1、Horse horseHorse,horse,ga de ga de ga deHorse,horse,yu- stop(Horse,horse,ga de ga de ga deHorse,horse,turn around)*31 手指游戏The chimneyHere is the chimney, (拇指向内握拳)here is the top, (另一只手盖住拳头)open the lid, (移开手)out Santa will pop!(猛地伸出大拇指)Three little monkeysThree little monkeys jumping on the bed,One
2、fell off and bumped his head,Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said,“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed”Two one.Two little black birdsTwo little blackbirds sitting on the wall,One named Peter, one named PaulFly away Peter, fly away PaulCome back Peter, come back Paul.Ten little fingersOn
3、e little, two little, three little fingersFour little, five little, six little fingersSeven little, eight little, nine little fingersTen fingers on my handsHere is the beehiveHere is the beehive, where are the bees?Hidden away where nobody seesWatch and youll see them come out of the hiveOne two thr
4、ee four fiveBzzzz Clap your handsClap clap clap your hands as slowly as you canClap clap clap your hands as quickly as you canShakerollrubwiggle your fingerspound your fistsClap and sitClap clap clapI can clapJump jump jumpI can jumpSit sit sitI can sit.Where is thumb-kin?Where is thumb-kin?*2Here I
5、 am,*2How are you this morning?*2Very well, thank you.Run away.*2PointerTall manRing manTiny英语童谣One potatoOne potato, two potato, three potato, fourFive potato, six potato, seven potato, moreRain rain go awayRain rain go wayCome again another dayLittle Michael wants to playRain rain go awayFruitsPea
6、ch桃子apricot杏子olive橄榄strawberry草莓coconut椰子plum李子haw山楂litchi荔枝Chinese date枣pomegranate石榴cherry樱桃mango芒果chestnut栗子kiwi fruit猕猴桃persimmon柿子FoodEggplant茄子ice tea绿茶?mineral water矿泉水mushroom蘑菇cauliflower菜花green bean豆角pea豌豆cucumber黄瓜green pepper青椒chop排骨bean curd豆腐steamed roll花卷steamed bun馒头steamed stuffed b
7、un包子pancake煎饼berry浆果peanut花生sunflower seed瓜子haze nut榛子walnut核桃celery芹菜(Chinese)chives韭菜mashed garlic蒜泥dried persimmon柿饼bamboo shoots竹笋lotus root藕lotus root starch藕粉radish萝卜coffee beans咖啡豆broad beans蚕豆French beans豆角melon seeds瓜子sesame芝麻sesame paste芝麻酱sesame oil芝麻油hot pickled mustard tuber榨菜kidney bea
8、n芸豆sweet potato山芋maize玉米mutton羊肉meat filling肉馅seafood海鲜prawn对虾lobster龙虾dried shelled shrimps虾米pickles小菜GamesRiddle谜语crossword puzzle纵横拼字谜hunt the thimble藏手帕ludo骰子游戏lotto牌号码牌游戏dominoes多米诺forfeits处罚building block积木puss in the corner五人玩抢位置游戏see saw跷跷板skip rope跳绳pinwheel纸风车gamboling bed蹦蹦床merry go round
9、旋转木马windbell风铃plastic ene橡皮泥swing秋千hula loop呼啦圈scooter滑板车Body partsArmpit hair腋毛abdomen腹部thigh大腿hip臀buttock屁股backbone脊柱lung肺waist腰rib肋骨exhale呼出liver肝digest消化absorb吸收chin下巴elbow胳膊肘belly肚子heel脚后跟RiddleIm thin. Im brown. My nose is short. My tail is long. What am I?-A monkey.I have red eyes. I have a s
