribution to our understanding of how humans perceive,process,process,store,and retrieve information.认知科学(克拉斯基、安

31、德森、加涅、威廉姆和伯顿)在解释人类如何感知、加工、存储和重现信息等方面做出了很大的贡献。40. long-term memory 长时记忆Some of this information in short-term memory may then go on long-term memory,where it is stored and from which it can be retrieved.一些短时记忆的信息可能会被检索出来以长时记忆的形式存储。41. short-term memory 短时记忆It first enters through the senses,and,if it

32、 is important or interesting,it then goes to short-term memory,where it may be kept for 20 seconds of more.首先,通过感知获得信息,如果它重要或者有趣,就会进行至少保存20秒的短时记忆。42. observational learning 观察学习Designers familiar with social learning theory of Bandura will not ignore environmental factors that significantly affect i

33、nstructional programs,nor overlook the power of informal learning channels(e.g.,observational learning).熟悉班杜拉的社会学习理论的设计者不会忽视对教学计划有很大影响的环境因素,也不会忽略非正式学习途径(如观察学习)的影响力。43. discovery learning 发现学习Bruners rich philosophical insight into discovery learning and problem solving,Kellers work on motivation,Kno

34、wles emphasis on factors that facilitate adult learning,and the work of others contribute to a designers overall understanding of the learning process and skill in designing instructional strategies.布鲁纳关于发现学习和问题求解的哲学思想、凯勒在学习动机方面的工作、诺尔斯对促进成人学习因素的强调,以及他人的工作都有助于设计者从大体上理解学习的过程和教学策略设计的技巧。44. instructiona

35、l strategy 教学策略Bruners rich philosophical insight into discovery learning and problem solving,Kellers work on motivation,Knowles emphasis on factors that facilitate adult learning,and the work of others contribute to a designers overall understanding of the learning process and skill in designing in

36、structional strategies.布鲁纳关于发现学习和问题求解的哲学思想、凯勒在学习动机方面的工作、诺尔斯对促进成人学习因素的强调,以及他人的工作都有助于设计者从大体上理解学习的过程和教学策略设计的技巧。45. transfer theory 迁移理论Schema theory,elaboration,metacognition,automaticity,expert/novices studies,and transfer are only a few of the constructs studied by cognitive psychologists that have i

37、mportant implications for the design of instruction.图式理论、精细化、元认知、自动化、专家/新手的学习,以及迁移理论都对教学设计有重要启示,这只是认知心理学家们众多研究中的一小部分。46. Automaticity 自动性Schema theory,elaboration,metacognition,automaticity,expert/novices studies,and transfer are only a few of the constructs studied by cognitive psychologists that h

38、ave important implications for the design of instruction.图式理论、精细化、元认知、自动化、专家/新手的学习,以及迁移理论都对教学设计有重要启示,这只是认知心理学家们众多研究中的一小部分。47. systems model 系统模型Without a brosd-based foundation in learning theory,the parctice of ISD becomes narrowly focused on means (the steps in the systems model) rather than on th

39、e rightful end(learning)(Sxhiffman,1986,pp.137-138).倘若缺乏广泛的学习理论基础,教学系统设计时间的焦点就会狭隘地集中在方法上(系统模型中的步骤)而不是恰当的学习结果上。48. environmental stimulus 环境刺激Pavlov demonstrated that this learning process could be used to make an association between environmental stimulus and anturally occurring stimulus.巴甫洛夫还证明了这个学

40、习过程可以用于创造环境与本能刺激间的相关联。49. behavioral modification 行为修正Therapeutic techniques such as behavioral modification and token economies are often utilized to help children learn new skills and overcome maladaptive behaviors,while conditioning is used in many situations ranging from parenting to education.治

41、疗技术中的行为分析、行为修正,行为矫正,在大多数情况下用于从养育到教育的过程中帮助孩子学习新技能、克服不适应的行为。50. cognitive structures 认知结构However,even while accepting such behavioristic concepts,cognitive theorists view learning as involving the acquisition or reorganization of the cognitive structures through which humans process and store informan

42、tion.然而,尽管他们接受行为主义的某些观点,但是认知主义家们认为学习是认知结构的获得和重组即人们加工的和存储信息的过程。51. meaningful infornation 有意义的学习Cognitivists hold that meaningful information is easier to learn and remember than information that is not meaningful to the learner,and that practicing and rehearsing information improves retention(Mergel

43、,1998).认知主义坚信,对于学习者而言,学学有意义的信息比无意义的信息更容易,并且,练习和预演知识能改善记忆力。52. Accommodation 顺应Constructivism divides learning into two types:accommodation and assimilation.建构主义将学习分为两种类型:顺应和同化。53. assimilation 同化Constructivism divides learning into two types:accommodation and assimilation.建构主义将学习分为两种类型:顺应和同化。54.cogn

44、itive psychology 认知心理学Schema theory,elaboration,metacognition,automaticity,expert/novices studies,and transfer are only a few of the constructs studied by cognitive psychologists that have important implications for the design of instruction.图式理论、精细化、元认知、自动化、专家/新手的学习,以及迁移理论都对教学设计有重要启示,这只是认知心理学家们众多研究

