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1、 Unit 3Section A(1)Could you please clean your room?new words.垃圾垃圾 n.倒垃圾倒垃圾折叠折叠 v.打扫打扫 v.地板地板 n.杂乱杂乱 n.扔、掷扔、掷 v.频繁频繁 也不也不 adv.衬衫衬衫 n.rubbishtake out the rubbishfold sweepfloormessall the timeneithershirt过去式:过去式:sweptnew words 一一 就就 给、递、走过给、递、走过 v 借用借用 v. 借给借给 v. 手指手指 n. 厌恶厌恶 n. 杂务杂务 n. 当当 时候时候 conj.

2、 点心点心 n. 精神压力精神压力 n. as soon as pass borrow lend 过去式过去式 lent finger hate chore while snack stress Do you know these chores? do the dishessweep the floorfold your clothes clean the living room打扫起居室打扫起居室make your bedtake out the rubbish= take the rubbish out动副词组用法:动副词组用法:名词放两边,代词只可放中间名词放两边,代词只可放中间做家务做

3、家务洗餐具洗餐具do the dishes倒垃圾倒垃圾叠你的衣服叠你的衣服扫地扫地整理床铺整理床铺打扫起居室打扫起居室sweep the floorfold your clothesmake your bedtake out the rubbishclean the living room挑战自我! Peter, could you please take out the trash?-Peter, could you please take out the rubbish?-Sure, Mum.=Of course/certainly Kimi, could you please make

4、your bed?Sure./Of course/certainly/Of course/Certainly.Could you please fold your clothes?Sure.Summary1.Could you please fold your clothes? could是情态动词是情态动词can的过去式,但在本句中的过去式,但在本句中Could you do?不表示过去不表示过去,用以表示礼貌,用以表示礼貌,委婉或不确定的语气。委婉或不确定的语气。对对Could you/I ?问句的问句的肯定回答常用肯定回答常用Sure/Certainly/Of course.否定回答常用

5、否定回答常用Sorry/Oh,please dont.一般不用一般不用NO开头,用开头,用No显得态度生硬,不礼貌显得态度生硬,不礼貌例如;例如;Could you help me?-Shitou, could you please clean the living room?Sorry ,I cant. Could you please do the dishes?Sorry , I cant. Sure.Cindy, could you please sweep the floor?/Of course/certainly Could you please sweep the floor?

6、 你能扫一下地吗?你能扫一下地吗?Could you please后加后加_.表示委婉的请表示委婉的请求。求。肯定回答常用肯定回答常用_否定回答常用否定回答常用_ 一般不用一般不用NO开头,用开头,用No显得态度生硬,不礼貌显得态度生硬,不礼貌动词原形动词原形Sure/Certainly/Of course.注注:could是情态动词是情态动词can的过去式,但在本句中的过去式,但在本句中Could you do?不表示过去,用以表示礼貌,委不表示过去,用以表示礼貌,委婉或不确定的语气。婉或不确定的语气。Sorry, I cant.我要总结: Can you guess : What chor

7、e is he/she doing? take out the rubbish.clean the living roomfold the clothesListen. What kinds of chores do Peter and his mother do? Check ().Chores Peters mother Peter do the dishessweep the floortake out the rubbishmake the bed fold the clothesclean the living room 1b1c :Role play the conversatio

8、nA: Could you please sweep the floor?B: Yes, sure. Can you do the dishes?A: Well, could you please do them? I m going to clean the living room.B: No problem. A: Could you please B: Sure./Of course./ certainly. Could you please A: Sure./Of course./ certainly. /Sorry, I cant.do the dishes sweep the fl

9、oor fold your clothes clean the living room take out the rubbish make your bed 1.Could you please后加后加_.表示委婉的请表示委婉的请求。求。 你能你能吗?吗?肯定回答常用肯定回答常用_否定回答常用否定回答常用_2.表示家务的短语。表示家务的短语。 动词原形动词原形Sure/Certainly/Of course.Sorry, I cant.Summary Exercises 1 My part-time job is to wash the _(盘子) 2 Can you _(折叠)your cl

