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1、 cycles cycle helmet cycle bagscycle computer mountain bike shoe1. _for the future. Italianframe and Japanesecomponents. Standard model: $1 599. Deluxe model: $1 899. Available in green andyellow.3. The ideal _for both long and shortcycle tours. Man-madesoles, leather uppers.Available in white orgre

2、y.Size 37 47. $109.5. Classic range with ahigh-tech image. This_ is suitable for all ages. $399 cycles cycle helmet cycle bagscycle computer mountain bike shoe2 . E a s y t o u s e _ with large display. Functions: trip timetrip distance-speedaverage speed-clocktemperature. $1394. All-purpose range o

3、f_.This budget range ismanufactured in nylonwith a choice of twofashionable colours.$5196. The safety _ for young cyclists. Suitable for children from 6 years. Colours: white.Weight 225g. $59.Are these statements about the Tulip dc true (T) or false (F)?1. The Tulip dc is smaller than the computers

4、of similar type. 2. It is not as fast as similar computers. 3. It is more reliable than the competition. 4. Service and support is included in the price. 5. The Deskpro Model 40 isnt as cheap as the Tulip dc. 6. The PS/2 is more expensive than the Tulip dc.长句的翻译长句的翻译(1)(1):顺译法。:顺译法。 英汉两种语言的句子结构有不同的特


6、横生的从而形成枝杈横生的“参天大树参天大树”。 翻译英语长句时,首先要通过句法分析弄清原句的基本结构,翻译英语长句时,首先要通过句法分析弄清原句的基本结构,判断出句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句,并找出句子的主要成判断出句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句,并找出句子的主要成分。还要进一步弄清主要成分和修饰成分之间的种种关系,判断分。还要进一步弄清主要成分和修饰成分之间的种种关系,判断出各修饰成分的归属以及句中代词所指代的对象。在正确分析和出各修饰成分的归属以及句中代词所指代的对象。在正确分析和理解原文的基础上,翻译时还要注意运用恰当的汉理解原文的基础上,翻译时还要注意运用恰当的汉语表达手段使译文通顺

7、、达意。语表达手段使译文通顺、达意。 汉语的表达习惯是多用小句子,多用较短的前置修饰语,词汉语的表达习惯是多用小句子,多用较短的前置修饰语,词序相对稳定并通常按时间顺序或逻辑顺序来安排词语和句子的先序相对稳定并通常按时间顺序或逻辑顺序来安排词语和句子的先后位置。因此,在翻译英语长句时通常可采用后位置。因此,在翻译英语长句时通常可采用“断句断句”和和“变序变序”的方法。如果原句所叙述的一连串动作基本上按动作发生的时间的方法。如果原句所叙述的一连串动作基本上按动作发生的时间先后安排或原句的内容按逻辑关系安排时,翻译时则可按照原文先后安排或原句的内容按逻辑关系安排时,翻译时则可按照原文顺序译出。例如

8、:顺序译出。例如:Four scores and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.87年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上创立了一个新的国家,它孕年前,我们的先辈们在这个大陆上创立了一个新的国家,它孕育于自由之中,奉行所有人生来平等的原则。育于自由之中,奉行所有人生来平等的原则。The statement decl

9、ared that the international order must be changed or the gap between developed and developing countries would continue to widen.声明宣称国际经济秩序必须改变,否则发达国家与发展中国家之声明宣称国际经济秩序必须改变,否则发达国家与发展中国家之间的差距将继续加大。间的差距将继续加大。The United Nations Secretary General says he is sure the Security Council will approve the agree

10、ment with Iraq about UN arms inspectors.联合国秘书长说他确信安理会会批准与伊拉克达成的有关联合国联合国秘书长说他确信安理会会批准与伊拉克达成的有关联合国武器核查人员的协议。武器核查人员的协议。1. For these forms of pollution as for all the others, the destructive chain of cause and effect goes back to a prime cause: too many cars, too many factories, too many detergents, too

