已阅读5页,还剩20页未读 继续免费阅读




1、英语听力考前串讲主讲人:寇文锦第一部分:课程介绍本课程以培养听力技能为主线,通过系统的听力专门技能的单项训练及综合训练,培养学生的快速反应、准确辩别、分析推理、归纳总结、信息处理及记录和记忆等能力。现阶段涉及内容为人们日常生活及语言交际中最常用的话题,训练重点为听电话、天气预报、时间、日期、数字、方位及信息指示等最基本的单项技能。第二部分:考试题型i. words and definitions (10%)共10小题,每题1分。ii.short conversations (30%) 共4段小对话,填空形式,共15小题,每题2分。iii. passages or longer conversa

2、tions (30%) 共3篇文章,每篇文章5小题,前2篇为单项选择,第3篇为判断正误,共15小题,每题2分。iv.spot dictation (30%)共1篇文章,30个填空,每空1分。第三部分:答题技巧1.迅速浏览题目选项拿到试卷以后,趁录音稿播放答题指示(directions)的时候,迅速浏览一遍题目选项,使自己对于考试中出现的题目类型做到心中有数,这样答题时便可根据不同题型注意不同的细节。2随题作笔记 在做题时,我们还应养成随题做笔记的习惯,记下听到的关键词,这主要有两个方面的作用:a.记下了关键词,当我们遇到一时难以判断的题时,可以等听力结束后再回过头来仔细推敲,而不用担心遗漏,

3、也不会在一题上花太多时间,因此题而影响彼题。b. 遇到内容较复杂的谈话时,记在不同选项旁的关键词可以帮助我们很快找到正确答案。例如:youll read:(a)$20 (b)$40 (c)$60 (d)$80youll hear: w:would you please tell me how much does a sweater cost?m: that depends on which one you want. the red one is 20 dollars, the blue one is 10 dollars more and the yellow one is twice as

4、 much as the blue one.q: how much does a yellow sweater cost?在此题中,当听到“20 dollars”一词时,应在a.$20这一选项旁记下衣服的颜色:red,然后在一旁可记下blue 10,而在c.$60旁可记下yellow。这样不至于混淆各种颜色的毛衣的价格,就能迅速找到答案。3注意主要信息和目的,不要试图听清每一个词注意谈话的环境,交流的主要信息和目的,不要试图听清每一个词。有些听力非常好的考生以为听力部分要得到高分,就要听懂谈话的每一个词,因而过于关注谈话中的一个个的词,因为一个词没听懂就惊慌失措,导致整句话都没听懂,甚至影响到


6、整体意思,就很容易被误导。例如:youll hear:m: registration always takes so long. w: what bothers me is all the people who cut in line.q: what bothers the woman?you will read:(a) registration.(b) when the line breaks.(c) how long the line is.(d) people who dont wait their turn.在此题中,b.,c.两项都出现了“line”一词,这是在对话中出现过的,许多考

7、生可能被误导选b.选,而实际上让女士厌烦的是 “people who cut in line”,因此(d)项“people who dont wait their turn”才是最恰当的。以上谈到的答题技巧在听短文(passages)时同样适用。在听短文时,如果先阅读选项,可以大概预知将要听到的短文是什么体裁的,主要谈及哪方面的内容,应留心哪方面的细节。而且在听短文时,尤其要注意适时记笔记,因为要在短文听完后才能听到问题,虽然可以从卷面的选项上预测某些考点,但某一题的四个选项中,可以有两个或更多的都出现在短文中,如果迅速记下关键词,某些数字及相关内容、年代等重要细节,我们解题的准确程度就会大大


9、涉及该数字的背景知识一无所知,那是无法达到听力理解的要求的。本文试图举出一些最典型、最棘手的例证,并从语言和背景知识的角度,提出怎样突破数字听力难关的若干对策,供读者参考。1大额数字 为了读写方便,英语中用逗号将4位以上的大额数字分成3位一逗的若干小节,如1,031,882,511。在听记这样的大额数字时,其对策是:(1) 在听到million和thousand之后加一个comma; (2)为了捕捉正确的数字,平素要特别注意数字的各种不同念法,比如像1100这样的数字,voa经常把它念成11hundred。下列念法都很特别,我们要经常留意:211 two eleven 103,141 one

10、hundred three thousand and one forty one 10,500,000 ten thousand a half million 17,500,000 seventeen and one half million 27,000,000,000 twenty seven thousand million 210,000,000,000 two hundred ten thousand million 2 百分数百分数 除了常规读法如5.1%读作 five point one percent 之外,还有一些特殊读法。了解这些特殊读法乃是迅速准确地对百分数做出反应的关键

