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2、间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. where are they most probably talking?a. at the mans home.b. in a restaurant.c. in a lecture hall.2. whats the relationship between the two speakers?a. good friends.b. next-door neighbors.c. new colleagues.3. what happened to the man?a. he didnt have breakfast.b. his alarm

3、 clock went off too early.c. he was late again for his work.4. what are they talking about?a. a house.b. a painting.c. a mountain.5. why does the woman feel nervous?a. because she couldnt go to the interview.b. because she will have an interview.c. because she hasnt the interview experience.第二节(共15小

4、题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. where is the woman going now?a. to london.b. to birmingham.c. to south wales.7. how much does the woman pay for the single ticket?a. 16 pounds.b.

5、40 pounds.c. 64 pounds.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. whats going on between andy and gary?a. they had a fight.b. andy was angry with gray.   c. gray taught andy a lesson.9. how did gray react to andys advice?a. grateful.b. angry.c. patient.10. what will andy do when talking about giving advice t

6、o gray?a. he wont give any advice to gray.b. he will continue giving advice to gray.c. he will give advice to gray in a proper way.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. how long will the woman be away?a. for 30 minutes.b. for one hour.c. for two hours.12. what will billy do after the woman comes back?a. he will also

7、 be away.b. he will visit his mother.c. he will meet the boss.13. who will buy a gift on mothers day?a. only billy.b. neither of them.c. both of them.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. why cant the woman eat the ice-cream?a. because she doesnt like the kind.b. because shes on a diet.c. because shes eating somethi

8、ng else.15. what kind of person is the woman speaker?a. shes fond of eating.b. shes easy to persuade.c. shes iron-willed.16. how many people are mentioned in this dialogue?a. two.b. three.c. four.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. when can people hear the speaker?a. in the morning.b. in the afternoon.c. in the e

9、vening.18. which is the best show according to the speaker?a. the news.b. nighttime.c. the childrens room.19. on which channel can people ask questions and get money?a. three.b. six.c. eleven.20. what does the speaker most probably do?a. a newspaper reporter.b. a tv host or hostess.c. a radio manage

10、r.第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:多项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. flight 331 is being _. id better be on my way. goodbye. bye. happy landing!a. appealed b. announcedc. commandedd. delivered22. unemployment is on the increase. a growing number of young people, _, are find

11、ing themselves out of work.a. in caseb. all in allc. in particulard. in total23. i feel sorry for those young people who dont _ their aged people as i do mine.a. send forb. take forc. look ford. care for24. it was reported that 115 miners _ in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at

12、 last.a. transformed b. trappedc. defeatedd. stained25. nowadays, to lose weight, more wise ladies prefer to _ regularly rather than take expensive weight-losing pills.a. hang outb. turn upc. work outd. figure up26. the doctor told mary that too much _ to the sun is bad for the skin.a. exposureb. ex

13、tensionc. exhibitiond. expansion27. with the help of some witnesses, three criminals were caught and asked to aid in the _.a. interviewb. investigationc. questiond. request28. its likely that she will be _ from punishment, as our teacher has been convinced by her excuse.a. absentb. distantc. distinc

14、td. desperate29. “separate” is the most _ misspelt word in the english language, according to a new study of 3,500 britons.a. badlyb. casuallyc. definitelyd. commonly30.the conference was _ fixed for the 10th, august, but later the unexpected landslide(泥石流) in zhouqu in gansu province, made us put i

15、t off.a. normallyb. obviouslyc. originallyd. presently第二节:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。nearly two decades has passed, i still remember my favourite professor, james sehwartz. whenever he smiles, its as if youd just been told the funniest joke on earth

16、. almost all his students are his friends, and almost all his students know his life story.when james was a teenager, his father 31 him to a fur factory where he worked . this was during the great depression. the 32 was to get james a job.james entered the factory, and immediately felt as if the 33

17、had closed in around him. the room was dark and hot, the windows covered with dust, and the 34 were packed tightly together, running like trains. the fur hairs were flying, 35 a thickened air, and the workers, 36 the pieces of fur together, were bent over their needles 37 the boss marched up and dow

18、n the rows, searching for them to go faster .james could hardly 38 . he stood next to his father, frozen with fear, hoping the boss wouldnt 39 at him, too.during lunch break, his father took james to the boss and pushed him in front of him, 40 if there was any work for his son. but 41 there was hard

19、ly enough 42 for the adult labours, for no one would give it up once he took a job.thus, for james, it was a 43 . he hated the place. he made a 44 that he kept to the end of his life: he would never do any work that brought 45 to someone else, and he would never allow himself to 46 money off the sea

20、t of others.“what will you do?” his mother, eva, would ask him.“i dont know,” he 47 say. he ruled out law, because he didnt like 48 , and he ruled out medicine, because he couldnt take the 49 of blood.“what will you do?” 50 , my best professor i ever had becamehe thought it was the job not to hurt a