11、 many pesticides, more and more trails left by supersonic jets, inadequate methods for disinfecting sewers, too little water, too much carbon monoxide.这些形式的污染像所有其它形式的污染一样,其破坏性的因果这些形式的污染像所有其它形式的污染一样,其破坏性的因果关系链可归根于一个主要的原因:太多的汽车,太多的工厂,关系链可归根于一个主要的原因:太多的汽车,太多的工厂,太多的洗涤剂,太多的杀虫剂,越来越多的喷气式飞机留下的太多的洗涤剂,太多的杀虫剂,

12、越来越多的喷气式飞机留下的尾气,不足的污水消毒处理方法,太少的水源,太多的一氧化尾气,不足的污水消毒处理方法,太少的水源,太多的一氧化碳。碳。2. Fossil fuels emit another 5.2 billion metric tons of CO2 into the air each year, while the burning of tropical forests emits roughly 1.8 billion metric tons of CO2 both contributing to a buildup of carbon dioxide that will soo

13、n trigger the greenhouse effect.另外,矿物燃料每年释放另外,矿物燃料每年释放5252亿公吨二氧化碳进入大气,同时亿公吨二氧化碳进入大气,同时热带森林的燃烧大约释放出热带森林的燃烧大约释放出1818亿公吨二氧化碳,这两方面都亿公吨二氧化碳,这两方面都对二氧化碳的集结产生作用,因而会很快引发温室效应。对二氧化碳的集结产生作用,因而会很快引发温室效应。3. Average fees for both boarding and day schools rose about 4 percent in the year ending in September 1993, a

14、fter increases of 8.5 percent the previous year and more than 12 percent in each of the previous two years.住宿学校和走读学校的平均费用至住宿学校和走读学校的平均费用至19931993年年9 9月止,上升了月止,上升了4040;而在前一年费用增长率为;而在前一年费用增长率为8.58.5,在再前两年费用增长,在再前两年费用增长率每年都超过率每年都超过1212。4. Asked recently why the British spend less lavishly on luxuries t

15、han the Italians or the French, Philippe Leopold-Metzger, who was then the London head of the French jeweler Cartier, had a ready reply: House prices and school fees.当被问起为什么英国人在奢侈品上花钱没有意大利人和法国当被问起为什么英国人在奢侈品上花钱没有意大利人和法国人气派时,菲利普人气派时,菲利普利奥波德利奥波德梅茨格梅茨格 原法国珠宝商卡原法国珠宝商卡蒂埃伦敦地区负责人当即回答:因为房屋的价格和学校的费蒂埃伦敦地区负责人当即

16、回答:因为房屋的价格和学校的费用。用。5. Advice on British school-fee planning is also available from independent advisers Bain Clarkson Financial Services, Fraser Marr, Invest for School Fees, School Fees Insurance Agency, Towry Law Financial Planning, Johnson Fry Financial Services and Whitehead & Partners.就英国学校

17、费用的安排提出建议的还有一些独立公司:贝就英国学校费用的安排提出建议的还有一些独立公司:贝恩恩克拉克森金融服务公司、弗雷泽克拉克森金融服务公司、弗雷泽马尔公司、学校费用投资马尔公司、学校费用投资公司、学校费用保险公司、托里公司、学校费用保险公司、托里劳金融策划公司、约翰逊劳金融策划公司、约翰逊弗弗赖金融服务公司和白头伙伴公司。赖金融服务公司和白头伙伴公司。1. When I related all this to my friend Alain Frachon, an editor at Le Monde, he quipped: “I guess the era of foreign cor

18、respondents quoting taxi drivers is over. The taxi driver is now too busy to give you a quote!”2. I relate all this because it illustrates something Ive been feeling more and more lately that technology is dividing us as much as uniting us. Yes, technology can make the far feel near. But it can also

19、 make the near feel very far.我把所有这些告诉我在我把所有这些告诉我在世界报世界报当编辑的朋友阿兰当编辑的朋友阿兰弗拉雄,他风弗拉雄,他风趣地说道:趣地说道:“我想,外国通讯记者把出租车司机当消息来源的年代我想,外国通讯记者把出租车司机当消息来源的年代已经结束了,因为现在的出租车司机已经忙到没办法给你任何消已经结束了,因为现在的出租车司机已经忙到没办法给你任何消息。息。”我讲述这一些是因为它说明了我近来感受愈来愈深的事情我讲述这一些是因为它说明了我近来感受愈来愈深的事情科技科技使得我们紧密联系也同样使我们之间疏远。的确,科技可以使天涯使得我们紧密联系也同样使我们之间

