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1、keys to the exercises(练习答案)unit 1exercise 11. t 2. f 3. f 4. t 5. f 6. texercise 21. 内燃机 2. a reciprocating engine 3. 废气排放 4. fuel consumption 5. 燃油经济性 6. combustion chamber 7. 混合动力汽车 8. mass production 9. 双燃料汽车 10. air-cooled engine exercise 31. a diesel engine 2. internal combustion engine 3. dies

2、el engine 4. converts into5. in a reciprocating engine 6. engine 7. four strokes cycle 8. electric enginesexercise 41. c 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. e 6. dexercise 51. diesel engines, in many respects, work in the same way as gasoline engines2. makes the car and the truck move3. every time it was required to

3、stop the car4. some of parts make the car more comfortable or better looking5. if allowed to remain in the engineexercise 61. years 2. solve 3. basically 4. exhaust pipe 5. without 6. benefited 7. based on 8. in the 80s 9. runs out 10. the right sideexercise 71. d 2. g 3. a 4. j 5. b 6. h 7. c 8. f

4、9. e 10. iexercise 81. 代用燃料汽车 2. 高科技汽车 3. 混合动力电动汽车 4. 在节气门上方 5. 发动机控制系统 6. 发动机控制模块exercise 91. 1)that is stopping oil from circulating 2)the engines valve lifters are collapsed 2. 1)the engine may have mechanical problems2)the engines piston rings may be wornunit 2exercise 11.t 2.f 3.t 4.f 5.f 6.fex

5、ercise 21.汽油(发动)机 2. in low-speed driving conditions 3. 达到各种不同的目的 4. higher energy density 5. 电动机 6. air conditioning 7. 反馈制动 8. power source 9.资源消耗 10. dashboard displayexercise 31.convertsinto 2. shut off 3. hybrid electric vehicles 4. transmission 5. slow down 6. generator 7. the most efficient o

6、peration 8. current standard vehiclesexercise 41. b 2.d 3. a 4. e 5. cexercise 51. reflect the spirit of the time 2. electric motors, steam engines and internal combustion engines3. a speed and power changing device4. reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhausted emissions, and reducing engine noise

7、5. are increasingly becoming more prevalentexercise 61. w12 engines 2. three cylinders 3. rear wheel drive 4. at an average speed 5. currently 6. based on 7. camshafts 8. due to exercise 71. c 2. e 3. a 4. j 5. b 6. h 7. d 8. f 9. g 10. iexercise 81.可变气门相位和升程电子控制装置 2.上止点 3.每分钟转数 4.单顶置凸轮 5. 双顶置凸轮 6.

8、下止点 7.前置发动机前轮驱动 8. 混合动力汽车exercise 9 1.1) the same air pressure 2)linkage2.1)out of alignment 2)out of adjustment unit 3exercise 11. t 2. f 3. f 4. f 5. t 6. fexercise 21. 气门机构 2. pushrod engine 3. 气门弹簧 4. timing chain5. 气门锥面 6. steel alloy 7. 气门座8. timing belt 9. 挺柱 10. at high engine speedexercise

9、31. valve 2. valve train 3.intake and exhaust ports 4. valve face 5. push rods 6. rocker arm 7. camshaft 8. valve springexercise 41. c 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. b 6. fexercise 51. transmit the force from the camshaft to the pushrods2. the intake valves heat less during engine operation3. the valve spring pr

10、ovides the force necessary to close the valve4. the valve train should undergo regular maintenance5. the more power strokes produced for each revolutionexercise 61. engine operation 2. valve rotator 3. grooves 4. freely 5. which6. is compressed 7. causes 8. against 9. roll down 10. the valveexercise

11、 71. c 2. f 3. a 4. i 5. b 6. d 7. j 8. e 9. g 10. hexercise 81. 顶置双凸轮轴 2. 顶置单凸轮轴 3. 顶置气门 4. 电子控制装置 5. 三菱新气门相位和升程电子控制装置 6. 智能可变气门相位 7. 智能可变气门相位和升程电子控制装置 8. 可变气门升程exercise 91. 1)out of alignment 2)tires2. 1)low 2) the transmissionunit 4exercise 11. t 2. f 3. t 4. t 5. f 6. fexercise 21. 一次电路 2. ignit