10、othes? 3 Jim ,could you please _ _ _ (整理你的床铺) 4 My house isnt big, so we often have meals in the _ (live) room 5 I have a cold. You are near the window. _ please close it? -OK.You should look after yourself A Could I B Can I C Could you D Can youdishesfoldmake your bedlivingC Homework 1“ Tom, f_ you

11、r coat and put it away” Mother said2 Could you please s_ the floor and make it clean?3 I do the d_ after meals every day4. He s_ the floor yesterday.5 Could you help me clean the living room?(作肯定回答和否定回答) _, _ _,_6 Mr. Wang would like two _to eat A dish B dishes C the dish D the dishes Work on 与work

12、outWork on正在使用正在使用从事于从事于Im going to work on it now .Work out 算出,制定出算出,制定出He worked on the maths problem last night,but didnt work it out. a few 少数;几个 修饰可数名词 表肯定 few 几乎没有的;很少的 修饰可数名词复数 表否定 a little 一点;少许 修饰不可数名词,表肯定 little 几乎没有的;很少的 修饰不可数名词,表否定help out with sth 给予帮助给予帮助You always watch TV and never h

13、elp out around the house.any minute now 随时随时 马上马上The guests are arriving any time now but we are still not ready.Because she never helps out around the house.Yes, they did.Nancy said sorry to her mother ,and she understood to share the housework with her mother.1 For a week , she did not do any hous

14、ework and neither did I . The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom come over. I m just as tired as you are.question强调于学习上的问题和科学方面问题,强调于学习上的问题和科学方面问题, eg:answer the questionproblem 强调于生活上的东西,比如借东西,对方说强调于生活上的东西,比如借东西,对方说NO problemas.as.与。一样与。一样 同级比较同级比较neither conj. 也不也不 pron. 两者都不两者都不He isnt

15、coming here, neither am I .Neither of them knows English.Nor/neither +be/助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词+主语主语某人也不是如此某人也不是如此.So +be/助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词+主语主语某人也是如此某人也是如此 neither.nor. 既不.也不 eg:Neither you nor I am right. 2. 他喜欢读他喜欢读书,我也是书,我也是He likes reading very much. So do I .3. 我从来没有去过广州大学,他也是我从来没有去过广州大学,他也是 I have nev

16、er been to Guangzhou University, neither/ nor has he.as soon as 一.就.,引导时间状语从句。 这个短语用的比较常用,口语和书面语都可以。它的特点是,在句子中的位置比较灵活,而且可以用于各种时态。例如: Ill write you as soon as I get there. 我一到那儿就给你来信。(一般现在时) As soon as I went in, Kate cried out with pleasure. 我一进门,Kate 就高兴的叫起来。(一般过去时) Ill return the book as soon as I

17、 have read it.我一读完就把书还回去。(现在完成时) Amy left as soon as he had drunk his coffee. Amy一喝完咖啡就走了。(过去完成时)4.Two hours of TV is enough for you.两个小时的电视对你是足够的。两个小时的电视对你是足够的。Ten years is a long time. 5. in surprise 吃惊地吃惊地 surprise un. 惊奇;惊讶惊奇;惊讶 cn.令人惊奇的事物令人惊奇的事物I looked at him in great surprise because he chang

18、ed so much.I have a surprise for you. in front of就是指在某物的前方。 in the front of是指在某物的内部靠前的地方。 比如Sit in the front of the classroom. 指坐在教室前排的。 Sit in front of the classroom指坐在教室前面(教室外面的前面。)daceb lend “借给;借出” 表示“把某物借给某人”,英语用lend sth to sb borrow“借进;借入” 表示“向某人借某物”,英语用borrow sth from sb keep 做“借”讲时,是延续性动词,通常