20、疏远。的确,科技可以使天涯若比邻,但它也可以让咫尺之距变得遥不可及。若比邻,但它也可以让咫尺之距变得遥不可及。3. Hey, I love having lots of contacts and easy connectivity, but in an age when so many people you know and even more you dont know can contact you by e-mail or cellphone, Im finding this age of interruption overwhelming.4. The rise of the Inte

21、rnet has been probably one of the most revolutionary things that happened to our lives in recent history.嘿!我喜欢和很多人接触,彼此有简单的联系,但是在这个许多嘿!我喜欢和很多人接触,彼此有简单的联系,但是在这个许多你认识的人,甚至有更多是你不认识的,都能通过电子邮件或手你认识的人,甚至有更多是你不认识的,都能通过电子邮件或手机联络你的年代,我发现这个干扰的年代真是势不可挡。机联络你的年代,我发现这个干扰的年代真是势不可挡。互联网的兴起也许是近代我们生活中出现的最具革命意义的事物互联网的兴

22、起也许是近代我们生活中出现的最具革命意义的事物之一。之一。5. When pondering what life would be like without the Internet, the most marked change would have to be in how we communicate.当考虑如果没有互联网生活会是什么样子时,最明显的变化应该当考虑如果没有互联网生活会是什么样子时,最明显的变化应该算是我们交流方式的改变。算是我们交流方式的改变。1. 他常常反思互联网诞生以来所发生的种种变化。(reflect on)2. 当时房间里连电话线都没有,更不用说上网了。(let

23、alone)3. 因特网使得我们这么容易接近,同时却也难以接近。(accessible)4. 他们使用了什么技术使得自己的信息为大家理解?(get across)5. 对许多人来说,因特网使购物变得更加容易,因为有更多的选择。 All the large cities in the United States, and many of the smaller ones, have their own newspapers. Some cities have more than one. You may already have heard of some of these newspapers

24、 and magazines. There are some newspapers that are read all over the country, such as _, which specializes in financial news. In addition to daily newspapers, there are also many news magazines whichare published once a week. Among the best known weekly news magazines are _.课程申请表课程申请表Find the Englis

25、h equivalents to the items given in Chinese in the following application form:A. Intensive English B. Examinations to be takenC. Elementary D. Higher intermediateE. Pre-sessional study skillsF. A letter offering you a place on a specific courseG. A formal letter of acceptance (you can use this lette

26、r to apply for your visa)H. What employment opportunities or higher education are you considering for the future?International Student Application Form Course Sections课程申请表课程申请表Find the English equivalents to the items given in Chinese in the following application form:(1) (强化英语)(2) (您将来打算谋求何种职业或接受何

27、种高等教育)?(3) (课前学习技能)(4) (将要参加的考试)(5) (初级)(6) (高中级)(7) (接受您修读某门课程的信函)(8) (一份正式的录取通知书, 可持此通知书申请签证)International Student Application Form Course Sections Sample dialogue 1 Sample dialogue 2 Sample dialogue 3Waitress: This is sour and sweet fish. Guest: Mm._.Waitress: It is the special of our restaurant.

28、 Guest: _! Oh, I can never resist it.Waitress: Im glad _. Guest: I really enjoy the meat. Host: _ (这是本省的地方特产).Guest: Ive never tasted anything better. Host: _ (那就多吃一点儿吧). Jack: Here we are, Mr. Lu. Make yourself at home.Lu: _Jack: Would you like to use a knife and fork?Lu: _Jack: Which do you prefer

29、, red wine or beer?Lu: _All: Cheers!ScriptAnswer: ScriptThis passage is intended to provide advice to _.A. Chinese teachers who want to invite their Chinese students to dinner.B. Chinese students who want to invite their foreign teachers to dinner.C. Foreign students who want to invite their Chinese

30、 teachers to dinner.D. Foreign teachers who want to invite their Chinese students to dinner.These rules are helpful if you want to ask some Chinese friends out for dinner. 2) First, cook some traditional Chinese food such as spring rolls and invite your guests to join you. 3) Cooking together will a