12、ion system 3. 磁力场 4. spark plug wire 5. 曲轴正时传感器 6. distributor cap 7. 点火线圈一次绕组 8. control module 9. 分电器触点 10. breaker pointexercise 31. spark plug 2. ignition system 3. ignition coil 4. ignition switch 5. an electronic ignition system 6. the secondary windings 7. battery 8. primary windingsexercise

13、41. d 2. a 3. f 4. b 5. c 6. eexercise 51. changes electron flow into light and the horn into sound2. every vehicle has its own ignition system and is started by it3. consists of these parts like spark plugs, wiring, distributor, ignition coil, and source of electrical current4. it would soon become

14、 discharged5. the mixture comes to exploding burningexercise 61. an automotive starter 2. connects 3. ignition switch 4. simultaneously 5. magnetic fields 6. immediately 7. connecting plate 8. so 9. meanwhile 10. keep onexercise 71. d 2. c 3. g 4. a 5. b 6. i 7. e 8. f 9. j 10. hexercise 81. 传统点火系统

15、2. 电子点火系统 3. 点火4. 点火上止点 5. 直接点火 6. 无分电器点火exercise 91. 1)wheel lug nuts 2)worn or damaged2.1)the correct pressure 2)needs to be replacedunit 5exercise 11. t 2. t 3. f 4. f 5. t 6. fexercise 21.手动变速器 2. automatic transmission 3. 行星齿轮组 4. transaxle assembly 5. 差速器 6. clutch pedal 7. 变速杆 8. release bear

16、ing 9. 发动机制动 10. torque converterexercise 31. manual transmissions 2. a torque converter 3. the power train 4. the drive shaft 5. the clutch 6. the flywheel 7. the clutch pedal 8. clutch release bearingexercise 41. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. f 6. bexercise 51. from the engine through the power tr

17、ain to the car2. if your car transmission needs repairs or replacement 3. the gear ratio would be similar to third gear4. does not require any regular maintenance or adjustments5. depending on the type of drive usedexercise 61. automatically 2. depressing 3. an automatic transmission 4. other operat

18、ing conditions 5. down-shifts 6. manually 7. depending on 8. during 9. consists of 10. reaction membersexercise 71. e 2. g 3. a 4. j 5. c 6. b 7. i 8. d 9. f 10. h 11. l 12. kexercise 81. 前轮驱动 2. 后轮驱动 3. 四轮驱动 4. 动力输出 5. 传动系控制模块 6. 动力分配装置exercise 91. 1)an internal problem in transmission 2)out of adj

19、ustment or damaged2.1)internal transmission problems 2)the vacuum line is disconnectedunit 6exercise 11. t 2. t 3. f 4. t 5. t 6. fexercise 21. 制动系统 2. the parking brake 3.行车制动系统 4. the disk brake 5. 手制动 6.the brake shoe 7. 鼓式制动器 8. brake pads 9. 制动性能 10. brake fluidexercise 31. breaking system 2. b

20、rake fluid 3. the brake pedal 4. slowing down 5. friction 6. the service brake 7. the brake lining 8. the brake drumexercise 41. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. dexercise 51. is actually a friction device to change power into heat2. the mechanical brakes and the hydraulic brakes3. the automobile brake system4.

21、the tops of shoes are held apart by a wheel cylinder5. to prevent rust and corrosionexercise 61. a valve 2. chambers 3. the brake pedal 4. the power assist 5. reliable 6. however 7. in order to 8. shuts off 9. after that 10. much pressureexercise 71. c 2. g 3. a 4. j 5. b 6. d 7. i 8. e 9. f 10. h e

22、xercise 81.制动力 2. 制动调节阀 3. 制动块 4. 制动功率 5. 平均有效制动压力 6. 制动主缸exercise 91. 1)in the hydraulic circuit 2)dangerously worn 3)the wrong type of fluid2. 1)lubrication badly 2)inside your rear brakes unit 7exercise 11. t 2. f 3. f 4. f 5. t 6. fexercise 21. 悬架系统 2. front suspension system 3. 空气压缩机 4. torque