10、hort tail. I have long ears. I like carrots. What am I ?-A rabbit.It has 4 strong legs. It has 2 big ears. It has a short tail. It has a long, long nose. What is it? -An elephant.Two little brothers, one lives on one side, the other on the other side. They hear what you say, but they dont see each o
11、ther. -Ears.You open them in the morning, you close them at night. But you can see them, only in the mirror.-Eyes.I am a house on the water, I sometimes cross the sea. I sometimes cross the river. Can you tell what I am? -A ship.Like an eagle I fly. I can take you into the sky. In my stomach people
12、sit. Please guess what I am?-An air-plane.Its round and its bright. In the day it hangs in the sky and gives out light. But nobody can see it at night. What is it?-The sun.I am something that has teeth but cant eat. What am I? -A comb.I am something that can run but cant walk. What am I? -Water.I al
13、ways run or stand, but I never walk. What am I?-Water.It is so weak, that a little wind can move it. It is so strong, that you can cut it with a knife and leave no trace. -Water.I have cities but no houses, I have forests but no trees. I have rivers without water. What am I? -A map.Im your good frie
14、nd. I live in a box. When you take out a piece of paper, I can write down your thoughts! What am I? -A pen/pencil.I have something in my mind. It is white. I write on the blackboard with it. Guess, what is it? -ChalkI have a round face. I have two hands. I dont have feet, but I can walk. I can tell
15、time, but I cant talk. Guess what I am? -An alarm clock.Im almost white, but the fur of my ears and chest are black. I live in the wild forests. I like eating bamboos. You can find me in a few places! What am I? -A panda.You heard me before, yet you hear me again. Then I die, till you call me again.
16、 -The echo.Each morning I appear, to lie at your feet. All day I will follow, no matter how fast you run. Yet I nearly perish, in the midday sun.-the shadow.What man cannot live inside the house? -A snow-man.What vegetable do hens like best?-An elephant.What has an eye, but cannot see at all? -A nee
17、dle.What is the best and cheapest light? -Daylight.What is the smallest bridge in the world? -The bridge of a nose.Guess what is in my hand? It is white and it is suuare . You have it in your pencil-box. You use it to rub out pencil marks.-A rubber/An eraser.They are in your desks or your school-bag
18、s. There are words and pictures in them. They can tell you a lot of stories and things. They are your good friends and teachers. What are they? -Books.Sometimes it is like a boat and sometimes it is like a plate. It is bright, but you cant see it in the day-time. You can see it in the sky at night.
19、What is it? -The moon.双关型:What letter is a part of the head? -I/eye.Why is the library the highest building? -It has the most stories.(story 故事,楼层)Why is a river very rich?-Because it has two banks.(bank堤岸,银行)Which four letters are the thief afraid of? -O,I,C,U(oh, I see you.)What part of a clock is
