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1、correcting themselves to carry out self benefiting the agriculture special funds clean-up remediation work began, i bureau in accordance with the policy advocacy powerful, implementation in place of the standard, to take three measures to carry out self-examination and self correction activities. on

2、e is to strengthen the organization leadership, strengthen the responsibility to implement. set up by the secretary headed the strong agricultural huinong policies guide group, the formation of the principal leaders personally in charge of the leadership specialized grasping, business room to catch

3、specific work pattern. second, step up publicity efforts to create a working atmosphere. held the township family planning director meeting, organizational learning the county party committee, county government policies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers and job requirements, further enha

4、ncing the consciousness of implementing the and initiative to solve the problem. the third is to expand channels for self-examination, smooth flow of information feedback. positive and enjoy the preferential policies of object communication, humbly listen to service object evaluation of planning wor

5、k. specific implementation is as follows: 1, child care subsidies paid. last year, the county issued a total of 3941, issuing the amount of 115.6 million yuan. 2, rural family planning reward and subsidy payment. last year, the county issued a total of object 5406 people, the amount paid 519 million

6、 yuan, per person per year 960 yuan. 3, complications subsidies paid. issued last year, the number of 55, the amount paid 6.7 million yuan, per person per year 1200 yuan. 4, poor family assistance payments for. last year, the county issued 208, the amount paid 57 million yuan, only child death 2820

7、yuan per person per year in the family, child disability family 2520 yuan. second, problems 1, not propaganda. part people do not understand the family planning policy, graspdo, there is no feedback to the penetration, resulting in the individual and family planning policy implementation is not idea

8、l, such as this year the provincial inspection group in cam ranh, bar ridge, changan three towns inspection, found a few farmers to abandon baby bonus items that do not understand. 2, social compensation fees special fund management is not in place, such as this year the provincial inspection group

9、in cam ranh town to check and found that the town will be levied the social compensation fee according to the proportion of individual village earmarking, there exists serious capital management problem. three, the rectification measures is to increase publicity efforts. not only to publicity, but a

10、lso to do the interpretation, so that the masses to know, and to understanding the meter policy spirit, the full enjoyment of the policy will bring benefits to do propaganda does not stay dead, do not drop the object. the second is to strengthen social compensation fee supervision and management of

11、special funds. jointly with finance, audit and other departments, the county social compensation fees for the use of special funds to conduct a comprehensive inspection, found the problem, on the spot shall be ordered to make rectification, if the circumstances are serious, according to the law be h

12、eld accountable, ensure social compensation fee of two lines of revenue and expenditure, ensure social compensation fee funds earmarked for the family planning work, is strictly prohibited interception, misappropriation, corruption, is strictly初一数学二元一次方程组试题8.1二元一次方程组一、填空题1、二元一次方程4x-3y=12,当x=0,1,2,3时

13、,y=_2、在x+3y=3中,若用x表示y,则y= ,用y表示x,则x= 3、已知方程(k2-1)x2+(k+1)x+(k-7)y=k+2,当k=_时,方程为一元一次方程;当k=_时,方程为二元一次方程。4、对二元一次方程2(5-x)-3(y-2)=10,当x=0时,则y=_;当y=0时,则x=_。5、方程2x+y=5的正整数解是_。6、若(4x-3)2+|2y+1|=0,则x+2= 。7、方程组的一个解为,那么这个方程组的另一个解是 。8、若时,关于的二元一次方程组的解互为倒数,则 。二、选择题1、方程,3,+,中是二元一次方程的有( )个。、 、2、方程2x+y=9在正整数范围内的解有(

14、)a、1个 b、2个 c、3个 d、4个3、与已知二元一次方程5x-y=2组成的方程组有无数多个解的方程是( )a、10x+2y=4 b、4x-y=7 c、20x-4y=3 d、15x-3y=64、若是与同类项,则的值为 ( )a、1 b、1 c、3 d、以上答案都不对 5、在方程(k2-4)x2+(2-3k)x+(k+1)y+3k=0中,若此方程为二元一次方程,则k值为( )a、2 b、-2 c、2或-2 d、以上答案都不对6、若是二元一次方程组的解,则这个方程组是( )a、 b、 c、 d、7、在方程中,用含的代数式表示,则 ( )a、 b、 c、 d、8、已知,则与的关系是(

15、)、9、下列说法正确的是( )、二元一次方程只有一个解、二元一次方程组有无数个解、二元一次方程组的解必是它所含的二元一次方程的解、三元一次方程组一定由三个三元一次方程组成10、若方程组 的解也是方程=10的解,则的值是( =)、=、三、解答题1、解关于的方程 2、已知方程组,试确定的值,使方程组:(1)有一个解;(2)有无数解;(3)没有解3、关于的方程,对于任何的值都有相同的解,试求它的解。8.2消元二元一次方程组的解法一、用代入法解下列方程组(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)二、用加减法解下列方程组(1) (2)(3) (4)(5) (6)( 其中为常数) 三、解答题1、代数式