23、tube 5. 桥壳定位 6. coil spring 7. 下控制臂 8. rebound clip 9. 牵引杆 10. control armexercise 31. leaf springs 2. suspension 3. shock absorber 4. springs 5. coil springs 6. pivot from side to side 7. torsion bars 8. rebound clipsexercise 41. d 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. eexercise 51. springs are the major componen

24、t 2. one of the major automobile system3. the use of suspension system has increased strength and durability of components4. transmits the weight of the body and other components to the axles and wheels5. having a piston force fluid through a small openingexercise 61. the rear axle 2. front 3. indep

25、endently 4. the latter 5. dependent front suspensions 6. basically 7. a solid bar 8. mainstream cars 9. move 10. especiallyexercise 71. c 2. g 3. a 4. h 5. i 6. j 7. b 8. d 9. e 10. fexercise 81. 悬架 2. 车架高度 3. 前桥 4. 后桥 5. 钢板弹簧 6. 扭杆弹簧exercise 91. 1)should be replaced with the correct type 2)the wron

26、g type of fluid was put in your car2. 1)pump is bad 2)be lubricated or repairedunit 8exercise 11. t 2. f 3. f 4. t 5. t 6. fexercise 21. 齿轮齿条转向 2. steering shaft 3. 循环球转向 4. steering wheel 5. 横拉杆内接头 6. steering arm 7. 横拉杆外接头 8. steering gear 9. 机械效益 10. steering systemexercise 31. influence upon 2.

27、steering gear 3. steering wheel 4. consists of 5. ball nut 6. move up and down 7. rack-and-pinion steering 8. steering armsexercise 41. d 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. eexercise 51. steering wheel, steering gears, linkages, and other components 2. causes the pitman shaft and arm to rotate3. prevent side-sl

28、ip of all automobile wheels in cornering4. steering gear plays a important role5. manual steering system and power steering systemexercise 61. fluid 2. manual steering gear 3. larger 4. a high pressure 5. special oil 6. same 7. steering arms 8. includes 9. the other end 10. the intermediate rodexerc

29、ise 71. d 2. f 3. i 4. a 5. h 6. b 7. c 8. e 9. j 10. gexercise 81. 汽车稳定性控制 2. 全球公认的杰作 3. 防抱死制动系统 4. 防抱死制动系统控制模块 5. (防抱死制动系统)转速脉冲传感器 6. 动力转向控制装置 7. 动力转向 8. 多用途赛车,运动型多用途车exercise 91. 1)be lubricated 2)be adjusted 3)the power steering unit2. 1)bad 2)leak 3)incorrectunit 9exercise 11. f 2. t 3. f 4. f

30、5. t 6. fexercise 21. 润滑系统 2. moving component 3. 循环机油 4. compression pressure5. 集滤器 6. pressure-regulator valve 7. 旁通阀8. oil filter 9. 循环流体 10. operating temperatureexercise 31. moving parts 2. oil pump 3. oil pan 4. lubricate 5. oil filter 6. friction 7. drain 8. passagesexercise 41. d 2. e 3. a 4

31、. c 5. b 6.fexercise 51. the engine can work effectively2. an automobile could not run itself3. contains mechanical parts such as the oil pump, the oil filter, the oil pressure relief valve, etc.4. it absorbs and carries the heat away from the engine parts5. forms a good seal between piston rings an

32、d cylinder wallsexercise 61. build up 2. pumps 3. camshaft 4. suffer from 5. replacement 6. oil pressure 7. filters 8. however 9. possibility 10. greatlyexercise 71. f 2. c 3. a 4. h 5. b 6. j 7. d 8. e 9. g 10. iexercise 81. 冷却液温度控制 2. 润滑油 3. 润滑油泵 4. 长效冷却液 5. 机油润滑轴承 6. 换油期限exercise 91)the radiator coolant reservoir is a plastic tank near radiator2)if the level is low, remove the top of the reservoir an


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