19、表示借了某物多长时间,常与表示一段时间的时间状语连用doCouldhelpCouldfoldCouldpleasecan1. Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure./ Of course/ Certainly.2.Could you please do the dishes? Sorry/ No, I cant. Could youCould you(pleaseplease)+ + V V- -原形原形? 表示委婉地提出表示委婉地提出请求请求I have a headache.Im very busy. I have to do my hom

20、ework.2) Would you like to do sth?3 ) Shall I/we do sth?4 ) Lets do sth.也可表示请求。也可表示请求。 1) Would you mind cleaning your room ? Could I stay out late? Could I please use the car?Sorry, you cant. I have to go to a meeting.Could I please get a ride? No, you have a test tomorrow.Yes, you can. 3. could与与c

21、an的区别的区别 could与与can都是情态动词,都是情态动词,could是是can的过去式。二者的过去式。二者都可用于都可用于 表示请求。但是用法稍有不同。表示请求。但是用法稍有不同。 can表示一般性的请求,语气随便,常用于熟人之间或长表示一般性的请求,语气随便,常用于熟人之间或长辈对辈,辈对辈, 上级对下级的场合;上级对下级的场合; Can you tell us your story , Tony ? could表示有礼貌的请求,语气委婉,常用于非熟表示有礼貌的请求,语气委婉,常用于非熟人之间或晚辈对长辈,下级对上级的场合。人之间或晚辈对长辈,下级对上级的场合。 Could you

22、tell us if it snows in winter in Australia ? Sure . 单项选择。单项选择。1. - Could you please take care of my dog? - _. Im too busy. A. Yes, you can B. Sure C. Sorry, I cantC2. - Could you please _ his bed? - Certainly! A. makes B. making C. make3. - Could I use your car? - _. A. Sure, you can B. Sorry, you c

23、an C. Sure, I canCA4. Could you help _? A. making the bed B. make the bed C. made the bedBQ1: Do you help your parents do the chores at home?Q2: Do you ask your parents permission for?Q3: Do your parents ask you to do some things for them?What do your parents ask you to do?study harddo choresgo to t

24、he store/supermarket to buy things for themWhat do you ask your parents permission for?buy drinks and snacksinvite friends to a partyn.点心点心; 小吃小吃; 快餐快餐What do teenagers ask their parents permission for? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write parents or teenagers next to each phrase. 1a 1.

25、buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean your room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6. use your CD player 7. take out the rubbish 8. make your bedteenagersteenagersteenagersparentsteenagersparentsparentsteenagersParent: Could you clean your room? Child: Yes, I can.U

26、se the phrases in 1a to make conversations.1bChild: Could I invite my friends to a party? Parent: No, you cant have a party. You have a test on Monday. clean your room take out the rubbish make your bedParent: Could you please? Child: Yes, sure. / Sorry, I cant. I have to . buy some drinks and snack

27、s borrow some money go to the storeChild: Could I ? Parent: Yes, you can. / No, you cant. You . invite my friends to a party use your CD playerListen to a conversation between Sandy and her mom. Check ( ) the things in 1a that you hear.1c 1. buy some drinks and snacks 2. borrow some money 3. clean y

28、our room 4. invite my friends to a party 5. go to the store 6. use your CD player 7. take out the rubbish 8. make your bedListen again. Fill in the chart.1dWhat are they going to do?Sandys momSandyinvite her friendsSandy and Davebuy some drinks and snacksmove the big chairs to the bedroom clean the

29、living roomborrow some moneyclean her roomuse her moms CD playerYou are having a party. Ask your partner for help with these things:1ego to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the rubbishA: Would like to come to my birthday party?B: Yes, Id love to./Sorry, I

30、cant. I have toA: Could you please take out the rubbish?B: Yes, sure./No, I cant. I have to doA: Could you please buy drinks and snacks?B: Yes, sure./No, I cant. I have to doA: Could you please do the dishes?B: Yes, sure./No, I cant. I have to doDiscuss the questions with your partner.1. What do you

