1、FROM POPPING THE QUESTION1 TO POPPINGTHE PILL2姓名:Hexue学号:*专业:*UNIT 6 世界上奇特的求婚方式世界上奇特的求婚方式1 1 在英国的约克在英国的约克市市 该市的女子,到了结婚年龄,便采用一种“交通灯”的方式,特地穿上不同颜色的紧身衣服,向男子示意。如果是穿绿色,就表示:“来吧,通行无阻”;如果穿黄色,则表示:“可能,机会是一半”;如果是红色,那表明:“停止,不要碰我!”男女求婚,主动权往往操纵在女子手里。如果女子在一个男子面前把头发打了一个尖结,那 就 表 明 : “ 你 被 我 猎 取了。 ”2 2 在意大利的西西里岛在意大利的西
2、西里岛3 3 墨西哥墨西哥如果男子爱上了一个女子,他就聘请乐队到女子的窗下奏小夜曲,表示求婚,有时可以从半夜唱到天亮。4 4 坦桑尼亚坦桑尼亚在马萨伊族中,男子要想找到一个称心如意的姑娘,他必须首先杀死一头诸如狮子之类的猛兽,表示自己的勇敢,才能娶到好姑娘。在帕雷族中,如果男子看中某个姑娘,男方就选择日子,带着一个宽瓷罐到女方家。女方如果同意,便把瓷罐留下,否则就退回男方。 5 5 南美洲北部苏里南的印第安人南美洲北部苏里南的印第安人如果男子爱上了一位姑娘,便告诉自己的父母,选定一个吉日良辰,亲自到女方家,并把精心制作的雪茄赠送给女方家,表示男方求婚的诚意。如果女方的父亲欣然接受,这门亲事就算
3、成功了。 我国传统求婚习俗我国传统求婚习俗 中国古代的婚俗讲究“六礼”。所谓的六礼, 指纳彩、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。 按现在的语言来解释就是说媒、讨八字、提亲、送彩礼送嫁妆、选定娶亲日期、娶亲。 六礼之俗,由来已久,但在长期的流传过程中,具体仪式发生了许多变化,不断赋予新的内容。但作为婚礼仪式的基本程序,却一直延续下来。至于现代的自由恋爱结婚,不需要媒妁的新式婚姻,则另当别论。PPT DESIGNMain contentThe theme of the article is the changes in peoples attitudes toward courtship and ma
4、rriage. Courtship, used to be a regular part of American Iife. It was a long period, sometimes lasting for many years, and also a tentative one . But since World War I, courtship was replaced by dating. It was no longer a prelude to marriage and even sex relations required no prelude at all. People
5、in different ages held different views.Paragraphs1-6paragraphs7-8paragraphs9-10paragraphs12-15paragraphs11Structure of the articleThe first part what is presented here is the tradition of courtship: the definition of it ; the rules that governed it , like the kinds of gift to be sent , the degree of
6、 chaperoning to be given and the procedure for breaking off an engagement; the process and significance of the goal of it marriage.PPT DESIGNThe second partThe topic here is the changes in relations between the different sexes since World War I, especially in the fifties. Of the changes, the most st
7、riking one was the disappearance of chaperoning , which led to the situation of brides being pregnant on their wedding day. And the prevalent view was that love was less important than marriage.PPT DESIGNWhat is described here is the change of peoples attitudes toward love and marriage in the sixtie
8、s and the causes for that change . People viewed love , an absorbing feeling for another person , as more important than marriage ,and this is facilitated by a series of worldwide political and ecological events that happened in this decade.The third partThe third partPPT DESIGNThe idea here is the
9、change of family pattern in the seventies : more single-parent families. And as for marriage , new concept of open marriage and group marriage came into being.The fourth partThe fourth partThis part summarizes the basic features of peoples attitudes toward courtship and marriage today; courtship is
10、no longer considered as a necessary prelude to marriage;marriage and parenthood are being viewed as a vocation rather than as the duty of every human being , so the family is not dead ; it is the concern of many people that young people should be protected from a premature,pervasive insistense upon
11、precocious sexuality,which contains no love nor delight.The author also suggests at the end of the text that we should pay more attention to the welfare of the whole mankind.The fifth partThe fifth partCOURTSHIPaccolade n. 荣誉,赞美荣誉,赞美=an award of praise ,approval or honouragitation n. 激动,动摇激动,动摇=the
12、state of being anxious or exctitedbewilder v. 困惑困惑=confusechaperon n. 陪伴少女的年长妇女;陪伴少女的年长妇女;v. 陪伴陪伴=an older person , usu. a woman ,who looks after a girl or a young single woman on social occasions ;act as a chaperon to sb.connive v. 串通;默许串通;默许=work together with sb. in order to do sth . wrong or ill
13、egal ;ignore or seem to allow a wrong actionconspicuous adj. 引人注目的引人注目的=easily seen ;noticeabledefault n. 拖欠;违约;不到场拖欠;违约;不到场=failure to do sth ., esp . to pay a debt or appear in courteligible adj. 合适的,理想的合适的,理想的=suitable or fit to be chosen;having the right or proper qualificationsemancipated adj.
14、被解放的被解放的=liberated;freed Main wordsenmesh v. 使陷入网;使绊住使陷入网;使绊住=involve sb. or sth. in a situation from which they are unable to escapeflout v. 蔑视蔑视=show that one has no respect for sth. by openly refusing to obey itpervasive adj. 遍布的;流行的遍布的;流行的=present and seen or felt everywhereprecocious adj. 早熟的,超
15、前的早熟的,超前的=having developed particular abilities at an earlier age than usualprelude n. 前奏;序曲前奏;序曲=an action or event that happens before another more important one and forms an introduction to itprescribe v. 开处方;规定开处方;规定=advise or order the use of a medicine or medical treatment ;declare with author
16、ity that a rule should be followedprevalent adj. 普遍的,流行的普遍的,流行的=widespreadrecede v. 后退;降低后退;降低=move backwards from a previous position ;slope backwardsrelentless adj. 持续的;残酷的持续的;残酷的=never ending ;strict or harshPhrases & Collocationsl Give way to l Pair off l Pull up l Sort oneself out l Take th
17、e lead l Turn back 1. SHUTShut away: 使自己远离别人Shut down 关闭Shut off 关掉Shut out 不让进来;挡住Shut up 闭嘴;把关在里面2. TELLTell against 对某人不利Tell apart 把区分开Tell off 指派(做某事);责备Tell on 告发;损耗l 让步;被取代让步;被取代 l 结成对结成对 l 停止停止l 解决(自己的)问题解决(自己的)问题 l 为首;带头为首;带头 l 阻挡;受挫阻挡;受挫 ;分手;分手 give way to=be replaced by run out (of)=use up ; be short of take the read=be the first to start th
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