21、nybody.31. a. sentb. carriedc. tookd. admitted32. a. ideab. conditionc. situationd. way33. a. lightsb. wallsc. chancesd. doors34. a. goodsb. workersc. vehiclesd. machines 35. a. sendingb. creatingc. takingd. disturbing36. a. collectingb. pullingc. sewingd. drawing37. a. asb. afterc. ifd. though38. a

22、. see b. breathec. walkd. hear39. a. screamb. scoldc. rushd. attack40. a. doubting b. askingc. questioningd. demanding41. a. even b. stillc. yetd. also42. a. timeb. officec. workd. occupation43. a. comfortingb. blessingc. regrettingd. forgiving44. a. requestb. arrangementc. pland. promise 45. a. inj

23、uryb. harmc. damaged. inconvenience46. a. makeb. savec. payd. let47. a. should b. mightc. couldd. would 48. a. police b. lawyersc. judgesd. government49. a. senseb. feelc. sightd. scenery50. a. eventually b. luckilyc. generallyd. basically第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后各题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最

24、佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。aa new research has uncovered that culture is a determining factor when interpreting facial emotions(情感). the study reveals that in cultures where emotional control is the standard, such as japan, focus is placed on the eyes to interpret emotions. whereas in cultures where emotion is

25、 openly expressed, such as the united states, the focus is on the mouth to interpret emotion. “these findings go against the popular theory that the facial expressions of basic emotions can be universally recognized,” said university of alberta researcher dr. takahiko masuda. “a persons culture play

26、s a very strong role in determining how they will read emotions and needs to be considered when interpreting facial expression.”these cultural differences are even noticeable in computer emoticons(情感符号), which are used to convey a writers emotions over email and text messaging. the japanese emoticon

27、s for happiness and sadness vary in terms of how the eyes are drawn, while american emoticons vary with the direction of the mouth. in the united states the emoticons :) and :-) show a happy face, whereas the emoticons: (or : -( show a sad face. however, japanese tend to use the symbol ( ) to indica

28、te a happy face, and ( ;_; )to indicate a sad face. “we think it is quite interesting and appropriate that a culture tends to mask its emotions. the japanese would focus on a persons eyes when determining emotion, as eyes tend to be quite subtle(微妙的),” said masuda. “in the united states, where open

29、emotion is quite common, it makes sense to focus on the mouth, which is the most expressive feature on a persons face.”51. the text mainly tells us that _. a. cultural differences are expressed in emotionsb. culture is the key to interpreting facial emotionsc. different emoticons are preferred in di

30、fferent culturesd. people from different cultures express emotions differently52. which emoticon is used by americans to show a happy face?a. (;_;) b. :-(c. :-)d. ( )53. if a japanese wants to detect whether a smile is true or false, he will probably_. a. read the whole face b. focus on the mouthc.

31、judge by the voice d. look into the eyes54. people used to believe that _.a. some facial expressions of emotions were too complex to be recognizedb. people in the world interpreted basic emotions in different waysc. people could only recognize the facial expressions of basic emotionsd. people all ov

32、er the world understood basic emotions almost in the same waybwhen you go to st. petersburg, the number of attractions can seem large. if you are short of time, or just want to make sure to hit the highlights, these are the top must-see sights in st. petersburg.1.the hermitage museumthe hermitage mu

33、seum is one of the most important sights to see for any visitor to st. petersburg. there are lots of different paintings by the old masters in the hermitage. prepare to come face-to-face with classic western artists.2. kizhi islandkizhi island is an open-air museum of wooden architecture from the ka

34、relia region of russia. these impressive structures are made entirely without nailsthe wood fits together with joints and grooves(沟槽).3. peterhofpeterhof is as beautiful as it is fun. youll be charged for admission, but go to petethof when the fountains are workingduring the day in the summer. they

35、are shut off in winter evenings.4. the church of our savior on the spilt bloodlove it or hate it, the church of our savior on the spilt blood in st. petersburg is an wonderful must-see sight. the beautiful look may make your eyes brighten, and the painting inside the church will make you say “wow!”5

36、. the bronze horseman statuethe so-called bronze horseman is a part of russian culture and a symbol of st. petersburg. made famous by alexander pushkin, this statue of peter the great sitting on his horse can truly show peter the greats influence on the russian idea of greatness.55. if you are inter

37、ested in paintings, youd better go to _.a. peterhof and kizhi islandb. the hermitage museum and the church of our savior on the spilt bloodc. kizhi lsland and the church of our savior on the spilt bloodd. the hcrmitagee museum and peterhof56. we can learn from the passage that _.a. visitors can visi