20、 always old? -Second-hand.(second-hand秒针,二手货)At what time of day was Adam born?-Jut before Eve.(Eve晚间,夏娃)Why is the sun like a loaf of bread?-Bcz its light when it rises.(就太阳而言,它升起的时候,很亮,就面包而言,它涨起来的时候,很轻。)Why is the stadium so cool? -Because there are so many funs.(fun: 球迷,扇子。)常识型:Which is black whe
21、n it is clean and white when it is dirty?-A blackboard.What goes up a chimney down, but wont go down a chimney up? -An umbrella.What never asks questions, but gets a lots of answers? -A doorbell.What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a month? -A clock.What has two hands and a face
22、, but no arms and legs? -A clockWhat has a neck, but no head?-A bottle.What gets larger, the more you have away?-A hole.What is higher without a head than with a head?-A pillow.What is there in your house that ought to be looked into?-A mirror.脑筋急转弯型:Why did the chicken cross the road? -To get to th
23、e other side.Why did the fox cross the road? -To get the chicken.Why did the gum cross the road? -It was on the chickens foot.Why do lions eat raw meat? -Because they never learn to cook.What match can not be put into a match box?-A basketball match.Which moves faster, heat or cold?-Heat, for you ca
24、n catch a cold.What is the largest ant in the world?-An elephant.What is the smallest room in the world?- A mushroom.What a room has no wall, no doors, no windows, and no floors?-A mushroom.What table is in the field?-The vegetable.What is the most difficult key to turn?-A donkey.What person tried t
25、o make you smile most of the time?-A photographer.Where can you always find money?-In the dictionary.What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?-Hotdog.What question can never be answered by “Yes”?-Are you asleep?Which of your parents has a closer relation with you?-Your mother, because the other parent i
26、s always farther.(farther更远,与father同音。)Why did the person throw a clock out the window?-To see time fly.Can you get down from an elephant?No, you can only get down from the ducks.(down: 下来,绒毛,鸭绒)What are the strongest days of the week?-Saturday and Sunday. ( All the other days are weak(week)days. We
27、ek 与weak同音)What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?-A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?-In the dictionary.Can you tell me sth about the great scientists of the 18th century? -They are all dead.字母结构型Which
28、letter makes her hear?-AWhat letter makes a road broad?-BWhat changes a pear into a pearl?-LI jump into water, what do I do?-Waiter.What is the difference between here and there?-TWhat word begins with T, end s with T, and is full of T?-Teapot.Which part of London is in the France?-NWhat is found in
