1、土沃初中“先学后教,当堂训练”教学模式导学案时 间11月13日 教 师杨 郑 丽审 阅年 级九科 目英 语姓 名课 题unit 6 when was it invented?period 5 do you know when basketball was invented?课 型新 授学 习目 标knowledge objects: to learn new words and useful expressions.ability object: to learn how to use mind-map to understand and remember what they read.mor
2、e objects: to learn how to participate and co-operate in the activities.重 点难 点1. to learn how to use mind-map to understand and memorize what they read;2. to learn some useful expressions.学法指导pair work教学过程 教学过程图片导入look at the picture , and review the ball words.football; volleyball; ping-pong; tenni
3、s; baseball; badminton; basketball.teacher asks: what do you know about basketball?students talk about what they know about basketball.设问导读read the passage and complete the mind map with the information in the passage.the inventor of basketballnamethe date of birthwhat was his nationalitythe reason
4、for inventing how many players in a team 自我检测1、finish 2c complete the mind map with the information in the passage.2、whats the article mainly about ?a: how to play basketball?b: something about nba.c: the history of the basketball巩固提高history of basketballbasketball _ _ by a canadian doctor called _
5、_, he was born in1861.once he was asked to invent a new game that could be played on a _ floor indoors. he _ his class _ two teams. the _ of basketball is for players to get a ball into the _. players catch the ball, then move the ball _one end of the _while throwing. at last, they_ the ball from be
6、low the basket.学后反思:unit 6 when was it invented?period 5 do you know when basketball was invented? 一、 说教材本节内容选自新人教九年级英语unit6。新人教英语教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践能力”,发展“学习策略”。 它采用任务型语言教学(task-based language teaching)模式,融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。教材中每单元都设计一个或几个与该单元话题有关的任务,让学生在完成任务过程中,使用英语获取信
7、息,用英语进行交流,培养运用英语解决实际问题的能力。本单元围绕 “basketball”(篮球),让学生掌握本文大意及文中所包含的语言知识,并渗透“热爱体育,珍惜生命”的德育理念,增强学生的社会荣誉感及爱国主义教育。通过本课阅读教学,让学生初步掌握“mind-mapping”学习策略,学会信息与图像的转换。阅读技巧方面培养学生抓住关键词,找出中心句,划分段落层次,学会写出总结(summary),提升学生综合技能。教学目标: knowledge objects: to learn new words and useful expressions.ability object: to learn
8、how to use mind-map to understand and remember what they read.more objects: to learn how to participate and co-operate in the activities. key points : 1. to learn how to use mind-map to understand and memorize what they read;2. to learn some useful expressions.教学方式: 1.cooperative and commu
9、nicative methods(合作与交流).2.taskbased language teaching approach(任务型教学). 3.multi-media teaching(多媒体教学).二、说教学设计: 热身活动(球类图片导入)1、t: look at the picture, and review the ball words.学生回答。2、教师提问:what do you know about basketball?students talk about what they kn
10、ow about basketball。设问导读:read the passage and complete the mind map with the information in the passage.the inventor of basketballnamethe date of birthwhat was his nationalitythe reason for inventing how many players in a team 自我检测1、finish 2c complete the mind map with the information in the passage
11、.2、whats the article mainly about ?a: how to play basketball?b: something about nba.c: the history of the basketball巩固提高history of basketball三、反思通过这节课的学习,首先,实现了信息技术与学科整合,在教学设计中体现以学生为主体,发展学生的英语语言应用能力,让每个学生都参与到课堂学习中。其次,在各个任务的设计上,各个环节的设计上,我们要紧紧围绕我们的目标来展开,环环相扣,层层递进,教学过程的设计思路要清晰,要明确,教学的过程要流畅,要完整。再次,在课堂教学中,要不断渗透德育教育,文化教育,及时的表扬学生,激励学生,和学生有肢体语言的交流,让他们对学习充满自信,有兴趣去学,尽可能的去关注每一位学生,让他们在不同程度上得到提高,取得进步。另外,学生在教师引导下学会思考、学会分析、学会发现,学会表达,听、说、读、写全面落实到位真正发挥了学生的主体作用和教师主导作用。课堂上做到了全面
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