31、lways make the guest eat more. 4) After serving the dinner, provide them with wine and fruit juice. 5) At the dinner table, let your guests serve themselves. 6) Offer the guests a serving after they finish, but dont do this more than once. 7) The most important point is to be natural. 8) You need to

32、 try very hard to be polite. It is January 10th. Today Jane is 1)_ years of age. She is wearing a 2)_ new dress. She is expecting all her friends to come to her 3)_ party. They are going to arrive in a 4)_ time. They are going to bring many beautiful 5)_ with them. Janes mother has prepared a lot of

33、 nice things to 6)_ and drink. The young people are going to play 7)_, sing, dance, and listen to music. They will have a8)_ time together.1) A. There wasnt enough food. B. The house was too small. C. It might be rainy. D. The boys were too noisy.2) A. Outside in the garden. B. In the car. C. In the

34、 spare room. D. On the floor of the living room.3) A. The speaker had some tents. B. The speaker had some spare rooms. C. The speaker had a large garden. D. The speaker asked his aunt to put up some tents in the garden.ScriptTime can never mend The careless whispers of a good friendTo the heart and

35、mind, ignorance is kindTheres no comfort in the truthPain is all youll findShouldve known betterI feel so unsureAs I take your hand and lead you to the dance floorAs the music dies, something in your eyesCalls to mind the silver screenAnd all its sad good-byesIm never gonna dance againGuilty feet ha

36、ve got no rhythmThough its easy to pretendI know your not a foolShouldve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that Ive been givenSo Im never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youTime can never mendThe careless whispers of a good friendTo the heart and mindIgnorance is kindThe

37、res no comfort in the truthPain is all youll findIm never gonna dance againGuilty feet have Though its easy to pretendI know your not a foolShouldve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that Ive been givenSo Im never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youTonight the music seem

38、s so loudI wish that we could lose this crowdMaybe its better this wayWed hurt each other with the things wed want to sayWe could have been so good togetherWe could have lived this dance foreverBut no ones gonna dance with mePlease stayAnd Im never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThou

39、gh its easy to pretendI know youre not a foolShouldve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that Ive been givenSo Im never gonna dance againThe way i danced with you(Now that youre gone) Now that youre gone(Now that youre gone) What i did is so wrong (so wrong)That you had to leave

40、 me alone1) M: I can come to your office and pick you up in half an hour. Is that all right? W: Good. That means youll be here at eight forty. Q: What time is it now? 2) W: Are you going to the basketball game? M: No. The tickets are too expensive for me. I think Ill stay at home and watch the game

41、on TV. Q: What is the man going to do? 3) W: Excuse me. Mr. Brown, can I borrow these books? M: Sorry. You are allowed to have only one book at a time. Q: Who is Mr. Brown?4) W: How long will it take this package to get to Beijing by air? M: By air? About two days. Q: Where is the conversation most

42、probably taking place? 5) M: Oh, hi. Im glad you called. Ive been trying to call all morning. But there was no answer. W: I know. I visited Janet before I went shopping, and then went to the post office. Q: What did the woman do first in the morning? 6) M: Do you feel like going to a movie? W: No, I

43、m not in the mood today. Lets go dancing for a change tomorrow. Q: What does the woman mean?7) W: Please turn down the radio. I cant hear anything my friend is saying on the phone. M: Hurry up and finish your call. Youve been disturbing me, too. Q: What is the man doing? 8) M: Im so tired. I cant ke

44、ep my mind on what Im doing. You know we have an English test tomorrow and Im nervous. W: Why dont you take a few minutes off? Have a cup of coffee and you can relax. Q: Why does the man feel nervous?9) W: Tom is a quiet boy. He rarely says a thing. M: Yes, he is. But his brother Bob is just the opp

45、osite. Q: What does the man think of Toms brother? 10) M: Im still waiting for the clerk to come back and make some copies of this paper for me. W: Why bother him? Ill show you how easy it is to work the machine. Q: What does the woman mean? Do you want to invite foreign friends for a dinner party at home? Here are some rules to follow. First, cook some traditional Chinese food like spring rolls, and inv


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