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1、contact us qq:84749946how to prepare the titletech & belieftech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946the title will be read by thousands of people. perhaps few people will read the entire paper.an improperly titled paper may be virtually lost and never reach its intended audience.tech & beliefc

2、ontact us qq:84749946v lengthv specificv syntaxv abbreviations & jargonv series titles & hanging titletech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946v length of the titletoo short & too longtech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946too short studies on brucella“study”:分类学,遗传学,生物化学,还是医学?tech & b

3、eliefcontact us qq:84749946too long on the addition to the method of microscopic research by a new way of producing colour-contrast between an object and its backgound or between definite parts of the object itself标题太过冗长,没有提供足量的信息,也没有专业术语。与其说是标题,不如说是摘要,但遗憾的是,也不是一篇好的摘要tech & beliefcontact us qq:8

4、4749946标题标题适宜适宜长度:长度:普通论文一般为1015个汉字或1222个英文单词,学位论文可稍长一些。美国新英格兰医学杂志在稿约中规定:“必要时给目录写一个限制在75个字母之间的短题”。若能用1行文字表达,就尽量不要用2 行(超过2行有可能会削弱读者的印象)tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946waste word: 无用的、多余的起首语aanthe study on research on observation oninvestigation on tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946a novel

5、 immunoregulatory function for il-23: inhibition of il-12 dependent ifn- productionthe effects of group 1 versus group 2 carbapenems on imipenem- resistant pseudomon as aeruginosa: an ecological studytech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946discussion on several academic problems in the book the moder

6、n history of chinese paper money 中国近代纸币史中几个学术问题的探讨。several questions in modern history of chinese banknotes tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946most titles that are too short because they include general rather than specific terms.tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946v need for specific titles“

7、action of antibiotics on bacteria”bacteria: mycobacterium tuberculosis, gram-positive bacteria, plant-pathogenic bacteria;antibiotics: streptomycin, various antifungal antibiotics;action: inhibition of growth. tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946为确保题名的含义准确,应尽量避免使用非定量的、含义不为确保题名的含义准确,应尽量避免使用非定量的、含义

8、不明的词,如明的词,如rapid,new等;并力求用词具有专指性,恰等;并力求用词具有专指性,恰当反映所研究的范围和深度。当反映所研究的范围和深度。succination of keap1 and activation of nrf2-dependent antioxidant pathways in fh-deficient papillary renal cell carcinoma type 2.(这里专指二型)(这里专指二型)androgen receptor gene expression in prostate cancer is directly(直接抑制,准确性)(直接抑制,准

9、确性)suppressed by the androgen receptor through recruitment of lysine-specific demethylase 1tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946v importance of syntax标题结构标题结构用词特点用词特点词序问题词序问题tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946 学术文章的标题主要有三种结构:学术文章的标题主要有三种结构:名词性标题名词性标题(包括动名词包括动名词)介词性标题介词性标题名词名词+介词性标题介词性标题tech &a

10、mp; beliefcontact us qq:84749946名词词组(包括动名词)名词词组(包括动名词)bypass, circulatory arrest, and pulmonary endarterectomy介词词组介词词组towards risk reduction in non-cardiac surgery名词词组名词词组+介词词组介词词组in vivo identification of tumor-suppressive pten cernas in an oncogenic braf-induced mouse model of melanomainteraction

11、between differentiating cell- and niche-derived signals in hematopoietic progenitor maintenancetech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946标题中较少出现动词,如果出现动词也多为分词、动名词的标题中较少出现动词,如果出现动词也多为分词、动名词的形式。形式。a large intergenic noncoding rna induced (过去分词)(过去分词)by p53 mediates global gene repression in the p53 respo

12、nse.virus-induced gene silencing(动名词)(动名词) in plantstech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946the title of a paper is a label. it normally is not a sentence.由于题名比句子简短, 并且无需主、谓、宾, 因此词序就也变得尤为重要。如果词语间的修饰关系使用不当, 就会影响读者正确理解题名的真实含意。faulty word ordertech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946cars blamed for pollu

13、tion by scientist科学家造成的污染归罪于汽车科学家造成的污染归罪于汽车cars blamed by scientist for pollution科学家将污染归罪于汽车科学家将污染归罪于汽车 早起肝癌切除术早起肝癌切除术factors influencing primary liver cancer resection survival rate.这种简单的名词堆砌很容易引起歧义这种简单的名词堆砌很容易引起歧义factors influencing survival rate after resection of primary liver cancer.tech &

14、beliefcontact us qq:84749946在题名中使用垂悬分词(如在题名中使用垂悬分词(如using等)时应十分小心。其潜在等)时应十分小心。其潜在的主语应是研究者的主语应是研究者, 而不是研究对象。而不是研究对象。isolation of antigens from monkeys using complement-fixation techniques. 猴子使用了补体结合技术。猴子使用了补体结合技术。using complement-fixation techniques in isolation of antigens from monkeys。利用补体结合技术分离猴抗原

15、。利用补体结合技术分离猴抗原。tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946determination of bupropion(安非他酮) using liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection in pharmaceutical preparations, human plasma and human urineusing real options to compare the economics of nuclear power and wind power with electricity from

16、 natural gastech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946assertive sentence title 肯定句題目 is 会展示强烈的主张。the p21 cdk-interacting protein cip1 is a potent inhibitor of g1 cyclin-dependent kinasesp21 cdk作用蛋白是是g1细胞周期依赖性蛋白激酶的强抑制剂。cell 1993 75(4): 805-816 被引3247次.tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946题目应该能够反映出文章所阐

17、述的侧重点:题目应该能够反映出文章所阐述的侧重点:validation and comparison of models to predict non-sentinel lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients. 侧重于表明研究目的和内容侧重于表明研究目的和内容研究结论研究结论tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946研究对象、内容、方法研究对象、内容、方法tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946v abbreviations & jargontitles s

18、hould almost never contain abbreviations, chemical formulas, proprietary(rather than generic) names, jargon, and the like.tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946假设:假设:在一个新概念产生的初期,文章的标题倾向于用在一个新概念产生的初期,文章的标题倾向于用全称全称。随着概念的普及,在标题中使用随着概念的普及,在标题中使用缩略语缩略语的比例会上升。的比例会上升

19、。tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946199119911993199319951995199619962005200520062006totaltotal1 11 11 11 13 31 1zinc finger nucleasezinc finger nuclease1 11 11 11 13 31 1zfnzfn0 00 00 00 00 00 0200720072008200820092009201020102011201120122012totaltotal1 12 26 6131320207 7zinc finger nucleasezinc

20、 finger nuclease1 12 25 5121219194 4zfnzfn0 00 01 11 11 13 3tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946targeted gene addition to a predetermined site in the human genome using a zfn-based nicking enzyme. a zfn/piggybac step closer to autologous liver cell therapy.

21、her2+ breast cancer therapy: by cpp-zfn mediated targeting of mtor? positive results with autologous transplant of zfn-modified cd4 t-cells: a step toward a practical, functional cure for hiv. tech & beliefcontact us qq:84749946v hanging title内容层次很多的情况下,如果难以简短化,最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法,副题名起补充、阐明作用,可起到很好的效果。importance of replication in microarray gene expression stud


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