31、 often do to help your parents at home?2. Do you think kids should help out with chores at home?2astress n. 精神压力精神压力; 心理负担心理负担waste n. 浪费浪费; 垃圾垃圾 v. 浪费浪费; 滥用滥用depend v. 依靠依靠; 依赖依赖develop v. 发展发展; 壮大壮大fairness n.公正性公正性; 合理性合理性since conj. 因为因为; 既然既然 prep., conj. & adv. 从从以后以后; 自自以来以来neighbor(= nei

32、ghbour) n. 邻居邻居drop v. 落下落下; 掉下掉下The Sunday Mail magazine invited parents to write about whether they think young people should do chores at home. Skim(略读)(略读) the following letters. Which one agrees and which one disagrees?2bSkimming 意为意为“快速掠过,从中提取最快速掠过,从中提取最容易取得的精华容易取得的精华”。这种读法包含有原。这种读法包含有原词的所有意思词

33、的所有意思快速读过去,快速读过去,取出读取出读物中关键性的东西物中关键性的东西。因此,我们可以把。因此,我们可以把这种读法理解为快速浏览课文,领会文这种读法理解为快速浏览课文,领会文章大意。一般而言,通过标题可知道文章大意。一般而言,通过标题可知道文章的主题。章的主题。对文章的首段和末段要多加对文章的首段和末段要多加注意注意,以便发现作者的观点。,以便发现作者的观点。阅读策略阅读策略Answer the questions.1. What is Ms. Millers opinion?She thinks doing chores is parents job.He thinks its im

34、portant for children to do chores and help their parents with housework.2. What is Mr. Smiths opinion?According to Ms. Miller and Mr. Smith, what are the pros and cons about kids doing chores?Pros支持支持Cons反对反对Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence.Housework is a waste of childrens time.

35、Parents should provide a clean and comfortableenvironment at home for their children.Doing chores helps children understand the idea of fairness.2cI. 完成句子,每空词数不限。完成句子,每空词数不限。1. Ms. Miller thinks children should spend their time on schoolwork in order to _ _.2. Mr. Smith thinks these days children de

36、pend on _.Read the letters again and finish the following tasks. get good grades and get into a good universitytheir parents too muchII. 判断正判断正(T)误误(F)。( )3. Ms. Miller thinks doing chores is not difficult.( )4. Mr. Smiths neighbors son looked after himself well during his first year in the college.

37、TF I dont understand why some parents I dont understand 后后宾语从句宾语从句(陈述语序陈述语序) eg. I dont understand what hes saying. make sb. do sth. 让让/使某人做使某人做 (let 和和have同样用法同样用法) sb. + be+made to do sth. 某人被要求做某事某人被要求做某事(to恢复)恢复) eg. The boss made the workers work 10 hours every day. = The workers were made to w

38、ork 10 hours every day.2.A waste of浪费浪费 waste n./v. eg. Its a waste of time .3.In order to get good grades and get intoIn order to 表示目的表示目的后加短语后加短语 否定形式否定形式 In order (not) to In order that+ 目的状语从句目的状语从句 eg. I got up early this morning in order that I could catch the early bus.4.There is no need for

39、sb. to do sth. 做某事对于某人而言是没有必要的。做某事对于某人而言是没有必要的。5.It is the parents job to provide a clean and comfortable environment .此处代词此处代词it为为形式主语形式主语, 真正的主语真正的主语是是to provide for their children。It is ones job /duty (职责职责) to do something.视为固定的句型视为固定的句型 “做某事是某人的工作做某事是某人的工作(职责职责等等)”。 eg: Its every teachers job t

40、o explain things clearly to the students.把东西给学生讲明白是每一位老师应做的事情。把东西给学生讲明白是每一位老师应做的事情。provide v. “ 提供提供,供应供应”provide sb. with sth.或或provide sth. for sb. “为某人提供某物为某人提供某物”。 eg. 他们提供给他钱和衣服。他们提供给他钱和衣服。 They provided him with money and clothes. They provided money and clothes for him.6. And anyway, I think