29、 the middle of both American and Australia?-RMy first is in “snow, but not in “ice”, my second is in “rose”, and also in “rice”, my third is not in “pencil”, but in “paper”. My whole is a place where there is a lot of water.-The sea.英语音乐游戏Do you like meat?1231Do u like meat?*2/345-Yes, I do.*2/56543
30、1I dont like fish.*2/15(低音)1-I like meat.*2Kids围成圈,1kid A在圈内跑,在任一kid B处停下,唱:Do you like meat?*2,挑重的kid回答:Yes,I do.*2. I dont like fish. I like meat.*2. A kid 站到Bkid处,由B继续游戏。Kids 可以任意替换meat,fish,hamburger等.Row, row row your boat1 1 123/32345/1 (高音)1(高音)55/33 11/54321/小朋友边唱边拍手,T边唱边做划船的动作,歌曲结束时,T站到2kid
31、s中间。第二遍歌曲开始,3人边唱边做动作,直到邀请所有kids参加。Where is daddy?/mommy/brother/sister/grandpa/grandma1231/1231/345/345/565431/565431/25(低音)1/25(低音)1每个kid选一角色,由baby先唱:Where is daddy?其他人藏起来,father边唱边走出来,“here I am, here I am.”,然后对唱。Baby: How are you this morning? Father: Very well, thank you. Run away, run away. 2 k
32、ids 各自转一圈。接着由father重新开始,边找边唱,直到所有角色都找到。Head and shoulders5654345/234/345/5654345/2531/让kids站成一圈,边唱边指出相应部位。Head, shoulders , knees, toes,Knees, toes, knees, toes,Head shoulders knees toes, eyes, ears mouth ,noseLondon Bridge5654345同上2 kids面对面,拉双手高举,代表大桥,T指定1kid为apple,1kid为orange/etc,不让其他幼儿知道。其他幼儿排一对,
33、每人搭前者双肩,一面唱歌,一面通过大桥,唱到最后一句,my fair lady时,代表大桥的2幼儿将手自然落下,套住一名幼儿,并悄悄问:Do you like apple or orange? 被套住的幼儿回答apple,则站到代表apple的幼儿后面。直到全部幼儿被分完进行拔河比赛,以决定apple组赢还是orange组赢。This is the way we wash our face.11113531/2222 7低音6 低音5低音/11113531/225低音5低音11/This is the way I wash my face/brush my teeth/wash my hand
34、s/make my bed, wash my face, wash my face, this is the way I wash my face, so early in the morning.Skip to my lou.3311/335/22 7低音7低音224/3311335/2343211/Lost my partner, whatll I do? Lost my partner what ll I do? Lost my partner what I do? Skip to my lou, my darling.1kid蒙眼站中间,周围人边走边唱,歌声停止,中间人去摸周围人,摸到
35、说出名字,游戏重新开始。Twinkle twinkle little star1155665/4433221/5544332/1155665/4433221/Ten little Indians111111/35531/222222/7低音227低音5低音/111111/35531/533321/1-1010-1If you are happy.5低音5低音/1111117低音1/2/5低音5低音22 22 22 12/3/33/44 44 66 44/33 32 11 33/22 21 7低音5低音6低音7低音/1Jingle bells5低音3 21 5低音/5低5低/5低3 21 6低/
36、6低432 7低/5542 31/5低321 5低/5低321 6低/6低6低432 55 55/65 42 1/33 3 33 3/35 12 3/44 44 43 333/32 21 25/55 42 1/Old Macdonald had a farm11 15低音/6低6低5低/3322 1/5低1115低/6低6低5低33 22 1/5低5低/1115低/111/11 1 /11 1/11 111 1/11 15低/6低6低5低/3322/1/Edelweiss3- 5/2高-/1高-5/4-/3-3/3 4 5/6-/5-/3-5/2高-/1高-5/4-/3-5/5 6 7/1高-
37、/1高-/2高0 05 5/7 6 5/3-5/1高-/6-1高/2高-1高/7-7/5-/3-5/2高-/1高-5/4-/3-5/5 6 7/1高-/1高-0/1高-/1高-0/Edelweiss, edelweiss, every morning you greet me, small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow my you bloom and grow, bloomm and grown forever, edelweiss, edelweiss, bless my ho