11、所在。下面的例子均出自:1.5% one and one half percent 13.5% thirteen and one half percent 1.3% one and three tenth percent 0.4% four tenth one percent 3 数字零(0) 数字0一般念成zero,在电话号码里念成oh。除此之外,零还有别的念法或说法,如nil,nothing等。这些念法或说法经常出现在足球赛的比分中,听者事前须有思想准备。例如:(1) er, celtic three, manchester city nil; queens park rangers tw

12、o, motherwell united one. 前者比分为30,后者为21。(2) italy won its semi final match against poland on thursday. the score was two to nothing. 这里比分为20。4 电话号码 听记电话号码最要紧的是了解英美打电话的习惯,以便不失时机地捕捉稍纵即逝的信息。电话铃一响,英美人士便会拿起话筒“自报家门”,告知对方自己的电话号码、或是单位名称、或是自己姓名。因此,我们听有关打电话的录音时,所听到的第一个号码便是 the number called。很多听者往往不注意录音的第一句,因而

13、错过电话号码这一重要信息。下面例句中的第一个数字均为the number called:(1) 5754661.whos calling please? (2) 7896443. good morning. can i help you? 其次,我们要知道电话号码的念法。英美最常见的电话号码是7位数,一般逐个逐个地念,在第3位数后面作一短暂停顿,使之成为前3后4的格局。例如:274(pause)8553789(pause)6443在上面的两个号码中,8553可念成eight double five three, 6443可念成six double four three。但在7733298这样的

14、号码中,不可念成double seven double three two nine eight,即要遵守前3后4的规则。另外,像5553298这样的号码,前3位数一般也不念成treble five,而是five five five逐个念。至于电话的区号(area code)则很简单,美国的区号一般是3位数字。例如:(212)2711107.(212)就是区号。5 时间 听时间问几点几分一般困难不大,因为数字小,也知道怎么说。但要注意以下几种情况:(1) 说几点过几分,英国人喜欢用past,而美国人喜欢用after。如九点过十分,英国人说ten past nine,美国人却说ten after

15、 nine(2) 机场、车站使用的是24小时制,因此说几点几分而又不足10点时,往往要补上一个0。例如: lufthansa flight lh203 leaves at 0920. (读作oh nine twenty) the coach leaves for the airport at 0815.(读作 oh eight fifteen)(3) 电台报时使用的是,时间后面都加。例如: this is london, 23 hours greenwich mean time. bbc world service. this is radio australia broadcasting f

16、rom our studios in melbourne. its 9:30 hours, greenwich mean time .(4)听时间也有困难的时候。例如: at the third stroke, the time sponsored by accurist will be twelve one and fifty seconds. 上面句子中的时间是12:01:50。如果我们事先不了解这种说法,要顺利听懂并记下这个时间恐怕就成问题。(5)听时间还涉及头疼的时差问题。请看下面的例子:man: miss smith, i told dr. brown that i would ca

17、ll him in the houston office at 10 oclock their time. please find out the time difference for me so that ill know when to place the call. woman: its 2 hours earlier in houston, sir, i know without looking it up because my sister live there. question: when should the man place his call to houston? 本题

18、的正确答案是at 12 oclock。如果听者没有时差的概念,特别是对早几个小时或迟几个时糊里糊涂,往往就会选择at 8 oclock的错误答案。我们再看一个例子:guest: is that the manager?hotel manager: speaking. can i be of any assistance?guest: could you speed up your switch board a bit, please? i booked a call to brussels a good twenty minutes ago and i havent had a reply y

19、et. hotel manager: well, perhaps theyre rather busy at this time of the day. after all, we are an hour ahead of belgium.question: is the hotel in a country east of belgium or west of belgium? 答案当然是east of belgium。因为地球自西往东转, hotel这边快一个小时当在东,belgium慢一个小时则在西。6 价格的计算计算主要涉及价格。整数的加减乘除一般问题不大,但要特别小心分数和百分数的运

20、算。例如:man: our rent is now just 600month. woman: i know. its exactly one third more than it was when we first moved in. question: how much rent had been paid at first? 本题的正确答案为450。可是很多听者都会选400,这是因为没有理解比原先的房租正好多三分之一的真正含意。如果我们复算一下,就会发现600比400多了二分之一而不是三分之一。在进行价格计算的时候,我们还要注意“打几折”中外说法的差异。我们中国说打八折,是指卖商品原价的

21、80%;而英美则说打20%的折扣,即从原价中扣除20%。此外,价格的计算还涉及以下三个背景知识方面的问题:(1) 钱数的读法与写法。钱数一般照字面读。如3.35就读作three thirty five,或者three dollars thirty five(cents省读)。英镑也是如此。如3.35也读作three thirty five,或者three pounds thirty five(pence省读)。钱数的写法如上。70cents写作70;68pence写作68.(68pence也读作68.)(2) 美国货币的名称。美国的纸币(bills)都是一元以上的,统称为dollar(元)。硬