38、t peterhof for freeb. the fountains in peterhof can be seen all year roundc. the buildings of kizhi island are made of woodd. the largest collection of russian arts is in the hermitage museum57. the main purpose of the passage is to _.a. show the wonderful history of russiab. persuade artists to stu

39、dy st. petersburgc. recommend the famous buildings in russiad. introduce the must-see sights in st. petersburg58. the underlined phrase (in para 1) “hit the highlights” means _.a. to visit the most interesting sightsb. to learn more knowledgec. to go to the high buildingsd. to save more timecare mor

40、ning people born or made? in my case it was definitely made. in my early 20s, i rarely went to bed before midnight, and i would almost always get up late the next morning.but after a while i couldnt ignore the high relationship between success and rising early. on those rare occasions where i did ge

41、t up early, i noticed that my productivity was almost always higher. so i set out to become a habitual early riser. but whenever my alarm went off, my first thought was always to stop that noise and go back to sleep. eventually some sleep research showed me that i was using the wrong strategy.the mo

42、st common wrong strategy is this: you assume that if youre going to get up earlier, youd better go to bed earlier. it sounds very reasonable, but will usually fail.there are two main schools(流派) of thought on sleep patterns. the first is that you should go to bed and get up at the same time every da

43、y. the second school says you should go to bed when youre tired and get up when you naturally wake up. however, i have found both of them are wrong if you care about productivity. if you sleep at set hours, youll sometimes go to bed when you arent sleepy enough. youre wasting time lying in bed awake

44、 and not being asleep.if your sleep is based on what your body tells you, youll probably be sleeping more than you need. also, your mornings may be less predictable if youre getting up at different times.the solution for me has been to combine both methods. i go to bed when im sleepy and get up with

45、 an alarm clock at a fixed time. so i always get up at the same time (in my case 5 am), but i go to bed at different times every night sometimes at 9:30pm, and other times at midnight. most of the time i go to bed between 10-11 pm.however, going to bed only when im sleepy, and getting up at a fixed

46、time every morning is my way. if you want to become an early riser, you can try your own.59. according to the passage, the underlined phrase refers to _.a. people who stay up until the next morningb. people who feel sleepy in the morningc. people who get up early in the morningd. people whose produc

47、tivity is the highest in the morning60. why did the author want to become a habitual early riser?a. because he / she wanted to form the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.b. because he / she wanted to see which of the two main schools of thought on sleep patterns was right.c. because h

48、e / she had found that his / her productivity was higher when he / she got up early.d. because he / she was told the high relationship between success and rising early.61. the author experienced all the following except _.a. asking scholars for advice on sleeping habitsb. getting up early occasional

49、lyc. pressing off the alarm to go on sleepingd. going to bed after midnight62. the passage is mainly about _.a. how to have good sleepb. how to become an early riserc. wrong strategies for getting up earlyd. main schools of thought on sleep patternsdwriting articles about films for the front page wa

50、s my first proper job. before then i had done bits of reviewingnovels for other newspapers, films for a magazine and anything i was asked to do for the radio. that was how i met tom seaton, the first arts editor of the front page, who had also written for television. he hired me, but tom was not pri

51、marily a journalist, or he would certainly have been more careful in choosing his staff.at first, his idea was that a team of critics should take care of the art forms that didnt require specialized knowledge: books, tv, theatre, film and radio. there would be a weekly lunch at which we would make o

52、ur choices from the artistic material that tom had decided we should cover, though there would also be guests to make the atmosphere sociable.it all felt like a bit of dream at that time: a new newspaper and i was one of the team. it seemed so unlikely that a paper could be introduced into a crowded

53、 market. it seemed just as likely that a millionaire wanted to help me personally, and was pretending to employ me. such was my lack of self-confidence.toms original scheme for a team of critics for the arts never took off. it was a good idea, but we didnt get together as planned and so everything w

54、as done by phone. it turned out, too, that the general public out there preferred to associate a reviewer with a single subject area, and so i chose film. without toms initial push, though, we would hardly have come up with the present arrangement, by which i write an extended weekly piece, usually

55、on one film.the space i am given allows me to broaden my argumentor forces me, in an uninteresting week, to make something out of nothing. but what is my role in the public arena? i assume that people choose what films to go to on the basis of the stars, the publicity or the director. so if a film r

56、eview isnt really a consumer guide, what is it? i certainly dont feel i have a responsibility to be right about a movie. nor do i think there should be a certain number of great and bad films each year. all i have to do is put forward an argument. im not a judge, and nor would i want to be.63. what

57、do we learn about tom seaton from the first paragraph?a. he encouraged the writer to become a writer.b. he met the writer when working for television.c. he had worked in various areas of the media.d. he prefers to employ people that he knows. 64. the weekly lunches were planned in order to _.a. help the writers get to know each otherb. distribute the work that had to be donec. provide an informal informa


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