16、,当时,它的值是7;当时,它的值是4,试求时代数式的值。2、求满足方程组中的值是值的3倍的的值,并求 的值。3、列方程解应用题一个长方形的长减少10,同时宽增加4,就成为一个正方形,并且这两个图形的面积相等,求员长方形的长、宽各是多少。8.3实际问题与二元一次方程组列方程解下列问题1、有甲乙两种债券,年利率分别是10%与12%,现有400元债券,一年后获利45元,问两种债券各有多少? 2、一种饮料大小包装有3种,1个中瓶比2小瓶便宜2角,1个大瓶比1个中瓶加1个小瓶贵4角,大、中、小各买1瓶,需9元6角。3种包装的饮料每瓶各多少元? 3、某班同学去18千米的北山郊游。只有一辆汽车,需分两组,甲


18、乙两种商品的单价和比原单价和提高了5%。求甲、乙两种商品的原单价各是多少元。7、2辆大卡车和5辆小卡车工作2小时可运送垃圾36吨,3辆大卡车和2辆小卡车工作5小时可运输垃圾80吨,那么1辆大卡车和1辆小卡车各运多少吨垃圾。8、12支球队进行单循环比赛,规定胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分。若有一支球队最终的积分为18分,那么这个球队平几场?9、现有a、b、c三箱橘子,其中a、b两箱共100个橘子,a、c两箱共102个,b、c两箱共106个,求每箱各有多少个?第八单元测试一、选择题(每题3分,共24分)1、表示二元一次方程组的是( )a、 b、 c、 d、2、方程组的解是( )a、 b、

19、 c、 d、3、设则( )a、12 b、 c、 d、4、设方程组的解是那么的值分别为( )a、 b、 c、 d、5、方程的正整数解的个数是( ) a、4 b、3 c、2 d、16、在等式中,当时, ( )。a、23 b、-13 c、-5 d、137、关于关于的方程组的解也是二元一次方程的解,则的值是( )a、0 b、1 c、2 d、8、方程组,消去后得到的方程是( )a、 b、c、 d、二、填空题(每题3分,共24分)1、中,若则_。2、由_,_。3、如果那么_。4、如果是一个二元一次方程,那么数=_, =_。5、购面值各为20分,30分的邮票共27枚,用款6.6元。购20分邮票_枚,30分邮

20、票_枚。6、已知是方程的两个解,那么= ,= 7、如果是同类项,那么 = ,= 。8、如果是关于的一元一次方程,那么= 。三、用适当的方法解下列方程(每题4分,共24分)1、 2、3、 4、5、(为常数) 6、(为常数)四、列方程解应用题(每题7分,共28分)1、初一级学生去某处旅游,如果每辆汽车坐人,那么有个学生没有座位;如果每辆汽车坐人,那么空出辆汽车。问一工多少名学生、多少辆汽车。2、某校举办数学竞赛,有人报名参加,竞赛结果:总平均成绩为分,合格生平均成绩为分,不及格生平均成绩为分,则这次数学竞赛中,及格的学生有多少人,不及格的学生有多少人。3、有一个两位数,其数字和为14,若调换个位数

21、字与十位数字,就比原数大18则这个两位数是多少。(用两种方法求解)4、甲乙两地相距千米,从甲地向乙地方向前进,同时从乙地向甲地方向前进,两小时后二人在途中相遇,相遇后就返回甲地,仍向甲地前进,回到甲地时,离甲地还有千米,求、二人的速度。prohibited in proportion to the return to be imposed on the unit as a cost compensation.since the promulgation and implementation of the self report document no. 2015 widely. under t

22、he leadership of the bureau in the county, the county government in the county archives bureau guidance, according to the national (< file > earnestly specific file management work and enhance the employee file management consciousness, perfect the relevant mechanisms, to strengthen the archiv

23、es management, expand the information resources, for the community to provide services, has achieved remarkable results. according to the security file 5 of our archives management according to law of self-examination, now the situation is as follows: first, carry out the implementation of the <

24、file >, i bureau in the county, the county government's correct leadership, the county bureau of archives of specific guidance, in strict accordance with the < file continue to enhance the business leader for the archives law >, according to the law to strengthen the work of organizatio

25、n and leadership, the establishment of the county business bureau, party secretary jin xinguo county bureau of archives management work leading group, and earnestly perform their functions, increase of archival undertaking investment, 2014 years invested a total of archives management work funds 1 m

26、illion yuan, to improve the file storage conditions and promote my archives business healthy and rapid development. (a) shall file the rule consciousness to enhance global cadre worker in accordance with the law to protect and utilization of the archives law consciousness, i bureau to increase the &

27、lt; file > publicity and implementation efforts. one is reinforcement learning education. the < file > learning education included in the global sixth five year legal education program, and meticulously organize the global cadres and workers to carry out archives laws and regulations knowle

28、dge training, significantly enhancing the level of overall. second, according to the law to strengthen the file registration work. since its inception, i board annually on various data of the department into the line of the file registration, strict in accordance with the provisions of the contents of the register, the scope of registration, the prescribed time limit and carried out in accordance with the law registration. through in-depth study of the implementation of the < file >, i bureau according


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