22、币(coin)单位是cent (分); 五分的叫nickel;一角的叫dime;二角五分的叫quarter;五角的叫half dollar或50cent piece。不了解这些情况,计算价格时就会一筹莫展。例如: man: id like to buy these four thanks giving cards. are they ten cents each?woman: three of them are, but that smaller one is only a nickel. question: how much were the cards al together? 本题的正确

23、答案是0.35。(3)找钱的习惯。美国人找钱的习惯也跟我国的差不多。例如你拿一张10美元的纸币买一本3.35的书,店员会先找给你一个nickel,这样就成了3.40;再给你一个dime就成了3.50;加一个50 cent piece就是4.00;再加一张一美元的纸币就是5.00,再加一张5美元的纸币就凑足了10美元。如果我们不了解这方面情况,碰上这类计算题,听到的将是一连串数字,至于对话人在说什么,则完全莫明其妙,更不用说找出正确答案了。请看下面例子;woman: here is a ten.man: thats two thirty nine for the book, and here i

24、s your change; two forty, two fifty, three four five and five makes ten. 7 温度 温度有摄氏度(the celsius或 the centigrade scale)与华氏度(the fahrenheit scale)之分。摄氏度水的冰点是零度,沸点是100°,华氏度则分别为32°和212°。以上属于常识范围。值得特别注意的是,有些人会在同一语境中既使用摄氏度又使用华氏度,例如他说,“normally winter temperatures here range between 25 and

25、40 degrees.”显然他使用的是华氏度;然而他马上又改用摄氏度接着说,“some times we have temperatures below zero.”只有有了这种思想准备,听天气预报或与外国人交谈时,我们才不致被弄糊涂。8 数字的变化 很多情况下,你所听到的数字会因其他的词语而发生变化。这一点我们要特别小心,切忌听到什么答什么,听到什么选什么。例如:(1)shes not young any more, you see, shes 78 next birthday, and its difficult for her to walk up to the top floor. q

26、uestion: how old is the woman? 明年78,今年当然就是77。听到78就答78那就错了。(3) :what sort of person are you looking for? w: oh, someone tall, dark and handsome. m: i see. and what sort of age? w: oh, mid 20s, i suppose. .答案绝非20,因为20指20 29,这个 20即指2426岁。(4) but i like my place. ive got three floors below me and three

27、above, i feel very safe. question1:on which floor does the speaker live? 答案并非三楼,而是四楼,因为其下还有三层。question2: how many stories does the apartment building have? 答曰楼高七层,因为他(她)住四楼,其上还有三层。(4)the lowest altitude in the world is the dead sea, 1,312 feet bellow sea level, or you can say minus 1,312 feet. quest

28、ion: whats the altitude of the dead sea? 答曰-1,312feet。如果我们忽略了below sea level或者minus这个关键词,将反复两遍的1,312feet当成正确答案,那就差之毫厘,谬以千里(二)场景专题在银行与银行有关的词汇bank book/pass book存折 open an account开户earn interest赚取利息 savings account储蓄存款帐户current account活期存款帐户 check/cheque account支票帐户deposit account定期存款帐户 annual interes

29、t rate年利率monthly savings account按月计息帐户 daily interest account按天计息帐户instant account速成户头 service charge服务费/手续费signature card签名卡 draw/withdraw提款 order check/cheque记名支票 rubber check/cheque空头支票blank check/cheque空白支票 exchange rate汇率denomination=face value面额 four in hundred四张一百元面额give the money in fives/te

30、ns换成五元或十元面额bill钞票 change零钱cash现金 password/code密码amount in figures小写金额 amount in words大写金额credit card信用卡 the balance of your bank account帐户余额 travelers check/chque旅行支票 coin硬币penny便士 nickel(美、加)的五分硬币dime(美、加)的十分硬币 unit 货币单位value/worth面值 ounce盎司1/16磅commercial/merchant bank商业银行 full refund全额偿还extension

31、延期 overdraw/overdraft透支rebate回扣 mortgage抵押expense account公款支付帐户a princely sum(an excessive amount)巨款debt债务 collateral担保物fill out/in填写 chquebook/checkbook支票簿loan贷款 joint account联名帐户by installment分期付款 cashier收银员teller银行职员 statement对帐单money order汇票 accountant会计 a.t.m自动取款机automatic teller machinevoucher

32、凭单、小票cash withdrawal现金提取account inquiry帐户查询icbc中国工商银行transaction交易示范对话1a:excuse me.is this the business department of icbc?b:yes.what banking services are you looking for?a:i want to make a deposit at your bank.b:would you like fixed deposit or current deposit?a:current one.b:all right.i can help yo

33、u with that.2a:nice to see you again.how can i help you?b:i want to put some money into my account.a:how much do you want to deposit?b:2,000 rmb yuan.a:please fill out a deposit slip.write down your name and the amount of deposit.b:okay.a:would you please pass me your passbook with the deposit slip?