45、中的一小部分。55. instructional objectives 教学目标At the present time it is sufficient to state that instructional objectives are concrete statements the goals toward which instruction is directed.到今天为止我们能够理直气壮地声称我们的教学目标比较准确地描述了教学所指向的目的。56. cognitive information processing theory 认知信息加工理论He proposed an integr

46、ated and comprehensive theory of instruction that is based primarily on two foundations:cognitive infomation processing theory and Gagnes own observations of effective teaching in the classroom.他基于认知信息加工理论和自己在课堂上对有效教学的观察提出一整套综合性的教学理论。57. taxonomy of learning outcome 学习结果分类理论A taxonomy of learning ou

47、tcome that defined the types of capabilities humans can learn.定义人类学习能力类型的学习结果分类理论。58. internal and external learning conditions 内部和外部学习条件理论Internal and external learning conditions associated with the asquistion of each category of leaning outcome.与所习得各种类型学习结果相关的内部和外部学习条件理论。59. nine events of instru

48、ction 九段教学法Inie events of instruction that each facilitates a specific cognitive process during learning.在学习中促进具体认知过程的九段教学法。60. affective 情感Taxonomies of learning existed before and since Gagnes formulation of his,but none besides his includes all three domains in which individuals were presumed to

49、learn:cognitive,affective,and psychomotor.学习分类在加涅理论的形成之前就已存在,但是包括加涅学习结果分类理论在内,都未完全包含个体应学内容的三个域:认知、情感和精神运动。61. taxonomy of learning 学习分类Taxonomies of learning existed before and since Gagnes formulation of his,but none besides his includes all three domains in which individuals were presumed to learn

50、:cognitive,affective,and psychomotor.学习分类在加涅理论的形成之前就已存在,但是包括加涅学习结果分类理论在内,都未完全包含个体应学内容的三个域:认知、情感和精神运动。62. psychomotor 精神运动Taxonomies of learning existed before and since Gagnes formulation of his,but none besides his includes all three domains in which individuals were presumed to learn:cognitive,aff

51、ective,and psychomotor.学习分类在加涅理论的形成之前就已存在,但是包括加涅学习结果分类理论在内,都未完全包含个体应学内容的三个域:认知、情感和精神运动。63. verbal information 言语信息Verbal information,that is,knowing “that” or “what”.言语信息,即知道是“那个”或“什么”。64. intellectual skills 智慧技能Intellectual skills,that is,applying kmowledge.智慧技能,也就是应用知识。65. cognitive strategies 认知

52、策略Cognitive strategies,that is,employing effective ways of thinking and learning.认知策略,也就是使用有效的思考和学习方式。66. motor skills 动作技能Motor skills,that is, execting precisely,smoothly and accurately timed movements.动作技能,也就是能在限制的时间内准确、熟练、精确地运动。67. multiplication table 乘法表For example,learning to ride a bicycle(

53、a motor skill)is defferent in fundamental ways from learning the multiplication table(verbal information),which is defferent in fundamental ways from learning to solve scientific problems(intellectual skill).例如,学习骑自行车(一种动作技能)与学习乘法表(言语信息)在方式上是有本质区别的,与学习解决问题(智慧技能)的基本方式也大不相同。68. prerequisite knowledge

54、先决知识Stimulating recall of prior learning:a question or activity to remind the learner of prerequisite knowledge.刺激回忆先前的学习:设计问题或活动使学习者回想以前所学知识。69. discovery learning 发现学习Discovery learning is an inquiry-based,constructivist learning theory that takes place in problem solving situations where the lear

55、ner draws on his or her own past experience and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationship and new truths to be learned.发现学习是一种以质疑为基础的建构主义的学习理论,这种学习发生在问题求解的情况中,在这种情况下,学习者利用他或她过去的经验和现存的知识去探索将要学习的事实和新真理。70. constructivist learning theory 建构主义学习理论Discovery learning is an inquiry-based,constr

56、uctivist learning theory that takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his or her own past experience and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationship and new truths to be learned.发现学习是一种以质疑为基础的建构主义的学习理论,这种学习发生在问题求解的情况中,在这种情况下,学习者利用他或她过去的经验和现存的知识去探索将要学习的事实和新真理。71

57、. transmission model 传输模型As a result,students may be more likely to remenber concepts and knowledge discovered on their own(in contrast to a transmission model).因此,学生可能更容易记住他们自己发现的概念和知识(相对于传输模型)。72. problem-based learning 问题导向的学习Models that are based upon discovery learning model include:guided disc

58、overy,problem-based learning,simulation-based learning,case-based learning,incidental learning,among others.基于发现学习模式的学习模型包括:有指导的发现、问题导向的学习、仿真学习、案例学习、随即学习。73. simulation-based learning 仿真学习Models that are based upon discovery learning model include:guided discovery,problem-based learning,simulation-based learning,case-based learning,incidental learning,among others.基于发现学习模式的学习模型包括:有指导的发现、问题导向的学习、仿真学习、案例学习、随即学习。74. case


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