38、meland forever.Silent night5. 65 3./5. 65 3./2高音2高7./1高1高5./6 6 1高76/5. 65 3./6 6 1高76/5. 65 3./2高2高4高2高7/1高.3高/1高.53 54 2/1./1/Silent night, holy night. all is calm, all is bright. round you virgin mother and child. Holy infant so tender and wild. sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace.We
39、wish you a merry Christmas.5 / 1高 1高2高1高7/66 6 2高2高3高2高1高Mary had a little lambMary had a little lamb,little lamb,little lamb.Mary had a little lamb,its fleece was white as snow.Rain rain go awayRain,rain go away,come again another day.little children want to play.rain rain go awayWhere is thumbkin?
40、BingoThe eency weency spider小班活动1) My name is 活动准备:手偶,布袋(内装名字牌,用彩笔写上英文名字,系上线,可挂在胸前,数量略多于班级人数)活动过程:1) T手拿手偶,与之对话。手偶:Hello!T:Hello!手偶:My name is Kitty/,Whats your name,please?T: Kitty, thats a nice name. Can you give me a name?手偶:Ok!(在布袋里摸出一个名字牌给T),Amy,your name is Amy. T: Thank you. My name is Amy.2)
41、 出示布袋T:Kids, do you want an English name? Kids:Yes.手偶拿出一个名字牌,Mary,Who wants this name?给每个kid一个名字牌。活动2 Whats your name?准备活动:手偶,彩色皮球一个1) 点名, 点到名字的kid 用英文说here/Its me.2) 游戏 围圈坐,T把球滚给任一kid,问:Whats your name? kid接住球后,边滚给T边说:My name is ,T 接着把球滚给另一kid,游戏继续。熟练后还可以这样玩:T先把球传给甲,说:My name is Amy, Whats your nam
42、e? 甲接住球后说:Myname is, 然后把球传给乙,问:Whats your name? 这样依次接龙玩下去。活动3 Whats this?活动准备:动物pic:dog,cat,duck,chick,pig,bird,rabbit出示pic T; Look,Whats this? 让kids跟读:Whats this? T:Its a dog/以此教其它动物。游戏:The wolf is coming.T说出一种动物的英文名称,kids模仿该动物的相应动作。当T喊:The wolf is coming.时,幼儿要立即停止发出声音,并蹲下,否则被狼吃掉。Eg: T: Dog.Kids: 学
43、狗叫,四处走T:The wolf is coming.Kids: 蹲下,停止发出声音T:扮演wolf,Im hungry. I want sth to eat. Oh, nothing, nothing! I have to leave.T: The wolf has gone.延伸活动:带kids去幼儿园,复习学过的动物,学习新的动物。活动4 Touch your head活动过程: T:Look at me, this is my head.(触摸并介绍)Kids:Head.(触摸并学说)同样教授eye,ear,nose,mouth.Game: touch your head1)T: To
44、uch your head/,幼儿听指令触摸自己的身体部位。(待幼儿熟悉后可逐渐加快速度)2)师生游戏示范Kids:Touch your head/,T按指令触摸自己的身体部位。(T可有意出错,并问Yes or no?, 引导幼儿判断正确与否,用Yes/No回答)3) 幼儿间游戏A 二人间游戏一幼儿发指令,另一幼儿做动作。B 小组间游戏一幼儿发指令,其余kids做动作。发指令的幼儿轮流交换。活动延伸:日常生活中继续玩Touch your head游戏,逐渐增加身体部位的名称:cheek,lip,hand,foot,arm,leg等,扩大词汇量。活动五 This is my daddy.幼儿全家
45、福照片学习向老师介绍自己的父母。T:Good morning, Mary.Mary:Good morning, Amy.(指着自己的daddy/mommy),this is my daddy./mommy.T: How do you do? Daddy/mommy: How do you do? T:Come in please.请幼儿三人一组,轮流介绍自己的家人。活动6 Its snowing.活动准备:白色纸片若干 下雪时,组织幼儿到室外用手接雪花,并说:Its snowing.Snow is white.活动7 GreetingsGood morning/afternoon活动准备: 一
46、块有磁性的黑板,一个具有磁性的太阳模型。T: This is the sun.(指着sun)T:The sun rises in the morning.(把太阳吸在较低的位置)Kids: Morning.T:The sun sets in the evening.(移动太阳的位置以示太阳落下)Kids:Evening.T: Between the morning and the evening, it is afternoon.Kids: Afternoon.2木偶T:Good morning.木偶1:Good morning, Amy.(把太阳吸在较低位置)木偶2:Good morning
47、,Amy.T: Good afternoon.木偶1:Good afternoon,Amy.(把太阳拉向不同的方向) 木偶2:Good afternoon,Amy.Good morning5 3 1/5 3 1/5 6 4/6 5-/5 3 1/5 3 1/3 4 3/2 1-/Good morning, good morning,good morning to you .Good morning,good moring,good morning to you.活动8 Boys and girls活动准备:boy和girl的图片T:He is a boy.(boy的图片)Kids:Boy.T:
48、 She is a girl.(girl的图片)Kids:Girl.邀请一boy和girl站在前面,进行比较。活动9 How do you do?活动10 In winter活动准备:白纸片若干中班活动活动1 Im glad to meet you.活动准备;小兔,小鸟头饰若干事先找两个kids排好情景。Rabbit:Hello, Im glad to meet you.Bird: Hello, Im glad to meet you too. 活动2 Head,shoulders,knees and toes.T用This is/These are 句型,介绍身体部位。T:This is m
49、y shoulder.(触摸并介绍)Kids:Shoulder(触摸并说)T:These are my shoulders.(触摸并介绍,有意识夸张复数S的发音)Kids:Shoulders(触摸并学说)念儿歌: Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes, head shoulders knees and toes, we all know these.活动3 I have 2 eyes to see with.T用This is 和These are 句型引出I haveT: This is my eye, T
50、hese are my eyes. 1 eye, 2 eyes. I have 2 eyes.(触摸并介绍)Kids: I have 2 eyes.(触摸并学说)引导kids触摸并学说:Kids:I have 2 eyes.T: I can see.(边说边做看书动作)Kids: I have 2 ears.T: I can hear.( 边说边做听的动作)活动4 He is my good friend.He/she is my good friend.小木偶一个T :Look,This is ,He is my good friend.小木偶:How do you do? My name
51、is Popo.Im glad to meet you.小木偶请小朋友上来,并把他们介绍给大家。Eg:This is Mary,She is my good friend.活动5 Are these your shoes?My/your幼儿衣物若干T指着幼儿衣物问:Is this your ?引导幼儿用 Yes,it is./No, it isnt.活动6 Fly,jump,run and creepT边做动作边说动作的名称,引导幼儿跟读。Fly run jump creep启发幼儿回答who can fly/jump?A bird can fly.a rabbit can jump, a h
52、orse can run, a tortoise can creep.引导幼儿编儿歌Fly,fly,fly. A bird can fly.Jump,jump,jump,a rabbit can jump.Run,run,run,a horse can run.Creep,creep,creep,a tortoise can creep.活动7 on the streetCar,bus,bike,taxi活动8 traffic lights红,黄,绿灯各一盏T:(出示交通灯)Red/yellow/green light!Kids:Stop/Wait/Go 并作出相应动作活动9 hows the
53、 weather today?Hows the weather today? Its sunny/cloudy/windy.晴雨表T出示晴雨表,指针拨向晴天,问T:Hows the weather today?Kids: Its fine/sunny幼儿把指针指向多云,问:hows the weather today?活动10 its going to rain.伞,帽子,手套若干T:hows the weather today?Kids: Its windy/cloudy.T:Oh, its going to rain,lets take the umbrella.(边带幼儿作打伞状,边学说
54、Its going to rain.Its going to snow. 作出戴手套状Its going to wind. 作戴帽子状活动12 cold,cool,warm,hot一杯冰水(加冰),热水综合评定表目标达成分析目标完全达到基本达到未达到语言认知语言态度语言能力适合程度分析内容完全适合部分适合不适合形式1. 幼儿课堂教学游戏1.1单词教学游戏1.1.1时间选择游戏时时间选择游戏时间选择游戏间选择游戏目的:训练学生的听力内容:给出不同活动内容的卡片,给出不同时间的表的卡纸,让学生连线。步骤:(1)老师准备好所用的卡片和彩笔。
55、 (2)学生根据老师所念的单词和短语进行连线。 (3).对学生的练习进行检查。扩展:可以给出不同时间的表达,同时给出不同时间的表,让学生连线。(适合于小学生。)1.1.2 转盘游戏转转盘盘游戏目的:训练学生的口语内容:转盘上写上单词,旁边写句型,让学生转动转盘,当转盘停止,学生用指针所指的词语造句。(幼儿可用简
56、单的句型,而大孩子难度可加大。)扩展:可以让学生选择3-4个单词,进行对话或者编短文练习。(适合于有一定基础的学生);还可以将转盘上的单词换成星星或者水果,变为计分方式。转盘上的内容可根据教学内容更换。教具: 转盘及教学用词卡1.1.3捉小虾目的:培养幼儿的躲闪及反应力,复习英语的数字。过程:请幼儿站成圆圈作池塘,用英语编号,双号幼儿为虾,单号幼儿为石头。“石头”必须双手叉腰“虾” 在池塘里游玩。如果圈外的“鱼”进到池塘中,“虾”必须躲在石头后面,不要被鱼捉住。一块石头后只能躲一只虾。“虾”和“石头”交换角色,进行游戏。扩展:也可以用于大孩子-被鱼抓到者读读句子或者背诵课文)1.2.4老鹰捉小鸡目的:训练学生的听力步骤: (1)由老师带领小朋友们用Flash cards(闪卡)的形式集体复习所学的英语单词; (2)老师请一些小朋友在前面站成一排(选一个小朋友做eagle,再选一个小朋友做mummy,其他
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