34、b:here you are.3a:hello!i'd like to deposit some foreign currency.b:which currency do you have?a:us dollars.b:how much do you want to deposit?a:1,000 us dollars.b:fixed deposit or current deposit?a:fixed one.b:how long are you going to deposit your money?a:one year.b : that's okay.ill do tha

35、t for you now.4a:hello!i am a customer of your bank.b:i'm glad to see you.is there anything i can do for you?a:yes.i got my telephone bill yesterday.i'm afraid  i have got no money in my account.b:let me take a look at your account.your account number ,please?a:it's 364585.b:your na

36、me,please?a:my name is carter.b:well.your balance shows 6, you will have to deposit more money into your account.a:yes.i'll put 100 yuan in my account.is that enough?b:that's enough.5a:can i help you?b:yes.i want to deposit some money into my peony card account.a:would you mind passing me yo

37、ur money with your card?b:here you are.a:how much are you going to deposit?b:500 rmb yuan.a:500 rmb yuan.that's right.please enter your password.b:is that all right.a:tt's passed.here is your peony card with the check slip.please check it.b:no problem.(三)天气预报词汇补充am clouds / pm sun=上午有云/下午后晴

38、am showers=上午阵雨 am snow showers=上午阵雪 am t-storms=上午雷暴雨 clear=晴朗 cloudy=多云 cloudy / wind=阴时有风 clouds early / clearing late=早多云/晚转晴 drifting snow=飘雪 drizzle=毛毛雨 dust=灰尘 fair=晴 few showers=短暂阵雨 few snow showers=短暂阵雪 few snow showers / wind=短暂阵雪时有风 fog=雾 haze=薄雾 hail=冰雹 heavy rain=大雨 heavy rain icy=大冰雨

39、heavy snow=大雪 heavy t-storm=强烈雷雨 isolated t-storms=局部雷雨 light drizzle=微雨 light rain=小雨 light rain shower=小阵雨 light rain shower and windy=小阵雨带风 light rain with thunder=小雨有雷声 light snow=小雪 light snow fall=小降雪 light snow grains=小粒雪 light snow shower=小阵雪 lightening=雷电 mist=薄雾 mostly clear=大部晴朗 mostly cl

40、oudy=大部多云 mostly cloudy/ windy=多云时阴有风 mostly sunny=晴时多云 partly cloudy=局部多云 partly cloudy/ windy=多云时有风 pm rain / wind=下午小雨时有风 pm light rain=下午小雨 pm showers=下午阵雨 pm snow showers=下午阵雪 pm t-storms=下午雷雨 rain=雨 rain shower=阵雨 rain shower/ windy=阵雨/有风 rain / snow showers=雨或阵雪 rain / snow showers early=下雨/早

41、间阵雪 rain / wind=雨时有风 rain and snow=雨夹雪 scattered showers=零星阵雨 scattered showers / wind=零星阵雨时有风 scattered snow showers=零星阵雪 scattered snow showers / wind=零星阵雪时有风 scattered strong storms=零星强烈暴风雨 scattered t-storms=零星雷雨 showers=阵雨 showers early=早有阵雨 showers late=晚有阵雨 showers / wind=阵雨时有风 showers in the

42、 vicinity=周围有阵雨 smoke=烟雾 snow=雪 snow / rain icy mix=冰雨夹雪 snow and fog=雾夹雪 snow shower=阵雪 snowflakes=雪花 sunny=阳光 sunny / wind=晴时有风 sunny day=晴天 thunder=雷鸣 thunder in the vicinity=周围有雷雨 t-storms=雷雨 t-storms early=早有持续雷雨 t-storms late=晚有持续雷雨 windy=有风 windy / snowy=有风/有雪 windy rain=刮风下雨 wintry mix=雨雪混合天

43、气预报范文 well, as you can see from the weather map, there's varied weather activity across the united states and canada today. let's start with the west coast, where it's raining from british columbia down to northern california. the high in seattle will be 50 degrees. southern california w

44、ill be in better shape todaythey'll have sunny skies and warmer temperatures. we're looking for a high of 78 degrees in san diego. the mid-west will be having clear but windy weather. oklahoma city will see a high of 65 and sunny skies, with very strong winds. down in houston we're looki

45、ng for cloudy skies and a high of 69. over to the east in miami we expect the thermometer to reach 64 degrees, but it'll be cloudy and quite windy. up in the northeast, it looks like winter just won't let go! new york city will be having another day of heavy rains, high winds, and cold temperatures, with a high of only 35 degrees expected. further north in montreal it's even colder28 degrees, with


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