41、doing chores is not so difficult.反正我觉得干点家务也不难。反正我觉得干点家务也不难。anyway adv. “反正反正; 仍然仍然; 依然依然” 若位于句首若位于句首, 有逗号将其其他内容隔开有逗号将其其他内容隔开,追加评论的作用追加评论的作用Sam didnt get the job, but hes not unhappy because it didnt pay well anyway.萨姆没有得到那份工作萨姆没有得到那份工作, 但他并没有闷闷不但他并没有闷闷不乐乐, 反正薪酬也不算高。反正薪酬也不算高。anyway还可用来表示还可用来表示“不管怎样不管

42、怎样; 无论如何无论如何”之意。之意。例如例如:Its just a cold. But anyway, you should still see the doctor.这只不过是感冒这只不过是感冒, 但不管怎样但不管怎样, 你还是应该看你还是应该看看医生。看医生。7. ill & sick相同点相同点ill 与与sick 都可以表示都可以表示“生病的生病的”,都可,都可作表语。作表语。如:如:Alice was ill / sick yesterday.不同点不同点表示表示“生病生病”时,时,sick 可作定语,但可作定语,但ill 通常不作定语。通常不作定语。如:如:Could y

43、ou help the sick girl?8. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future. 孩子们越早学会独立孩子们越早学会独立, 对他们的未来就越好。对他们的未来就越好。 “the+adj.比较级比较级+, the+adj.比较级比较级+”是英语中一个常用的句型结构是英语中一个常用的句型结构, 表表示示“越越, 就越就越”。如如: The more he explained, the better we understood. 他解释得越多他解释得越多, 我们就理解得越透彻。我们就

44、理解得越透彻。2dWrite one sentence with each phrase from the letters.1. a waste of time Its a waste of time to water the garden when it is raining. 2. there is no need for to There is no need for you to go to the town. 3. do not mind I do not mind sweeping the floor.4. spend time on I spent half of an hour

45、 on my homework.5. in order to He worked very hard in order to get the job. 6. it is not enough to It is not enough to clean up the parks.7. the earlierthe better The earlier you give up smoking, the better it is for your health.1. Which letter do you agree with? Why?2. What would you say to the per

46、son who wrote the letter you dont agree with?【运用】根据句意,用【运用】根据句意,用ill或或sick填空。填空。(1) The driver sent the _ baby to the hospital.(2) My brother is _. I have to look after him at home.ill / sicksickI. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句 中所缺单词。中所缺单词。 1. He was i_ but nobody took him to the hospital. 2. If

47、you dont study hard, your grades will d_. 3. I like Old Henry because he often p_ us with hot water.illdropprovides4. We can d_ on him for help.5. Mother thinks playing computer games is a w_ of time.II. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当 形式填空。形式填空。1. He _(develop) a farm from nothing.2. In fact, youn

48、g people have too much _ (stress) today.wastedependdevelopedstress3. He didnt mind _(help) me with my English.4. Mr. Li and Mr. Wang are both my _ (neighbor).5. Why did the man make the little boy _(carry) water?carryhelpingneighborsDo you think children should do some chores at home? Why or why not

49、? Discuss this with a partner and take notes.Children should do chores becauseChildren should not do chores becauseWrite a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion.Dear Sir or Madam,I think /believe that _.I agree/disagree that _.I think it is fair/unfair for children to _.I think children

50、 should/should not _because _.For example, they should/should not _because _.Yours truly,_1. 信头:信头:发信人地址和日期。发信人地址和日期。有时可省去发信人地址,但一般要写日期。有时可省去发信人地址,但一般要写日期。放在信纸的右上方。放在信纸的右上方。2. 称呼:称呼:对收信人的尊称。对收信人的尊称。常用常用Dear,后用名字,而,后用名字,而Mr,Mrs,Miss后不能单独用名字,而是姓或姓与名,如:后不能单独用名字,而是姓或姓与名,如:John Smith的称呼,是的称呼,是Mr Smith,Mr John Smith或或 D


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